Comprehension Questions – #19 Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch

Junie B., First Grader: Boss of Lunch

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Something very wonderful is happening to Junie B. Jones; she's getting to be a professional lunch lady! That means hanging out with Mrs. Gutzman in the cafeteria, standing behind the counter, and even wearing a real actual hair net! Who knows? Pretty soon she could be the boss of the whole entire lunch operation!

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What did Junie B. get in trouble for? Opening her new lunch box under her desk p.4
  2. Why is Junie B. so excited about her lunch box? She’s waited a long time to get it and is happy she doesn’t have to carry her lunch in a brown paper bag p.7
  3. Why does May think buying a lunch is better than bringing a lunch? School lunch is prepared by professionals and doesn’t get soggy p.9

Chapter 2

  1. Why did most of Junie B.’s class want to buy school lunch? The cafeteria was serving hoagies p.14
  2. Why didn’t Junie B. want to sit by Sheldon? His nose was runny and he wouldn’t blow it p.16
  3. What was on the hoagie sandwich? Ham, cheese, tomato and lettuce p.17

Chapter 3

  1. What did Herb share with Junie B. at lunch? His cookie p.20
  2. Why did Junie B. think she was Mrs. Gutzman’s favorite in room nine? She would sometimes give her an extra cookie during snack time in kindergarten p.22
  3. What other person thought they were also Mrs. Gutzman’s favorite? Jose p.22

Chapter 4

  1. What did Mrs. Gutzman wear to protect food from germs and hair? Hair net and plastic mitts p.27
  2. Why won’t Mrs. Gutzman deliver cookies to Junie B.’s class this year? The cookies are only for the kindergarteners since the other grades get their cookies during lunch p.28
  3. What did Mrs. Gutzman give Junie B. to take home? A permission slip and plastic mitts p.33

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Junie B.’s mother want to talk about her being a lunch helper at dinner? So she could discuss it with Junie B.’s dad p.37
  2. How did Junie B. practice being a lunch helper? She put on her plastic mitts and touched food in the refrigerator p.39
  3. What does “a helper is not the boss” mean? A helper does what the boss tells them to do and doesn’t act like the boss p.42

Chapter 6

  1. What did the other kids call Junie B. in her dream? Boss of Lunch p.45
  2. What made Junie B. feel like a princess? Her white kitchen apron p.49
  3. Why couldn’t Junie B. stop staring at her reflection in the oven? She looked like a professional lunch maker p.50

Chapter 7

  1. What three jobs did Junie B. get as a lunch helper? Stock the napkins, wipe off the counter with a sponge and be the lunch greeter p.51
  2. How did Junie B. feel about being the lunch greeter? She was nervous and shy to talk to the big kids she doesn’t know p.55
  3. Why did Junie B. plug her nose? The lunch for that day was stinky p.58

Chapter 8

  1. How did the older boys treat Junie B.? They made her feel bad p.60
  2. Why did Junie B.’s classmates put their lunch trays back and not eat lunch? Junie B. grossed them out by talking about germs and hair and called the lunch tuna noodle stinkle p.64
  3. How did this chapter end? Junie B. was fired from being a lunch helper p.66

Chapter 9

  1. What did Mrs. Gutzman bring into Junie B.’s classroom? Two boxes p.69
  2. How did Mrs. Gutzman help the class forgive Junie B.? She said Junie B. was responsible for the cookies being brought to their class p.75
  3. Why did Junie B. decide she wanted to be the Boss of Cookies? She did a perfect job handing out the cookies p.76