Tag Archives: Grades 6-9

Comprehension Questions – The Witch of Blackbird Pond

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

by Elizabeth George Speare

Grades 6-9; Genre - Historical Fiction; GRL W; AR pts. 9.0

Puritan neighbors regard Kit Tyler with suspicion, fear, and anger when she befriends an old woman accused of witchcraft.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Where is Kit from originally and why is coming to America so strange for her? Barbados; people don’t swim; they don’t know who she is; people are critical and judge quickly and unfairly p.6
  2. In whom did Kit find a friend in this chapter? Nat at the beginning; the little girl whose doll she saved; John Holbrook p.10
  3. Define the word “heathen”. a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim; an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person p.11
  4. Why was John concerned for Kit at the end of the chapter? Kit is not accustomed to the culture she is entering to and he doesn’t want to see her get hurt or be judged wrongly 

Chapter 2

  1. List one character and Kit’s interactions with them on the ship. Nat couldn’t believe she jumped in the water and became angry when finding out she had slaves in Barbados; John was always surprised and seemed to have a warning voice when learning about her background; Goodwife Cruff didn’t like Kit and didn’t want her near her child; Prudence admired Kit p.16

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Kit’s family. Aunt Rachel is old and thin; Uncle Matthew is old and serious; Judith is beautiful as her mother once was; Mercy has extraordinary eyes and uses a crutch p.32
  2. Summarize Kit’s history and how she came to live with her aunt and uncle. Her grandfather was sick and an overseer ran the plantation; the overseer finished the crop and then disappeared; when her grandfather died there were debts; Kit sold the land to settle the debts; she sold her own slave for passage to America p.37

Chapter 4

  1. Why was Matthew’s reaction so shocking to Kit? She grew up with fine clothing and didn’t realize her aunt’s family felt beautiful clothing was wrong p.44
  2. Why did Kit cry on her pillow that night? She felt useless; it would have been better if she was a boy p.49

Chapter 5

  1. Describe Kit’s experience at church and why she was upset at the end of the chapter. People stare and talked about her; she was uncomfortable; she had to sit still for two hours and went numb; there was a second service in the afternoon they were going to p.53

Chapter 6

  1. Describe the altercation between the reverend and Kit’s uncle. The reverend is a loyalist and supports the king, but Uncle Matthew doesn’t p.61
  2. Why did the Reverend think that Mercy is weak and why does Kit disagree? Mercy is lame and can’t walk well, but she has an inner strength the entire family relies on p.64

Chapter 7

  1. What helped Kit enjoy Saturday evenings? William called on her each Saturday and he didn’t expect her to be useful; the prospect of marrying him p.74

Chapter 8

  1. What helped Kit better understand her uncle? Knowing that he was angry and sad all the time from losing two babies, both boys p.81

Chapter 9

  1. What was the answer Kit received from Hannah? That though she’s like the alien flower, she can grow where she’s planted; to talk to Mr. Kimberley about her mistake and the school p.97

Chapter 10

  1. How does Kit’s family feel about Hannah. She’s dangerous because she’s a Quaker p.99
  2. Who’s Hannah’s seafaring friend? Nathaniel from the ship p.106

Chapter 11

  1. What secret world did Kit pull Prudence into? Learning to read; meeting Hannah; meeting with Kit secretly p.118
  2. Do you agree Kit should have pulled Prudence into her world? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 12

  1. What awkward situation did Nat put Kit in when he walked her home? She had to tell her uncle where she was; William was jealous seeing Kit with him p.132

Chapter 13

  1. What tragic event happened in this chapter? Judith thought John wanted to court her, when in reality he was asking Matthew for permission to court Mercy; now he is courting Judith because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings p.142

Chapter 14

  1. What did Nat mean when he said, “To think I worried about that little bird. I might have known it would gobble up a nice fat partridge in no time”? The bird is Kit and he’s mocking her; he was worried about her coming to Connecticut, but she’s done well for herself in finding a wealthy young man to marry and take care of her p.151

