Tag Archives: Funny

Comprehension Questions – #20 Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder

Junie B., First Grader: Toothless Wonder

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

One of Junie B. Jones's top front teeth is loose! Only Junie B. is not that thrilled about this development. Because what if she looks like toothless Uncle Lou? And even worse...what's all this tooth fairy business? Like, who is this woman, really? And what does she do with all those used teeth? So many questions, so little time.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why doesn’t Junie B. want to write in her journal? She has a loose tooth and it’s driving her crazy p.2
  2. Why does Mr. Scary think losing a top tooth is better than losing a bottom tooth? Having a missing top tooth makes a cute smile and when your tooth grows in you’ll look like a big kid p.6
  3. What did Mr. Scary give Junie B. for being the first one in the class to lose a top tooth? He drew a star on shiny silver paper, cut it out and pinned it on her shirt p.10

Chapter 2

  1. What did Junie B.’s classmates want to see at recess? Her loose tooth p.14
  2. Why was Junie B. upset on the bus ride home from school? Sheldon told her about his uncle who lost all his teeth but one from not brushing or flossing, and that really bothered her p.16
  3. How did Junie B. react when Herb mentioned the tooth fairy? She got chills and butterflies in her stomach p.18

Chapter 3

  1. What did Junie B. do to try to calm Ollie? Hold him, pat his back, hum softly in his ear and put him the closet p.22
  2. What’s Junie B. going to do so she doesn’t lose her tooth? Stop wiggling it p.23
  3. What happened after Grandpa Miller wiggled Junie B.’s tooth? She snapped her mouth closed on his finger and It fell out p.25

Chapter 4

  1. What color was the water Junie B. spit out when her grandpa told her to rinse and spit and why? Pink; because there was a little bit of blood in her spit p.28
  2. How did Junie B. feel about herself when Grandpa Miller lifted her up to the mirror the first time? She hated herself p.30
  3. How did Junie B. feel when she looked in the mirror again? She thought she looked fascinating and looked in the mirror until her mother came home p.33

Chapter 5

  1. What did Junie B. want to take for show and tell at school? Her tooth; the spit cup p.35
  2. Who did Junie B. think the Tooth Fairy was? Teensy little tooth witch p.41
  3. What did Junie B.’s mom do after Junie B. told her about the tooth witch? She ran out of the bathroom p.43

Chapter 6

  1. Why does Junie B. think the tooth witch makes more sense than the tooth fairy? The tooth witch chomps the teeth, but the tooth fairy doesn’t do anything with them p.45
  2. What did her mom suggest that was disgusting? The tooth fairy makes jewelry with the teeth p.48
  3. Why didn’t Junie B. put her tooth under her pillow? The tooth fairy didn’t make sense to her p.49

Chapter 7

  1. What did Herb say when Junie B. showed him her mouth and smile? Wow p.51
  2. Why didn’t Junie B. want to answer Herb when he asked her how much money she got from the tooth fairy? She hasn’t put her tooth under her pillow and she doesn’t want to p.53
  3. What did Junie B. ask that stumped Herb? What does the tooth fairy do with all the teeth? p.56

Chapter 8

  1. How did Room One treat Junie B. when they saw her new smile? They clapped, cheered, gave her a high five; they were happy for her p.58
  2. What was May’s answer when Junie B. asked what the tooth fairy does with the teeth? Nothing; she got up to get a drink p.63
  3. What finally made sense to Junie B.? that the tooth fairy could collect all the teeth p.66

Chapter 9

  1. What did Junie B. get under her pillow that night? Cash p.72
  2. Why was Ollie so happy that morning? He finally got his first tooth p.75
  3. What does Junie B. think the tooth fairy did with her tooth? she recycled it and gave it to Ollie p.77

Comprehension Questions – #11 Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy

Junie B. Jones is a Beauty Shop Guy

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

What's the bestest job ever? A beauty shop guy, that's what! And Junie B. Jones is going to be one when she grows up. But first she needs a little practice. And a few volunteers. Like her bunny slippers and her dog. And maybe ever...herself? Is Junie B. on her way to a great new career? Or is she about to have the worst hair day ever?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What’s Junie B.’s new name? Pinkie Gladys Gutzman p.2
  2. How did Junie B. decide on that name? pinkie is her favorite color and Gladys Gutzman is the snack lady at school and she loves her p.3
  3. Where was Junie B. going with her dad? To the barber shop p.6

