Tag Archives: A Never Girls Adventure

Comprehension Questions – A Never Girls Adventure Finding Tinker Bell #6 The Last Journey

The Last Journey

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

Kate, Mia, Lainey, and Gabby are closer to finding Tinker Bell than ever! Their journey is filled with more questions than answers as they try to solve the mysteries of Shadow Island in order to find their way home.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. From whose point of view is the story told? Tinker Bell p.1
  2. Summarize the introduction to this story. Tink wants to get to Never Land but is hesitant to leave Shadow Island without her shadow; she thought her friends calling her were sea wraiths; the mast broke, the ship fell and crashed on the rocks as she traveled to the portal p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Why is Gabby upset about the ship? It’s destroyed and she doesn’t know if she can fix it; it was made by her great grandfather and her father is counting on her to bring it home p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Do you believe Tink’s shadow betrayed her? Listen to your child’s answer
  2. Why can’t the friends and Tink go back to Never Land? The portal is gone p.31

Chapter 4

  1. Why isn’t the magic stone breaking the curse? A piece is broken off p.40
  2. Why does Mia think the Great Ones will know where the other part of the stone is? They’re hundreds of years old and have heard many stories p.42

Chapter 5

  1. Describe how the friends and fairies helped the sprite’s village. Because light is shining to the forest floor, flowers are growing, and their village is warm, bright, and beautiful p.53

Chapter 6

  1. Summarize what the girls learned from Magnus. There was a king long ago; he cut down many trees to make room for his castle; he fled in a ship during a storm and was never seen again p.55

Chapter 7

  1. Summarize this chapter. The girls left a trail of rocks to keep from getting lost as they headed to the Lost coast; they found Tink’s rock in the desert and couldn’t see the Lost Coast on the map; the sand spoke to them in riddles; Kate threw the map into the air and it disappeared; they became lost and were on the Lost Coast p.64

Chapter 8

  1. Where did the girls find the other half of the stone? The Lost Coast; the troll p.90
  2. Predict how are the girls going to help the troll? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 9

  1. How did the troll change when Gabby put the stone together? His shadow returned and he remembered who he was p.94
  2. What is Shadow Island? Never Land’s shadow p.97

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize this conclusion. The boat was fixed and Gabby gave it to her father; the girls went to bed; their father said they reminded him of their great grandfather; their great grandfather saw a fairy p.106

Comprehension Questions – A Never Girls Adventure Finding Tinker Bell #5 To the Forgotten Castle

To the Forgotten Castle

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

The Never Girls' quest leads them to an enchanted castle where things aren't quite what they seem.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. From whose point of view is the story told? Gabby p.1
  2. What fable are you reminded of in this chapter and why? The boy who cried wolf; Gabby gave false alarms when she thought she spotted Tinker Bell p.4

Chapter 2

  1. Predict the strange feeling Gabby had when she walked through the archway. Listen to your child’s answer p.18

Chapter 3

  1. What is the strange feeling Gabby had? She lost her shadow p.36
  2. Were you correct in your prediction? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 4

  1. Why is Iridessa trembling at the end of this chapter? She saw an immense dark shape outside p.46

Chapter 5

  1. Summarize this chapter. Iridessa taught Gabby to hold light; Iridessa realized the archway caused shadows to separate from their objects; the butterfly shadows are grouping together because they are lonely and miss their objects p.49

Chapter 6

  1. List a word to describe Fawn in this chapter? Why did you choose it? Listen to your child’s answer; determined, persevering; she kept going and didn’t give up until she found a bat that would talk to her

Chapter 7

  1. How will Gabby find her shadow? Find the king’s magic stone p.81

Chapter 8

  1. Name two things Gabby figured out and what did she find? The moth is a fairy shadow and the magic stone is in the arch; her shadow p.92

Chapter 9

  1. Describe the shadow beast and how Iridessa defeated it. A variety of shadow animals that banded together; she flew into the middle of the beast, her light freed them and they separated p.96

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize the conclusion to this book. They found Tink’s shadow and followed it; it led them to a cliff and they saw the Treasure; everyone is resolute to find Tinker Bell p.108

