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Comprehension Questions – Percy Jackson and the Olympians #3 The Titan’s Curse

The Titan's Curse

by Rick Riordan

Grades 6-9; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts: 10.0

When Percy Jackson receives an urgent distress call from his friend Grover, he immediately prepares for battle. He knows he'll need his powerful demigod allies, Annabeth and Thalia, at his side; his trusty bronze sword, Riptide; and ... a ride from his mom. The demigods race to the rescue, to find that Grover has made an important discovery: two new powerful half-bloods whose parentage is unknown. But that's not all that awaits them. The Titan lord, Kronos, has set up his most devious trap yet, and the young heroes have just fallen prey.
Hilarious and action-packed, this third adventure in the series that started with The Lightning Thief finds Percy faced with his most dangerous challenge so far: the chilling prophecy of the Titan's curse.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What is the setting in the first chapter? A school named Westover Hall in Bar Harbor, Maine just before Christmas break p.1
  2. Why did the friends go to the school? To help Grover save and recruit two half-bloods p.7
  3. Describe Thalia. She’s a daughter of Zeus and a leader; is made about her mom p.14

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Percy consider jumping into the ocean with the children? he could protect them due to his strength in the water p.19
  2. How did Annabeth help Percy and the children? She wore her invisible cap and knocked them to the ground p.21
  3. Why was Percy distraught at the end of the chapter? Annabeth had fallen over the cliff with the manticore and he couldn’t go after her p.27

Chapter 3

  1. Why is Annabeth’s disappearance Percy’s fault? He shouldn’t have gone after Dr. Thorn by himself p.33
  2. What opportunity did Artemis give Bianca? To join the Hunters p.40
  3. What oath must Bianca keep now that she swore her allegiance to Artemis? That she will never fall in love, never grow up, and be a maiden eternally p.41

Chapter 4

  1. Describe Apollo.  He’s Artemis’ brother, the Sun God, he can transport people traveling west, he’s a teenager that sees all and knows all p.48
  2. Why won’t Artemis let Zoe and the other Hunters go with her? It’s too dangerous p.39
  3. How did Thalia feel about driving the sun chariot? She was uncomfortable and didn’t want to p.52

Chapter 5

  1. Why was Thalia upset in this chapter? Annabeth was missing p.65
  2. Why did Poseidon put a water feature in Percy’s cabin? Percy could now contact his family p.66
  3. What gift does Percy have that gives him knowledge about his friends when they’re in trouble? Dreams/nightmares about them p.71

Chapter 6

  1. What was Percy’s dream connected to at the beginning of this chapter? Zoe’s dream p.77
  2. Why was Percy upset when he learned that the Hunters were trying to recruit Annabeth? Because he liked her and didn’t want her to become a Hunter p.78
  3. Why didn’t the Oracle communicate with Percy when he visited it, but yet turned to Zoe in the forest? The Oracle didn’t want to speak to him p.89

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Grover have hope that Pan had been awakened? If the manticore was correct, ancient powers will be waking up p.91
  2. Why didn’t Zoe choose Percy to go on the quest? He was a boy p.100
  3. Explain the dream Percy had at the end of the chapter? The General and Luke had Artemis and Annabeth as prisoners.  Annabeth had been holding up a large dark mass, and Artemis went and took her place.  Kronos wanted Luke to kill Annabeth, but Luke made an excuse to keep her alive p.106

Chapter 8

  1. Describe what Percy saved in this chapter. A baby sea cow; a cow half on the front and serpent bottom half; black fur, big brown eyes, white muzzle p.113
  2. Why isn’t Phoebe able to go on the mission? The Stoll brothers put Centaur’s blood on the inside of her t-shirt and now she’s bedridden with hives p.117
  3. What persuaded Percy to follow the quest? They lost Phoebe and needed 5 people p.119

Chapter 9

  1. Where did Zoe and the others drive to? Washington D.C. p.111
  2. Who did Percy follow in D.C.? Dr. Thorn p.130
  3. Why was Percy worried that the zombies tore off some of his t-shirt? He knew they would hunt him p.137

Chapter 10

  1. Why were the quest members in the Air and Space Museum? They were following Grover’s trail p.139
  2. Why did the freeze-dried space food kill the monster? It choked it p.144
  3. Why did Zoe let Percy be a part of the quest?  Percy proved himself p.147

