Category Archives: Natalie Savage Carlson

Comprehension Questions – The Family Under the Bridge

by Natalie Savage Carlson

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 3.0

Armand, an old man living on the streets of Paris, relishes his solitary life in the beautiful city. Then one day just before Christmas, Armand returns to his favorite spot beneath the bridge to find three cold and hungry children. Although he has no interest in children, Armand soon finds himself caring for the small family. It does not take Armand very long to realize that he must do whatever it takes to get them a real home. 


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What is the setting of this book? Paris, France in December p.1
  2. Describe the main character.  An older man named Armand who chooses to live on the street and desires no riches p.1
  3. What does Armand compare the children to? Starlings p.4

Chapter 2

  1. Why is Armand worried that the children will steal his heart? He doesn’t want to have feelings of love for them p.15
  2. Why was the children’s mother upset when she saw Armand sharing space with her children? She was surprised to see him living in the same space as her children p.13
  3. Why was Armand set on taking the children to see Father Christmas? Their mother wouldn’t approve of it p.18

Chapter 3

  1. Why was Armand describing the food the children saw with disgusting attributes? He didn’t want them to desire it p.24
  2. How did Father Christmas respond when the children told him they wanted a house to live in for Christmas? He was shocked and said his donkey couldn’t carry it p.27
  3. Why didn’t the children and Armand belong in that store? It was a fancy store and only with people with money could buy something in it p.28

Chapter 4

  1. Find a simile on page 31. They sang like three little birds on a branch in the springtime.
  2. How did Armand purchase food for the children to eat? He told them to sing then asked for alms and people gave him money p.31
  3. On page 33, the author states that the man at the pancake stand waited until Armand showed him his money before he poured the batter, why? To make sure Armand could pay for the pancakes
  4. How did the children’s mom react when she found out the children sang for money? She was very upset and told the children they couldn’t see Armand anymore p.37

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Armand take the children away from the bridge? Two women saw the children and were going to take them away and put their mama in jail p.43
  2. Where did Armand take the children? To his gypsy friend, Mireli p.49
  3. What persuaded the children to ask Father Christmas for a house on wheels? The children saw their new friend’s home and realized Father Christmas could pull it with his donkey p.51

Chapter 6

  1. Describe the children’s mama’s reaction to staying in the gypsy camp. She didn’t like it at first since she doesn’t like gypsies, but then learned to appreciate it p.57
  2. What did Tinka teach Suzy? Symbols that gypsies read and use p.59
  3. Why did Suzy want Armand to go see Father Christmas? To tell Father Christmas where they live now and what they want for Christmas p.62

Chapter 7

  1. How did the Calcets spend Christmas Eve? At a holiday party on the quay by their bridge and going to midnight mass p.65
  2. Why did Armand lie to the children about their home? Because he didn’t want to see them disappointed p.68
  3. How can you tell that Armand hasn’t prayed for a long time? He’d forgotten how p.70

Chapter 8

  1. Why did the gypsies pack up their camp and prepare to leave? A police officer was looking for Nikki, one of the gypsies p.77
  2. Why was the police officer looking for Nikki? He was bringing Nikki’s lost wallet to him p.83
  3. How did Paul inspire Armand? Paul tried to get a job to help the family but couldn’t, and Armand realized he should be the one getting the job p. 84

Chapter 9

  1. Describe the ending.  Do you agree or disagree with it? Why? Listen to your child’s answers
  2. How did Armand change during the book? He went from not wanting to work or be responsible for anything to wanting to work so he could be responsible for his new family p.97