Tag Archives: Kelly Barnhill

Comprehension Questions – The Girl Who Drank the Moon

The Girl Who Drank the Moon

by Kelly Barnhill

Grades 6-9; Genre - Fantasy; GRL X; AR pts. 12.0

A witch, a swamp monster, and a perfectly tiny dragon raise a young girl named Luna, who must unlock the powerful magic buried deep inside her to save the people of the Protectorate.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1 

  1. Tell me what you know about the history of this village from this first chapter? There’s a witch in the woods; a child needs to be sacrificed so everyone else stays safe; an older brother was sacrificed p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the Sisters of the Star guards. Ruthless; well trained; long braids wrapped around their waists; all females; years of training in the Tower p.9
  2. Tell me about the society in this story and how you feel about it. The Elders are in charge and have created the witch and the need to sacrifice a baby to control the people in the village p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Xan. A true witch; kind; thoughtful; takes the babies to the Free Cities to be raised by a good family p.20
  2. Why was The Grand Elder confused to see six trees? Xan transformed herself into a tree p.21
  3. Why did she decide to keep Luna? She accidentally fed her moonlight and made her magic p.25

Chapter 4

  1. Who is speaking in this chapter? A mom who lost her baby to the Witch p.29

Chapter 5

  1. Why is Glerk resistant to loving Luna? He didn’t want to get attached to her; he thought keeping her was a bad idea p.37

Why are Glerk and Xan worried about Luna’s magic growing? She’ll be out of control p.38

Chapter 6

Why are the Elders unhappy with Antain? He’s not arrogant and pompous enough p.49

Chapter 7

  1. How did Luna’s magic manifest? In thought and deed; she wanted a hat, so the dough turned into a hat p.54
  2. Why did Xan think she was missing something? She couldn’t remember very well p.56

Chapter 8

  1. Do you see commonalities between what the narrator has told you about the story and what this mom is telling her child? Explain. The Wizard saving the town; the dragon going into the volcano; the witch flying the dragon p.58

Chapter 9

  1. What was happening to Xan? Her magic was going into Luna, so she was getting weaker p.66
  2. How did Xan stop Luna from using her magic? Sure wrapped her in a cocoon p.68

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Xan have difficulty remembering her memories? She buried them p.72

Chapter 11

  1. What’s the spell Xan came up with? To keep Luna’s magic inside until she turns 13 years old p.78
  2. What will be a consequence of doing this? Xan will be drained of her magic and will die p.79
  3. Do you agree with Xan’s reasoning to hold in Luna’s magic? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer 

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize this chapter. Tells of the creation of the world starting with the bog and a beast p.82
  2. Who do you think the beast is? Glerk

Chapter 13

  1. What did Antain find when he visited the prisoner? Birds made out of paper covering the room and “she is here” written on a paper p.95
  2. Define day of reckoning. A time when the consequences of a course of mistakes or misdeeds are felt 
  3. Who did the prisoner threaten? Antain’s uncle the Grand Elder p.98
  4. What happened to Antain at the end of this chapter? He was attacked by the paper birds p.99

Chapter 14

  1. Describe how Luna felt when she woke. She felt different; expected magic things to happen but didn’t know why; couldn’t hear, see or comprehend magic p.100
  2. What did Xan tell herself to prevent feeling sorrow? Luna’s a regular girl now and she was never magic p.110

Chapter 15

  1. Why was the Tower significant to Antain? He lived there when he was younger and was scarred by the paper birds here p.121
  2. How has Antain changed since his last visit to the Tower? He’s a carpenter and lives alone lost in his work; becoming comfortable with lying p.121
  3. Why did Antain feel like his heart was flying at the end of this chapter? He was so elated to see and help Ethyne p.126

Chapter 16

  1. What animal does the author frequently use to foster imagery in this story? Birds p.127
  2. Summarize who this chapter is about and describe what happens at the end of this chapter. It’s about the mom who has her baby ripped away from her at the beginning of the story; the scars on Antain’s face are a map; the madwoman has paper, quills and ink appear magically and is always drawing a map or writing “she is here”; she doesn’t feel sorrow anymore, she feels hope p.131

Chapter 17

  1. How was Luna “off”? A pain in her head was getting worse through the day; she could see the nut full of magic in her forehead and felt it pulsing like a clock ticking; she knew it was bringing her closer to something p.138
  2. Which family was Luna thinking about and how did she tell a lie? Her mother and father; she told Fyrian she was thinking about her family, but didn’t clarify that she wasn’t thinking about him, Glerk and Grandmama p.139

Chapter 18

  1. Describe the interaction between Xan and Antain? Xan was trying to protect the baby, so she threw him aside and turned into a large hawk to take the baby to safety; Antain was just trying to talk to the Witch, but she misunderstood him p.149

Chapter 19

  1. What did Luna become aware of in this chapter? That her grandmother never spoke of memories; that they’re keeping secrets from each other p.164

Chapter 20

  1. Who us telling this story in this chapter? How do you know? Luna; The chapter title; these are all things about Luna p.166

