Comprehension Questions – #11 Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy

Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

What's the bestest job ever? A beauty shop guy, that's what! And Junie B. Jones is going to be one when she grows up. But first she needs a little practice. And a few volunteers. Like her bunny slippers and her dog. And maybe ever...herself? Is Junie B. on her way to a great new career? Or is she about to have the worst hair day ever?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What’s Junie B.’s new name? Pinkie Gladys Gutzman p.2
  2. How did Junie B. decide on that name? pinkie is her favorite color and Gladys Gutzman is the snack lady at school and she loves her p.3
  3. Where was Junie B. going with her dad? To the barber shop p.6

Chapter 2

  1. What’s one difference between a barber shop and a beauty shop? A barber shop only cuts men’s hair and a beauty shop does both men’s and women’s hair; a beauty shop also focuses on nails and skin p.9
  2. How did Junie B. get to be Maxine’s helper? She had a name tag p.12
  3. What did Junie B. do to help her? She held the towel and swept the floor p.14

Chapter 3

  1. How long does it take to work in a beauty shop? Years and years and years p.19
  2. Why was Junie B.’s mom suspicious of her when she wanted to take a nap? Junie B. hates naps p.21
  3. What did Junie B. want to do while she was “napping”? practice cutting hair p.22

Chapter 4

  1. What did Junie B. first practice cutting hair on? Her bunny slippers p.25
  2. What did the slippers look like when Junie B. was finished? Bald p.26
  3. How did Junie B. feel at this end of chapter and after having her first experience cutting hair? Deflated or discouraged; She realized it would take more practice than she thought p.28

Chapter 5

  1. What does Grace get to help with in her Aunt’s beauty shop? Shampooing client’s hair p.30
  2. Why did Junie B. feel like she wasn’t a good shampoo girl after trying to shampoo her teddy bear? The teddy bear didn’t look very good and was all soggy p.34
  3. Why did Junie B. feel confident in trimming her dog’s fur? It would grow back and it was all matted and tangled p.36

Chapter 6

  1. What did Junie B. do to hide Tickle’s hair cut? Put a sweater and hat on him p.38
  2. What was Junie B.’s punishment for cutting his hair? Her scissors were taken away and after dinner she had to bath and go right to bed p.41
  3. At the end of this chapter, Junie B. thinks she’s made progress. How? She thinks she’s getting better at cutting hair p.42

Chapter 7

  1. How did Junie B. get another pair of scissors? She kept an extra pair in her desk drawer p.44
  2. What made Junie B. frustrated while she cut her hair? No matter how much she trimmed it continued to be uneven p.45
  3. Why did Junie B. cry after she cut her hair? She had sprigs of hair sticking out all over p.46

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Junie B. decide to wear three hats to school? If someone on the playground pulled off one and two, she would still have one on underneath p.50
  2. What did Junie B. lie about to her grandpa? That it was crazy hat day and her teacher said she could wear as many hats she wanted p.53
  3. How did Mrs. respond when Junie B. told her “The Story of the Hats”? she had compassion and gave her some tissues p.58

Chapter 9

  1. What did Mrs. tell the class to help Junie B. out? That Junie B. had the sniffles, that she was giving her permission to wear her one hat and no one was to touch it p.59
  2. Where did Junie B.’s dad take her after school? To the beauty shop p.63
  3. What was the lesson Junie B. learned in this story? Not to practice cutting hair until she was older p.67