Tag Archives: AR Points

Comprehension Questions – Deltora Quest #6 The Maze of the Beast

The Maze of the Beast

by Emily Rodda

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL S; AR pts: 4.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Where are the companions traveling to next? The Maze of the Beast
  2. Why were they hesitant to help when they heard screaming? They knew it could be a trap
  3. Why did the boy shoot Ida with an arrow? She was an Ol

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Barda need warmth after being attacked by the Ol? Ol attacks chill to the bone and he was wet and cold from the river
  2. What did Dain give Barda to help him feel better? A scoop of honey
  3. Whose side is Dain on? The Resistance

Chapter 3

  1. Describe the three different grades of Ols. The first grade can shapeshift and do not eat and drink; Grade two can pretend to eat and drink, create body heat and hold a form for more than three full days; Grade three can hold their shape and become whatever they want, it’s very difficult to identify them; the mark of the Shadow Lord is on all of them
  2. What injuries did Dain receive from Lief attacking him? Sprained arm and broken ribs
  3. How did the companions know they had reached the stronghold? Dain had told them the signs to look for and Lief found a paper with a clue

Chapter 4

  1. What was the password to get into the resistance’s hideout? Weapons
  2. What perception does Jinks have of Bard? That he is a coward for running away from the palace when the Shadow Lord struck
  3. Why was Bard worried that Jinks would gossip about him? He wanted to keep his history a secret

Chapter 5

  1. Who arrived at the hold in this chapter? Doom
  2. Why did Lief think Doom wanted to keep the travelers for three days? To keep them close to him so they would tell him what they were up to
  3. Who freed the companions and why? Dain, because he felt Doom was wrong in keeping them

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Dain want the travelers to take him to Tora? That is where he is from 
  2. Who is Dain? Someone Doom found and is protecting
  3. Why did Jasmine separate from the other travelers? To keep the enemy off their trail

Chapter 7

  1. Why didn’t the Ols attack Lief, Barda and Dain? They weren’t looking for them, only a man, a boy, a wild girl and her black bird 
  2. What did Jasmine leave on the ground? A message 
  3. What did the message say? That she had been in that city the day before/ that she was ahead one day of the rest of the group

Chapter 8

  1. Who is Steven? A peddler that sells to the Resistance 
  2. What did he sell to Barda, Lief and Dain? A belt, toffee, and a small cooking pot
  3. Where was Steven’s brother? Within Steven

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Barda purchase the belt? To give to Lief to put over the Belt of Deltora
  2. Why were the companions so anxious when they saw the river boat?  They wanted to get out of the mud
  3. Why were they skeptical about the Polypan?  Polypans are thieves

Chapter 10

  1. Why couldn’t Dain go to Tora? The captain wouldn’t take him
  2. What will the captain do to Ols? Throw them overboard
  3. Who was the lady with the parasol? Jasmine

Chapter 11

  1. Who attacked the boat? Pirates
  2. Describe what happened to Barda while fighting the pirate. He fell overboard
  3. What did the pirates take from Lief? The Deltora Belt

Chapter 12

  1. Who saved Jasmine and Lief from the Ol? The captain of the boat
  2. Why was Lief upset? The pirates stole the belt
  3. What did Barda find on the pirate that washed ashore? A map to the maze of the beast

Chapter 13

  1. How was Barda acting strangely? He was calm, patient, quiet, walked with his head down
  2. Why was Lief upset when they found the box made of pearl shell? The pirates had taken the gem
  3. Who told Finn to get the gem? Doom

Chapter 14

  1. What was pretending to be Barda? An Ol
  2. Who captured the companions? The pirates who attacked them before
  3. Why are Finn and Nak afraid of Doom? They knew he would hunt them down for betraying the Resistance

Chapter 15

  1. How did Lief get the Belt of Deltora back? Chett had taken it from the pirates for a treat
  2. Describe the beast in the maze? Its name is Glus; gigantic, slug-like, sickly pale, spine tipped tail, tiny eyes on stalks on the end of its head
  3. How did Lief know how to escape the beast? He felt the topaz and it cleared his mind

Chapter 16

  1. Why did the companions fear sleep while in the maze? An ooze was dripping down the walls and if they lingered too long, it would bind them
  2. What did Jasmine have that would keep the companions together? A ball of yellow wool
  3. Where did Lief find the gem? In the stone pillar

