Comprehension Questions- Beast Quest #14 Skor the Winged Stallion

Skor the Winged Stallion

by Adam Blade

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL S; AR pts: 1.0

Tom and Elenna continue their journey through Gorgonia on a quest to rescue Epos.  They battle Seth and Skor the stallion to free the phoenix.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What was the warning Aduro gave Tom and Elenna?  danger was going to come from earth and air  p. 10
  2. What beast did they need to rescue from Skor?  Epos  p. 12

Chapter 2

  1. What did Gorgonia feel like to Tom and Elenna?  land of death   p. 14
  2. Why wasn't the water safe to drink?  something dead was next to it  p. 15

Chapter 3

  1. What was wrong with the berries Tom and Elenna ate?  poisonous  p. 25
  2. Why did Tom and Elenna leave their animal friends behind as they crossed the bridge?  the bridge wasn't strong enough to hold them  p. 25

Chapter 4

  1. Why weren't Tom and Elenna able to see clearly?  the berries  p. 26
  2. What was the rope on the bridge made out of?  hair  p. 30

Chapter 5

  1. What slowed Tom and Elenna down as they fell from the bridge?  Tom's shield  p. 33
  2. How did he and Elenna get back up the cliff?  climbed up using the rope  p. 35

Chapter 6

  1. Where did Tom see the emerald green jewel on Skor?  a hoof  p. 38
  2. Who was riding Skor when Tom and Elenna saw him?  Seth  p. 39

Chapter 7

  1. Whose tracks did Tom and Elenna use to find Epos?  Skor's  p. 48
  2. What condition was Epos in when they found her?  her wing was broken, bad  p. 49

Chapter 8

  1. How did Elenna stop Seth from attacking Tom?  tripped him and tied him up  p. 52
  2. What did Skor do to the tree Tom was hiding in?  brought it down  p. 57

Chapter 9

  1. How did Tom calm Skor and put him to sleep?  playing a reed  p. 63
  2. What happened to Skor when Tom threw his sword and hit him in the head with his hilt?  froze like a statue and was trapped in green crystals  p. 65

Chapter 10

  1. What healed Epos' broken wing?  the gem from Skor  p. 69
  2. How did Epos get back to Avantia?  a gateway opened   p. 70
  3. How did Tom and Elenna get over the gorge and to their animal friends?  Tom used the power from the golden boots, leaping  p. 72