Chapter 11

  1. How did Percy know that Apollo was the homeless guy who helped them? He said a haiku p.155
  2. Who do you think Percy was in his dream? Listen to your child’s answers p.156

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Bianca join the Hunters? She’s been taking care of Nico her entire life and wanted her own life and friends p.165
  2. Who helped the kids defeat the zombies? A large pig p.170
  3. Who did the kids feel in the air? The Lord of the Wild, Pan p.174

Chapter 13

  1. What did Bianca take from the junkyard and why? A mini statue that Nico didn’t have in his collection p.194
  2. How did Bianca defeat the monster? She went inside of it and made it attack itself and fall apart from the inside out p.197
  3. Why didn’t the companions search for Bianca more than they did? She fulfilled the prophecy by dying p.198

Chapter 14

  1. What was unique about Rachel Elizabeth Dare? She’s human but can see Percy’s sword, the lion coat and the skeletons chasing Percy p.213
  2. Who did Percy see in the elevator? Athena, Annabeth’s mom p.218
  3. How did the angels wake up to save the kids? They prayed to Zeus and Athena p.218

Chapter 15

  1. How did Percy find the Man of the Sea? Went to the docks and could smell the ocean when he passed him p.226
  2. Why is the Ophiotaurus running from the bad people? So he doesn’t get sacrificed p.230
  3. What did Percy learn about Mr. D in this chapter? That he secretly liked Percy because he helped Percy and called him by the right name p.239

Chapter 16

  1. How did the friends get to the Mountain of despair? Annabeth’s dad let them borrow his car p.245
  2. How diff Zoe get them past her sisters? She woke up the dragon p.256
  3. Who is the General? Atlas p.260

Chapter 17

  1. Who can defeat Atlas? Artemis p.268
  2. How did Artemis defeat Atlas? She flung him back to the sky and knocked Percy out of the way p.271
  3. What happened to Luke? He fell over the cliff and died p.272

Chapter 18

  1. Describe what happened to Zoe in this chapter? She died and became a constellation p.278
  2. Where are the friends traveling to? Mt. Olympus p.279
  3. What’s Annabeth’s conclusion of what happened to Luke? He’s not dead, he’s under Kronos’s spell p.282

Chapter 19

  1. Why didn’t the council destroy Percy and Annabeth? They had done well in their quest and their parents stood up for them p.294
  2. What is Percy’s weakness? Personal loyalty to his friends p.298

Chapter 20

  1. How did Nico respond when Percy told him about his sister Bianca? He was angry at Percy and said he hated him p.306
  2. Who is Nico’s and Bianca’s father? Hades p.309
  3. Why didn’t Percy want to tell Chiron that Hades was Nico’s dad? Chiron would need to tell the other gods on Mt. Olympus, and they would kill him p.310

Comprehension Questions – Holes

by Louis Sachar

Grades 6-8; Genre - Fiction; GRL V; AR 7.0

Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day, digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment - and redemption.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does the author begin this story? Describing Camp Green Lake and the living conditions; the harm in being bit by scorpions, rattlesnakes, and yellow-spotted lizards p.3

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the setting of this story. Camp Green Lake is in Texas where a lake once was. It’s a camp for bad boys p.5

Chapter 3

  1. Describe the main character. Stanley Yelnats the IV; poor family; no friends; overweight; not a bad kid, but was convicted of a crime that took him to Camp Green Lake p.6

Chapter 4

  1. Describe Stanley’s life for the next 18 months. Stanley will need to dig a hole 5ft deep and 5 ft wide each day; he’ll have two sets of clothes; it’s hot and nowhere to go besides desert p.11

Chapter 5

  1. Describe Mr. Pendanski. He seems kind; wants to help the boys; the boys call him Mom p.16

Chapter 6

  1. How does the judge think Camp Green Lake will improve Stanley’s character? Being away from home and digging holes will give Stanley an appreciation for the things he has at home and will help him grow tough mentally and physically p.25

Chapter 7

  1. How was Stanley’s situation similar to his great-great grandfather’s situation with the pig? His grandfather developed character when he carried the pig up the mountain each day and sang to it. Stanley was building character as he dug his first hole p.28
  2. Why did Elya think he was cursed? His friend Zeroni said he would be if he didn’t carry her up the mountain and sing to her; his life was filled with bad luck p.38