Chapter 15

  1. Why was Kit proud of her uncle? For taking a stand in what he believed in p.163

Chapter 16

  1. What danger is Prudence in? Prudence’s mom will punish her for learning to read and for meeting with Hannah and Kit p.173
  2. Why is Judith so upset? John’s enlisted in the militia as a doctor p.176

Chapter 17

  1. Summarize this chapter. Mercy and many in the town are very sick; a crowd came wanting Matthew to help them kill Hannah, they think she’s cursing the town; Kit sneaks out, runs to Hannah and gets her away from her home; the people burn her home and look for her but can’t find her; Kit noticed the Dolphin sailing by; Nat brought Hannah and her cat to the ship; Kit returned home and Mercy’s fever broke p.177

Chapter 18

  1. Why is Kit locked up in a shed? She was accused of being a witch since she had gone to see Hannah p.200

Chapter 19

  1. What happened at the trial? Nat brought Prudence to prove that Kit wasn’t a witch p.218
  2. How did Prudence’s parents react when she told them she had been going to Hannah’s home and Kit had been teaching her to read? Her mom was angry, but her father was proud of her for learning to read

Chapter 20

  1. Describe Kit’s first winter. Harsh, cold, snowy, gray, dreary, depressing, dark p.234
  2. Who arrived at the end of the chapter and why was it so shocking? John Holbrook; he’d been taken captive by Indians; he looked gaunt and ragged; When coming in the house, he went straight to Mercy and not Judith p.238

Chapter 21

  1. Summarize the conclusion of this story. The engagement announcement of Judith and William and Mercy and John was made; Kit realized she wanted to be with Nat; Nat bought his own ship; Nat walked with Kit to get her uncle approvals to marry her

Comprehension Questions – The Girl Who Drank the Moon

The Girl Who Drank the Moon

by Kelly Barnhill

Grades 6-9; Genre - Fantasy; GRL X; AR pts. 12.0

A witch, a swamp monster, and a perfectly tiny dragon raise a young girl named Luna, who must unlock the powerful magic buried deep inside her to save the people of the Protectorate.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1 

  1. Tell me what you know about the history of this village from this first chapter? There’s a witch in the woods; a child needs to be sacrificed so everyone else stays safe; an older brother was sacrificed p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the Sisters of the Star guards. Ruthless; well trained; long braids wrapped around their waists; all females; years of training in the Tower p.9
  2. Tell me about the society in this story and how you feel about it. The Elders are in charge and have created the witch and the need to sacrifice a baby to control the people in the village p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Xan. A true witch; kind; thoughtful; takes the babies to the Free Cities to be raised by a good family p.20
  2. Why was The Grand Elder confused to see six trees? Xan transformed herself into a tree p.21
  3. Why did she decide to keep Luna? She accidentally fed her moonlight and made her magic p.25

Chapter 4

  1. Who is speaking in this chapter? A mom who lost her baby to the Witch p.29

Chapter 5

  1. Why is Glerk resistant to loving Luna? He didn’t want to get attached to her; he thought keeping her was a bad idea p.37

Why are Glerk and Xan worried about Luna’s magic growing? She’ll be out of control p.38

Chapter 6

Why are the Elders unhappy with Antain? He’s not arrogant and pompous enough p.49

Chapter 7

  1. How did Luna’s magic manifest? In thought and deed; she wanted a hat, so the dough turned into a hat p.54
  2. Why did Xan think she was missing something? She couldn’t remember very well p.56

Chapter 8

  1. Do you see commonalities between what the narrator has told you about the story and what this mom is telling her child? Explain. The Wizard saving the town; the dragon going into the volcano; the witch flying the dragon p.58

Chapter 9

  1. What was happening to Xan? Her magic was going into Luna, so she was getting weaker p.66
  2. How did Xan stop Luna from using her magic? Sure wrapped her in a cocoon p.68

