Comprehension Questions – A Never Girls Adventure Finding Tinker Bell #6 The Last Journey

The Last Journey

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

Kate, Mia, Lainey, and Gabby are closer to finding Tinker Bell than ever! Their journey is filled with more questions than answers as they try to solve the mysteries of Shadow Island in order to find their way home.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. From whose point of view is the story told? Tinker Bell p.1
  2. Summarize the introduction to this story. Tink wants to get to Never Land but is hesitant to leave Shadow Island without her shadow; she thought her friends calling her were sea wraiths; the mast broke, the ship fell and crashed on the rocks as she traveled to the portal p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Why is Gabby upset about the ship? It’s destroyed and she doesn’t know if she can fix it; it was made by her great grandfather and her father is counting on her to bring it home p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Do you believe Tink’s shadow betrayed her? Listen to your child’s answer
  2. Why can’t the friends and Tink go back to Never Land? The portal is gone p.31

Chapter 4

  1. Why isn’t the magic stone breaking the curse? A piece is broken off p.40
  2. Why does Mia think the Great Ones will know where the other part of the stone is? They’re hundreds of years old and have heard many stories p.42

Chapter 5

  1. Describe how the friends and fairies helped the sprite’s village. Because light is shining to the forest floor, flowers are growing, and their village is warm, bright, and beautiful p.53

Chapter 6

  1. Summarize what the girls learned from Magnus. There was a king long ago; he cut down many trees to make room for his castle; he fled in a ship during a storm and was never seen again p.55

Chapter 7

  1. Summarize this chapter. The girls left a trail of rocks to keep from getting lost as they headed to the Lost coast; they found Tink’s rock in the desert and couldn’t see the Lost Coast on the map; the sand spoke to them in riddles; Kate threw the map into the air and it disappeared; they became lost and were on the Lost Coast p.64

Chapter 8

  1. Where did the girls find the other half of the stone? The Lost Coast; the troll p.90
  2. Predict how are the girls going to help the troll? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 9

  1. How did the troll change when Gabby put the stone together? His shadow returned and he remembered who he was p.94
  2. What is Shadow Island? Never Land’s shadow p.97

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize this conclusion. The boat was fixed and Gabby gave it to her father; the girls went to bed; their father said they reminded him of their great grandfather; their great grandfather saw a fairy p.106