- Every night read a Christmas story together. Here are some our family enjoys.
2. Read from the Bible as a family and act out the nativity. Here’s a link to one of our favorite nativity programs. Christmas Nativity

3. Let your child help make a favorite dessert by helping read the recipe and putting the ingredients together.
4. Sing Christmas carols or songs reading the words on the music.

5. As you travel for the Christmas holiday, put away all electronics and play the alphabet game using the signs on the side of the road.
6. Part of strengthening reading skills is to understand the sequencing of a story. As you travel to your Christmas activities take turns telling a part of a story. After everyone’s had three turns the last person can conclude the story.
7. Read Twas the Night Before Christmas, then answer the comprehension questions at the end of the link. http://pages.csdgs.net/~u119713267/christmas/twas-the-night-before-xmas.pdf