Tag Archives: Grades 3-8

Comprehension Questions – The Chronicles of Narnia #6 The Silver Chair

The Silver Chair

By C.S. Lewis

Grades 3-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts. 8.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why was Jill crying at the beginning of the book? She was being bullied p.1
  2. How did Jill and Eustace arrive in Narnia? They ran into a doorway away from some bullies and the other side of the door was Narnia p.9
  3. How do you know the kids were in Narnia? Jill saw Aslan p.16

Chapter 2

  1. Why didn’t Jill rush to get a drink from the glade? Aslan was right next to it and she thought he would eat her p.19
  2. What did Aslan want Jill to remember? The four signs he told her to help them in their task p.24
  3. What was Jill’s consequence for making Eustace fall off the edge of the cliff? Eustace doesn’t know the signs and Jill has to remember them herself and tell them to Eustace p.25
  4. How did Jill and Eustace travel to Narnia? On Aslan’s breath p.26

Chapter 3

  1. Who was the old king that got on the ship? Prince Caspian p.39
  2. Why was Eustace so confused about Narnia? He’d never been to the land of Narnia before, only to the sea p.41
  3. Did Eustace and Jill fulfill the first sign Aslan gave them? Why or why not? No, Eustace didn’t recognize the old king and Jill couldn’t get Eustace to understand the sign p.44

Chapter 4

  1. How did Jill and Eustace leave the castle and travel to the tower? The white owl, Glimfeather p.52
  2. Why would Trumpkin forbid the kids to look for the lost prince? Knights, centaurs, good giants, etc.(champions) have tried to find the prince and have never returned p.54
  3. How did Prince Caspian’s wife die? She was poisoned by a serpent while out with the prince p.57
  4. Why did Drinian tell the king he felt he was a traitor and to slay him? He held his tongue when he found out what Rilian was up to p.60

Chapter 5

  1. Where did the kids sleep after the owls dropped them off? In a Marsh-wiggle’s wigwam p.66
  2. Describe Puddleglum. He’s seems to always be negative and hopeless p.70
  3. What type of people live in Ettinsmoor? Giants p.74
  4. What stopped Eustace and Jill from quarreling? Puddleglum stating that all adventures are ready to knife each other at the end of an adventure p.78

Chapter 6

  1. Why did the giants throw rocks at the travelers? They didn’t see the travelers and were playing a game with each other p.82
  2. Who did the children meet after crossing the bridge? A knight and beautiful women p.89
  3. Why did Puddleglum think the knight was suspicious? He didn’t talk p.92
  4. Why was it a problem that Jill didn’t remember to recite the signs Aslan gave her? The signs were to help the children find the prince and if Jill didn’t remember the signs, they wouldn’t know where to go or what to look for p.94

Chapter 7

  1. Describe the weather the children traveled in to Harfang? Blizzard p.98
  2. How did the giant react to the travelers? He let them in and introduced them to the king p.108
  3. What did the giant give Puddleglum to drink? Liquor p.110

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Jill begin to cry when they stood before the king and queen? She was cold, tired, hungry and scared p.115
  2. Describe Jill’s dream. Aslan came to her and asked her to repeat the signs, but she couldn’t. He carried her to the window sill. As she looked out, she saw “under me” written in the sky p.119
  3. How did the children mess up the third sign? They walked through the ruined city in the storm and passed it. Now they’re stuck in the giant’s home.123
  4. Why was it important that Jill got permission to run around the castle? The children could explore and find the best way to escape and wouldn’t look suspicious when they were outside of their rooms while escaping p.128

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Puddleglum warn the children to stop eating the venison? The venison was from a talking beast p.132
  2. Why was Jill alarmed after reading two recipes in the cookbook? There was a recipe for man and another one for Marsh-wiggle p.135
  3. Where did the travelers go to hide from the hounds and giants? A hole in a giant stair p.140

Chapter 10

  1. What type of people lived underground? Gnomes p.146
  2. What human did the travelers get taken to? The quiet Knight p.158
  3. How does the knight feel about his queen? That she can do no wrong p.158

Chapter 11

  1. What enchantment does the queen save the knight from? He turns into a serpent a certain time every night p.164
  2. Why did the Knight want the children and Puddleglum to watch over him as he was tied to the silver chair? To comfort him p.168
  3. Why did they let the Knight go? He gave the fourth sign; he’s the prince p.176

