Comprehension Questions – #3 Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth

Junie B. Jones and Her Big Fat Mouth

By Barbara Park

Grades K-4; Genre – Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Junie B.'s having a rough week. First she got punishment for shooting off her mouth in kindergarten and now she's in big trouble again because Monday is "Job Day" and Junie B. told her class that she's got the "bestest" job of all, except she has no idea what it is.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What’s another word for career? A job p.3
  2. What does Junie B. mean when she says she’s going to flunk kindergarten? She won’t pass p.3
  3. How did Junie B. feel when she had to sit at the big table by herself? Sad; embarrassed p.6

Chapter 2

  1. What school rule is Junie B. struggling to follow so far in this book? Raising her hand p.13
  2. What does a policeman do for a living? Protect the community p.14
  3. Who is Dr. Smiley and what is her job? A children’s dentist; helping children have healthy teeth p.16
  4. What is flossing? When you pull a string in between your teeth to clean them p.17

Chapter 3

  1. Is being Mickey Mouse at Disneyland a real job? Yes p.22
  2. What does it mean to be “bashful”? shy; timid p.25
  3. Why was Junie B. feeling sick at the end of the chapter? Jim had humiliated her p.29

Chapter 4

  1. What’s a fib? A lie p.31
  2. Define what “tension” means? nervous p.35

Chapter 5

  1. What do you think Junie B. meant when she talked about her mother possibly “losing her grip”? feeling very stressed; getting angry  p.38
  2. How did Junie B. help her mom? She found the pacifier; washed it with soap and water p.42
  3. What do you think Junie B. is going to be for Job Day? Listen to your child’s ideas p.44

Chapter 6

  1. What did some of the kids on the bus dressed up as for Job Day? Minnie Mouse; superhero; karate guy; artist; policeman p.47

Chapter 7

  1. What was Ricardo dressed up as? A construction worker p.54
  2. Why is being a janitor an important and difficult job? He takes care of the students, teachers and the school; needs to be hard working, reliable and trustworthy p.60

Chapter 8

  1. Who was the last guest to visit Junie B.’s class for Job Day? The janitor of the school p.63
  2. What did she learn about the janitor? He’s from a different country; he’s been a janitor for 14 years; his name p.65
  3. How did Room Nine feel about the janitor after he came to visit? They clapped and clapped for him; they loved him; thought he was great p. 68