Comprehension Questions- The Adventures of the Bailey School Kids #51 Dragons Don’t Throw Snowballs

Dragons Don’t Throw Snowballs

By Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

A blizzard has hit Bailey City and caused the roads to shut down.  The kids are stuck at school overnight and are very suspicious when the dragon snow sculpture has left the yard from across the street.  The Bailey School Kids hear strange noises flying over the school during the night and realize they need to find out why a dragon is angry and lurking around the city.  

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What was the winning snow sculpture from the Winter Festival?  A dragon    p. 2
  2. How does Melody feel about the snow?  She’s sick of it/ bored   p. 3
  3. What did Liza see the snow dragon do?  Wink at her   p. 5

Chapter 2

  1. Who was hiding behind the dragon?  Howie and Eddie   p. 6
  2. What saved Liza from the boys pelting snowballs?  A large mound of snow fell on them   p. 11
  3. How do you think that much snow could have fallen on the boys?  The dragon dropped it   p. 11

Chapter 3

  1. How did Howie explain the loud rumble that shook the ground?  Thunder    p. 12
  2. How does Liza feel about the snow?  Loves it   p. 15
  3. When the kids went into the school, Liza looked back outside for the dragon.  What did she see?  It was gone  p. 16

Chapter 4

  1. What excuse did Liza and Melody use to get out of class and go look out the window?  go to the bathroom   p. 17
  2. How many minutes did Liza need to wait for Melody to meet her in the hallway?  Three   p. 19
  3. Liza saw the dragon out the window back on the lawn.  What did it do when it saw her this time?  Smile   p. 21

Chapter 5

  1. Did Liza’s friends believe her when she tried to tell them about the dragon?  No   p. 23
  2. Why were the Bailey school kids stranded at school?  blizzard    p. 26
  3. Who has a crush on Eddie?   Carey   p. 27

Chapter 6

  1. What reaction does Liza have whenever she’s really nervous about something?  Nose-bleed   p. 31
  2. When the Bailey school kids were stranded at school, where did everyone sleep?  In the gym   p. 31
  3. Why did Liza have a hard time falling asleep?  Mrs. Jeepers was a vampire/ dragon outside   p. 32
  4. What did the kids think the “whomp, whomp, whoosh” was from?  The dragon    p. 37

Chapter 7

  1. What did Mrs. Jeepers do when she slept?  Snored   p. 41
  2. What did the snow look like it had been cleaned away with in the morning?  A broom   p. 43

Chapter 8

  1. What did the playground look like in the morning?  A winter wonderful   p. 45
  2. When did the principal let the children go outside and play on the snow-covered playground?  After breakfast   p. 47
  3. What did Liza find on the ground that looked like grey paper?  A dragon scale   p. 51
  4. What do you think the big flash of light that came from behind Dr. Victor’s house was?  The dragon   p. 51

Chapter 9

  1. How did Eddie explain the flash of light?  It was lightning   p. 52
  2. When were the Bailey school kids going to get to go home?  At the end of the school day   p. 54
  3. What does Liza think made the tracks in the snow?  The dragon   p. 56

Chapter 10

  1. What did Liza and her friends see in Dr. Victor’s backyard?   No snow, mud, burned branches, giant tracks   p. 62
  2. When the kids saw Dr. Victor’s backyard, why didn’t they feel like they could call the police or the exterminator?  The police wouldn’t make it with the bad roads/ exterminators are defenseless   p. 63
  3. Why did Liza think the dragon was mad? It woke up and found snow, not his treasure   p. 65

Chapter 11

  1. How did Liza and her friends gather treasure to put in the treasure box?  Asked the other students   p. 67
  2. What did they use as a treasure box?  Liza’s pencil box   p. 67
  3. Why did Liza draw a picture to put into the treasure box?  Friends are the most important treasure   p. 70

Chapter 12

  1. Where did Eddie put the treasure box?  In Dr. Victor’s backyard by the willow tree   p. 72
  2. Where did the kids find the treasure box in the morning?  On the curb   p. 74
  3. Why do the kids think the dragon accepted the treasure?  the box was empty and Melody heard something like a really big cat purring  p. 74