Comprehension Questions- Beast Quest #21 Rashouk the Cave Troll

 Rashouk the Cave Troll

by Adam Blade

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL S; AR pts: 1.0

Tom and Elenna fight the third beast on their quest of finding the six amulet pieces.  They overcome their fears and defeat the cave troll.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What is the land called that Tom and Elenna are traveling in?  Forbidden Land  p. 8
  2. What power did Tom think he would lose next?   leg armor  p. 9
  3. How did Tom feel about losing that power?  unhappy, he'll miss it  p. 9

Chapter 2

  1. What came charging out of the cave?  a bear  p. 11
  2. Why was Tom worried to fight the bear?  he didn't know if he could fight without the magic powers  p. 14
  3. What did Elenna do to help Tom feel confident about fighting without his powers?  helped him see he's still a good fighter  p. 15

Chapter 3

  1. What is the weather like?  stormy, rain  p. 18
  2. What did the friends hang out with under the outcrop?  goat  p. 21
  3. Where did Tom find Elenna taking cover from the rain?  cave, Rashouk's home  p. 22

Chapter 4

  1. Where was the amulet piece?  cave, on a ledge  p. 25
  2. What did Rashouk swing from as he came through the tunnel?  stalactites  p. 28
  3. Who jumped on Storm's back and rode on him?  Rashouk  p. 32

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Rashouk smell for Tom?  his sense of smell is stronger than his eyesight  p. 34
  2. What color is the troll's blood?  green  p. 37
  3. What spooked Storm so badly that he dragged Tom out of the cave?  lightning  p. 40

Chapter 6

  1. What was slowing Tom down and giving him pain?  ankle  p. 44
  2. What healed his ankle?  emerald from a previous quest  p. 45
  3. What did Tom find when he went looking for the amulet piece he put in his pocket?  nothing, it was gone  p. 47

Chapter 7

  1. How does Rashouk feel about light?  doesn't like it  p. 48
  2. How did Tom and Elenna get the troll to come out of the cave?  using the goat's fear  p. 54
  3. What did they use to cover up their own scents so Rashouk could smell the goat's fear?  mud  p. 53

Chapter 8

  1. Why wasn't Rashouk blinded by the sun when he came out of the cave?  clouds covered the sun  p. 56
  2. What had Rashouk turned the goat into?  stone  p. 57
  3. What form did Rashouk turn into that made it so Tom couldn't attack him with his sword?  ghost  p. 63

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Tom want to cut off Rashouk's nails?  they turned things to stone  p. 68
  2. How did Tom defeat Rashouk?  scratch him with his own nail  p. 70  

Chapter 10

  1. How did Storm finish off Rashouk?  kicked the statue to the ground  p. 73
  2. What happened to the goat after Tom and Elenna pushed Rashouk's stone body off the cliff?  came back to life  p. 75
  3. Who found the lost amulet piece?  Silver  p. 75