Comprehension Questions- The Boxcar Children #10 Schoolhouse Mystery

Schoolhouse Mystery

by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL O; AR pts: 3.0

Max is Benny Alden's friend from school.  He challenges Benny that he won't be able to find adventure on a small island north of Greenfield.  Benny's family takes the challenge and they end up saving the islander's their treasures an d helping an old woman who's a hermit on the island.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Where do the Aldens go for part of their summer break?  a small fishing village, Port Elizabeth  p. 11
  2. Why did they go there?  Benny's friend Max said they wouldn't find adventure there, so they went to find out if he was right.  p. 9
  3. Why was it an island only part of the time?  low tide uncovered the road that was connected to the island  p. 9

Chapter 2

  1. Who lives in the old mansion? Elizabeth Gray, an old woman  p. 18
  2. Who built the school house?  her grandfather  p. 19
  3. How did the people treat the Aldens?  not friendly  p. 25
  4. What were some of the things the island people thought about the Aldens?  rich kids, stuck up, nice clothes, showing off car  p.26

Chapter 3

  1. Who was interested in Violet's painting?  Hal and Marie  p. 30
  2. What do Hal and Marie want the children to do for them and the other children on the island?  teach them  p. 34
  3. Where did the children want to teach school? school house  p. 34
  4. Who did they have to ask if they could use the school house?  Miss Gray  p. 34

Chapter 4

  1. Tell me about Miss Gray.  tall, thin, gray hair, did not smile  p. 38
  2. Did Miss Gray say they could use the school house?  yes  p. 39
  3. How did Miss Gray make the children feel?  uncomfortable  p. 40
  4. Who did Miss Gray say to watch out for?  blond man who shows his teeth when he smiles  p. 42

Chapter 5

  1. Who is the Money Man?  Freddy Willet, man with blond hair and shows his teeth  p. 49
  2. Why does everyone love the Money Man?  he gives a lot of money for quarters, pennies, or old things  p. 52
  3. Why were the Alden children worried about the Money Man?  they thought he was cheating the people  p. 54

Chapter 6

  1. How did the children on the island feel about the school?  excited, happy   p. 56
  2. What was the story about that Benny wrote on the board?  a cat named Fish  p.  58
  3. Who were the island children excited to see drive up while they were playing a game?  the Money Man  p. 61
  4. What did Benny show his family after the children gone home?  the hole in George Washington's button  p. 63

Chapter 7

  1. What did Mr. Willet try to buy from Mr. Alden?   watch and dime   p. 66
  2. Why do you think the library Miss Gray made was never locked?  anyone could read or get a book any time they wanted  p. 69
  3. What does Miss Gray do for a living?  write books, author  p. 69
  4. Why did Grandfather go visit Miss Gray?  to tell her Freddy Willet was back  p. 72

Chapter 8

  1. How did the Aldens think Freddy Willet was cheating?  not paying enough for old coins and trading cheap things for treasures  p. 73
  2. Who did the Aldens see at the Sea Shell restaurant?  Freddy Willet  p. 76
  3. How did Henry know the people who were with the Money Man?  They're from his college  p. 76
  4. What happened to the road when the Aldens rode back from the restaurant?  it was covered with water, high tide  p. 80

Chapter 9

  1. Where were the Aldens going to sleep when they missed the road?  in their car  p. 81
  2. What did the Money Man use to get over to the island?  boat     p. 82
  3. How did the Aldens get over to the island?  a boat  p. 85
  4. Where does Benny think Freddy is sleeping? school house  p. 86

Chapter 10

  1. What did Benny and Henry find when they took off the planks in the closet?  brick room in the chimney  p. 89
  2. Where did Benny go to find a picture of George Washington?  library  p.  90
  3. Why did Benny think someone was in the library?  he heard noises  p. 91
  4. Who did Benny go see after he heard Freddy in the library?  Miss Gray p. 92

Chapter 11

  1. What did the Aldens do in the morning?  go fishing  p. 95
  2. Who was dressed up like an Englishman?  John Carter  p. 97
  3. Why did the Aldens pretend to not know Mr. Carter?  he was undercover  p. 98
  4. Why did Mr. Carter go on about needing a post office?  he wanted a way to send messages to the Aldens  p. 100

Chapter 12

  1. Who did Freddy invite to go visit homes with him?  Mr. Carter and Benny p. 103
  2. Why doesn't Freddy need a book to remember the prices of the different coins?  he's been doing it for a long time   p. 106
  3. Why did the Aldens always whisper?  someone might be listening  p. 108

Chapter 13

  1. What did the island children work on in school?  painting  p. 111
  2. Where did they go to paint?  beach  p.  112
  3. Who did Violet want to show Hal and Marie's paintings?  Miss Gray  p. 114
  4. Who wanted to teach the school when the Aldens go home?  Miss Gray  p. 116

Chapter 14

  1. How many different names does the Money Man have? four       p. 118
  2. Where did Freddy keep the things he's been trading?  school house  p. 119
  3. Who was waiting for Freddy in his red car?  policeman  p. 122

Chapter 15

  1. Who did Benny call when he got back home?  Max  p. 127
  2. Did Max believe Benny when he told him about his adventures?  yes  p. 128