Comprehension Questions – #13 Junie B. Jones is (almost) a Flower Girl

Junie B. Jones is (almost) a Flower Girl

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Junie B. is a very grown-up little lady. So how come everyone treats her like a baby? It's not fair. But Junie B. knows just how to fix the situation. Her Aunt Flo is getting married. What a perfect chance for Junie B. to show everyone how grown-up she is! Too bad she wasn't picked to be the flower girl in the wedding so she could really show off. But surely Junie B. can still find some way to get everyone's attention.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why did Junie b. chase down Ricardo and tackle him? Because he was chasing the new girl named Thelma and she only wanted him to chase her since they were boyfriend and girlfriend p.1
  2. Why did Ricardo break up with Junie B.? he wanted to chase Thelma p.4
  3. Explain how Mrs. had compassion on Junie B. When the bell rang for recess to end, she came out to Junie B. and asked what was wrong, gave her a tissue, helped her stand up, then walked into the school with her p.4

Chapter 2

  1. What did Junie B.’s mom do with the cookie she didn’t eat at snack time? Her mom ate it p.7
  2. What did Junie B.’s mom tell her about having a boyfriend? That she’s way to young p.8
  3. How did Junie B. try to prove she wasn’t a baby? She held up baby Ollie’s hand and foot and compared them to her own p.10

Chapter 3

  1. Why didn’t Junie B. want the bath toys and washcloth puppet? She was trying to show her mom they’re for babies and she’s grown up p.14
  2. What’s the good news Junie B.’s mom told her? Her Aunt Flo is getting married, so that means Junie B. is going to her first wedding p.17

Chapter 4

  1. How do you get to be a flower girl at a wedding? The person getting married will ask you p.20
  2. What’s a flower girl? A girl who dresses up and is the first person to walk down the aisle at a wedding; She carries a basket full of flowers and throws petals on the floor p.21
  3. What were Grace and Lucille going to teach Junie B.? how to be a flower girl p.23

Chapter 5

  1. Why didn’t Grandpa Miller want to call Aunt Flo? He didn’t know if she’d already chosen a flower girl p.25
  2. What did Junie B. sneak after her grandpa told her to wait for her mother to call Aunt Flo? She snuck the address book and went into her mother’s room and called Aunt Flo p.27
  3. What bad news did Aunt Flo give Junie B.? Aunt Flo already had a flower girl and it’s her fiance’s younger sister, Bo p.32

Chapter 6

  1. Why was Junie B.’s mother so upset that she called her Aunt Flo? Because Junie B. disobeyed her grandfather p.34
  2. What’s an alternate? It’s like a substitute, so if Bo gets sick Junie B. could be the flower girl p.36
  3. What’s Aunt Flo’s good news? That Junie B. would sit with the other bridesmaids at the reception and be an alternate flower girl p.36

Chapter 7

  1. How did Junie B.’s mom respond to her wish that Bo would get sick? Her mom said that they do not wish for people to get sick and to wish a nicer wish on top of the other wish p.42
  2. What did Junie B. wish for instead? That Bo would get lice p.43
  3. What did Philip Johnny Bob suggest could happen to Bo? That her dad would be driving with her to the wedding and they’d get stuck at a railroad crossing with a really long train or that the car would get stuck in Krazy Glue p.45

Chapter 8

  1. Instead of hoping Bo was sick, how should Junie B. feel for Bo? Happy that she has this opportunity p.50
  2. What was Junie B.’s great idea when she saw Bo throwing flower petals on the ground? She thought it would be ok to get a few petals out of the basket and throw them p.52
  3. What does the word tussle mean? Fighting over something p.53

Chapter 9

  1. What did Bo give Junie B.? two petals p.57
  2. What’s Junie B.’s interpretation of “loose feet”? have no shoes or socks on p.64
  3. Who did Junie B. become friends with at the wedding reception? Bo p.65