Chapter 17

  1. Why did the Glus cover up the hole the companions went through? He wanted to keep his cave secure
  2. What saved the companions from the pirates? The blowhole
  3. What had happened to Dain? He was taken by the pirates

Comprehension Questions – The Chronicles of Narnia #6 The Silver Chair

The Silver Chair

By C.S. Lewis

Grades 3-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts. 8.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why was Jill crying at the beginning of the book? She was being bullied p.1
  2. How did Jill and Eustace arrive in Narnia? They ran into a doorway away from some bullies and the other side of the door was Narnia p.9
  3. How do you know the kids were in Narnia? Jill saw Aslan p.16

Chapter 2

  1. Why didn’t Jill rush to get a drink from the glade? Aslan was right next to it and she thought he would eat her p.19
  2. What did Aslan want Jill to remember? The four signs he told her to help them in their task p.24
  3. What was Jill’s consequence for making Eustace fall off the edge of the cliff? Eustace doesn’t know the signs and Jill has to remember them herself and tell them to Eustace p.25
  4. How did Jill and Eustace travel to Narnia? On Aslan’s breath p.26

Chapter 3

  1. Who was the old king that got on the ship? Prince Caspian p.39
  2. Why was Eustace so confused about Narnia? He’d never been to the land of Narnia before, only to the sea p.41
  3. Did Eustace and Jill fulfill the first sign Aslan gave them? Why or why not? No, Eustace didn’t recognize the old king and Jill couldn’t get Eustace to understand the sign p.44

Chapter 4

  1. How did Jill and Eustace leave the castle and travel to the tower? The white owl, Glimfeather p.52
  2. Why would Trumpkin forbid the kids to look for the lost prince? Knights, centaurs, good giants, etc.(champions) have tried to find the prince and have never returned p.54
  3. How did Prince Caspian’s wife die? She was poisoned by a serpent while out with the prince p.57
  4. Why did Drinian tell the king he felt he was a traitor and to slay him? He held his tongue when he found out what Rilian was up to p.60

Chapter 5

  1. Where did the kids sleep after the owls dropped them off? In a Marsh-wiggle’s wigwam p.66
  2. Describe Puddleglum. He’s seems to always be negative and hopeless p.70
  3. What type of people live in Ettinsmoor? Giants p.74
  4. What stopped Eustace and Jill from quarreling? Puddleglum stating that all adventures are ready to knife each other at the end of an adventure p.78

Chapter 6

  1. Why did the giants throw rocks at the travelers? They didn’t see the travelers and were playing a game with each other p.82
  2. Who did the children meet after crossing the bridge? A knight and beautiful women p.89
  3. Why did Puddleglum think the knight was suspicious? He didn’t talk p.92
  4. Why was it a problem that Jill didn’t remember to recite the signs Aslan gave her? The signs were to help the children find the prince and if Jill didn’t remember the signs, they wouldn’t know where to go or what to look for p.94

Chapter 7

  1. Describe the weather the children traveled in to Harfang? Blizzard p.98
  2. How did the giant react to the travelers? He let them in and introduced them to the king p.108
  3. What did the giant give Puddleglum to drink? Liquor p.110

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Jill begin to cry when they stood before the king and queen? She was cold, tired, hungry and scared p.115
  2. Describe Jill’s dream. Aslan came to her and asked her to repeat the signs, but she couldn’t. He carried her to the window sill. As she looked out, she saw “under me” written in the sky p.119
  3. How did the children mess up the third sign? They walked through the ruined city in the storm and passed it. Now they’re stuck in the giant’s home.123
  4. Why was it important that Jill got permission to run around the castle? The children could explore and find the best way to escape and wouldn’t look suspicious when they were outside of their rooms while escaping p.128

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Puddleglum warn the children to stop eating the venison? The venison was from a talking beast p.132
  2. Why was Jill alarmed after reading two recipes in the cookbook? There was a recipe for man and another one for Marsh-wiggle p.135
  3. Where did the travelers go to hide from the hounds and giants? A hole in a giant stair p.140

Chapter 10

  1. What type of people lived underground? Gnomes p.146
  2. What human did the travelers get taken to? The quiet Knight p.158
  3. How does the knight feel about his queen? That she can do no wrong p.158

