Comprehension Questions – #15 Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket

Junie B. Jones Has a Peep in Her Pocket

by Barbara Park

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

It's almost the end of the year, and Room Nine is taking a field trip to a farm! The whole class is very excited...except Junie B. Jones. 'Cause farms have scary ponies, that's why. And scary roosters, too. Will Junie B. find anything good at this place? Or will this turn out to be the "worstest" field trip ever?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why did Junie B. want the classroom number she was going to be in the next year? So her mom would know where to take her p.3
  2. Why did Junie B. feel sickish when her teacher told her she was going to be in first grade? She didn’t want to be with the other first graders since they’re bullies to her p.4
  3. Where were the children going on an end-of-the-year field trip? To a farm p.7

Chapter 2

  1. Why doesn’t Junie B. like farms? They’re dangerous because of the ponies p.10
  2. Why did Junie B.’s dad go to his room for a time-out? He was laughing at Junie B. instead of helping Junie B.’s mom explain that ponies don’t hurt people 11
  3. What was Junie B. more scared of than ponies? Roosters p.15

Chapter 3

  1. What animal did Lucille draw and was that a farm animal? A flamingo; no p.21
  2. What kind of farm was Paul hoping the class was going to? A catfish farm p.22
  3. What did Junie B. draw? A tree fallen on top of a rooster p.24

Chapter 4

  1. Why didn’t Junie B. want to buy clothes for the farm and learn how to use the camera her mom got her? She said she was going to get a fever the day of the field trip; she didn’t want to go on the field trip p.27
  2. Why did Junie B. still have to go to school when she said she had a fever? Her mom took her temperature and it was fine p.29
  3. According to Jim, why do farmers wear hats? To protect their heads from chickens pecking them and making them nubs p.34

Chapter 5

  1. What was Junie B. hoping would happen when she hid behind her backpack? That Mrs. wouldn’t see her, and she’d get to stay on the bus during the field trip p.38
  2. Who told Mrs. Junie B. was hiding on the bus? Jim p.40
  3. Why did Junie B. get shivers on her arms when she saw Farmer Flores wearing a hat? She knew he must be wearing the hat to protect his head from the roosters on his farm p.43

Chapter 6

  1. How did the farmer convince Junie B. to get off the bus? She became his helper and one of the jobs was to keep the other children in order p.45
  2. List three animals Junie B. saw at the farm? Have your child list two of the following: Cows, sheep, horses, ponies, pigs and goats p.49
  3. What did Junie B. throw away and why? Her camera since she was finished taking pictures and her mom said it was a throw away camera p.53

Chapter 7

  1. Where did Junie B. wait while the other children went into the henhouse? Outside the fence p.58
  2. What did Famer Flores give to Junie B.? a baby chick p.61
  3. What was Spike going to become? A rooster p.63

Chapter 8

  1. Why was Junie B. confused in this chapter? She liked Spike, but hated roosters and Spike was going to become a rooster p.64
  2. What convinced Junie B. that she didn’t need to be scared of roosters anymore? Farmer Flores took off his hat and she saw that his head wasn’t a nub p.65