Tag Archives: Drought

Comprehension Questions – Sarah, Plain and Tall Series #2 Skylark


by Patricia MacLachlan

This book mentions skinny dipping.

Grades 2-6; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts. 1.0

Maine was beautiful, but Anna missed home, and Papa. And as the weeks went by, she began to wonder what would happen if the rains never came. Would she and Caleb and Sarah and Papa ever be a family again?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe what is happening at the beginning of this book. Papa, Sarah, Anna and Caleb are getting a family picture taken; the land is in a drought; Caleb is worried Sarah’s going to leave; Papa said no matter how bad it gets they won’t ever leave p.3

Chapter 2

  1. Explain in your own words what Sarah meant on page 13. Some people can express more when they write than when they speak
  2. Do you write in a journal? What do you like to write about? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 3

  1. What is Sarah thinking when she sadly and thoughtfully said, “I am surrounded by motherhood”? She wants to have a baby p.16

Chapter 4

  1. Why didn’t Sarah want to read her aunt’s letter out loud? It talks of rain and green grass; Anna’s family is still in a drought and she didn’t want to make Papa feel stressed p.25

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Maggie get upset with Sarah in the store? Sarah doesn’t understand how hard it is to pack up and leave due to the drought p.31

Chapter 6

  1. What did Caleb see in the field and were they able to take care of it? A fire; yes they put it out p.35

Chapter 7

  1. What do you think Sarah day dreamed about if it’s not Maine? Having a baby p.41
  2. How does Sarah really feel about living there? She hates it p.44

Chapter 8

  1. Describe Sarah’s birthday party. The neighbors all came; there was music and dancing; lemonade and food; Anna gave Sarah a book she had written p.51

Chapter 9

  1. Why was it decided Sarah would take the children to Maine? Another fire burned down the barn and they have to travel further for water; it was getting too dangerous p.60

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize this chapter. It tells of the journey to Maine and how Sarah’s aunts showered them with love when they arrived p.62

Chapter 11

  1. Predict what you think will happen. Is Maine going to be their new home? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 12

  1. Which two birds was Sarah compared to in this chapter? Why? Skylark for singing and prairie lark that hasn’t come to earth p.80

Chapter 13

  1. Why do you think Anna wasn’t able to answer Caleb when he asked if they would see Papa again? She didn’t know if or when they would p.88

Chapter 14

  1. What good news did Papa and Sarah share in this chapter? Sarah was having a baby in the spring p.93

Chapter 15

  1. What was significant about Sarah writing her name in the dirt? It meant she was ready to come to earth and call the prairie her home p.96