Comprehension Questions – #3 Isadora Moon Goes to the Ballet

Isadora Moon Goes to the Ballet

by Harriet Muncaster

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

Isadora Moon goes on a school trip to her first ballet with her parents as chaperones and Pink Rabbit at her side.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What does Isadora want to be when she grows up? A ballerina p.6

Chapter 2

  1. Why doesn’t Isadora want her parents to go on the field trip? She’s embarrassed with who they are p.19

Chapter 3

  1. Why does Isadora’s dad dislike mornings? He’s a vampire who prefers the night p.30

Chapter 4

  1. What are two ways Isadora could have been embarrassed by her parents in this chapter? Her dad left the class to go do his hair and her mom made flowers and grass grow at the train station p.35

Chapter 5

  1. What exercise did Isadora’s dad get in this chapter? He flew p.47

Chapter 6

  1. Describe the auditorium. Glittering; velvet seats; large; massive stage with a curtain p.51
  2. Predict what’s going to happen next. Isadora will go look for Pink Rabbit p.53

Chapter 7

  1. Where did Isadora find Pink Rabbit? Where the actors and dancers go to get ready p.63

Chapter 8

  1. Why can’t the show go on? Tatiana Tutu tripped and hurt her leg p.71
  2. What do you think Isadora’s idea is? Listen to your child’s idea p.76

Chapter 9

  1. Summarize this chapter. Pink Rabbit danced as the white rabbit in the ballet p.79
  2. Were you correct in your prediction? Listen to your child’s answer 

Chapter 10

  1. What was in the gift? The tiara and tickets to Tatiana’s next ballet show p.101
  2. What’s the moral of this story? It’s important to be kind in big and small ways, you never know how much it means to someone p.104