Chapter 12

  1. What did the queen do after Rilian asked her to let them go peacefully? She threw green powder into the fireplace and played a stringed instrument p.181
  2. What did Jill remember while fighting the witch’s enchantment? Aslan p.187
  3. What did Puddleglum do to stop the enchantment? Stamped out the fire p.189
  4. What did the witch turn into? A serpent p.192

Chapter 13

  1. What was the result of the queen’s death? Her magic ended and the Underworld was getting destroyed by flood and volcano p.198
  2. What figure was on Rilian’s shield? an image of the Lion p.202
  3. Who was following the travelers as they rode through the city to escape? Gnomes p.204
  4. How did the gnome respond when the Prince told him the queen was dead? He was happy and said Rilian was a friend p.209

Chapter 14

  1. What had the witch done to the gnomes?  She had put an enchantment on them so they would be her slaves p.210
  2. What made the gnomes wake up? Rilian, Eustace, and Puddleglum killing the queen p.212
  3. Why were the gnomes acting like they were going to war? They didn’t know the queen was dead and were ready to fight so they could go back home p.213
  4. Why did the gnomes fling themselves into the chasm? Down the chasm is their real home and it was closing. They would have been stuck up in the city p.220

Chapter 15

  1. Where did the hole lead that Jill and Eustace climbed out of? Narnia p.231
  2. Why did Eustace come out of the hole fighting? He couldn’t see very well, snow fell on him from the cliff above, Narnian creatures were running toward him, and he thought enemies had taken Jill p.235
  3. Where do the Narnians think the witch was from?  The north p. 240

Chapter 16

  1. Where did the children fin Prince Rilian? On the green waiting for his father’s ship p.248
  2. What happened to the king after being carried off the ship? He died p.249
  3. Why did Aslan want Eustace to poke his paw? The blood from his paw dropped into the stream over Caspian’s body and brought him back to life (resurrection) p.262
  4. How did Aslan and Caspian help Jill and Eustace in their world? The kids that were bullying Jill saw the back of Aslan and the other three chased down the bullies p.256 

Comprehension Question – Fablehaven


by Brandon Mull

Grades 3-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL V; AR pts: 11.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why are Kendra and Seth staying at their grandparents? Their parents are going on a cruise p.2
  2. What was the consequence the kids would receive if they went into the woods or barn? They’d be grounded to their room the rest of their stay p.13
  3. How long were Kendra and Seth going to be staying at their grandparents? 2 ½ weeks p.5

Chapter 2

  1. How did the insects respond to the mirror Kendra took out to the pool? they came to it; they liked it p.24
  2. After swimming, where did Seth disappear to? The woods p.26
  3. What’s Dale’s secret? He puts milk out for the insects p.31

Chapter 3

  1. Describe who Seth ran into while exploring in the woods? A woman he thought was a witch p.36
  2. Why did Seth get frightened while running out of the woods? He felt he was being pursued p.42
  3. What was Kendra doing when Seth came in from the woods? Trying to find what the last key went to p.43

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Kendra and Seth go into the woods? Seth wanted to show Kendra a beautiful park with a pond p.53
  2. Why did their grandpa tell them not to go into the forest? there’s a lot of dangerous animals p.61
  3. What’s their consequence for not following the rules? They’ll have to stay in their room for the entire next day and they’ll be completely grounded if they break the rules again p.63

Chapter 5

  1. Who did Kendra use as a guinea pig to test the milk? Seth p.71
  2. What happened to Seth and Kendra when they drank the milk? They could see magical creatures instead of normal insects p.72
  3. Why did Grandpa bring the kids into the study? To explain Fablehaven to them p.75

Chapter 6

  1. Who’s Lena? The naiad Patton loved p. 88
  2. Who is Maddox? A fairy hunter/trader p.95
  3. After dinner, what did Maddox show the kids? Different fairies he’d caught to sell p.99

Chapter 7

  1. How did Seth catch the fairy? He tricked her by putting a mirror into a jar, then when she went in to admire herself, he put the lid on it p.117
  2. What were the fairies doing to the bubbles Grandpa blew? Changing them into different colors, shapes and things p.118
  3. Where did Seth hide his captured fairy? In his dresser drawer p.120