Chapter 11

  1. What enchantment does the queen save the knight from? He turns into a serpent a certain time every night p.164
  2. Why did the Knight want the children and Puddleglum to watch over him as he was tied to the silver chair? To comfort him p.168
  3. Why did they let the Knight go? He gave the fourth sign; he’s the prince p.176

Chapter 12

  1. What did the queen do after Rilian asked her to let them go peacefully? She threw green powder into the fireplace and played a stringed instrument p.181
  2. What did Jill remember while fighting the witch’s enchantment? Aslan p.187
  3. What did Puddleglum do to stop the enchantment? Stamped out the fire p.189
  4. What did the witch turn into? A serpent p.192

Chapter 13

  1. What was the result of the queen’s death? Her magic ended and the Underworld was getting destroyed by flood and volcano p.198
  2. What figure was on Rilian’s shield? an image of the Lion p.202
  3. Who was following the travelers as they rode through the city to escape? Gnomes p.204
  4. How did the gnome respond when the Prince told him the queen was dead? He was happy and said Rilian was a friend p.209

Chapter 14

  1. What had the witch done to the gnomes?  She had put an enchantment on them so they would be her slaves p.210
  2. What made the gnomes wake up? Rilian, Eustace, and Puddleglum killing the queen p.212
  3. Why were the gnomes acting like they were going to war? They didn’t know the queen was dead and were ready to fight so they could go back home p.213
  4. Why did the gnomes fling themselves into the chasm? Down the chasm is their real home and it was closing. They would have been stuck up in the city p.220

Chapter 15

  1. Where did the hole lead that Jill and Eustace climbed out of? Narnia p.231
  2. Why did Eustace come out of the hole fighting? He couldn’t see very well, snow fell on him from the cliff above, Narnian creatures were running toward him, and he thought enemies had taken Jill p.235
  3. Where do the Narnians think the witch was from?  The north p. 240

Chapter 16

  1. Where did the children fin Prince Rilian? On the green waiting for his father’s ship p.248
  2. What happened to the king after being carried off the ship? He died p.249
  3. Why did Aslan want Eustace to poke his paw? The blood from his paw dropped into the stream over Caspian’s body and brought him back to life (resurrection) p.262
  4. How did Aslan and Caspian help Jill and Eustace in their world? The kids that were bullying Jill saw the back of Aslan and the other three chased down the bullies p.256 

Comprehension Questions – The Littles Give a Party

The Littles Give a Party

By John Peterson

Comprehension Questions (by Steve)

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 1.0

Chapter 1

  1. Why wasn’t Granny paying attention? She was sad. Pg 5.
  2. What did Tom think would cheer Granny up?  Some rice pudding with raisins. Pg. 9.
  3. What did Tom get distracted by? Peanut butter. Pg. 12.

Chapter 2

  1. What was Tom worried would happen in the jar? He’d suffocate. Pg. 13.
  2. Why was Tom able to get out by the spoon unseen? Henry was sneaking a bite. Pg. 14.
  3. Did Granny eat the desert? No, she said she wasn’t hungry. Pg. 19.

Chapter 3

  1. Why did Mrs. Little say Granny was depressed? It was her 80th birthday. Pg. 22.
  2. How did they decide to make Granny happy? A surprise birthday on July 4th. Pg. 25.

Chapter 4

  1. What is twelve noon for the little people?  Mirror Message Time. Pg. 27.
  2. How did Tom learn Morse code? Henry Bigg’s Boy Scout Manual. Pg. 28.

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Tom and Lucy want the cereal box? For the cut-out costumes. Pg. 32.
  2. What play were they going to perform? Little Red Riding Hood.  Pg.  34.

Chapter 6

  1. What was the bad news about the party? The old people did not want to travel. Pg. 35.
  2. How did they solve the problem? Cousin Dinky would fly them. Pg. 37.
  3. What did Granny think of Dinky? He was super. Pg. 38.

Chapter 7

  1. What were they going to use for a pool? The rain gutter. Pg. 42.
  2. What scared away the bumblebee? Dinky’s glider. Pg. 45.
  3. What did Dinky name his new glider? The Nick of Time. Pg. 46.