Chapter 2

  1. What’s one difference between a barber shop and a beauty shop? A barber shop only cuts men’s hair and a beauty shop does both men’s and women’s hair; a beauty shop also focuses on nails and skin p.9
  2. How did Junie B. get to be Maxine’s helper? She had a name tag p.12
  3. What did Junie B. do to help her? She held the towel and swept the floor p.14

Chapter 3

  1. How long does it take to work in a beauty shop? Years and years and years p.19
  2. Why was Junie B.’s mom suspicious of her when she wanted to take a nap? Junie B. hates naps p.21
  3. What did Junie B. want to do while she was “napping”? practice cutting hair p.22

Chapter 4

  1. What did Junie B. first practice cutting hair on? Her bunny slippers p.25
  2. What did the slippers look like when Junie B. was finished? Bald p.26
  3. How did Junie B. feel at this end of chapter and after having her first experience cutting hair? Deflated or discouraged; She realized it would take more practice than she thought p.28

Chapter 5

  1. What does Grace get to help with in her Aunt’s beauty shop? Shampooing client’s hair p.30
  2. Why did Junie B. feel like she wasn’t a good shampoo girl after trying to shampoo her teddy bear? The teddy bear didn’t look very good and was all soggy p.34
  3. Why did Junie B. feel confident in trimming her dog’s fur? It would grow back and it was all matted and tangled p.36

Chapter 6

  1. What did Junie B. do to hide Tickle’s hair cut? Put a sweater and hat on him p.38
  2. What was Junie B.’s punishment for cutting his hair? Her scissors were taken away and after dinner she had to bath and go right to bed p.41
  3. At the end of this chapter, Junie B. thinks she’s made progress. How? She thinks she’s getting better at cutting hair p.42

Chapter 7

  1. How did Junie B. get another pair of scissors? She kept an extra pair in her desk drawer p.44
  2. What made Junie B. frustrated while she cut her hair? No matter how much she trimmed it continued to be uneven p.45
  3. Why did Junie B. cry after she cut her hair? She had sprigs of hair sticking out all over p.46

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Junie B. decide to wear three hats to school? If someone on the playground pulled off one and two, she would still have one on underneath p.50
  2. What did Junie B. lie about to her grandpa? That it was crazy hat day and her teacher said she could wear as many hats she wanted p.53
  3. How did Mrs. respond when Junie B. told her “The Story of the Hats”? she had compassion and gave her some tissues p.58

Chapter 9

  1. What did Mrs. tell the class to help Junie B. out? That Junie B. had the sniffles, that she was giving her permission to wear her one hat and no one was to touch it p.59
  2. Where did Junie B.’s dad take her after school? To the beauty shop p.63
  3. What was the lesson Junie B. learned in this story? Not to practice cutting hair until she was older p.67

Comprehension Questions – #9 Junie B. Jones is Not a Crook

Junie B. Jones is Not a Crook

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

A terrible thing happened to Junie B. Jones! And it's called - someone took her new black furry mittens! And they kept them! They didn't even put them in the Lost and Found at school. So when Junie B. finds a wonderful pen, she should be allowed to keep it, too. Right? That's fair. Right? Right?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What did Grandpa Miller buy Junie B.? A pair of black furry mittens p.1
  2. What did Junie B. do at recess? Show her new mittens to everyone p.3
  3. How did Lucille react to Junie B.’s new mittens? She wasn’t impressed, she said her whole family owned fur clothing items p.6

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Mrs. suggest Junie B. put her mittens in her coat pocket? So Junie B. wouldn’t lose them p.8
  2. Who was Junie B. bothering during this chapter with her mittens? Lucille, Williams and Ricardo p.9
  3. Why did Mrs. take Junie B.’s mittens? Junie B. was out of her seat and bothering everyone p.12

Chapter 3

  1. When was Junie B. able to get her mittens back from her teacher? At recess p.15
  2. What was Grace’s idea when the girls were playing horses? Lucille and Junie B. trade horses so Junie B.’s horse can match her black mittens p.17
  3. What was missing when Mrs. blew the whistle at the end of recess? Junie B.’s mittens p.21

