Comprehension Questions – Jigsaw Jones Mysteries #27 The Case of the Frog-jumping Contest

The Case of the Frog-jumping Contest

by James Preller

Grades 2-5; Genre - Mystery; GRL M; AR pts. 1.0

Jigsaw Jones investigates when the champion frog in a frog-jumping contest mysteriously disappears.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Summarize the introduction to this story? Stringbean is missing his frog and needs it back by Sunday for a frog-jumping contest p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Why do you think Stringbean’s frog went missing? Because of the construction going on in his house; it’s causing the frogs to go crazy p.11

Chapter 3

  1. Why does Mila think someone stole the frog? A lot of friends were over that day and whoever stole the frog wanted to win $20 from the frog-jumping contest p.21

Chapter 4

  1. What is The plan to find the missing frog? Put up fliers, talk to suspects; take Rags to smell out the frog p.28

Chapter 5

  1. Summarize Jigsaw’s conversation with Eddie. Eddie had been over to Stringbean’s house, but didn’t know Adonis was missing and thought to place his bet on another frog who belongs to the new girl named Sasha p.33

Chapter 6

  1. Summarize the interaction Jigsaw had with Sasha and Lucy? The girls did a hand rhyme; they had been at Stringbean’s, and thought the carpenter was strange; Sasha said there were a lot of workers going in and out; they wanted to help look for Adoni; Sasha told Jigsaw he should enter the contest p.38

Chapter 7

  1. Why is Slim all muddy? From going into the lake to catch frogs p.49

Chapter 8

  1. Why does Jigsaw want to enter the contest? To keep an eye on the race to see if anyone stole the frog p.54

Chapter 9

  1. Why is Jigsaw feeling down? He hasn’t found the frog and only has a couple of hours until the race p.61

Chapter 10

  1. Why does Jigsaw think the carpenter has Adonis? Tom was in the room with the frogs and has his equipment with him; Jigsaw thinks Adonis jumped into Tom’s tools p.65

Chapter 11

  1. How do we know Stringbean really cared for Adonis his frog? Adonis was sick from not having water, so Stringbean took him home and was going to take care of him; he didn’t care about the race, just his frog p.70

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize the conclusion of this story. Jigsaw’s frog didn’t jump in the contest; Slim won; they took the frogs back to Twin Lakes p.72