Chapter 8

  1. Why do you think the author is describing the yellow-spotted lizard in this chapter? To help the reader understand that getting bit is very dangerous. Possibly foreshadowing someone getting bit p.41

Chapter 9

  1. Why was Stanley scared of the Caveman? He didn’t realize that was his new nickname; he thought the Lump was the Caveman and was going to beat him up p.44

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Stanley think the fossilized rock would give him the day off? It was interesting to him; finding a cool fossil doesn’t happen very often p.50

Chapter 11

  1. Explain why Stanley was accepted at Camp Green Lake, but struggled with bullies at home? There was mutual respect between the boys since they were all there for the same reason p.53

Chapter 12

  1. What’s something you’re interested in and what you’d like to do when you grow up? Listen to your child’s answer.
  2. What does Mr Pendanski say you’ll need to do to achieve your dream? It won’t be easy; you’ll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it; you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it p.57

Chapter 13

  1. How did Stanley earn one place in line? X-ray gave him permission since Stanley gave him something he found while digging p.63

Chapter 14

  1. Describe the Warden. Bossy and stern; red hair and red fingernails; freckles; intimidating; doesn’t want anyone to question her authority p.66

Chapter 15

  1. Why didn’t Stanley tell the Warden they were digging in the wrong place? Didn’t want to get X-ray in trouble; he didn’t want the Warden to know where he’d found barrel p.71

Chapter 16

  1. What did you learn about Zero in this chapter? He’s never heard nursery rhymes p.76

Chapter 17

  1. How successful were the boys at uncovering anything else “interesting”? They weren’t p.77

Chapter 18

  1. What did the author mean, Stanley’s heart hardened over the last several weeks? He wasn’t as compassionate and kind p.82

Chapter 19

  1. When Stanley was riding in the truck, why was he surprised it felt good? Because he was on the way to being punished by the Warden, but it felt good to be out of the sun and sit down p.87

Chapter 20

  1. What caused Mr. Sir to be in horrific pain when the Warden slapped him? She intentionally scraped him, so the venom from her fingernails went into open wounds on his face p.91

Chapter 21

  1. Why was Stanley scared of Mr. Sir? Mr. Sir would be angry at Stanley for taking the sunflower seeds and for being slapped and scraped with the venom p.92

Chapter 22

  1. Why did Stanley agree to teach Zero how to read? Zero dug part of his hole and he wasn’t as tired; Zero showed Stanley a great kindness, so he wanted to be kind back p.96

Chapter 23

  1. Describe Katherine Barlow. She was from the town by Green Lake and was kind and pretty; made delicious, spiced peaches, and always received a prize for them; she taught school p.101

Chapter 24

  1. How did Mr. Sir punish Stanley in this chapter? Instead of filling his canteen with water, Mr. Sir just let the water run on the ground p.106

Chapter 25

  1. What happened to Katherine and Onion Sam in this chapter? They fell in love p.111

Chapter 26

  1. How did Katherine become an outlaw? Sam and his donkey were killed for kissing her due to the color of Sam’s skin; Katherine was full of vengeance p.115

Chapter 27

  1. Where did Zero get his nickname from? His last name Zeroni p.119
  2. What’s significant about Zero’s last name? It’s the same last name as the woman who gave Stanley’s great-great grandfather the pig and who cursed him p.31

Chapter 28

  1. Summarize this chapter. Katherine came back after 20yrs to Green Lake and lived in the cabin between the two oak trees. Trout and his wife Linda caught Kate, but she wouldn’t show them where her loot was buried and was bit by a yellow-spotted lizard and died p.120

Chapter 29

  1. How is Stanley connected to Katherine Barlow? When Kate was an outlaw, she robbed his great grandfather and left him for dead p.128
  2. What connection does Stanley see with his great grandfather and the fist that looked like a rock? His great grandfather said he was saved by the thumb of God; the rock juts up like a thumb sticking up p.128

Chapter 30

  1. Why did Zero run away from the camp? Mr. Pendanski called Zero stupid and that he couldn’t learn, so he hit him p.138

Chapter 31

  1. Why does the Warden want to destroy all of Zero’s records? She thinks he’s going to die in the desert, and she doesn’t want anyone coming to look for him p.144