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Xan have difficulty remembering her memories? She buried them p.72

Chapter 11

  1. What’s the spell Xan came up with? To keep Luna’s magic inside until she turns 13 years old p.78
  2. What will be a consequence of doing this? Xan will be drained of her magic and will die p.79
  3. Do you agree with Xan’s reasoning to hold in Luna’s magic? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer 

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize this chapter. Tells of the creation of the world starting with the bog and a beast p.82
  2. Who do you think the beast is? Glerk

Chapter 13

  1. What did Antain find when he visited the prisoner? Birds made out of paper covering the room and “she is here” written on a paper p.95
  2. Define day of reckoning. A time when the consequences of a course of mistakes or misdeeds are felt 
  3. Who did the prisoner threaten? Antain’s uncle the Grand Elder p.98
  4. What happened to Antain at the end of this chapter? He was attacked by the paper birds p.99

Chapter 14

  1. Describe how Luna felt when she woke. She felt different; expected magic things to happen but didn’t know why; couldn’t hear, see or comprehend magic p.100
  2. What did Xan tell herself to prevent feeling sorrow? Luna’s a regular girl now and she was never magic p.110

Chapter 15

  1. Why was the Tower significant to Antain? He lived there when he was younger and was scarred by the paper birds here p.121
  2. How has Antain changed since his last visit to the Tower? He’s a carpenter and lives alone lost in his work; becoming comfortable with lying p.121
  3. Why did Antain feel like his heart was flying at the end of this chapter? He was so elated to see and help Ethyne p.126

Chapter 16

  1. What animal does the author frequently use to foster imagery in this story? Birds p.127
  2. Summarize who this chapter is about and describe what happens at the end of this chapter. It’s about the mom who has her baby ripped away from her at the beginning of the story; the scars on Antain’s face are a map; the madwoman has paper, quills and ink appear magically and is always drawing a map or writing “she is here”; she doesn’t feel sorrow anymore, she feels hope p.131

Chapter 17

  1. How was Luna “off”? A pain in her head was getting worse through the day; she could see the nut full of magic in her forehead and felt it pulsing like a clock ticking; she knew it was bringing her closer to something p.138
  2. Which family was Luna thinking about and how did she tell a lie? Her mother and father; she told Fyrian she was thinking about her family, but didn’t clarify that she wasn’t thinking about him, Glerk and Grandmama p.139

Chapter 18

  1. Describe the interaction between Xan and Antain? Xan was trying to protect the baby, so she threw him aside and turned into a large hawk to take the baby to safety; Antain was just trying to talk to the Witch, but she misunderstood him p.149

Chapter 19

  1. What did Luna become aware of in this chapter? That her grandmother never spoke of memories; that they’re keeping secrets from each other p.164

Chapter 20

  1. Who us telling this story in this chapter? How do you know? Luna; The chapter title; these are all things about Luna p.166

Chapter 21

  1. How did Fyrian return to Luna? How? By crying out her name; the spell Xan gave him must have transferred to Luna p.177
  2. Why did the smell of the boots give Luna a headache? They were magical p.179
  3. What did she forget at the end of this chapter? To ask Glerk about the boots p.180

Chapter 22

  1. What is this person’s perception of the boots? They’re old and magical; they can travel the world covering great distances faster than normal boots; the Witch put them on and was able to find more magic p.182

Chapter 23

  1. What is the second map Luna drew? The village she came from; the place she was laid to be eaten by wolves and the Tower with the words, “she is here” p.195

Chapter 24

  1. How are each sacrificial baby chosen? It’s the youngest baby at the time of the sacrifice p.201
  2. What’s Antain’s plan? To give up his baby, go to the Witch’s home and kill her p.205

Chapter 25

  1. What word did Luna learn in this chapter? Magic p.211
  2. Why is that important? She hasn’t been able to read, see or hear magic for the last 8 years
  3. How old is Luna? 13 years old

