Comprehension Questions- The Tiara Club #5 Princess Sophia and the Sparkling Surprise

Princess Sophia and the Sparkling Surprise

by Vivian French

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fantasy; AR pts: 1.0

The girls of the Princess Academy are to spend a day in the sewing room with the Grand High Duchess Delia.  Sophia makes a mistake and lashes out at Perfecta who is not being very kind.  Sophia realizes she hasn't behaved like a perfect princess and does what she can to fix the situation.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Who are the princesses going to spend the day with? Grand High Duchess Delia in the sewing room   p. 5
  2. How does Perfecta feel about sewing?  its for servants to do   p. 6
  3. How does Alice feel about sewing?  she thinks its fun   p. 9

Chapter 2

  1. How should a Perfect Princess behave? kind and truthful, taking care of other people, thinking about other people before yourself    p. 15
  2. How did Perfecta feel when Sophia called her stupid in front of the other princesses?  angry   p. 20
  3. How did Sophia feel when she thought everyone was whispering about her fight with Perfecta?  uncomfortable, she wanted to burst into tears   p. 24

Chapter 3

  1. What were the girls going to be making? ballgowns   p. 28
  2. How did Sophia feel about treating Perfecta so badly?  like a failure, bad   p. 34
  3. How did Fairy G. help the girls make their dresses? she used magic   p.36

Chapter 4

  1. How did Duchess Delia feel about Perfecta?  that she was wonderful    p. 41
  2. How was Perfecta behaving?  perfect, kind, sweet, thoughtful   p. 44
  3. What was the big surprise?  a skating party   p. 48

Chapter 5

  1. How did Sophia want to surprise Perfecta? giving her the roses and making changes to her dress so that it was more beautiful    p. 50
  2. Why did Perfecta put ink stains on everyone's dress? to make everyone hate Sophia  p.60
  3. How did Fairy G. get the stains off?  magic   p. 62

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Queen Gloriana award Sophia? for behaving like a princess should; apologizing to Perfecta by giving her back the roses and making her dress more beautiful    p. 66
  2. What did she award her with?   50 tiara points   p. 68
  3. Did Perfecta and Floreen get to go to the skating party?  no    p. 66