Comprehension Questions- Magic Tree House #20 Dingoes at Dinnertime

Dingoes at Dinnertime

by Mary Pope Osborne

Grades 2-3; Genre - Historical Fiction with Fantastical Elements; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Jack and Annie go to Australia to find the last gift they need to find to help Teddy break a magic spell.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How did Jack and Annie feel when they heard Teddy's bark?  happy, excited p. 4
  2. Who did they need to get the last gift from?  a kangaroo  p. 6
  3. Where do kangaroos live?  Australia

Chapter 2

  1. What is a drought?  when there is no rain  p. 9
  2. What did it smell like to Annie and Jack?  a campfire  p. 9
  3. Tell me two creatures Jack and Annie saw in Australia.    emus, koala p.13

Chapter 3

  1. What was laying on the ground sleeping?  kangaroo with a baby  p. 21
  2. What did Annie do when the kangaroo started hopping around?  hopped around her p. 22
  3. What scared the kangaroo?  wild dogs  p. 26

Chapter 4

  1. What did the kangaroo drop when she ran away?  her joey   p. 28
  2. Why would she throw her baby out of her pouch?  she can go faster, to protect it p. 30
  3. Why did the joey jump into Jack's pack?  it thought it was a pouch  p. 31

Chapter 5

  1. What did the smoke turn out to be?  a wildfire  p. 35
  2. Why were Jack and Annie nervous to take the joey away from the spot they found him at?  his mother will come looking for him there  p. 35
  3. What did Annie go get?  koala  p. 39
  4. Where did Teddy lead them?  a cave  p. 40

Chapter 6

  1. What did Jack and Annie see on the wall of the cave?  a glowing white line and hand prints  p. 43
  2. What happened when they put their hands on the handprints?  they heard a whistle and loud boom  p. 44
  3. What was going on outside of the cave?  rain storm  p. 45

Chapter 7

  1. What did the rain do to the wildfire?  put it out  p. 48
  2. Why do they think it began to rain?  the painting is magic  p. 49
  3. How did Jack and Annie know they found the right spot where the joey was dropped off?  Teddy, Australia book was there  p. 50

Chapter 8

  1. Did the kangaroo return for her joey?  yes  p. 53
  2. What did she give Jack and Annie?  piece of bark with painting on it  p. 56
  3. What were they able to do now?  break the spell  p. 59

Chapter 9

  1. Who greeted Jack and Annie as they returned to Pennsylvania? Morgan  p. 61
  2. What boy was Morgan talking about as she talked about each of the gifts?  Teddy the dog.  p. 65
  3. What did Jack and Annie help Teddy with as they traveled?  help him learn his lessons  p. 65

Chapter 10

  1. Where was the boy from?  Camelot  p. 67
  2. How did Ted turn himself into a dog? he tried spells in Morgan's spell book  p. 68
  3. How did Jack and Annie feel about leaving Ted and Morgan?  sad  p. 70