Comprehension Questions- Beast Quest #22 Luna the Moon Wolf

Luna the Moon Wolf

by Adam Blade

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL T; AR pts: 1.0

Tom and Elenna fight Luna the wolf and retrieve the fourth amulet piece.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Who is Tom and Elenna supposed to battle next?  Luna  p. 7
  2. What did the compass say when Tom pointed it to the Dark Woods?  Destiny  p. 11

Chapter 2

  1. How did Tom and Elenna get down from the mountain?  went down the cliff using a rope  p. 13
  2. What did Silver do to the rope tied at the top?  chewed it so it fell  p. 20
  3. What did the animals do to get down?  they walked down the path  p. 20

Chapter 3

  1. What did Elenna catch for dinner?  2 birds  p. 25
  2. What was Tom going to lose as he battled Luna?  golden breastplate  p. 26
  3. Who did Tom hear howl in the night and see coming toward him?  Luna  p. 27

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Silver attack Tom?  beast was controlling him  p. 33
  2. Who came when Luna howled?  animals  p. 33
  3. What do Silver's eyes look like when he's under her control?  red/ evil  p. 34

Chapter 5

  1. What did Elenna create to stop Silver from attacking Tom?  net  p. 36
  2. Why did Luna turn Silver against them and not Storm?  he's a wild animal  p. 40

Chapter 6

  1. How did Silver behave in the morning?  not himself, didn't eat, scared  p. 43
  2. What was Elenna hand and the trees covered in as they went into the Dark Woods?  sticky blood  p. 45

Chapter 7

  1. What did Tom want to dig to trap Luna?  a pit  p. 48
  2. What did Elenna do to Silver to protect her and Tom?  tied him up  p. 51
  3. What did Tom and Elenna find under the tree?  wolf pups  p. 52
  4. Why did Tom want to get the pups out of their den?  he wanted to use them to lure Luna out of her hiding place  p. 54

Chapter 8

  1. What did Tom do with the pups when Luna came into view?  let them go to their mom p. 59
  2. Why didn't Elenna's arrows hurt Luna?  her hide was too tough  p. 60
  3. Why was Tom running out of time?  other animals came and were waiting for Luna's command to attack  p. 63

Chapter 9

  1. What's Luna's weakness?  when the moon is covered up  p. 65
  2. What did Tom and Elenna cover up Luna with when she fell into the pit?  dirt  p. 66
  3. How did Tom finish Luna the Moon Wolf?  he slashed his sword across her red eyes  p.68

Chapter 10

  1. How did the pups change when Luna died?  they became friendly  p. 70
  2. How did the forest change after Luna died?  moss on trees instead of blood, not evil  p.71
  3. Who is going to be the next beast Tom and Elenna need to face?  Blaze  p. 75