Chapter 8

  1. What did the fairy turn into that Seth caught and why? An imp; from being indoors from sunset to sunrise p.133
  2. How did the other fairies get revenge on Seth? Turned him into a misshapen whale p.131
  3. How did Seth get turned back into a human? Grandpa had to undo one of the witch’s knots and she healed him p.140

Chapter 9

  1. How does Lena feel about death and dying? Fearful p.147
  2. Why do the kids need to wear ear plugs and stay in bed during Midsummer Eve? Nightmares take shape and prowl the yard and terrible sounds will be heard in the night p.149
  3. What type of creature did Seth get to meet? A golem p.153

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Grandpa want the kids to sleep in the attic? It’s the safest place in the house if children occupy it p.162
  2. Why did Seth open the window? He saw a crying baby and wanted to help it p.172
  3. What protected the kids from the monsters that came into the room? The salt that was around their beds p.174
  4. Why did the kids suspect that their grandpa, Dale, and Lena might be dead? They didn’t come and get them for breakfast p.177

Chapter 11

  1. What did the kids find when they left their bedroom that morning? Their grandpa and Lena were gone, Dale was a statue lying outside on the grass; they were all alone p.182
  2. Why did the kids follow the tracks into the woods? They hoped it would lead to their grandpa p.190
  3. Who saved the kids from the ogress? A satyr p.199

Chapter 12

  1. What creature did the kids find in the barn? A giant cow p.211
  2. Why was the cow bellowing? It hadn’t been milked that morning p.211
  3. How did the kids help the cow? They milked her p.215

Chapter 13

  1. What gave the kids a clue that Goldilocks was their grandma? The chicken had spelled out I M GRAM on the floor and bobbed her head when Kendra asked if she was her grandma p.221
  2. Why did Grandma want the kids to take her to Muriel? For healing p.236
  3. What happened when the last knot to Muriel’s rope was undone? She was freed p.234

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Grandma and the kids need to visit Nero? They needed information on their grandpa, and he could give it to them p.242
  2. Why was it better for Seth to climb up to Nero’s ledge than his grandma? There were 20 upright logs, three feet apart that were easier for Seth to scale than Grandma p.245
  3. What did Nero trade Grandpa’s location for? A 90 minute massage p.255

Chapter 15

  1. Who regularly milks Viola the cow? Hugo the golem p.261
  2. Where did Grandma and the kids go to talk privately? In the secret room on the other side of the attic p.268
  3. Why did Grandma arrange photographs on the kitchen floor? So the brownies could fix the house up using the pictures as a guide p.265
  4. What will happen to Grandma if she kills Muriel? She’d have to banish herself from the preserve p.276

Chapter 16

  1. Which imp caught Seth? The same one he had captured p.291
  2. Why couldn’t the imps catch Kendra? She hadn’t used magic, inflicted harm or caused any mischief, so they can’t touch her p.292
  3. What did Grandpa tell Kendra to do? Run, get off the property, and ram the gate with his truck p.292

Chapter 17

  1. This chapter is titled, “The Desperate Gamble.” What was Kendra’s gamble? She needed to choose between going to the house and getting a weapon, or asking the Fairy Queen for help p.299
  2. What was the Fairy Queen’s answer to Kendra’s plea? She said she’d help her and gave her 3 ingredients to gather p.311
  3. What were the ingredients? Blood, tears, and milk p.312
  4. How did Kendra get rid of Mendigo? She unhooked his arms and threw them in the water. When he went to get them, the naiads pulled him into the water p.314

Chapter 18

  1. What happened to the fairies when they drank the elixir Kendra had made? It enlarged each fairy to become a fairy army p.323
  2. How did Seth become free and his normal self again? The fairy he had captured freed him p.330
  3. How did the fairies defeat Bahumat and Muriel? They used ropes to tie them up; they tore off Bahumat’s horns; Muriel shriveled with age; they threw them back into the alcove p.332
  4. How did the fairies heal the imps? Kissed them on the mouth p.327