Chapter 32

  1. What did Stanley do in this chapter? He stole and wrecked Mr. Sir’s truck to go find Zero p.148

Chapter 33

  1. Why was Stanley scared when he saw the family of yellow-spotted lizards in the hole? He would be dead if one bit him p.150

Chapter 34

  1. Who was taking shelter under the boat? Zero p.154
  2. Whose boat was named the Mary Lou? Onion Sam’s p.107

Chapter 35

  1. What is the sploosh Zero found and why are there 16 bottles? The spiced peaches Kate gave to Onion Sam to pay him for fixing up the school house p.109

Chapter 36

  1. Why was Zero’s stomach hurting him? From drinking the old sploosh and not eating other food p.161

Chapter 37

  1. How did Stanley know they were getting close to water? The mountain had bugs and weeds p.169

Chapter 38

  1. What did Stanley find when he slipped? A hole with water and an onion p.171

Chapter 39

  1. Whose fault is it that Stanley is at Camp Green Lake? Zero’s p.175
  2. Why did Stanley sing his family’s song to Zero? To comfort Zero p.175

Chapter 40

  1. Why was Stanley so amazed when he finally found the shovel and jars? He hiked a long way up the mountain carrying Zero with no food and water p.181

Chapter 41

  1. Why did Zero get sent to Camp Green Lake? Stealing a new pair of shoes p.184

Chapter 42

  1. Why did Stanley want to dig another hole? He wanted to go back to where he found the lipstick tube and see if there really was buried treasure p.188

Chapter 43

  1. How did Stanley feel as he and Zero got closer to camp? Why? Terror; he was traumatized from what had happened at the camp p.197

Chapter 44

  1. What did Stanley and Zero find in this chapter and why couldn’t they keep it? A suitcase; the Warden found them digging and wanted it p.202

Chapter 45

  1. What did the Warden mean when she said, “it won’t be long “? It won’t be long before the lizards bite Zero and Stanley and they’re dead p.206

Chapter 46

  1. Why had the lawyer come looking for Stanley? Stanley was innocent and she was going to take him home p.209

Chapter 47

  1. Why do you think the suitcase had Stanley’s name on it? Kate stole it from his great-grandfather, whose name was also Stanley Yelnats p.216

Chapter 48

  1. How did Stanley lawyer protect Stanley and Zero? She wouldn’t let Stanley open the suitcase and tried to get him out of there as quickly as possible; she was taking Zero with her as well p.222

Chapter 49

  1. Why didn’t Stanley and Zero get bit by the yellow lizards? They had onions in their bloodstream and the lizards don’t like onion blood p.224
  2. Why did Ms. Morengo leave the windows rolled down on the way home? The boys stank of onions p.224

Chapter 50

  1. Why did Hector (Zero) hire private investigators?  To find his mom p.230
  2. Summarize the end of this story. Stanley and Zero received just under $1 million each for the contents in the suitcase; Stanley bought his family a home to live in and Hector hired private investigators; Stanley’s dad invented Sploosh, it neutralizes odor in shoes; Zero finds his mom p.231

Comprehension Questions – Hank the Cowdog#3 It’s a Dog’s Life

By John R. Erickson

Grades 4-6; Genre - Fiction; 720L; AR pts: 3.0

Summary by Marcus Schlairet Russ (11 yrs old)

Have you ever wanted to get back at someone? Hank’s sister, Maggie, does in this story.

In the beginning, Hank gets in trouble because he messes up Sally May’s house. He was investigating something, Pete, the Barncat, told Drover.

Then, he ran away to visit his sister, Maggie. She tricked him into eating a bar of soap because he pushed her into the sewer when they were puppies.

In the end, the dogcatcher put him in the pound for rabies, because he was foaming at the mouth. He escaped and went home. He got revenge on Pete scaring him into the water trough.

You will laugh when you read about Hank’s adventures and eating the bar of soap. I know I did!

Comprehension Questions (written by Steven Schlairet)

Chapter 1

  1. What did Hank send Drover to do? Bark at the mailman. Pg. 2.
  2. Why did Hank say he had fleas? Because Loper only bought him 1 gunny sack a year. Pg. 4.
  3. Why did Hank say cowdogs barked at mailmen? Because they always did. Pg. 7.
  4. What news did Drover hear? It was the end of the world. Pg. 9.

