Comprehension Questions – Jigsaw Jones Mysteries #13 The Case of the Detective in Diguise

The Case of the Detective in Disguise

by James Preller

Grades 2-5; Genre - Mystery; GRL M; AR pts. 1.0

Someone is stealing brownies from the sandwich shop, and Jigsaw goes undercover to catch the brownie bandit.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What’s the definition of “disguise”? To change your appearance to hide who you are.
  2. Why are Jigsaw and Mila making a poster? They want to solve mysteries and hope to receive business at the sandwich shop Jigsaw goes to after school p.5

Chapter 2

  1. Describe Ben. 5th grader; Jigsaw’s buddy; likes sports; received a football fort his birthday; nice to Jigsaw; not nice to Bobby p.7

Chapter 3

  1. Have you ever felt like you didn’t need a baby sitter but had to have one anyway? Listen to your child’s answer
  2. Is Jigsaw going to find a mystery to solve at the sandwich shop? Explain. Yes, the people baby sitting him have had problems p.17

Chapter 4

  1. Summarize the case Jigsaw has been asked to figure out and how is he going to solve it? Brownies are disappearing after school; putting on a disguise so his friends don’t recognize him p.19

Chapter 5

  1. Summarize this chapter. The students are learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and are decorating the halls in his honor; Jigsaw wrote Mila a secret code; something is wrong with Ben p.25

Chapter 6

  1. What does the phrase “stone in my shoe” mean? Use it in a sentence. Always been a problem; listen to your child’s answer p.36

Chapter 7

  1. Do you agree that Red Cap did the right thing to tell on Jigsaw shopping in the back? Why, or why not? Yes; to help the owners of the store p.43

Chapter 8

  1. Describe Solofsky. In 2nd grade with Jigsaw; wants to be a detective; calls Jigsaw by his first name, Theodore; mean p.50

Chapter 9

  1. Predict what Jigsaw asked Marc to do. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize this chapter. Ben got his football back and Solofsky claimed to have found it; Mike said he saw the thieves and got the ball back, but Mila doesn’t believe him p.59


  1. What is the outcome of the two mysteries? Solofsky has Mike take the football so he could pretend to solve the case; the owner was sneaking brownies and eating them when he took out the trash p.67
  2. Were you correct in your prediction of how Marc helped Jigsaw? Explain. Listen to your child’s answer; Marc watched Mike from his window and saw he was eating brownies p.68