Chapter 19

  1. How did Kendra give the silver bowl back to the Fairy Queen? She threw it into the water p.342
  2. Describe Kendra’s interaction with Lena? Lena wasn’t the same and wanted to grab Kendra and bring her into the water p.343
  3. Why is Dale upset? He feels bad that his brother Warren wasn’t present when the fairies were curing everybody p.347
  4. Why did Kendra decide to take her painting home? She realized she would feel pain with or without the painting, so she might as well take it home p.350

Comprehension Questions – The Chronicles of Narnia #4 Prince Caspian

Prince Caspian

By C.S. Lewis

Grades 3-8; Genre – Fantasy; GRL T; AR pts: 7.0

Narnia…the land between the lamp-post and the castle of Cair Paravel, where animals talk, where magical things happen… and where the adventure begins. Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy are returning to boarding school when they are summoned from the dreary train station (by Susan’s own magic horn) to return to the land of Narnia—the land where they had ruled as kings and queens and where their help is desperately needed.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What happened to the children at the train station and where did they find themselves? They felt a pulling and realized magic was at work; the train station disappeared and they found themselves in a thicket. They worked their way out and found a beach p.4
  2. Where did the children find a stream they could drink from? More than halfway around the island on the beach p.9
  3. What did the children find after drinking out of the stream? Apples trees and a wall with an arch leading into a large open area p.11

Chapter 2

  1. What did Susan find by the well and what did it remind her of? A gold chess piece; Being a queen in Narnia and playing chess with the fauns and giants of Narnia p.19
  2. Where were the children? At their castle in Narnia in Cair Paravel p.20
  3. What did the children find in the treasure room? Suits of armor, rings, bowls, dishes, necklaces, gems, big padlocked chests, and their gifts from Aslan p.25
  4. Describe the children’s gifts from Aslan. Lucy was a small diamond bottle full of a healing cordial; Susan’s was a bow, arrows and a horn that calls and sends for help; Peter’s is a sword and shield; Edmund didn’t get one p.27

Chapter 3

  1. Why did Susan shoot an arrow? Two soldiers were going to throw a tied-up dwarf into the water p.33
  2. Why did the soldiers want to kill the dwarf? He said he was a criminal p.36
  3. Who is the dwarf? King Caspian’s messenger p.39

Chapter 4

  1. What were the stories Caspian’s nurse told him about that his uncle didn’t like? Stories of old Narnia p.43
  2. Describe Doctor Cornelius. He was very short and fat; very old, ugly and kind with a twinkle in his eyes; knew about old Narnia and taught Caspian p.46
  3. Why did Doctor Cornelius take Caspian to the tower in the middle of the night? To show him two stars; to tell him about Narnia, the tower is the only place they should ever talk about it p.51
  4. Why is there a belief that ghosts live in the woods? The Telmarines don’t want their people to go to the sea since Aslan is from across the sea, so they let the wood grow and told them there were ghosts in it p.55

Chapter 5

  1. When did Doctor Cornelius awake Caspian in this chapter and why? In the middle of the night; because he knew Miraz was going to kill Caspian, so he helped pack food, a sword and clothing so Caspian could escape p.57
  2. Why does Miraz want to kill Caspian? Caspian is the real king. Miraz’s wife had a son so if Caspian is dead, his son will become king p.60
  3. Find a metaphor on page 61. “You must fly at once.”
  4. Where was Caspian after waking up from hitting his head while riding his horse? In a cave on a bed of heather being nourished by a badger and two dwarves p.67

Chapter 6

  1. How did the animals feel when Trufflehunter introduced Caspian to the animals of old Narnia? Excited; happy; kissed him p.73
  2. What gifts did the dwarves give to Caspian, Trumpkin and Nikabrik? Mail shirts, helmet and swords p.76
  3. How did the Fauns respond to the news of King Caspian? They were merry; danced and played their music around him p.82

Chapter 7

  1. How did Doctor Cornelius find the war council and why? He used magic; he knew Caspian had been found out and needed to tell him his life and all of Old Narnia’s was in danger p.88
  2. What’s Aslan’s How and why was it a good place to stay during a war? It’s a cave of tunnels built around a magical stone to the Narnian’s with lots of room for stores and people when needing to retreat p.91
  3. Why was the Giant Wimbleweather so sad? He ruined a battle by attacking at the wrong time and place p.93
  4. What missions were Pattertwig and Trumpkin sent on? Caspian was going to blow Susan’s horn and they were sent to different places where help would come. Pattertwig was sent to Lantern-hill and Trumpkin sent to the mouth of the river where the castle Cair Paravel is p.97