Chapter 2

  1. What did Hank think was wrong with Pete? He swallowed a chicken bone. Pg. 11
  2. Why did Pete think it was the end of the world? Cat’s intuition. Pg. 13.
  3. What did they learn from the interrogation of Pete? Sally May wrote on her calendar. Pg. 15.
  4. What was the clicking time bomb? Drover’s chattering teeth. Pg. 16.
  5. How did Hank want to check out the problem? Penetration of the house. Pg. 18.

Chapter 3

  1. What did Hank think smelled like a skunk? Loper’s boots. Pg. 25.
  2. What did Hank find on the table? 3 T-bone steaks. Pg. 29.
  3. Why did Drover call “mayday!”? Because Sally May came home. Pg. 29.

Chapter 4

  1. What did Hank do when Sally May caught him? Knocked the jelly jar off the table. Pg. 31.
  2. Did Hank think it was his fault? No. The cowboys had plenty to eat. Pg. 34.
  3. What did Hank think of cat’s cleaning? Dirty from spit; not clean from the sewer. Pg. 37.
  4. Why was Hank going to leave to visit his sister? Let it blow over. Pg. 39.

Chapter 5

  1. Who did Hank meet playing the banjo and singing? Junior. Pg. 45.
  2. What did Hank teach Junior about singing? How to howl. Pg. 48.
  3. Who joined them in singing? Rip and Snort. Pg. 50

Chapter 6

  1. What was the clothes’ line pole with a shoe? A woman’s leg. Pg. 57.
  2. What did Maggie smell? Hank’s smell from the sewer. Pg. 59.
  3. Did Maggie want Hank to stay? No. Pg. 61.
  4. Why did Hank stay? To tell the kids stories. Pg. 63.

Chapter 7

  1. What did Maggie want to be called? Margaret; she didn’t like nick names. Pg. 65.
  2. What did Hank teach them first? To dig under the fence. Pg. 68.
  3. What did they eat from the garbage? A bunch of fish heads. Pg. 70.
  4. Who made fun of the pups? A cat on the fence. Pg. 72.

Chapter 8

  1. What does urchins mean? A mischievous child poorly dressed. Pg.74.
  2. What do the cats do? Sing a song mocking the dogs. Pg. 76.
  3. What do the dogs do back? Sing a song mocking the cats. Pg. 77.
  4. What do the dogs finally do? Start barking. Pg. 81.
  5. Who arrives after the neighbors get upset? The city dogcatcher. Pg. 83.

Chapter 9

  1. What is the bullet that Hank dodged? Getting his siter’s kids thrown in the pound. Pg. 84.
  2. What does Hank tell Maggie he did with the kids? They were just singing. Pg. 85.
  3. What does Maggie give Hank to eat? An Ivory Dog Bar. Pg. 89.
  4. Why did she give it to Hank? He pushed her into the sewer and she cried. Pg. 92.
  5. Why did the dogcatcher take Hank? He thought he was rabid. Pg. 95.

Chapter 10

  1. What did the dogcatcher do to Hank in the cage? Poke him with a stick. Pg. 99.
  2. What did the dogcatcher say about Hank? He tried to attack a child. Pg. 99.
  3. What test would they run on Hank? Cut off his head to check for rabies. Pg. 100.
  4. What did Ralph keep doing? Falling asleep. Pg. 106.

Chapter 11

  1. Did Hank believe his sister gave him soap on purpose? No. Pg. 108.
  2. What happened when Hank rammed the cell door? He passed out. Pg. 110.
  3. How did Ralph get in Hank’s cell? He just opened the latch. Pg. 110.

Chapter 12

  1. What else did the dogcatcher do besides chase hank? He started shooting at him. Pg. 116.
  2. What was Hank’s plan? To run around the Waterhole until Jimmy Joe ran out of gas. Pg. 117.
  3. Who drove Hank back to the ranch? Slim. Pg. 120.
  4. How did Hank get back at Pete? Shoved him into the water trough. Pg. 125.

Expressions used in the Story

Dodge a bullet.  Pg. 84

Mum’s the Word. Pg. 85.

Spill the beans. Pg. 87.

Toss your cookies. Pg. 94.