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Mrs. want to take Junie B. to the office? To see if her stolen mittens were in the lost and found p.24
  2. What does it mean when someone steals something? To take something that belongs to someone else without their permission p.28
  3. Was Junie B.’s mittens in the lost and found? No p.31

Chapter 5

  1. What did Junie B. find at the drinking fountain? A pen that writes four different colors p.35
  2. What did Junie B. decide to do with the pen? Keep it p.38

Chapter 6

  1. What did Junie B. want her grandpa to do for her? Buy her new mittens p.41
  2. Why couldn’t Grandpa Miller buy Junie B. more furry mittens? He got the last pair p.45
  3. Tell me what happened to Grandpa Miller’s wallet. He lost it at the mall, and someone returned it by putting it in his mailbox; nothing was taken out of it p.46

Chapter 7

  1. Why was Junie B. looking for a kid with tattoos? The crooks she’d seen on tv had tattoos, so if a kid had a tattoo, they would have been a crook p.53
  2. Who had Junie B.’s mittens? A girl with a fluffy pink coat p.55
  3. What should the girl have done when she found the mittens in the grass? Taken them to the lost and found p.60

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Junie B. want the lost and found box? To turn in the pen she found at the drinking fountain p.64
  2. How did Junie B. feel about taking the pen to the lost and found? Happy p.66

Comprehension Questions – #17 Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl

Junie B. Jones Is a Graduation Girl

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

All the children in Room Nine are excited when they get their bright white graduation gowns. Mrs. says to keep them in their boxes until the big day. But Junie B. Jones just can't help herself. Then — uh-oh! — an accident happens! Can Junie B. find a way to fix things? Or will graduation be a spotty dotty disaster?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What gifts did Junie B. get for her birthday? Toys and games; A tool belt; tools to fix the toilet p.3
  2. Why was Junie B. nervous about graduation day? She’s going to go to first grade and won’t know any of the kids in her class p.5
  3. What’s a diploma? A special piece of paper; a certificate that says you’ve completed part of your education p.7

Chapter 2

  1. What did the class create to put on their invitations for the graduation? A poem p.10
  2. Name the first three lines of the poem? “Rose are red, violets are blue, graduation is here…” p.12
  3. Why did Junie B. have to go to the office? She yelled out a fourth line for the poem that was funny, but inappropriate and the teacher had already gotten after another student for the same thing p.14

Chapter 3

  1. How did the principal respond when he saw Junie B. in the blue chair next to his office? He was surprised to see her there, since it had been awhile since he saw her last p.16
  2. Why did the principal laugh when Junie B. told him the poem? He was taken by surprise; he thought it was funny p.20
  3. What did the principal want Junie B. to think about? Being obedient to her teacher p.22

Chapter 4

  1. What did the janitor bring into the room? Boxes full of caps and gowns p.25
  2. What did Lucille think Mrs. said was in the boxes? Cats and gowns p.25
  3. What did the kids do after getting their caps and gowns? Put them on and skipped around the room p.27

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Grace raise her voice at Junie B. on the way home from school? Junie B. wanted to peek in her box and Grace knew she shouldn’t p.31
  2. Where did Junie B.’s mother put her graduation outfit and why? On the refrigerator; to keep Junie B. from putting it on p.35
  3. Who wanted to see Junie B.’s graduation outfit after her mother sent her to her room? Her stuffed animals p.37

Chapter 6

  1. Who gave Junie B. the box with her gown and cap? Her Grandpa Miller p.40
  2. What was Junie B. wearing when she poured grape juice for her and her friends? Her white graduation gown p.42

Chapter 7

  1. How did Junie B. clean up the driblets of grape juice on the shelf? With her white gown p.44
  2. What did Junie B. use to try to get the juice out of her gown? An eraser, a white crayon, her dad’s new whitening toothpaste p.46
  3. Why did Junie B. feel like a genius at the end of this chapter? She colored her gown with crayons to cover the stains p.50

Chapter 8

  1. How did Grace respond when she saw Junie B.’s gown? She gasped p.55
  2. Why did the kids stop laughing at Junie B.’s gown? She started crying p.59