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Trumpkin feel like the horn didn’t work? It called children not warriors to help them p.102
  2. Why did the children have competitions with Trumpkin? To show him they were more than children p.107
  3. What did Lucy do for Trumpkin? Used her cordial to cure his wound p.108
  4. What did the children call Trumpkin? DLF: Dear Little Friend p.111

Chapter 9

  1. What did Lucy do when she couldn’t sleep? She got up, walked around, and spoke to the trees, trying to wake them p.116
  2. How did Trumpkin protect Lucy? He shot a bear that was sneaking up on her p.121
  3. Why did the children think they were lost? The river they came to was far below them in a gorge and they remember the river being different p.124
  4. Why was Lucy crying bitterly at the end of the chapter? She had seen Aslan and knew he wanted her to follow them, but no one would believe her p.128

Chapter 10

  1. What shot at the children and dwarf as they could see the Great River and where they fought the Battle of Beruna and why? Arrows; Miraz has an outpost in that area and they saw the traveling party p.133
  2. What were the trees doing when Lucy woke up and saw them? dancing, moving around p.138
  3. Who had called to Lucy while she was sleeping and why? Aslan; she was to wake to the others and tell them to follow her p.143
  4. How did Lucy have the strength to wake to the others and do what Aslan asked her to? Aslan gave it to her; she put her face in his mane and she could feel lion strength going into her p.143  

Chapter 11

  1. How did the children feel about following Lucy and doing what she said? Edward was the only one fully supportive of her since she’d been right before; Susan didn’t want to follow at all, but because Peter did, they all followed p.147
  2. Why did it take so long for Susan and the Dwarf to see Aslan? They didn’t believe; bad attitude p.152
  3. How did Aslan make friends with the Dwarf? Aslan called him to him, threw him in the air after grabbing him with his teeth and asked if they could be friends p.154
  4. How did Aslan call the Narnians? By roaring p.156

Chapter 12

  1. When Peter, Edmund and Trumpkin went into the Mound, what did they hear the King, Nikabrik, Doctor Cornelius and the others talking about? That the horn didn’t work and Nikabrik spoke of another way to win the battle p.163
  2. Who were the visitors that came to the war council? Nikabrik’s friends; they know black magic p.165
  3. Who did Nikabrik want to bring back so they could have power? The White Witch p.168
  4. Who died from the fight in the council room? Nikabrik, the Hag and the Wer-Wolf p.172

Chapter 13

  1. What was Peter’s strategy to winning the war? He was going to challenge Miraz to single combat (a duel) p.175
  2. Who was chosen to go with Edward to deliver the message to Miraz? Glenstorm and the Giant Wimbleweather p.178
  3. Explain what Sopespian and Glozelle spoke of as they realized Edward was bringing a challenge to Miraz. If Miraz won the challenge the war would be over, but if he died, he wouldn’t be their king anymore p.180
  4. How did these two convince Miraz to accept the challenge? They suggested he would be a coward and have no honor if he didn’t accept since Peter and Edward look so dangerous p.182

Chapter 14

  1. Who caused the first blood to be drawn in the duel and how? Peter stabbed Miraz in the armpit p.191
  2. How was Peter hurt? his wrist got sprained from the shield driving into it p.192
  3. How did the duel turn into a full battle? Spespian and Glozelle interrupted the battle when MIraz wa face down from tripping and shouted out the King Peter had killed him while he was lying down. Then Glozelle stabbed Miraz and the battle ensued p.194
  4. How did the chains loosen from the river god? Bacchus and his people made vines grow all over the bridge and it collapsed p.198
  5. Who was the old woman Aslan healed while she was in her bed? Caspian’s old nurse p.204

