Comprehension Questions- Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew #24 Princess Mix-up Mystery

Princess Mix-up Mystery

By Carolyn Keene

Grades 2-4; Genre - Fiction; Lexile 590L; AR pts: 1.0

Nancy and her friends win royal treatments at Prissy’s Princess Parlor.  They go in for their makeovers and come out with blue hair that smells like rotten eggs.  Nancy and the Clue Crew are on the move trying to find out who sabotaged the Princess Parlor and their makeovers.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What was the name of the new salon in town?  Prissy’s Princess Parlor   p. 1
  2. What’s the name of Nancy’s friend whose family owns the Mean Bean Health Food Store?  Kevin   p. 3
  3. What did Hannah want Nancy to pick up at the Mean Bean?  Deer repellant   p. 4
  4. What did George win when she guessed the number of peas under the mattress?  Makeovers for herself and her friends   p. 12

Chapter 2

  1. How did George feel about winning the makeovers?  Didn’t want to go   p. 14
  2. Why is Marvin Dretzel upset about Prissy’s Princess Parlor?  He’s worried they’re going to be too loud and disrupt his yoga classes   p. 15
  3. Who was getting their nails done when the Clue Crew went in for the makeovers?  Suki and Ella   p. 18
  4. Instead of smelling like strawberries, what did the spray smell like?  rotten eggs   p. 22

Chapter 3

  1. What color did the girls’ hair turn?  Blue   p. 23
  2. Who was looking in the window of the parlor, then ran when the girls saw him?  Kevin   p. 25
  3. What did Prissy have to do with her Princess Parlor?  Close it down   p. 29
  4. Why was Trina angry at George?  George was supposed to play a game with her team and didn’t   p. 32

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Trina turn into a suspect? Her fingers were blue and she was mad at George  p. 33
  2. When the Clue Crew went to the parlor, what did they find in the garbage?  The stinky bottle   p. 36
  3. What did Wendy ask the Clue Crew to take to Marvin upstairs?  A note   p. 37
  4. What did the Crew Clue pretend to do yoga?  To check out Marvin’s yoga studio  p. 40

Chapter 5

  1. How did the girls know Marvin didn’t sabotage Prissy’s Princess Parlor?  The note/ Marvin bought the Strawberry Spritz from the parlor   p. 46
  2. Who did Shelby see coming out of Prissy’s Princess Parlor the morning the Clue Crew went in for their makeovers?  Trina  p. 47
  3. How was Bess able to see the fingerprint on the stinky can? Her magnifying specs  p. 50

Chapter 6

  1. Why did the Clue Crew want Trina’s fingerprints?  So they could compare them with the fingerprint on the bottle  p. 51
  2. How did they get her fingerprints?  Put glue on a ball and threw it to her   p. 53
  3. Why are Trina’s fingers blue?  She got some blue face paint from the parlor for the game   p. 55
  4. When Kevin was sitting on a swing, how did he react when he saw the three friends walking toward him?  Scared, ran away   p. 59

Chapter 7

  1. What experiment did the Clue Crew try to see if Suki and Ella rigged the Strawberry Spritz?  poured water from one bottle to another to see how long it would take   p. 63
  2. How did the girls find out where and when the Rad Scientists meet?  Internet on their website  p. 64
  3. What was on Nancy’s doorstep when she answered the door and no one was there?  A package  p. 65

Chapter 8

  1. What in the package that was on Nancy’s doorstep? Granola bars   p. 67
  2. Who else got packages of granola bars?  George and Bess  p. 68
  3. What did George pour into the volcano?  Baking soda   p. 71
  4. When Ernst put into more baking soda and added vinegar to it, what was the reaction?  The thick liquid oozed over the table   p. 73

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Bess think Suki and Ella were telling the truth when the girls said they didn’t sabotage the makeovers?  Suki’s and Ella’s manicures looked perfect and not messy  p. 76
  2. What had happened to the Clue Crew’s relationship with Suki and Ella in just minutes?  They became friends   p. 77
  3. Where did the Clue Crew realize the granola bars were from?  Mean Bean Health Food Store   p. 79

Chapter 10

  1. What was Kevin digging in the back of the store?  An herb garden  p. 81
  2. What was in the bottle Nancy found in the dirt and Kevin tried to run away with?  Deer repellent/ same blue stinky stuff that was in the girls’ hair   p. 82
  3. Why did Kevin make the deer repellent?  He felt bad Mean Bean didn’t have what Hannah wanted   p. 83
  4. How did the bottle get taken to Prissy’s Princess Parlor?  Kevin’s parents took over some Strawberry Spritz and one of the bottles happened to have Kevin’s repellent In it   p. 84