Chapter 9

  1. What joke did Grandpa Miller tell Junie B. and her parents before she went on stage with her spotted gown? “…when she goes on the stage, she’ll be easy to spot” p.61
  2. What did the other kids do to their gowns that helped Junie B. feel better? Spots p.63
  3. How did Junie B. feel about the graduation ceremony? She loved it; she had the time of her life p.67

Comprehension Questions – #14 Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime

Junie B. Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentime

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Hurray! February 14 — Valentime's Day, as Junie B. calls it — is just around the corner. Junie B. can't wait to see all the valentines she'll get. But she never expected a big, mushy card from a secret admirer! Who is this secret mystery guy, anyway? Junie B. is determined to find out!

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What kind of party is Junie B.’s class going to have? A Valentine’s Day party p.2
  2. What will the students do for Valentine’s Day? Make a valentine box and write cards with well wishes to each other p.3
  3. What’s on the menu for the Valentine’s Day party? Cupcakes, punch and candy hearts p.4

Chapter 2

  1. What did Junie B. and Grace see Mrs. carrying into the school? The box they would decorate for Valentine’s Day p.8
  2. Why did Grace and Junie B. get mad at one another? Junie B. wants to say valentime instead of valentine p.9
  3. Why did Mrs. take away Junie B.’s and Jim’s scissors? Because they were fighting over who could cut their hearts the fastest p.13

Chapter 3

  1. Who didn’t Junie B. want to bring valentine’s for? The kids she didn’t like in her class p.18
  2. What did the valentine say that Junie B. wanted to give to Grace? “Valentine! You and I make a perfect pair!” p.21
  3. Which valentine does Junie B. want to give to Jim? One that had a picture of a skunk p.22

Chapter 4

  1. What did Mrs. give Junie B. for a prize for bringing in her valentine cards first? Some broken chalk and a rubber band p.27
  2. Why did Lucille think she would get more valentines then her friends? She said the boys love her more since she’s the cutest and richest girl in their class p.29
  3. Who won the battle of who would get the most valentine cards and why? Grace because she has a snake and boys like snakes p.33

Chapter 5

  1. How many valentines did Grace and Lucille each have? 17 p.38
  2. How many valentines did Junie B. get and how did she react? 16; she was mad and asked the other to see who didn’t give her a card p.40
  3. What did Mrs. tell Junie B. to help her feel better about the missing card? That she didn’t get a card because it was a mistake p.42

Chapter 6

  1. What was Junie B.’s plan to find out who hadn’t given her a valentine and how did it work out? Look at the names of the cards and cancel out who hadn’t given her one; no, because 7 of them weren’t signed p.43
  2. What did Mrs. find in the bottom of the valentine box? Junie B.’s missing card p.46
  3. Who gave Junie B. the card? A secret admirer p.49

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Lucille get upset with Junie B. and scoot her chair to the end of the table? Junie B. has a secret admirer and she doesn’t p.51
  2. What same action did Junie B. do to some boys in her class as she tried to find out who her secret admirer was? Winked, or tried to wink and said “wink, wink” p.52

Chapter 8

  1. Who gave Junie B. the beautiful card? Meanie Jim p.59
  2. Why didn’t he want Junie B. to take the card outside? It will get dirty and it cost him a month’s worth of allowance to buy it p.59
  3. Why does Meanie Jim act like he doesn’t like Junie B.? so no body will know he likes her p.62
  4. Why didn’t Jim want to tell Mrs. they were friends? That would ruin the fun of room nine p.65

Comprehension Questions – #13 Junie B. Jones is (almost) a Flower Girl

Junie B. Jones is (almost) a Flower Girl

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Junie B. is a very grown-up little lady. So how come everyone treats her like a baby? It's not fair. But Junie B. knows just how to fix the situation. Her Aunt Flo is getting married. What a perfect chance for Junie B. to show everyone how grown-up she is! Too bad she wasn't picked to be the flower girl in the wedding so she could really show off. But surely Junie B. can still find some way to get everyone's attention.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why did Junie b. chase down Ricardo and tackle him? Because he was chasing the new girl named Thelma and she only wanted him to chase her since they were boyfriend and girlfriend p.1
  2. Why did Ricardo break up with Junie B.? he wanted to chase Thelma p.4
  3. Explain how Mrs. had compassion on Junie B. When the bell rang for recess to end, she came out to Junie B. and asked what was wrong, gave her a tissue, helped her stand up, then walked into the school with her p.4

