Comprehension Questions – Junie B., First Grader Aloha-ha-ha

Junie B., First Grader Aloha-ha-ha

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-2; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts.1.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why was Junie B. so anxious to have Show and Tell? So she could tell her class where she was going on vacation p.2
  2. Describe Junie B.’s behavior during this chapter. Excited, rambunctious p.5
  3. Find a simile at the end of the chapter? Time is as slow as a turtle p.8

Chapter 2

  1. Where is Junie B. going on vacation? Hawaii p.10
  2. What did Mr. Scary give Junie B. as an assignment to do on her vacation? To take pictures and write captions of what they’re about, and to write in her first-grade journal everyday p.21
  3. What makes Junie B. nervous about going to Hawaii? Volcanoes p.25

Chapter 3

  1. Who was Junie B.’s new friend in this chapter? Hula Barbie; Delores p.28
  2. Who was fighting in Junie B.’s backpack? Her stuffed elephant, Philip Johnny Bob and her Barbie, Delores p.30
  3. Why didn’t airport security have a sense of humor? They are in charge of everyone’s safety p.35

Chapter 4

  1. Who was sitting in front of and behind Junie B. on the plane? Two grouchy women p.38
  2. Why did Junie B. yell after the plane took off? The engines were so loud she couldn’t hear herself talk p.48
  3. Why did the two women jump into Junie B.’s picture? Because she had said she didn’t want them in the picture, and they heard her p.52

Chapter 5

  1. What time of day did Junie B. and her parents get to Hawaii? At Night p.57
  2. What was wrong with the parrot swimming ring? It was too tight p.64
  3. Why isn’t Junie B. happy in her picture at the end of the chapter? Two boys made for of her for having a flat swimming ring p.68

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Junie B.’s family go to Hawaii? Her dad had a job interview p.73
  2. What did Junie B. get to do in this chapter? Go snorkeling p.74
  3. Why were Junie B.’s parents upset when she swam to shore? She left them and swam alone in the ocean p.82

Chapter 7

  1. Why was Junie B. so rude and impatient in this chapter? She wanted something fun and exciting for her photo journal and she instead was on a bus with older people going on a nature hike p.92
  2. Why did Mother encourage Junie B. to change her attitude? She’ll have more fun p.93
  3. What did Mother do that helped Junie B. change her attitude? Put a beautiful flower in her hair and pulled out a mirror p.96

Chapter 8

  1. What got stuck in Junie B.’s hair? A bird p.102
  2. Why did it land on Junie B.’s head? it was attracted to the flowers in Junie B.’s hair p.99
  3. How did the bird become unstuck? Don gently caught it and untangled its feet p.107

Chapter 9

  1. How did the swimming ring finally come off? She took a bubble bath and it slipped off p.114
  2. How did Junie B. feel about her photo journal? She was happy with it and realized it did tell a story p.118
  3. How did Junie B. feel about her trip to Hawaii? She had the time of her life p.119