Chapter 15

  1. What did Lucy do for Reepicheep? He was almost dead when the other mice brought him before Aslan. He asked Lucy to heal his wounds. He revived but was still missing his tail that had been cut off p.207
  2. How did Reepicheep convince Aslan he needed his tail? Because mice have been made small, so they have to prove their honor and dignity; all of the other mice had their swords drawn to cut off their own tails; because of the love the mice have for each other and for the kindness the mice showed to Aslan long ago when they chewed the cords when the White Witch killed him p.209
  3. How did the food appear for the great feast? Wherever Bacchus, Silenus and the Maenads danced it appeared p.211
  4. Where are the Telmar’s originally from? The same world (our world) that Peter, Susan, Edward and Lucy came from p.216
  5. How did the children and Telmarines get back to their original homes? A magical doorway p.218

Comprehension Questions – Chronicles of Narnia #2 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

By C.S. Lewis

Grades 5-7; Genre – Fantasy; GRL T; AR pts: 6.0

Air-raids over London during WWII compel four siblings – Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy – to be sent away from the city to the house of a kindly but remote Professor “who lived in the heart of the country.” There is much to discover in the country, but the children will soon discover that the Professor’s large house, staffed by three servants, holds even more mystery, including a room which holds nothing but a large wardrobe, which Lucy opens one rainy day, never dreaming that the wardrobe is a passageway into a place called Narnia.

Vocabulary Words

Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why did the children get sent to this big house in the country? It was during WWII and all of the children were sent away from the city to the country for protection p. 3
  2. How did Lucy find the dark snowy world with the lamp post? She went into the wardrobe and kept feeling for the grain of the wood that should have been the back of it and instead she found herself touching branches and cold air with snow falling on her p.8
  3. Describe a Faun to me. A strange person, a little taller than Lucy, from the waist up a man, but his legs were shaped like a goat’s with goat hoofs for feet, he had a tail, pleasant face with pointed beard, curly hair and two horns one on each side of his forehead p.9

Chapter 2

  1. What did it mean when the Faun asked Lucy if she was a Daughter of Eve? If she was a human; Did she come from earth where Adam and Eve were the first parents p.11
  2. What did Mr. Tumnus need to do for the White Witch? If he saw a Daughter of Eve or Son of Adam he needed to hold onto them and give them to her p.19
  3. What happened to Lucy? Mr. Tumnus decided he couldn’t turn her over to the White Witch, so helped her get back to the lamp post and she found her way to the wardrobe p.22

Chapter 3

  1. Why was Lucy so unhappy about her brothers and sister thinking she was making up her story about Narnia? She was an honest person and she didn’t like people to think she was lying p. 26
  2. What happened to Edmund in this chapter? He saw Lucy go into the wardrobe, followed her, and found himself in Narnia. He couldn’t find Lucy, but heard sleigh bells and met a woman on the sleigh who called herself the queen p.28

Chapter 4

  1. Who is the woman on the sledge? The White Witch p.34
  2. What did the queen do to help Edmund feel comfortable? Wrap him in her mantle, gave him a warm drink, gave him Turkish Delight p.42
  3. What do you think made Edmund sick? The Turkish Delight; knowing he was on the side of the White Witch; having to tell his siblings the truth about Narnia p. 43

Chapter 5

  1. Describe to me the part of the story when Peter and Susan go talk to the Professor about Lucy. He listened and then asked, “how do you know your sister’s story isn’t true?”; he gave them a few reasons to help them understand Lucy: she’s lying, she’s mad or she’s telling the truth; he told them all to mind their own business p.51
  2. What made all the children climb into the wardrobe? Mrs. Macready was giving a tour of the house to some visitors and they were supposed to stay out of the way; that was the only place they could hide until the tourists were out of the Wardrobe Room p.53

Chapter 6

  1. When the children got to Mr. Tumnus’ house what did they find? The door torn off the hinges and broken into bits; dishes broken; like it hadn’t been lived in for days; a note saying he had been taken by the queen for treason p.57
  2. What was Edmund’s concern as the children followed the robin? If the robin was helping them or leading them into a trap p.61

Chapter 7

  1. How did the children know the beaver was a friend? he gave them the same white handkerchief to them that Lucy had given to Mr. Tumnus p.67
  2. Who do you think is Aslan? Listen to your child’s answer p.67
  3. Tell me about Edmund. He is grumpy; feels picked on by Peter; is mean and selfish p.70
  4. How do you think the children felt about being in the home of the Beavers’? happy, full, content, safe p.75