Comprehension Questions – A Never Girls Adventure Finding Tinker Bell #3 Up the Misty Peak

Up the Misty Peak

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

As the Never Girls continue searching for Tinker Bell, they are reunited with the herd of mist horses they met long ago in Never Land.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Summarize the introduction. The fairies huddle around a fire with someone listening; Lainey overheard the fairies and knew the girls were a burden since the fairies wouldn’t have magic without fairy dust; She knew they needed a miracle to find Tink and get home p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Describe Fawn’s attitude when she lost her magic? She decided since she couldn’t control her situation, she would be positive and make the best of it p.14
  2. Imagine a situation where you could follow her example. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 3

  1. Predict what happened to Fawn. Listen to your child’s answer; was carried away with the mist horses p.32

Chapter 4

  • Describe Lainey’s plan. Climb the mountain to find the mist horses, find the foal’s mom and Fawn p.43

Chapter 5

  1. Why is Fawn excited in this chapter? She didn’t need magic to speak with animals p.50

Chapter 6

  1. How did the girls get the foal to follow them? Why did it work? They started heading up the mountain; they let him make his own choice to follow; he didn’t want to be alone p.57

Chapter 7

  1. Describe Striker. A hawk who Fawn helped as a hatchling; his shadow was ripped from him in a storm, and was brought to Shadow Island; found Tinker Bell’s boat in a cave behind a waterfall p.72

Chapter 8

  1. Predict what Tink has brought in the other barrels. Listen to your child’s answer
  2. Why are the girls so frightened in the forest? Shadows were following them p.89

Chapter 9

  1. Summarize this chapter. Dewdrop made it back to his mother in the clouds and Fawn found the rest of her group p.95

Chapter 10

  1. What is in the other barrels? Was your prediction correct? Fairy dust; listen to your child’s answer p.109
  2. Summarize the conclusion to this book. Fawn brought fairy dust to her friends and they can use their magic and fly again; Cloud and Dewdrop come back and Cloud gives a ride to Kate and Lainey; everyone meets at the cave and the fairies go in; the boat is gone p.107

Comprehension Questions – A Never Girls Adventure Finding Tinker Bell #2 Through the Dark Forest

Through the Dark Forest

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

In the second book in the Finding Tinker Bell series, The Never Girls’ quest takes them to a mysterious shadow island. Can they find Tink without putting the rest of their fairy friends in danger?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Summarize the introduction to this story. The girls are looking for Tink over the ocean; Mia is afraid of flying; they turn to go back to shore but run into a storm; Mia decides to go through the storm and magically gets dropped onto sand p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Where did the portal take the girls? To Shadow Island, where Tink is p.20

Chapter 3

  1. What is strange about the forest? Variety of mushrooms; they feel like they are being watched; dark and quiet p.23

Chapter 4

  1. Describe the sprite’s village. In a glade in the forest; dark; mushrooms made paths and were houses; vines made a bridge p.41

Chapter 5

  1. Why do you think Ersa is wearing Tinker Bell’s slipper? Listen to your child’s answer; she might be holding Tink captive p.58

Chapter 6

  1. Summarize this chapter. Mia, Lainey and Rosetta go talk to the Great Ones; Mia rests on a tree and the tree starts to talk to her p.59

Chapter 7

  1. What did Mia, Lainey and Rosetta learn in this chapter? The Great Ones are trees and are fearful of fire p.74

Chapter 8

  1. Explain why Rosetta was feeling sorry for Magnus. He is lonely; the trees don’t talk to each other or anyone; the trees live so long they don’t bother getting to know other creatures p.92

Chapter 9

  1. Define courage. The ability of doing something that is frightening. 
  2. How did Mia show courage? She’s flying even though she is scared p.104
  3. What deal did the girls make with the trees? The sprites will remove beetles from their trunks if they part their branches so light shines on the forest floor p.106

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize the conclusion of this book. The sprites accept the deal and fly up with the girls to meet the fairies; Ersa told the truth and doesn’t know where Tink is, but the sprites knew the direction she had flown; they found Fawn and Silvermist; the two fairies know where to find Tink p.110