Chapter 2

  1. What did Junie B.’s mom do with the cookie she didn’t eat at snack time? Her mom ate it p.7
  2. What did Junie B.’s mom tell her about having a boyfriend? That she’s way to young p.8
  3. How did Junie B. try to prove she wasn’t a baby? She held up baby Ollie’s hand and foot and compared them to her own p.10

Chapter 3

  1. Why didn’t Junie B. want the bath toys and washcloth puppet? She was trying to show her mom they’re for babies and she’s grown up p.14
  2. What’s the good news Junie B.’s mom told her? Her Aunt Flo is getting married, so that means Junie B. is going to her first wedding p.17

Chapter 4

  1. How do you get to be a flower girl at a wedding? The person getting married will ask you p.20
  2. What’s a flower girl? A girl who dresses up and is the first person to walk down the aisle at a wedding; She carries a basket full of flowers and throws petals on the floor p.21
  3. What were Grace and Lucille going to teach Junie B.? how to be a flower girl p.23

Chapter 5

  1. Why didn’t Grandpa Miller want to call Aunt Flo? He didn’t know if she’d already chosen a flower girl p.25
  2. What did Junie B. sneak after her grandpa told her to wait for her mother to call Aunt Flo? She snuck the address book and went into her mother’s room and called Aunt Flo p.27
  3. What bad news did Aunt Flo give Junie B.? Aunt Flo already had a flower girl and it’s her fiance’s younger sister, Bo p.32

Chapter 6

  1. Why was Junie B.’s mother so upset that she called her Aunt Flo? Because Junie B. disobeyed her grandfather p.34
  2. What’s an alternate? It’s like a substitute, so if Bo gets sick Junie B. could be the flower girl p.36
  3. What’s Aunt Flo’s good news? That Junie B. would sit with the other bridesmaids at the reception and be an alternate flower girl p.36

Chapter 7

  1. How did Junie B.’s mom respond to her wish that Bo would get sick? Her mom said that they do not wish for people to get sick and to wish a nicer wish on top of the other wish p.42
  2. What did Junie B. wish for instead? That Bo would get lice p.43
  3. What did Philip Johnny Bob suggest could happen to Bo? That her dad would be driving with her to the wedding and they’d get stuck at a railroad crossing with a really long train or that the car would get stuck in Krazy Glue p.45

Chapter 8

  1. Instead of hoping Bo was sick, how should Junie B. feel for Bo? Happy that she has this opportunity p.50
  2. What was Junie B.’s great idea when she saw Bo throwing flower petals on the ground? She thought it would be ok to get a few petals out of the basket and throw them p.52
  3. What does the word tussle mean? Fighting over something p.53

Chapter 9

  1. What did Bo give Junie B.? two petals p.57
  2. What’s Junie B.’s interpretation of “loose feet”? have no shoes or socks on p.64
  3. Who did Junie B. become friends with at the wedding reception? Bo p.65

Comprehension Questions – #12 Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy

Junie B. Jones Smells Something Fishy

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

There's going to be a Pet Day at school — only the rule is No Dogs! And that's the only kind of pet Junie B. has! If Mother won't let her get a new pet, then Junie B. will have to take matters into her own hands. Maybe a jar of ants? Or a wiggly worm? Or — could it be something even better?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What fun day is Junie B.’s class going to have next week? Pet Day p.2
  2. Why can’t Junie B. bring her dog to school? Mrs. said no cats or dogs, only pets in cages can come to school; Junie B. can bring a picture of her dog though p.4
  3. How does Junie B. feel about bringing in a picture of her dog? She’s sad; it isn’t fun; she covered her arms over her head until the end of school p.7

Chapter 2

  1. Why didn’t Junie B. want to take Grandma Miller’s canary to school for Pet Day? She doesn’t like that bird p.11
  2. Why doesn’t Junie B. like Twitter? He pecked her on the finger p.12
  3. What animal did Junie B. want to catch at her grandma’s house? the raccoon that gets into her garbage p.13

