Comprehension Questions- Day of Adventure #2 A Pirate’s Tale

 A Pirate’s Tale

By Diane Winsor

Grades K-2; Genre - Fiction; GRL L

Three friends pretend they are pirates as they help new neighbors move in.  They meet a new friend and learn that treasure isn't just about gold and silver.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What did Marc’s mom want him to do? Go help the new neighbors move in
  2. What made Marc want to help them? Having his friends help with him
  3. Where did the man say the boys could play until they were ready for their help? In the backyard

Chapter 2

  1. What did the children pretend to be? Pirates
  2. What were they using as their pirate ship? Playhouse
  3. What did they pretend was their rowboat? A cardboard box

Chapter 3

  1. What did Mr. Adams tell the kids when he came into the backyard? He was ready for their help
  2. What did the children think the giants might to do them? Play games like stomp the little people or play catch with them
  3. Why did the children want to stay in their boat? Find another beach without giants

Chapter 4

  1. What did Mr. Adams say about treasure? There’s a lot on the island
  2. Who was carrying boxes into the basement? John and Marc
  3. What was painted on the blue room’s walls? Fish

Chapter 5

  1. Who was in the bedroom with Dawn? Jill, the girl moving in
  2. What did Jill turn Dawn into? A mermaid
  3. What did Jill use to turn Dawn into a mermaid then turn them both human? Magic spell

Chapter 6

  1. Where did Jill and Dawn go to find John and Marc? Basement/ cave
  2. Where did they find John and Marc? In a closet
  3. What did Marc say happened to them? Giants caught them and threw them in a hole.

Chapter 7

  1. What kind of treasure is Marc looking for? Gold, anything shiny, gems
  2. What kind of treasure did Jill show her new friends? Book and seashell
  3. How did Marc feel about Jill’s treasure? He didn’t like it.

Chapter 8

  1. What did Mr. Adams give the children? A map
  2. What did the “X” on the tree mean on the map? X marks the spot, the treasure’s in the tree
  3. What was the treasure in the tree? A picnic basket with food in it
  4. What did Marc say was the best treasure of all? A new friend/ Jill