Comprehension Questions- Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

By Betty MacDonald and Anne MacDonald Canham

Grades 2-6; Genre - Fantasy; AR pts: 5.0

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's birthday is here and the children help make plans and get ready for it.  But during the preparations, Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is at it again helping parents teach their children and curing their bad habits in all sorts of clever ways.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle suggest Mr. and Mrs. Hanover go on a trip?  So she can babysit and stop the children from whining about turning off the television.   P. 11
  2. What did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle let the kids do after school?  Watch television and eat their snacks  p. 15
  3. What was Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle letting the children do the whole time she babysat?  Watch tv  p. 17
  4. How did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle cure the children from wanting to watch television all of the time?  Made them watch tv all of the time   p. 35

Chapter 2

  1. What did Betsy avoid doing?  Brushing her teeth    p. 39
  2. What did Betsy do with her toothbrush that made it look like she brushed her teeth?  Rinsed it  p. 41
  3. How did Mrs. Applebee know Betsy hadn’t brushed her teeth?  Breath was stinky  p. 41
  4. How did Wag help cure Betsy of her not wanting to brush her teeth?  He taught her how to brush and take care of her teeth   p. 55

Chapter 3

  1. Why did Blake like insulting people?  it was funny to him   p. 58
  2. What did Blake’s teacher mean when she said, “Blake was alienating himself from most of the class”?  separating himself, pushing them away, they don’t want to be with him  p. 63
  3. What was in the package from Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle?  Black paper and a magic glow in the dark pen   p. 66
  4. What did the black papers do as Blake wrote insults on them?  Glowed and floated up to the ceiling  p. 67
  5. Why did Blake have a hard time sleeping? So bright and black paper made scary shapes, he had nightmares   p. 72

Chapter 4

  1. What did Will have a problem with? Eating, he’s picky  p. 81
  2. How did he act when he didn’t want to eat something his mother made?  Whined, complained, insulted his mom , rude  p. 83
  3. What do the crystals do whenever it is sprinkled on food?  Changed them to noodles   p. 94
  4. Why was Will ready to eat pizza when his dad took him out?  Tired of noodles   p. 104

Chapter 5

  1. What was Jonathon afraid of?  Trying new things   p. 107
  2. What is something Jonathan is comfortable with?  Animals   p. 114
  3. What did Jonathan do before he tried something new?  Read about it, thought about it   p. 115
  4. How did Jonathan overcome his fear of climbing the tree?  Lightfoot ran up the tree and he climbed up and saved him.   P. 126

Chapter 6

  1. What is Katy’s problem?  Very messy   p. 133
  2. What did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle have that could help cure Katy?    Invisible paint  p. 138
  3. What happened to the drawers in the dresser when Katy’s mom painted the dresser?  Drawers opened and everything inside flew onto the floor.   p. 140
  4. What did the clothes, shoes, towel and everything do when Katy kicked it or threw it out of the way?  Came back and hit her   p. 142

Chapter 7

  1. Why was it a problem that Janie never finished anything?  Left out her projects, didn’t finish her jobs, turn in work late at school, it’s important to learn to finish things   p. 155
  2. What was going to be Janie’s consequence for not finishing her book report or raking the leaves?  Missing Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s birthday party  p. 159
  3. What did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle deliver to help with Janie’s problem?  Accomplishment Powder   p. 160
  4. How did the powder help Janie?  Didn’t let her move on to another project, until she finished the one she was working on first   p. 164

Chapter 8

  1. Who helped Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle get ready for her birthday party?  Children in the neighborhood  p. 174
  2. What were some of the surprises for Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle?  Pizza and ice cream, parade  p. 179
  3. What outfit or costume did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle decide to wear?  Her queen outfit   p. 183
  4. What did Mrs. Piggle –Wiggle do for the boys who forgot their costumes?  She let them choose a costume out of her trunk.    p. 185
  5. What did Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s husband give her for her birthday?  seeds and plans for a tree house  p. 189