Chapter 3

  1. Why didn’t Junie B.’s parents want her to catch the raccoon? It has sharp claws and teeth p.15
  2. Why couldn’t Junie B. go to the lake with her grandparents? They were fishing with some friends p.19
  3. Can you name two other animals Junie B. could catch to take to Pet Day? Butterfly, grasshopper, snail, fish, mouse, snake p.21

Chapter 4

  1. What surprise did Grandma have for Junie B.? a worm p.22
  2. What did Junie B.’s mother do with the worm? Put it in a mayonnaise jar and poked holes in the lid for air p.25
  3. Why do worms make great pets? They don’t bark, sniff or scratch themselves, and they eat their food right from the soil p.28

Chapter 5

  1. What did Junie B. name the worm? Noodle p.30
  2. Why did Junie B. want to get friends for Noodle? Noodle went into the dirt and she thought he might be looking for some friends p.31
  3. What friends did Junie B. put in the jar? Ants and a fly p.33

Chapter 6

  1. What did Junie B. name Sparkle? A huge fish Grandma Miller caught p.36
  2. What did Junie B. do after she put the leash on the fish? Slid him around the floor p.40
  3. Why couldn’t Junie B. take Sparkle to school for Pet Day? Sparkle was dead p.42

Chapter 7

  1. Why was Junie B. upset at the ants? They were eating Buzzy the Fly p.47
  2. How did Junie B. lose Noodle? She dumped out the jar p.48

Chapter 8

  1. What did Junie B. and her grandfather look for in the freezer? Orange juice p.51
  2. Predict the pet Junie B. saw in the refrigerator? Listen to your child’s answers p.52

Chapter 9

  1. Why did William get sick? He thought about holding his bullfrog Wendell p.56
  2. What’s Junie B.’s pet? A fish stick p.59
  3. Define the word “pet” and explain if Fish Stick is a pet? A pet is a tamed animal that is kept as a companion; yes, Fish Stick is tame and is a good companion p.61
  4. What special ribbon did Fish Stick get at the end of Pet Day? Most Well-Behaved p.64

Comprehension Questions – #8 Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed

Junie B. Jones Has a Monster Under Her Bed

by Barbara Park

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

There's no such thing as monsters. Mother and Daddy even said so. But then why is there monster drool on Junie B.'s pillow? Oh, no! What if Paulie Allen Puffer is right; what if she really does have a monster under her bed? If Junie B. goes to sleep, the monster might see her feet hanging down. And he might think her piggy toes are yummy little wiener sausages!

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why did Junie B. wear her dinosaur dress to school? It was picture day p.2
  2. What did Paulie Allen Puffer say that gave Junie B. shivers on her arms? That everyone has a monster under their bed p.8
  3. Where did Paulie explain the drool on your pillow comes from? A monster lying on your pillow practicing putting your head in his mouth p.9

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Junie B. continue to say, “just say right” to her friends in class? She wanted them to tell her there weren’t any monsters under her bed p.14
  2. Did her friends help her feel better? no p.17
  3. Why isn’t Grace saying, “right”? Because she felt there really might be a monster under Junie B.’s bed p.18

Chapter 3

  1. What fun snack did Grandma Miller want to make for Junie B. to help her feel better? Popcorn p.21
  2. What made Junie B. nervous while she was changing out of her school clothes? She thought about the monster that could be under her bed p.23
  3. Why couldn’t Grandma Miller see the monster under Junie B.’s bed? Because he turns invisible when you look at him p.26

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Junie B.’s dad cook hamburgers for dinner? That’s her favorite meal and he hoped it would help her feel better or distract her p.31
  2. Why didn’t Junie B. want to go to bed? She was scared there was a monster under her bed p.33
  3. Why did Junie B.’s parents get frustrated because she wouldn’t stay in bed? They knew there wasn’t a monster under her bed, but she wouldn’t believe them p.36

