Comprehension Questions- Goddess Girls #1 Athena the Brain

Goddess Girls #1 Athena the Brain

by: Joan Holub & Suzanne Williams

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL T; AR pts: 3.0

Athena has always been above average.  She's never quite fit in at Triton Junior Hight, but who would've guessed that Athena is actually a goddess?  Principal Zeus's daughter, to be exact.  When she's summoned to Mount Aolympus Academy, Athena thinks she might actually fit in for the first time in her life.  But in some ways, school on Mount Olympus is not that different from down on Earth, and Athena is going to have to deal with the baddest mean girl in history - Medusa!

Comprehension Questions

Chapter  1

  1. Who brought the scroll?  The Wind (p. 1)
  2. Who was Athena’s father?   Zeus (p. 2)
  3. How old is Athena?   12 (p. 3)
  4. Who is Athena’s best friend?  Pallas (p. 6)
  5. Who brings Athena to Mount Olympus Academy?   Hermes (p. 19)

Chapter 2.

  1. How many heads does the office lady have?  9 (p. 25)
  2. What is one of Athena’s classes?  Hero-ology, Spell-ology, Revenge-ology, Beast-ology, Beauty-ology (p. 27)
  3. What color was the Goddess Girl Guide?  Pale Pink with a sparkly silver ribbon (p. 28)
  4. Who is the first Godess Girl to talk to Athena?  Pandora (p. 32)
  5. What room number is Athena first class in?  208 (p. 38)

Chapter 3

  1. Who is the teacher of Hero-ology?  Mr. Cyclops (p. 40)
  2. How tall are the figures given to the class?  3 inches (p. 40)
  3. Who is Athena’s hero?  Odysseus (p. 43)
  4. What does Medusa call Aphrodite?  Bubbles (p. 44)
  5. What did Athena do when she was called to the office?  Blushed in embarrassment (p. 45)

Chapter 4

  1. What color is Zeus’s hair?  Red (p. 48)
  2. What is Zeus doing when Athena enters his office?  Chiseling a block of stone (p. 48)
  3. What who was Athena’s mom?  A fly (p. 54)
  4. What is the nickname Zeus calls Athena?  Theeny (p. 55)
  5. What sound does Poseidon make when he walks?  Squish Squish sounds (p. 60)

Chapter 5

  1. What did Athena order for lunch?  Big Celestial Salad (p. 64)
  2. Who did Athena sit by at lunch?  Medusa and her sisters (p. 64)
  3. What activity poster was Athena interested in?  Invention Fair (p. 69)
  4. What did Aphrodite invite Athena to join?  Goddess Girls Squad (p. 71)
  5. Who is the girl with 3 dogs?  Artemis (p. 72)

Chapter 6

  1. Who was Athena’s roommate?  Pandora (p. 75)
  2. What is one of Athena’s inventions? Rake, ship, olive (p. 78-79)
  3. What does Athena thinking about her inventions cause?  Brainstorm (p. 82)
  4. Who gets angry about the Brainstorm? Zeus (p. 85)
  5. What was in the box Pandora opened in 5th grade?  Disasters (p. 88)

Chapter 7

  1. What class was Athena late for?  Hero-ology (p. 91)
  2. Who did Aphrodite make her hero Paris fall in love with?  Helen (p. 92)
  3. Who did Athena almost drown?  Her hero, Odysseus (p. 95)
  4. What present did Athena give to the city of Troy?  Wooden horse, Woody  (p.  102)
  5. Who did Athena ask to trust her?  Medusa  (p. 103)

Chapter 8

  1. What was Pandora trying out for?  Flag Marching Team (p. 105)
  2. How many times did it take for Athena to get Shape-Shifting right?  3 (p. 111)
  3. Who is Medusa crushing on?  Poseidon (p. 113)
  4. Who was fighting in the Hero-ology class? Trojans and Greeks (p. 114)
  5. Who does Athena apologize to?  Aphrodite (p. 116)

Chapter 9

  1. What invention was Athena missing?  Snarkypoo (p. 119)
  2.  Who was the white statue?  Pandora (p. 124)
  3. Who else does Medusa turn to stone?  One of Artemis’s dogs (p. 129)
  4. Who turns Pandora back to flesh?  Athena (p. 136)
  5. When are the girls planning on turn Medusa back to flesh? After the Invention fair, tomorrow (p. 137)

Chapter 10

  1. What was the lame invention Athena first sees? Sackrofice (p. 139)
  2. What had happened to Persphone?  Aphrodite had used her Lucky-in-Love Lip Balm on her (p. 140)
  3. What did Poseidon invent?  Water park, Poseidon Water Waves (p. 142)
  4. What was the prize Athena choose?  Having Pallas come visit (p. 152)
  5. How as Athena feeling about MOA?  Happy to be there, it wasn’t that different from home (p. 159-160)