Chapter 26

  1. Who overheard the Grand Elder and Sister Ignatia talking? How? The madwoman; she’d turned herself into a beetle and traveled on a shoe to her office p.215
  2. What could Sister Ignatia smell? The madwoman and her magic p.216
  3. What plan were they coming up with? To kill Antain p.218

Chapter 27

  1. Why is Xan careful she doesn’t feel sorrow? To protect her from the Sorrow Eater p.223
  2. Who do you think the Sorrow Eater is? Sister Ignatia p.223

Chapter 28

  1. Who is traveling in this book and where are they going? Xan, Luna, Glerk, Fyrian, Sister Ignatia, Antain, the madwoman; Antain and the madwoman are traveling to the Witch’s home, Sister Ignatia is going after Antain to kill him, Xan to pick up the baby being sacrificed, Luna’s going after Xan and Glerk and Fyrian are going after Luna p.225

Chapter 29

  1. What had happened to this history? It has been changed, twisted to fit what Sister Ignatia and the Elders want the people of Protectorate to believe p.242

Chapter 30

  1. Summarize this chapter. Luna becomes lost, then fell into darkness as rocks gave way p.243

Chapter 31

  1. What’s does the madwoman find at the treehouse? No one is home; pictures that Luna drew; her daughter’s name is Luna p.252

Chapter 32

  1. What helped Xan remember who she was and what she was doing? Glerk and Fyrian p.258
  2. Where do you think the paper birds came from? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 33

  1. Who is the Witch in the history that traveled the world in the Seven League Boots? The Head Sister; Sister Ignatia p.258
  2. Which two peoples were blocking the Head Sister’s view? Xan and Luna p.267

Chapter 34

  1. Why is Ethyne’s home happy and bright? She has hope p.275
  2. Why do you think Ethyne has power over the Grand Elder? She has a strength inside of her and is not intimidated by him p.276
  3. Who created the birds that are protecting Luna? Her mother, the madwoman p.284

Chapter 35

  1. Who did Glerk smell? Sister Ignatia 288
  2. Where is Sister Ignatia’s home? The same place Xan and Luna live p.291

Chapter 36

  1. Who do you think was blocking the scrying device in this chapter? Listen to your child’s answer; Xan p.299

Chapter 37

  1. What was Xan hearing for the first time? Why the babies were left in the ring of trees p.303

Chapter 38

  1. Who is possibly telling the history of the world to their child? The madwoman or Ethyne; So many families lost children to the evilness of the Grand Elder and Head Sister, it represents what all parents could have told their children p.248/307
  2. What characteristic does Ethyne have that helped her find the truth? She was curious and asked questions; she desired to know the truth p.309
  3. Do you think the Grand Elder should be nervous? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 39

  1. What happens to Fyrian in this chapter? He begins to grow to an enormous size p.320
  2. Which Witch is Antain threatening to kill? Luna p.326

Chapter 40

  1. Predict how you think this story will conclude. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 41

  1. How does Luna, her mother and grandmother receive more and more strength? From the moon p.341

Chapter 42

  1. What color of magic does Xan shine? Licheny green p.341
  2. Who reached Luna just as she reached her grandmother and Antain? The madwoman/her mother p.342

Chapter 43

  1. What stopped Antain from attacking the Witch? The trauma of being attacked by the birds p.343
  2. What spell did Luna cast for the first time? Transformation; changed her grandmother back into a person p.348

Chapter 44

  1. What is happening to Xan in this chapter? She’s dying now that Luna’s magic is unlocked p.350

Chapter 45

  1. What made the Sorrow Eater’s magic disappear? Luna opened the woman’s heart and all the sorrow that was stored inside from her own memories spilled out; her magic came from sorrow p.366
  2. What does the phrase, “she is here, she is here, she is here” mean throughout this story? Luna is here; where Luna is on the map; Luna’s mother is here p.368

