Comprehension Questions – Jigsaw Jones Mysteries #1 The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster

The Case of Hermie the Missing Hamster

by James Preller

Grades 2-3; Genre - Mystery; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

Wingnut's hamster is missing! Jigsaw and his partner, Mila, are on the case.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Wingnut. 6-year-old neighbor to Jigsaw: his nickname came from his large ears; his hamster is lost p.2

Chapter 2

  1. Why does Jigsaw and Mila think Jake’s pet snake is a suspect? Snakes eat hamsters p.13

Chapter 3

  1. What resources are available if you need to do research like Jigsaw and Mila? Library; internet; people
  2. Why didn’t Ms. Gleason give Jigsaw and Mila the information they needed? It’s important to learn how to find information

Chapter 4

  1. What did Jigsaw learn at the pet store? Snakes eat rabbits, mice and hamsters; hamsters can escape if the lid of their cage is off; they can’t climb walls, but they can jump high and hang on to the lid p.23

Chapter 5

  1. Define the word constricting. To squeeze or wrap around 

Chapter 6

  1. What could be a clue in this chapter. The new vacuum that sucks everything up p.36

Chapter 7

  1. What happened to Jigsaw when Jake held the snake up to his face? He threw up p.44

Chapter 8

  1. How is Billy a good brother? He’s kind and supportive; a good friend; takes care of Jigsaw; encourages him p.45
  2. Find a simile on page 49. “Then it hit me. KLUNK! Like a baseball bat smashed on my head.”

Chapter 9

  1. Have you used a phone book before? Describe one. White and yellow pages; tiny writing to fit all the numbers; residential and business numbers; used before we had the internet to look things up

Chapter 10

  1. Why is Wingnut’s mom upset at the end of this chapter? They took apart her new vacuum cleaner; broke plastic on the vacuum and spilled dust everywhere p.62

Chapter 11

  1. Summarize this chapter. Mila is allergic to fur and because of her sneezing, they found Hermie in the closet; Hermie’s a girl and had babies p.63

Chapter 12

  1. Why is Jigsaw student of the week? He made the class a nicer place by donating two baby hamsters p.74