Comprehension Questions – #4 Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying

Junie B. Jones and Some Sneaky Peeky Spying

By Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre – Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Junie B. Jones takes up “sneaky peeky spying” and lands herself in trouble. Hiding in a hamper, she frightens her grandfather and makes him drop his dentures. Barred from further espionage by her mother, Junie continues her secret activities sub rosa, and this time she apparently catches one of her teacher snaffling grapes in the grocery store.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Junie B.’s teacher Mrs.  Brown hair; long skirts of wool; smile a lot p.2
  2. What does the word “spying” mean? When you are very quietly watching someone through a hole or crack p.2
  3. Tell me about Junie B. spying on her Grandpa? What happened? She hid in his laundry hamper and when he came into the bathroom, she lifted up the lid and peeked his eyes at him He took out his dentures and she popped out of the hamper and yelled at him.  He screamed and ran out of the bathroom p.3

Chapter 2

  1. How does Junie B. behave when she wants to answer a question from her teacher? She shouts it out and doesn’t raise her hand p.14
  2. How did Junie B.’s teacher get her to sit down? She had to hold her hand and walk her to her table p.18

Chapter 3

  1. Why does Junie B. think Mrs. is a “secret mystery guy”? because she wouldn’t answer any of Junie B.’s questions p.19
  2. Would you call Junie B. a good friend? ask for a couple of examples of why your child thinks she is or isn’t a good friend p.20
  3. What type of figurative language is “curiosity killed the cat”? an idiom p.21   What does it mean? It’s a warning of the dangers of unnecessary investigation

Chapter 4

  1. Tell me three of the rules Junie B. has at the grocery store? No yelling the words “I want ice cream!”; not calling her mom “a big meanie”; not opening food and eating it p.25
  2. When Junie B. was sitting down waiting for her stomach to feel better, who did she see come into the store? Her teacher, Mrs. p.33

Chapter 5

  1. What is the real name of the vegetable Junie B. called Sue Keeny? Zucchini p.36
  2. What did Junie B. see Mrs. and the man do that made her cover her eyes? They kissed p.37
  3. Why was Junie B. so upset when she saw Mrs. eat some grapes in the store? Because she hadn’t paid for them yet; that was stealing p.37

Chapter 6

  1. Tell me another idiom used at the beginning of this chapter? Cat got your tongue p.42  What do you think it means? It’s used to try and get someone to speak when they’ve been very quiet
  2. What did Lucille’s brother say would happen if you kept a secret? Pressure would build in your head and it would blow up p.44
  3. Who did Junie B. finally tell her secret to? The principal p.48

Chapter 7

  1. What was Junie B.’s emotion when she talked to Mrs. about what she saw? She was sad and crying p.53
  2. Why did Mrs. eat the grapes at the store? To see if they were sour. The ones she had purchased the week before were too sour and no one in her family would eat them p.55
  3. Was it ok then for Mrs. to test the grapes? No p.55

Chapter 8

  1. Why didn’t Junie B.’s mother want her spying on other people? It can cause trouble and hurt feelings p.59
  2. What did Junie B.’s class do for Grandparents Day? The kids told the grandparents what they do in class; then they had refreshments p.63
  3. What does “being polite” mean? To have manners; be kind; use words like please and thank you p.66