Comprehension Questions – The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

by Barbara Robinson

Grades 4-6; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 2.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does the author describe the Herdmans? the worst kids in the history of the world p.2
  2. How did the Herdmans burn down the toolshed? Leroy Herdman stole a chemistry set and they were trying it out p.3
  3. Why did Imogene write down everyone’s weight? So she could blackmail them p.14
  4. Why is Gladys the meanest Herdman? Each Herdman child taught the one younger than them everything they knew and Gladys was the youngest p.19

Chapter 2

  1. How does the author’s family feel about the Christmas Pageant? They don’t like it; it’s the same every year p.20
  2. Why did the author’s mother get put in charge of the Christmas Pageant? The woman who usually did it, Mrs. Armstrong, broke her leg p.23
  3. What did Charlie say that made the Herdmans want to attend Sunday School? That he can get all the dessert he wants there p.29
  4. How did Imogene act when told the pageant was about Jesus Christ? Uninterested p.33

Chapter 3

  1. Who volunteered to act in all the important roles of the pageant? All the Herdman kids p.41
  2. How was everyone feeling about the Herdmans taking over the pageant? They didn’t like it p.47
  3. Who motivated Mother to make this the best Christmas Pageant ever? Mrs. Armstrong p.51
  4. What did the minister say to those who complained to him? That Jesus said “suffer the little children to come unto me” and Jesus meant all the little children including the Herdmans p.51

Chapter 4

  1. Why hadn’t the Herdmans heard of the Christmas story before? They hadn’t ever been to church and their parents hadn’t taught them p.55
  2. How did the Herdmans react when Mother was telling them the story? They were interested and shocked p.57
  3. How did the kids feel about King Herod? They were really interested in him p.66

Chapter 5

  1. How did the Herdmans learn about King Herod? They went to the library p.71
  2. Name two things the Herdmans have done that have made Alice upset? Drank the communion wine, stole crayons from the Sunday School cupboards, stole pennies out of the Happy Birthday bank, and smoked cigars in the bathroom p.74
  3. Why was it difficult to get a baby for the pageant? No one wanted Imogene, who was playing Mary, to touch their babies p.79

Chapter 6

  1. Who pierced Imogene’s ears? Gladys p.85
  2. Why was the fire department called? Someone saw smoke in the bathroom when Imogene was smoking p.89
  3. Why was Reverend Hopkins worried no one would come see the pageant? Because of the Herdmans were in it and they always caused trouble p.93

Chapter 7

  1. What did the Herdmans bring for their gift to the baby Jesus? Their ham p.100
  2. Why did Imogene cry during the song Silent Night? She felt the spirit of birth of the Savior p.104
  3. What made this pageant the best one? The Herdmans p.104
  4. Why didn’t the Herdmans take back the ham? It was their true sacrifice to the baby Jesus p.106