Comprehension Questions – #14 Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime

Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Hurray! February 14 — Valentime's Day, as Junie B. calls it — is just around the corner. Junie B. can't wait to see all the valentines she'll get. But she never expected a big, mushy card from a secret admirer! Who is this secret mystery guy, anyway? Junie B. is determined to find out!

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What kind of party is Junie B.’s class going to have? A Valentine’s Day party p.2
  2. What will the students do for Valentine’s Day? Make a valentine box and write cards with well wishes to each other p.3
  3. What’s on the menu for the Valentine’s Day party? Cupcakes, punch and candy hearts p.4

Chapter 2

  1. What did Junie B. and Grace see Mrs. carrying into the school? The box they would decorate for Valentine’s Day p.8
  2. Why did Grace and Junie B. get mad at one another? Junie B. wants to say valentime instead of valentine p.9
  3. Why did Mrs. take away Junie B.’s and Jim’s scissors? Because they were fighting over who could cut their hearts the fastest p.13

Chapter 3

  1. Who didn’t Junie B. want to bring valentine’s for? The kids she didn’t like in her class p.18
  2. What did the valentine say that Junie B. wanted to give to Grace? “Valentine! You and I make a perfect pair!” p.21
  3. Which valentine does Junie B. want to give to Jim? One that had a picture of a skunk p.22

Chapter 4

  1. What did Mrs. give Junie B. for a prize for bringing in her valentine cards first? Some broken chalk and a rubber band p.27
  2. Why did Lucille think she would get more valentines then her friends? She said the boys love her more since she’s the cutest and richest girl in their class p.29
  3. Who won the battle of who would get the most valentine cards and why? Grace because she has a snake and boys like snakes p.33

Chapter 5

  1. How many valentines did Grace and Lucille each have? 17 p.38
  2. How many valentines did Junie B. get and how did she react? 16; she was mad and asked the other to see who didn’t give her a card p.40
  3. What did Mrs. tell Junie B. to help her feel better about the missing card? That she didn’t get a card because it was a mistake p.42

Chapter 6

  1. What was Junie B.’s plan to find out who hadn’t given her a valentine and how did it work out? Look at the names of the cards and cancel out who hadn’t given her one; no, because 7 of them weren’t signed p.43
  2. What did Mrs. find in the bottom of the valentine box? Junie B.’s missing card p.46
  3. Who gave Junie B. the card? A secret admirer p.49

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Lucille get upset with Junie B. and scoot her chair to the end of the table? Junie B. has a secret admirer and she doesn’t p.51
  2. What same action did Junie B. do to some boys in her class as she tried to find out who her secret admirer was? Winked, or tried to wink and said “wink, wink” p.52

Chapter 8

  1. Who gave Junie B. the beautiful card? Meanie Jim p.59
  2. Why didn’t he want Junie B. to take the card outside? It will get dirty and it cost him a month’s worth of allowance to buy it p.59
  3. Why does Meanie Jim act like he doesn’t like Junie B.? so no body will know he likes her p.62
  4. Why didn’t Jim want to tell Mrs. they were friends? That would ruin the fun of room nine p.65