Comprehension Questions- Beast Quest #1 Ferno the Fire Dragon

Ferno the Fire Dragon

by Adam Blade

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fantasy; AR pts: 1.0

Tom from Errinel dreams of leaving his village and finding his father.  His chance comes when strange things are happening in the land and he becomes a messenger for the village to the king.  Upon visiting the castle, he's chosen to go on the beast quest and defeat the evil Malvel.  He meets a new friend and they together fight Ferno and stop the spell enchanting the dragon.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What was Tom training to become?  blacksmith  p.6
  2. What did Tom really want to do?  leave Errinel, find his father  p. 8
  3. What was strange about the field burning? it burned quickly  p. 10

Chapter 2

  1. What kinds of things were happening in Errinel?  bad things, river running low  p. 13
  2. Why couldn't Tom's Uncle Henry go to the king and ask for help?  the village needed him as a leader  p. 15
  3. Who ended up being the messenger?  Tom  p. 15

Chapter 3

  1. Who was in the long line waiting to talk to the king's clerk?  people who needed help   p. 18
  2. What did some of the people think was causing the troubles in the kingdom?  beasts  p. 21
  3. What could have started the fire in Gretlin's field?  a beast  p. 22

Chapter 4

  1. How did Tom get into the palace gate? pretended to be delivering to the kitchen  p. 25
  2. How did the old man read Tom's mind?  he's a wizard  p. 29
  3. What had happened to Sir Caldor?  burned to death by a dragon   p. 30

Chapter 5

  1. What did the king think Tom was at first?  spy  p. 32
  2. What kind of man did Malvel used to be?  good man,   p.34
  3. What did the king give Tom that will free each beast?   a key     p. 37

Chapter 6

  1. Tell me some things Aduro the wizard gave Tom for his quest?  sword, shield, chain mail, map   p.39
  2. What's the name of the horse Tom was given?   Storm   p.42
  3. What did Tom and Storm run into as they traveled through the woods?  a wolf  p. 46

Chapter 7

  1. Who was attacking the wolf?  soldiers  p. 47
  2. Who was traveling with the wolf?  a girl, Elenna  p. 49
  3. Did Elenna believe Tom when he told her about the beasts?  yes  p. 54

Chapter 8

  1. How did Storm and Silver react when Tom went to climb the rocks?  spooked  p. 57
  2. What color is Ferno?  black and red  p. 59
  3. What was around Ferno's neck?  enchanted collar  p. 61

Chapter 9

  1. What protected Tom and Elenna from Ferno's fireball?  Tom's shield  p. 64
  2. What did Ferno's wing feel like when Tom jumped on it?  stone hard, warm  p. 66
  3. How did Elenna get the key back up to Tom?  arrow  p. 69

Chapter 10

  1. How is Aduro able to see the entire kingdom?  a jewel  p. 74
  2. Where did Tom put the dragon scale?  shield  p. 75
  3. What was the next beast Tom and Elenna were going to face? sea serpent  p. 77