Chapter 46

  1. Why was Xan happy to hear the cries of joy when the Star Children returned? She had saved each one from death and was happy to hear them return to their original families p.379

Chapter 47

  1. What does Glerk do in this chapter? He takes Xan to the bog and leaves a poem for Luna p.383

Chapter 48

  1. How does this story end? Someone is telling what the village has become, who the Witch is and what will happen in the future p.385
  2. Did you enjoy reading this story? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answers

Comprehension Questions – Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

By Mildred D. Taylor

Grades 6-9; Genre – Fiction; GRL W; AR pts: 10.0

The land is all-important to the Logan family. But it takes a while for Cassie and her three brothers to understand just how lucky they are to have it. They must learn the hard way that having a place they can call their own in rural Mississippi permits the Logans the luxuries of pride and courage that their poor black sharecropper neighbors can't afford.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the setting of this story. 1933 in Mississippi, autumn time, it was morning as the main characters were walking to school on a dirt road, passing the white kids school, then in the school for black kids p.24
  2. Who are the Logan children? Little Man, Cassie, Christopher-John and Stacey; children who are a family who live in Mississippi with their mama, papa, and Big Ma; children who are the descendents of slaves p.2
  3. Define racism and give an example from this chapter. A belief that one group of persons is superior to another, usually with color of skin. Ex. Berry’s getting burned by some white men p.6; White kids on a bus, where our characters can’t ride the bus p.8; Jeremy getting beat up because he walks with the main characters to school p.9; white kids go to one school our main characters have to go to another p.10; they got all of the old used books the white kids had used and what the books called them p.17
  4. Why were most of the children at the Great Faith school have such thread worn clothes and shoes that were too small to wear? They were all so poor; they worked on plantations and didn’t make very much money p.11
  5. Why didn’t Cassie and Little Man want the books the school was giving them? Because of what the books called them p.18

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Papa bring home Mr. Morrison? He lost his job and he was going to work as a hired hand at the Logan’s farm p.27
  2. Explain in your own words what happened to the Berry’s. they stopped at a gas station for gas and Henrietta heard some white men talk about the men she was with. John Henry left without getting gas and after dropping her off to her home, the white men drove up behind them and rammed into their car. He stopped at his uncle’s house for fear he was going to run out of gas and the men came and dragged him, Beacon and his uncle out of the house and set them all on fire p.29
  3. Why did Cassie’s dad tell them all not to go the Wallace’s store? There was drinking, dancing and smoking and he felt there was going to be trouble one day for those kids who went p.30

Chapter 3

  1. Why did Big Ma use the term “ignorant white folks” when talking to Little Man about getting dirty by the school bus each day? Ignorant means lacking knowledge or comprehension of something, so she understands that the white people don’t understand that black people should be treated similarly p.33
  2. How did Big Ma show Little Man tough love when they were talking about the bus issue? Didn’t feel sorry for him and told him to stop fretting over it; told him to study hard in school and get a good education and he’d be ok; told him he could buy a car when he grew up to drive himself where he wanted to go p.33
  3. What was Stacey’s plan to stop the bus from splashing them to and from school? To dig into the road to make it look like it was washed out p.38
  4. When the bus fell into the deep ditch, why was Mama and Big Ma happy? Now the white kids will have to walk to school just like their kids do every day; now there’s no special privilege for white kids p.42
  5. Why do you think the men in the cars with the headlights came to Cassie’s home that night? To punish the children for digging the ditch; to capture Mr. Morrison p.50

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Mama and Big Ma suspect something was wrong with the children? They were listless, didn’t eat or sleep well p.53
  2. Why were the children relieved after talking to TJ and hearing about the man who got tarred and feathered? They learned it wasn’t because of their prank to stop the bus p.57
  3. Why did Papa bring Mr. Morrison to live near his family? To protect them p.59
  4. Why did Stacey get whipped in school? TJ handed him his cheat notes and the teacher saw p.61
  5. Why did Stacey decide to tell his Mama about fighting at the Wallace’s store? Mr. Morrison helped him understand he needed to. Stacey respected Mr. Morrison and wanted to do what he said p.66
  6. Explain why Mr. Granger wants to buy their land? He just wants it to own it, he doesn’t need it; to take away their privilege of having land; it was his before the ward, but his family had to sell it since they didn’t have any money p.67

