Comprehension Questions – The Chronicles of Narnia #6 The Silver Chair

The Silver Chair

By C.S. Lewis

Grades 3-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts. 8.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why was Jill crying at the beginning of the book? She was being bullied p.1
  2. How did Jill and Eustace arrive in Narnia? They ran into a doorway away from some bullies and the other side of the door was Narnia p.9
  3. How do you know the kids were in Narnia? Jill saw Aslan p.16

Chapter 2

  1. Why didn’t Jill rush to get a drink from the glade? Aslan was right next to it and she thought he would eat her p.19
  2. What did Aslan want Jill to remember? The four signs he told her to help them in their task p.24
  3. What was Jill’s consequence for making Eustace fall off the edge of the cliff? Eustace doesn’t know the signs and Jill has to remember them herself and tell them to Eustace p.25
  4. How did Jill and Eustace travel to Narnia? On Aslan’s breath p.26

Chapter 3

  1. Who was the old king that got on the ship? Prince Caspian p.39
  2. Why was Eustace so confused about Narnia? He’d never been to the land of Narnia before, only to the sea p.41
  3. Did Eustace and Jill fulfill the first sign Aslan gave them? Why or why not? No, Eustace didn’t recognize the old king and Jill couldn’t get Eustace to understand the sign p.44

Chapter 4

  1. How did Jill and Eustace leave the castle and travel to the tower? The white owl, Glimfeather p.52
  2. Why would Trumpkin forbid the kids to look for the lost prince? Knights, centaurs, good giants, etc.(champions) have tried to find the prince and have never returned p.54
  3. How did Prince Caspian’s wife die? She was poisoned by a serpent while out with the prince p.57
  4. Why did Drinian tell the king he felt he was a traitor and to slay him? He held his tongue when he found out what Rilian was up to p.60

Chapter 5

  1. Where did the kids sleep after the owls dropped them off? In a Marsh-wiggle’s wigwam p.66
  2. Describe Puddleglum. He’s seems to always be negative and hopeless p.70
  3. What type of people live in Ettinsmoor? Giants p.74
  4. What stopped Eustace and Jill from quarreling? Puddleglum stating that all adventures are ready to knife each other at the end of an adventure p.78

Chapter 6

  1. Why did the giants throw rocks at the travelers? They didn’t see the travelers and were playing a game with each other p.82
  2. Who did the children meet after crossing the bridge? A knight and beautiful women p.89
  3. Why did Puddleglum think the knight was suspicious? He didn’t talk p.92
  4. Why was it a problem that Jill didn’t remember to recite the signs Aslan gave her? The signs were to help the children find the prince and if Jill didn’t remember the signs, they wouldn’t know where to go or what to look for p.94

Chapter 7

  1. Describe the weather the children traveled in to Harfang? Blizzard p.98
  2. How did the giant react to the travelers? He let them in and introduced them to the king p.108
  3. What did the giant give Puddleglum to drink? Liquor p.110

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Jill begin to cry when they stood before the king and queen? She was cold, tired, hungry and scared p.115
  2. Describe Jill’s dream. Aslan came to her and asked her to repeat the signs, but she couldn’t. He carried her to the window sill. As she looked out, she saw “under me” written in the sky p.119
  3. How did the children mess up the third sign? They walked through the ruined city in the storm and passed it. Now they’re stuck in the giant’s home.123
  4. Why was it important that Jill got permission to run around the castle? The children could explore and find the best way to escape and wouldn’t look suspicious when they were outside of their rooms while escaping p.128

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Puddleglum warn the children to stop eating the venison? The venison was from a talking beast p.132
  2. Why was Jill alarmed after reading two recipes in the cookbook? There was a recipe for man and another one for Marsh-wiggle p.135
  3. Where did the travelers go to hide from the hounds and giants? A hole in a giant stair p.140

Chapter 10

  1. What type of people lived underground? Gnomes p.146
  2. What human did the travelers get taken to? The quiet Knight p.158
  3. How does the knight feel about his queen? That she can do no wrong p.158

Chapter 11

  1. What enchantment does the queen save the knight from? He turns into a serpent a certain time every night p.164
  2. Why did the Knight want the children and Puddleglum to watch over him as he was tied to the silver chair? To comfort him p.168
  3. Why did they let the Knight go? He gave the fourth sign; he’s the prince p.176

Chapter 12

  1. What did the queen do after Rilian asked her to let them go peacefully? She threw green powder into the fireplace and played a stringed instrument p.181
  2. What did Jill remember while fighting the witch’s enchantment? Aslan p.187
  3. What did Puddleglum do to stop the enchantment? Stamped out the fire p.189
  4. What did the witch turn into? A serpent p.192

Chapter 13

  1. What was the result of the queen’s death? Her magic ended and the Underworld was getting destroyed by flood and volcano p.198
  2. What figure was on Rilian’s shield? an image of the Lion p.202
  3. Who was following the travelers as they rode through the city to escape? Gnomes p.204
  4. How did the gnome respond when the Prince told him the queen was dead? He was happy and said Rilian was a friend p.209

Chapter 14

  1. What had the witch done to the gnomes?  She had put an enchantment on them so they would be her slaves p.210
  2. What made the gnomes wake up? Rilian, Eustace, and Puddleglum killing the queen p.212
  3. Why were the gnomes acting like they were going to war? They didn’t know the queen was dead and were ready to fight so they could go back home p.213
  4. Why did the gnomes fling themselves into the chasm? Down the chasm is their real home and it was closing. They would have been stuck up in the city p.220

Chapter 15

  1. Where did the hole lead that Jill and Eustace climbed out of? Narnia p.231
  2. Why did Eustace come out of the hole fighting? He couldn’t see very well, snow fell on him from the cliff above, Narnian creatures were running toward him, and he thought enemies had taken Jill p.235
  3. Where do the Narnians think the witch was from?  The north p. 240

Chapter 16

  1. Where did the children fin Prince Rilian? On the green waiting for his father’s ship p.248
  2. What happened to the king after being carried off the ship? He died p.249
  3. Why did Aslan want Eustace to poke his paw? The blood from his paw dropped into the stream over Caspian’s body and brought him back to life (resurrection) p.262
  4. How did Aslan and Caspian help Jill and Eustace in their world? The kids that were bullying Jill saw the back of Aslan and the other three chased down the bullies p.256