Chapter 5

  1. Who was Junie B. relieved to see that night? Her dog, Tickle p.44
  2. Where did Junie B. try to go to sleep and who did she take with her? Her parent’s room; her stuffed animal and dolls p.47
  3. What happened when Junie B.’s mom woke up? She took her right back to bed and told her not to get out again in a quiet angry voice p.48

Chapter 6

  1. How did Grace’s mom get rid of the monster under her bed? She sucked it out with the vacuum hose, put the vacuum cleaner bag in the trash compactor and smashed it flat p.51
  2. Why was there still a problem when Grandma Miller vacuumed under the bed and put the bag in the trash? It wasn’t the trash compactor, so the monster wouldn’t be smashed flat p.54
  3. Why was Junie B. still nervous after her grandma flattened the bag with her car tires? Because it wasn’t the trash compactor p.56

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Junie B. panic when she saw drool on her pillow? Paulie told her that was monster drool and that meant the monster laid his head on her pillow p.58
  2. How did the kids react to Junie B.’s pictures? They laughed and said they were gross p.63

Chapter 8

  1. How did Junie B. feel about her pictures when she first saw them and brought them home? She thought they were ugly p.65
  2. What was Junie B.’s great idea? She thought her school pictures were so scary, she put them under the bed to scare the monster p.66
  3. How did Junie B.’s mother feel about the solution to her problem? She laughed and thought it was a good idea too p.67

Comprehension Questions – #10 Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal

Junie B. Jones Is a Party Animal

by Barbara Park

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Lucille is having a slumber party - at her richie nanna's big giant house! Grace and Junie B. can't wait to see all the rich stuff in that place. Sleeping over at the nanna's is sure to be a dream come true! 'Cause what could possibly go wrong?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Lucille’s nanna. She’s very rich; she owns a gold Cadillac and drives Lucille to school every day; she has a huge house with lots of rooms and Lucille’s family lives with her p.2
  2. How did Lucille feel about Junie B. calling her nanna, Nanna? She was very upset p.6
  3. How did Junie B. make Lucille’s nana laugh? Nanna thought the things Junie B. said were darling p.6

Chapter 2

  1. Why is Lucille upset at Junie B. and Grace? She was trying to convince her nanna to be her a white poodle when Junie B. and Grace climbed in the back of the car p.11
  2. What was Junie B.’s idea to help Lucille get the poodle? Junie B. and Grace could sleep over and help beg for the poodle p.13

Chapter 3

  1. How did Junie B. get invited to sleepover? Lucille’s nanna called Junie B.’s mom p.16
  2. List three rules Junie B. needs to follow to spend the night at Lucille’s. No running, no jumping, no shouting, no squealing, no hollering, no snooping, no spying, no arguing, no fighting, no cheating at games, no talking back to the nanna, no breaking other people’s toys, no grumping, no crying, no fibbing, no tickling people when they say no, no staying up late, and absolutely no head-butting p.20

Chapter 4

  1. List two things Junie B. packed by herself for Lucille’s. Slippers, pajamas, pillow, bathrobe, blanket, sheets, stuffed elephant name Philip Johnny Bob, and a small throw rug p.22
  2. Why was Junie B. so energetic and excited when Lucille’s nanna arrived to pick her up? She’d been sitting and waiting all day instead of using her energy p.28
  3. Who was in the car with Lucille's nanna? Lucille and Grace p.29

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Lucille’s nanna say no as Junie B. and Grace asked her to get a poodle for Lucille? Her nanna’s allergic to dogs p.32
  2. Name one room in Lucille’s home you would enjoy having in your own and why? Have your child name a room and explain why. Here are the rooms: living room, dining room, kitchen, big giant patio, daddy’s office, mother’s office, family room, pool room to play pool, outside pool to swim and sit in the hot tub, the library, the gym, Nanna’s room, mother and daddy’s room, fancy gold bathroom with the Jacuzzi, brother’s room, Lucille’s bedroom, and a whole bunch of guest rooms p.35
  3. Why couldn’t Junie B. and Grace play with Lucille’s stuffed animals or sit on her bed? They were just for show p.37