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Big Ma park the wagon at the back of the field on market day? Only the white people’s wagons could park near the entrance p.80
  2. How was Cassie supposed to act in the store while Mr. Barnette was helping everyone else before them? Patient, wait until he’s ready to help; helps everyone who’s white before helping her p.85
  3. How had Cassie been insulted when in town? Mr. Barnette yelled at her for having no manners and expecting to be helped in proper order at the store and Lillian Jean made her apologize for bumping into her and expected Cassie to walk in the road p.86

Chapter 6

  1. How did Uncle Hammer react when Cassie told him what happened in Strawberry? He was angry and wanted to get revenge on Mr. Simms so got into his car to go to Mr. Simms home p.93
  2. How did Cassie’s mama explain the reason for Lillian Jean’s treatment? She explained that people are still stuck thinking that white people are better than black people even though slavery had ended decades before p.95
  3. What did Uncle Hammer give Stacey on the way to church and why did he give it to him then instead of at Christmas? A new coat because his was worn and too small p.101
  4. When Uncle Hammer persisted across the bridge to make the other car stop and wait for them, why was Mama so worried as she said, “one day we’ll pay.” Uncle Hammer’s actions will cause the Wallace’s to take offense and cause the Logan family to have issues because of it p.105

Chapter 7

  1. What did Stacey do to the coat Uncle Hammer gave to him and what was his uncle’s reaction when he found out? Gave it to TJ; Uncle Hammer told him not to got get it, but got after him for doing whatever TJ wanted him to do and told him he needed to stick up for himself and not be influenced easily p.107
  2. Summarize Mr. Morrison’s story about the night men. His little town got attacked by them since a woman complained some boys had hurt her. The night men came, started the town on fire, and killed women, children and men. His sisters died and his mother threw him out of the house so he wouldn’t get hurt and she fought next to his dad. They both died that night p.112
  3. What did the children get for Christmas? Books, clothes and candy/food p.116
  4. What did Mr. Jamison propose to Papa and Uncle Hammer? That he’ll back the credit for people to shop at the store in Vicksburg p.122
  5. Why did Mr. Granger come to visit the Logan’s? to tell them not to go to Vicksburg for the groceries or he would cause them to lose their land p.122

Chapter 8

  1. Describe the advice Cassie’s papa gave her about the incident with Lillian Jean? She has Uncle Hammer’s temper and she has to consider what is worse, the hurt you receive or the hurt your family would receive if they reacted the way they wanted to, but you can’t back down at some things or theya eat you alive ; he told her not to be mad, but she needed to decide how she was going to respond this treatment p.133
  2. Why was Cassie so kind to Lillian Jean and being her “pet”? to get her to trust her and tell her things, so when she beat her up and made her apologize, she had leverage to keep Lillian Jean from telling anyone what she had done p.137
  3. Explain why Mama lost her job as a schoolteacher? Mr. Granger came to her class and she admitted to not teaching everything in the book that the school board provided because it wasn’t true p.140
  4. What did TJ say that got their Mama fired?  That she wasn’t a good teacher and destroyed school property by covering the books with paper and that she was the one who told everyone not to go to the Wallace’s store p.143
  5. What’s a consequence of TJ talking to Kaleb Wallace about Ms. Logan and getting her fired? Nobody will talk to him at school p.146
  6. Predict what’s going to happen to TJ and how his actions are going to affect his relationship with the Logan’s.  He’s going to side more with the white people and help them ruin the Logan’s p.147