Chapter 8

  1. Who is Aslan? The King; the Lord of the whole wood; he’ll take care of the White Witch; the great Lion p.78
  2. Why is it so important for the children to go to the Stone Table and meet Aslan? To begin doing things; to help Mr. Tumnus; to help get rid of the White Witch p.80
  3. Why would Edmund betray them all? He is under the White Witch’s spell; he wants Turkish Delight and to be a King p.85

Chapter 9

  1. Tell me about Edmund’s journey to the White Witch’s castle. It was snowing, cold and the sky grew dark; it was slippery, rocky and he tripped over tree stumps; the snow stopped falling and it got windy, but the moon came out so Edmund could see. He finally made it and didn’t want to go in, but knew he couldn’t’ go back at this point p.88
  2. Why do you think the White Witch turned the creatures in her courtyard to stone?  Listen to your child’s answer; they had displeased her p.96
  3. What did Edmund tell the queen when he was brought to her? His siblings were at the Beaver’s home; Aslan has returned p.99

Chapter 10 

  1. Why was it important for them all to see Father Christmas? What did it mean? That Aslan is on the move; the witch’s magic is weakening p.107
  2. What were the presents Father Christmas shared with the children? Peter a sword and shield; Susan a horn and bow with arrows; Lucy a cordial and dagger p.108
  3. Why didn’t Father Christmas want Susan or Lucy to be a part of the battle? Battles are ugly when women fight p.109

Chapter 11

  1. Why weren’t the wolves able to find the children or the Beavers’ during the night? The scent was cold and snow had covered up their tracks p.113
  2. What happened to the merry party eating a feast when the witch and Edmund rode up in the sledge? The Witch turned them to stone for being traitors p.116
  3. What was happening to the world around them as Edmund, the dwarf and the witch were walking to the Stone Table? It was turning to spring; birds were chirping; flowers were blooming; grass was growing p.120

Chapter 12

  1. Describe to me what the Stone Table looked like. Large slab of gray stone that was supported by four upright stones; it was cut all over with strange lines and figures that might have been letters to an unknown language.125
  2. What made Susan blow her horn? They were being attacked and needed Aslan and Peter to come back p.130
  3. Why were the wolves attacking them? The witch had ordered them to kill the children p.131

Chapter 13

  1. How did the Witch and dwarf escape from Aslans’ rescue party? They turned into a stump and boulder p.138
  2. When the Witch came and spoke with Aslan and the others, what did she demand? That she has a right to have Edmund since he had been a traitor p.142
  3. What do you think Aslan and the Witch spoke about when he asked everyone to back up so he could speak to her alone? Listen to your child p.143

Chapter 14

  1. Why weren’t Susan and Lucy able to sleep at the first of the chapter? They had a horrible feeling p.147
  2. Who was all gathered at the Stone Table that night? Crowd of people; ogres; wolves; bull-headed men and other creatures; the White Witch p.150
  3. Tell me what happened to Aslan at the Stone Table? The White Witch had him tied up and had his mane shaved off; the creatures spit on him, kicked him, hit him, jeered at him; the White Witch killed him p.154

Chapter 15

  1. What did the mice do to help free Aslan from the cords? They chewed them loose p.159
  2. What brought Aslan back to life? A deeper magic than the Witch’s magic; He knew that the spell she cast to kill him meant the Stone Table would crack and death would work backward since he had willingly given up his life p.163
  3. Did you imagine yourself riding on a lion with silent padded feet, going faster than a horse, flying in the wind? What do you think it would be like? Listen to your child’s answers p.165

Chapter 16

  1. How did Aslan bring the statues back to life? He breathed on them p.167
  2. Who was Lucy most excited to see come back to life? Mr. Tumnus p.171
  3. When Aslan reached the battle, who did he attack first? The White Witch p.177

Chapter 17

  1. How did Edmund smash the Witch’s wand? He defeated 3 ogres to get to her and used his sword to smash her wand p.178
  2. What did Lucy’s cordial do for Edmund and others that were wounded from the battle with the Witch’s army? Heal them p.179
  3. Why did Susan feel that she nor Lucy should tell Edmund what Aslan did for him? It would make him feel terrible p.180
  4. How did the children come upon the old lamp post? They were chasing a white stag p.185