Comprehension Questions – A Never Girls Adventure Finding Tinker Bell #5 To the Forgotten Castle

To the Forgotten Castle

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

The Never Girls' quest leads them to an enchanted castle where things aren't quite what they seem.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. From whose point of view is the story told? Gabby p.1
  2. What fable are you reminded of in this chapter and why? The boy who cried wolf; Gabby gave false alarms when she thought she spotted Tinker Bell p.4

Chapter 2

  1. Predict the strange feeling Gabby had when she walked through the archway. Listen to your child’s answer p.18

Chapter 3

  1. What is the strange feeling Gabby had? She lost her shadow p.36
  2. Were you correct in your prediction? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 4

  1. Why is Iridessa trembling at the end of this chapter? She saw an immense dark shape outside p.46

Chapter 5

  1. Summarize this chapter. Iridessa taught Gabby to hold light; Iridessa realized the archway caused shadows to separate from their objects; the butterfly shadows are grouping together because they are lonely and miss their objects p.49

Chapter 6

  1. List a word to describe Fawn in this chapter? Why did you choose it? Listen to your child’s answer; determined, persevering; she kept going and didn’t give up until she found a bat that would talk to her

Chapter 7

  1. How will Gabby find her shadow? Find the king’s magic stone p.81

Chapter 8

  1. Name two things Gabby figured out and what did she find? The moth is a fairy shadow and the magic stone is in the arch; her shadow p.92

Chapter 9

  1. Describe the shadow beast and how Iridessa defeated it. A variety of shadow animals that banded together; she flew into the middle of the beast, her light freed them and they separated p.96

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize the conclusion to this book. They found Tink’s shadow and followed it; it led them to a cliff and they saw the Treasure; everyone is resolute to find Tinker Bell p.108