Chapter 9

  1. What’s the problem with TJ hanging out with Jeremy’s brothers who are 18 & 19? They’re much older than him; could be a bad influence; don’t treat him well when he’s not with them p.150
  2. What’s a chain gang? A group of men who have been arrested or convicts that are forced to working on road construction, ditch digging or farming while chained together p.155
  3. Describe the example Papa used when answering Cassie’s question if they were going to give up. He used a fig tree growing in an area with lots of trees overshadowing it. That fig tree keeps on growing and doesn’t give up. It has a right to be in the yard too. They aren’t giving up either p.156
  4. What had happened to Stacey, Mr. Morrison and Papa on their way back from Vicksburg in the rain? Someone had loosened the wheels on the cart, they came off and while the men were putting the wheels on a car came from behind and someone shot Papa. Jack the mule got scared and the cart rolled and ran over Papa. Mr. Morrison went after the men and stopped them from hurting any of them. The men left and they brought Papa home with a broken leg and his head wrapped from the shot p.162

Chapter 10

  1. Why were Cassie’s parents worried about money? Because her papa couldn’t work on the railroad to get the mortgage payments and her mom lost her teaching job p.166
  2. What did Mr. Morrison do when Kaleb Wallace blocked the road with his truck? He picked up each end of the truck and moved it p.170
  3. When Jeremy came to the pond and trees to see the Logan children, what did he tell them about TJ? That he was hanging around with white boys and stealing stuff from people p.173
  4. What does it mean that the bank called up the note? The bank wanted the Logan’s to pay for the debt on the land immediately p.175
  5. What did Uncle Hammer do to get the money to pay the debt at the bank? Sold his nice car and other things as well as borrowed some money p.178
  6. Why did TJ come to the revival? To show off his new friends to his old friends and boast about his new clothes and friends and how they’d give him anything he wanted p.182

Chapter 11

  1. Explain what happened at the Barnette’s store with TJ, R.W. and Melvin. TJ, M.W. and Melvin went to the store to get the pistol, but the store was closed. TJ climbed into the window and opened the door for the other boys. Once in they got the gun and were trying to get the metal case with money, but the Barnette’s came down the stairs. Mr. Barnette tried to stop them but got knocked in the head by the flat part of the ax and Mrs. Barnette fell and hit her head on the stove. The older boys beat up TJ since he said he was going to tell. They ran to do some business and TJ got a ride with a farmer close to the Logan’s home p.187
  2. What will be the consequence of Stacey taking TJ home instead of telling his parents? The children all saw the Avery family with TJ get pulled out of their home. TJ was accused of breaking into the store p.191
  3. Who came and tried to help the Avery family and TJ from getting hurt? Mr. Jamison p.193
  4. Why did Cassie and her brothers need to run and tell Papa and Mr. Morrison about the events at the Avery home? To warn them and protect them from Kaleb Wallace and the Simms since they want to hang them both as well as TJ p.195

Chapter 12

  1. Why was Mama so worried about Papa taking a gun to find Stacey and help TJ? She knew if he fired at the men he would be hung p.197
  2. What started the fire on their cotton? Lightning p.199
  3. What did Papa and Mr. Granger do to stop the fire? Dig a trench p.202
  4. What had happened to TJ? He got taken into Strawberry to jail so he could be tried for breaking into the mercantile store and hurting/killing the Barnette’s p.205
  5. How did Papa stop the hangings that night? He started a fire which caused Mr. Granger to stop focusing on TJ and instead putting out the fire on his fields p.208
  6. Why did Cassie cry at the end of the story? She mourned what would happen to TJ; she cried for the things that happened in the night, but what would not pass; for the land p.210

Comprehension Questions- Brotherband Chronicles #1 The Outcasts

The Outcasts

By John Flanagan

Grades 6-9; Genre - Fiction; GRL Y; AR pts: 16.0

Hal has always been considered an outcast because of the lineage of his mother.  With a lot of hard work and ingenuity he proves himself a leader and true Skandian in brotherband training.  Continue reading