Chapter 21

  1. How did Fyrian return to Luna? How? By crying out her name; the spell Xan gave him must have transferred to Luna p.177
  2. Why did the smell of the boots give Luna a headache? They were magical p.179
  3. What did she forget at the end of this chapter? To ask Glerk about the boots p.180

Chapter 22

  1. What is this person’s perception of the boots? They’re old and magical; they can travel the world covering great distances faster than normal boots; the Witch put them on and was able to find more magic p.182

Chapter 23

  1. What is the second map Luna drew? The village she came from; the place she was laid to be eaten by wolves and the Tower with the words, “she is here” p.195

Chapter 24

  1. How are each sacrificial baby chosen? It’s the youngest baby at the time of the sacrifice p.201
  2. What’s Antain’s plan? To give up his baby, go to the Witch’s home and kill her p.205

Chapter 25

  1. What word did Luna learn in this chapter? Magic p.211
  2. Why is that important? She hasn’t been able to read, see or hear magic for the last 8 years
  3. How old is Luna? 13 years old

Chapter 26

  1. Who overheard the Grand Elder and Sister Ignatia talking? How? The madwoman; she’d turned herself into a beetle and traveled on a shoe to her office p.215
  2. What could Sister Ignatia smell? The madwoman and her magic p.216
  3. What plan were they coming up with? To kill Antain p.218

Chapter 27

  1. Why is Xan careful she doesn’t feel sorrow? To protect her from the Sorrow Eater p.223
  2. Who do you think the Sorrow Eater is? Sister Ignatia p.223

Chapter 28

  1. Who is traveling in this book and where are they going? Xan, Luna, Glerk, Fyrian, Sister Ignatia, Antain, the madwoman; Antain and the madwoman are traveling to the Witch’s home, Sister Ignatia is going after Antain to kill him, Xan to pick up the baby being sacrificed, Luna’s going after Xan and Glerk and Fyrian are going after Luna p.225

Chapter 29

  1. What had happened to this history? It has been changed, twisted to fit what Sister Ignatia and the Elders want the people of Protectorate to believe p.242

Chapter 30

  1. Summarize this chapter. Luna becomes lost, then fell into darkness as rocks gave way p.243

Chapter 31

  1. What’s does the madwoman find at the treehouse? No one is home; pictures that Luna drew; her daughter’s name is Luna p.252

Chapter 32

  1. What helped Xan remember who she was and what she was doing? Glerk and Fyrian p.258
  2. Where do you think the paper birds came from? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 33

  1. Who is the Witch in the history that traveled the world in the Seven League Boots? The Head Sister; Sister Ignatia p.258
  2. Which two peoples were blocking the Head Sister’s view? Xan and Luna p.267

Chapter 34

  1. Why is Ethyne’s home happy and bright? She has hope p.275
  2. Why do you think Ethyne has power over the Grand Elder? She has a strength inside of her and is not intimidated by him p.276
  3. Who created the birds that are protecting Luna? Her mother, the madwoman p.284

Chapter 35

  1. Who did Glerk smell? Sister Ignatia 288
  2. Where is Sister Ignatia’s home? The same place Xan and Luna live p.291

Chapter 36

  1. Who do you think was blocking the scrying device in this chapter? Listen to your child’s answer; Xan p.299

Chapter 37

  1. What was Xan hearing for the first time? Why the babies were left in the ring of trees p.303

Chapter 38

  1. Who is possibly telling the history of the world to their child? The madwoman or Ethyne; So many families lost children to the evilness of the Grand Elder and Head Sister, it represents what all parents could have told their children p.248/307
  2. What characteristic does Ethyne have that helped her find the truth? She was curious and asked questions; she desired to know the truth p.309
  3. Do you think the Grand Elder should be nervous? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 39

  1. What happens to Fyrian in this chapter? He begins to grow to an enormous size p.320
  2. Which Witch is Antain threatening to kill? Luna p.326

Chapter 40

  1. Predict how you think this story will conclude. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 41

  1. How does Luna, her mother and grandmother receive more and more strength? From the moon p.341

Chapter 42

  1. What color of magic does Xan shine? Licheny green p.341
  2. Who reached Luna just as she reached her grandmother and Antain? The madwoman/her mother p.342

Chapter 43

  1. What stopped Antain from attacking the Witch? The trauma of being attacked by the birds p.343
  2. What spell did Luna cast for the first time? Transformation; changed her grandmother back into a person p.348

Chapter 44

  1. What is happening to Xan in this chapter? She’s dying now that Luna’s magic is unlocked p.350

Chapter 45

  1. What made the Sorrow Eater’s magic disappear? Luna opened the woman’s heart and all the sorrow that was stored inside from her own memories spilled out; her magic came from sorrow p.366
  2. What does the phrase, “she is here, she is here, she is here” mean throughout this story? Luna is here; where Luna is on the map; Luna’s mother is here p.368

Chapter 46

  1. Why was Xan happy to hear the cries of joy when the Star Children returned? She had saved each one from death and was happy to hear them return to their original families p.379

Chapter 47

  1. What does Glerk do in this chapter? He takes Xan to the bog and leaves a poem for Luna p.383

Chapter 48

  1. How does this story end? Someone is telling what the village has become, who the Witch is and what will happen in the future p.385
  2. Did you enjoy reading this story? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answers