Chapter 6

  1. How did Nanna react after Junie B. broke a crystal glass, dropped her Frank on the white tablecloth from Ireland, and spilled chocolate ice cream on her chair cushion? She sighed and said, “you’re a bit of a bull in a China shop, aren’t you dear?”, she patted her hand and then said, “quite all right” p.47
  2. What bed did the girls jump on? The guest room bed that made for tall people p.53
  3. Describe what happened when the girls had a pillow fight on the bed? Junie B.’s pillow ripped open and feathers exploded out of it, then Nanna walked in the room and put her face in the pillow p.57

Chapter 7

  1. What did Lucille do when Nanna said, “I don’t want to hear one more peep out of you”? she started saying “peep” over and over p.62
  2. How did Nanna react? She opened the door to the bedroom and yelled, “SILENCE!” p.63
  3. How did Junie B. feel about Nanna now? She was scared of her p.63

Chapter 8

  1. What word would you use to describe Junie B. as she decided she didn’t want to eat anything since she might break or ruin more things? Responsible, thoughtful, careful, etc. p.68
  2. Why was Junie B. relieved to feel her normal back seat material instead of the soft material in the nanna’s car? She didn’t have to be as careful and she could relax p.69
  3. What helped Junie B. realize that she loved her own nanna just perfect? She can be herself around her own nanna, is comfortable, and doesn’t have to worry about breaking things or making her mad p.71

Comprehension Questions – #7 Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren

Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren

By Barbara Park

Grades 1-5; Genre – Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

There’s a new boy in kindergarten, and guess what? He’s the handsomest guy Junie B. has ever seen! She and Lucille and that Grace all want him for a boyfriend. Only, he thinks Junie B. is a nutball. Just ‘cause she couldn’t stop laughing and rolling. So how is she supposed to get that boy to love her?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How did Grace and Junie B. try to help their friend Lucille? Lucille was being chased by a boy they’d never met, and Grace and Junie B. pretended to ride their horses and chased him away p.5
  2. Why was Lucille upset her friends had chased the boy away? She wanted him to chase her; he was a new boy at school and she thought he was handsome p.7
  3. How did Grace and Junie B. feel about the boy after looking at him and hearing a little bit about him? They wanted him for a boyfriend as well p.10

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Junie B. want to convince Lucille she was a pig? So Lucille would introduce her to Warren p.14
  2. Where were Junie B. and Grace when they got to finally meet Warren? At the swing set p.20
  3. Why did Warren call Junie B. a nutball? She made a silly joke then rolled on the ground laughing p.21

Chapter 3

  1. Why were Lucille and Grace mad at each other at the beginning of this chapter? Grace said that Warren loves her and that made Lucille mad p.26
  2. Why is Junie B. upset about being called a nutball? Its not a very nice thing to be called p.29
  3. Who did Grace say was the nutball in her family? Her little brother, Jeffie p.30

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Junie B. pick a grown up’s cereal to eat for breakfast? Because she ate the same kind of cereal Grace’s brother ate when he was being a nutball p.34
  2. Why did Junie B. think Warren would love her now? She ate fiber cereal instead of sugar cereal so she’s calm p.36
  3. How does Warren feel about Junie B. once she told him she was calm? He did the cuckoo sign and walked away; still thinks she’s a nutball p.45

Chapter 5

  1. What did Junie B. want to do to get Warren to like her? Buy a princess dress to be like Lucille and buy shoes with lightning bolts like Grace p.46
  2. What advice did Junie B.’s mom give her? You don’t make friends by buying things, you make them by being fun to be with, by being nice, caring about their feelings, and by being honest and not pretending to be someone you’re not p.51
  3. What did Junie B. find that made her feel like a princess? A red velvet bow on Ollie’s teddy bear p.52

Chapter 6

  1. What did Junie B. wear to school? A crown from Dairy Queen, white long princess gloves, a collar for a necklace, the red bow and her mom drew lightning bolts on her sneakers p.55
  2. Who wasn’t Warren talking to? Grace, Lucille or Junie B. p.57
  3. What does “the cat got your tongue” mean? Its an idiom for when someone is speechless, or without words to say p.57

Chapter 7

  1. What was in Handsome Warren’s hair? A tiny piece of Kleenex p.62
  2. Why was Warren angry? His dad made him move and change schools and he had to leave his friends p.64
  3. What did Junie B. do to make Warren feel better? She told him knock knock jokes p.66