Comprehension Questions – Goddess Girls #3 Aphrodite the Beauty

Aphrodite the Beauty

Grades 3-7; Genre - Mythology/Folklore; GRL T; AR pts. 3.0

After giving Athena a makeover, Aphrodite becomes jealous of her friend but focuses on figuring out how to help a mortal win a race against Atalanta, which will result in either their marriage or his death.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Summarize the introduction. Aphrodite is tired of the attention she gets from boys; Athena shows interest in receiving attention from boys; Aphrodite wants to give Athena a makeover p.1

Chapter 2

  1. List two ways Athena showed she’s interested in getting a makeover. She took notes; she wanted to learn more about beauty; she seemed excited when Aphrodite was finished p.17

Chapter 3

  1. What’s the definition of “jealousy”? A feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something or someone you want.
  2. Explain why Aphrodite was feeling jealous in this chapter. She had made Athena look beautiful and was jealous Ares was giving Athena his attention p.39

Chapter 4

  1. Summarize this chapter. Aphrodite took the dogs out and met Hippomenes; she told him she’d help him beat Atalanta to earn her hand in marriage; she met Hephaestus p.49

Chapter 5

  1. How is Athena a good friend in this chapter? She stands up for Aphrodite; she tries to make Aphrodite feel better p.76

Chapter 6

  1. Did Aphrodite have a reason to be angry at Athena? Why, or why not? No; Athena didn’t tell anyone about the roses p.92

Chapter 7

  1. Is Aphrodite a good friend to Hephaestus? Why, or why not? No, she’s embarrassed to be with him; she doesn’t care about his feelings and is worried more about how she will look if seen with him p.104

Chapter 8

  1. How did Aphrodite set things right with Athena? They talked honestly and were respectful to each other p.117

Chapter 9

  1. Describe how the golden apples helped Hippomenes win the race? He threw them in front of Atalanta one at a time, and she couldn’t resist their beauty, so she picked them up p.133

Chapter 10

  1. Is it ok that Aphrodite wants to start a rumor about someone else? Why, or why not? No; gossiping hurts feelings and is selfish p.143

Chapter 11

  1. Summarize this story. Aphrodite and her friends ordered flowers for Medusa and said they were from Ares; the friends purchased snacks; things were back from to normal and Aphrodite said she’d dance with the centaur p.146