Comprehension Questions – Goddess Girls #7 Artemis the Loyal

Artemis the Loyal

by Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams

Grades 3-7; Genre - Mythology; GRL S-T; AR pts. 5.0

It is time for the annual Olympic Games, and the four goddess girls are not happy. The games are for boys only, and the girls at MOA are not pleased.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What event will be happening during this story and why is Artemis unhappy about it? The Olympics; only boys can compete and she is mad she is not able to p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the giants. Came to the Olympics to wrestle; curly, bright red hair; twins; grumpy; larger than Mr. Cyclops; polite; their clan sided with the Titans in the war; p.16
  2. Define the word loyal. Giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution.
  3. Why did her loyalty get Artemis in trouble? She wanted to help her brother, but he didn’t want it

Chapter 3

  1. Predict what will happen. Will Artemis talk Zeus into letting girls compete in the games? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 4

  1. Were you correct in your prediction? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 5

  1. Why does Apollo want Artemis to stop helping him? She’s always there and never lets him fail; he wants to be able to spread his wings and do things on his own p.81

Chapter 6

  1. Summarize this chapter. Artemis and her friends brainstorm ideas for a name for the girls only Olympics and came up with Her-O-lympics p.83

Chapter 7 

  1. Why do you think Otus was being nice to Artemis? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 8

  1. Do you agree with Artemis’s definition and thoughts about fairness? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 9

  1. Was gathering signatures for the petition successful? Yes, a significant number of girls signed it along with two boys p.134
  2. What word would you use to describe Actaeon and Otus for signing the petition. Why? Courageous; open minded; listen to your child’s answer p.139

Chapter 10

  1. Predict how Zeus found out about the petition. Why do you think that? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 11

  1. Summarize this chapter. Artemis asks Hera to speak to Zeus and try to convince him to let the girls have their Her-O-lympics p.177

Chapter 12

  1. Why is Artemis upset at the end of this chapter? The snake hypnotized her and she gave away Apollo’s weakness p.204

Chapter 13

  1. How did Apollo react when Artemis told him she told the python his weakness? He was grateful p.211
  2. Why do you think he acted that way? Listen to your child’s 
  3. Describe how Heracles won the wrestling tournament? He held the giant’s shoulders on the mat for three seconds p.226

Chapter 14

  1. Describe how Ephialtes was distracted from the fight over the wreath? Artemis turned herself into a stag and he chased her p.232

Chapter 15

  1. What does Artemis learn about herself in this book? She needs to be supportive to her brother, and not bossy