Comprehension Questions – Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery

Cam Jansen and the Snowy Day Mystery

by David A. Adler

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

It's a very snowy day outside and Cam and Eric's class head to the computer lab. Cam, Eric and Danny can't do any work because three computers are missing! There are only two clues: footprints in the snow outside, and a locked window. This mystery seems impossible to solve, but with Cam Jansen on the case, the thieves don't stand a chance!

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why are so many parents taking their kids to school? It’s snowing p.1
  2. Why did the bus driver, Mrs. Lane, turn off the engine to the bus before they got to school? There’s a long line of cars, that aren’t moving, leading to the school p.3
  3. Why do people call Jennifer, Cam? It’s her nickname for her photographic memory p.5

Chapter 2

  1. How did Beth feel about Danny’s jokes? She didn’t like them p.10
  2. What was missing in the computer lab? 3 computers p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Why didn’t the thief take the new printer when he stole the computers? He couldn’t fit it through the window p.14
  2. Why did Beth write the clues on the chalkboard? To help them remember then and to help solve the mystery p.17
  3. Why was Eric so confident that Cam could solve this mystery? Because she’s solved other mysteries p.19

Chapter 4

  1. Why is Danny in the school office more than the secretary? Because he gets in trouble a lot p.23
  2. How does Danny think the thief stole the computers? Used a big magnet to unlock the window from the outside, climbed in, then took the windows out through the window p.24
  3. What’s Cam’s theory? That there are two thieves, one handing the computers to another outside p.25

Chapter 5

  1. How did Mrs. Bell feel about her computers being stolen? Upset; she didn’t care that kids were being loud p.30
  2. What two doors did Cam and Eric check to see if they could find where the thief entered the school? The gym doors and back door p.32
  3. Who’s also asking questions and trying to figure out the mystery? The two policemen p.33

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Eric want to go inside so badly? It was cold outside p.37
  2. Why was it easy for the thieves to get away? There were so many people at the school that morning p.37
  3. How did Mrs. Adams show kindness to Cam and Eric when they came back into the school? Let them warm up by her heater and gave them pretzels p.38

Chapter 7

  1. Who does Cam think stole the computers? A person in a blue car p.46
  2. How does she know? A blue car left from the back of the school during the morning drop off p.48

Chapter 8

  1. What did Beth say Danny was guilty of when the police came towards them? bad jokes p.54
  2. What’s the good news the police officers gave the kids? They found the car and computers were still in the trunk p.54
  3. What did Dr. Prell give to the class as a reward for finding the computers? Ice cream cups p.56