Category Archives: Katherine Paterson

Comprehension Questions – Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Terabithia

By Katherine Paterson

Grades 4-8; Genre – Fiction; GRL T; AR pts: 5.0

There's only one thing Jess Aarons is looking forward to in fifth grade, and that's being the fastest kid in school. He's been practicing all summer. He hasn't had much else to do, since his mom spends all her time with his four sisters and his dad is always working. But when Jess arrives at the school playground to show off his speed, his new neighbor, Leslie Burke, beats him to it. She's way faster than Jess. But instead of being jealous, Jess admires Leslie's skill, confidence, and wild imagination. The two become instant friends, spending hours in the woods by their houses creating a magical kingdom. Then tragedy strikes, and Jess is left alone. How can he ever go on?


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the main character. His name is Jesse, loves to draw, love to run and wants to win at school, straw colored hair, long legs, 10 years old, in 5th grade determined p.4
  2. Find an example of figurative language and what type it is on page 5.  like a country music star – simile;  Pop her buttons - simile; something to chew their cuds on - idiom 
  3. Describe the main character’s family situation. He had three sisters, two younger with May Belle who adored him, and two older sisters; they all seemed to whine and complain about him to their mother; his mother didn’t have much patience for him and doted on his sisters; Jesse’s dad drove a truck and was tired all of the time p.6
  4. On page 7, what does “Miss Bessie’s bag is probably dragging ground by now” mean? Her udder is so full of milk it’s dragging on the ground p.7

Chapter 2

  1. Who did Jess love and adore? Miss Edmunds the music teacher Why? She had a soft voice, played the guitar well, was gorgeous and kind to him about his art p.14
  2. What word would you use to describe how Jess felt when his father paid attention to the little girls? Jealous; sad p.19
  3. Who did Jess meet in this chapter? His neighbor, Leslie Burke p.22

Chapter 3

  1. Why was everyone shocked to see the new student Leslie Burke, when she came into class? She was dressed in faded blue jeans and a t-shirt, wearing shoes without socks when the rest of the students were wearing their Sunday best p.24
  2. Where did the students each their lunch? In their classrooms p.29
  3. Why didn’t Jess want to look at Leslie during the races? Maybe she would go away; he didn’t want her there p.32
  4. Who had run the race and how did Jesse react? Leslie; Jess still wanted nothing to do with her p.35

Chapter 4

  1. Explain the change that happened to Jess during music time. He wanted to become Leslie’s friend p.40
  2. How did students respond to Leslie stating she didn’t have a television? Shocked; made fun of her p.44
  3. How did Leslie get May Belle to go home when she and Jess wanted to run in the woods? Gave her paper dolls p.48
  4. What is Terabithia? A pretend country where Leslie and Jess would build their fortress p.51
  5. How did Jess feel about Leslie? She was more than a friend; she was his other, more exciting self p.59

Chapter 5

  1. Why was May Belle so upset with Janice Avery? Janice stole her twinkies p.62
  2. How did Leslie and Jess get back at Janice for stealing the twinkies? Writing a love note from a boy everyone has a crush on; humiliating her p.65
  3. How did Leslie distract the teacher Mrs. Pierce from going into the classroom where Jess was hiding the note for Janice? To go look at a nest and identify what built it p.68
  4. Why were May Belle’s eyes shining at the end of this chapter? She was so happy and excited Jess and Leslie got Janice back for stealing her twinkies p.71

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Jess want to give Leslie a Christmas present? She was a good friend; he cared for her p.73
  2. Who is Prince Terrien? The puppy Jess gave Leslie for Christmas p.77
  3. Describe two examples of how Jess’s family reacted on Christmas morning? Jealousy for not getting hose, frustration cars wouldn’t work on racetrack, crying since doll stopped talking, showing off and rubbing in present, patience with May Belle p.80
  4. What did Leslie do to help it feel like Christmas again? She came and visited with Jess while he milked the cow that morning p.82

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Jess have a hard time liking Leslie’s dad? He was jealous of him taking all of Leslie’s time p.86
  2. How was Jess helpful to Leslie and her dad? He knew how to do things around the house p.87
  3. Why was Janice Avery crying in the bathroom? She’s embarrassed because she told her friends about her father beating her and they told the entire seventh grade p.95
  4. Why was it so important to Jess that May Belle keep Terabithia a secret? It’s a special place that he and Leslie go, and he doesn’t want that to get ruined p.98

Chapter 8

  1. was Leslie interested in going to church on Easter? She’d never been to church before and she’d like to experience it p.103
  2. How did Leslie feel about the church service? She thought it was beautiful p.107
  3. What did May Belle, Jess debate about after church? That Leslie needed to believe in the Bible or she’d be damned to hell p.109

Chapter 9

  1. What was the result of Jess and Leslie’s adventures to Terabithia as rain was pouring? Wet; had to cross the creek bed as it rose higher and higher; water beginning to leak into their fortress p.115
  2. Why did Jess want to go to Terabithia when it was raining? It scared him p.119

Chapter 10

  1. When thinking about crossing the creek come summertime, what solution did Jess come up with to help him get over his fear? Leslie could teach him to swim p.122
  2. Why had Miss Edmunds invited Jess to go to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.? so he could go to an art gallery p.126
  3. How was the display of the Indians and buffalo like Jess’s drawings? He had animals falling off cliffs p.128
  4. Why was Jess’s family so worried about him when he came home from Washington D.C.? Leslie had died and they thought he was with her and died too p.130

Chapter 11

  1. What word could describe Jess as he learned how Leslie had died? Sad, in denial, shocked p.131
  2. Why was Jess eating pancakes like nothing had happened? He thought it was all a bad dream and didn’t really happen p.137
  3. Why was it important for Jess and his parents to go see the neighbors about Leslie’s death? To show them they care and were sorry for their daughter’s death p.139

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Jess feel important when he realized his best friend was dead? People would treat him with respect and be nice to him p.143
  2. When Jess found out Leslie was being cremated, why was he so angry? He wouldn’t be able to see her again, even dead p.145
  3. Why did Jess throw his painting supplies and paper into the creek? He was angry at Leslie for leaving him p.147

Chapter 13

  1. What important thing did Jess do in the stronghold? Make a funeral wreath for Leslie p.152
  2. Where had Jess gotten the words he said aloud in the sacred grove? The Bible; Jesus Christ said them as he died on the cross p.153
  3. Why did May Belle try to cross the creek? She didn’t want Jess to be lonesome p.156
  4. What did Jess learn from his conversation with Ms. Myers? That he would never forget Leslie p.160
  5. How did Jess turn Terabithia over to May Belle? Put flowers in her hair and helped her see the magic of Terabithia and making her queen p.163