Chapter 8

  1. What did Baby Betsy say for food? Goo goo. Pg. 49.
  2. What is the problem with a glider? The wind dies down. Pg. 51.
  3. What was a solution to the glider problems? Henry’s model plane. Pg. 52.

Chapter 9

  1. Why didn’t the Biggs finish the cereal? They ate eggs instead. Pg. 55.
  2. How did Tom and Lucy plan to make them eat cereal? They would hide the eggs. Pg. 60.

Chapter 10

  1. Why was Mr. Bigg going to get traps? There was some egg-stealing animal. Pg. 63.
  2. What did Henry think the buried eggs meant? The chickens were not dumb. Pg. 64.

Chapter 11

  1. What repair work did the Littles do? The pipes and electric wires in the walls. Pg. 67.
  2. What did Mr. Little make from a piece of screen and cap? A grill. Pg. 69.
  3. What did Dinky and Della make to lift the plane? A block and tackle. Pg. 70.

Chapter 12

  1. What did one jerk on the string mean? At the window. Pg. 71.
  2. What did two jerks on the string mean? Pull it up. Pg. 71.
  3. Why was the plane so light? There wasn’t any; Henry had moved it Pg. 74.

Chapter 13

  1. What did they place under the wheels to hold the plane? Two dominoes. Pg. 76.
  2. How did they avoid Henry hearing the plane? Tom put a cotton ball in his ear. Pg.77.
  3. What happened so Dinky could fly the plane out? Henry went to the bathroom. Pg. 78.

Chapter 14

  1. Where was the party? On the porch roof under the Catalpa tree. Pg. 82.
  2. What got Granny to the roof? Dinky promised a ride in his glider. Pg. 83.
  3. When was Dinky going to stop doing adventurous thing? He wasn’t Pg. 84.

Chapter 15

  1. Who came to Granny’s party? Her friends and relatives. Pg. 87.
  2. How did Zelda come to the party? Granny flew with Dinky to get her. Pg. 89.

Chapter 16

  1. What were the tablecloths made from? Henry’s bandanas. Pg. 91
  2. What did Mr. Bigg think when the pool water landed on him? It was raining. Pg. 95.
  3. How did the party end? A song from Dinky. Pg. 96.

Comprehension Questions – Where the Red Fern Grows

Where the Red Fern Grows

by Wilson Rawls

Grade 6; Genre - Fiction; GRL X; AR pts: 11.0

Vocabulary and Themes in the Story (by Steve)

Comprehension Questions (by Steve)

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the dog fight. The pack was attacking an old redbone hound. Pg. 2.
  2. What did the old hound look like? He was starving. Pg. 3.
  3. What could you tell from the paws? He had come a long way. Pg. 3.
  4. What was his name? Buddie. Pg. 3.
  5. Why did he let the hound go? It would break his heart to stay; break his will to live. Pg. 5.

Chapter 2

  1. Where does Billy live? Ozark Mountains on Cherokee land. Pg. 9.
  2. What happened because of his dog-wanting? He lost weight and didn’t sleep. Pg. 11.
  3. What did Billy’s dad buy him for hunting? Three small steel traps. Pg. 12.
  4. What did Billy trap? Samie the Cat over and over until he left. Pg. 14.
  5.  What did Billy’s father allow him to do in the summer? Work in the fields. Pg. 18

Chapter 3

  1. What does Billy find in the Fishermen’s camp? A magazine selling dogs for $25. Pg. 20.
  2. What does Billy save his money in? An old K.C. Baking Powder Can. Pg. 22.
  3. How does Billy save the money? He saves the $50 by selling berries, hides, vegetables. Pg. 24.
  4. Why is his grandfather surprised about the money? Billy worked and saved for 2 years. Pg. 25.
  5. What does his grandfather do? Gives him candy and says don’t tell about the dogs. Pg. 26.

Chapter 4

  1. Where does Billie have to go for the dogs? Tahlequah. Pg. 28.
  2. How does Billie get to Tahlequah? He walks 20 miles. Pg. 31.
  3. What and why does he buy things for family? Overalls and cloth because he snuck out. Pg. 34.
  4. How do the kids treat Billie? They call him a hillbilly. Pg. 37.

Chapter 5

  1. Who was in charge at the depot? The stationmaster. Pg. 39.
  2. How did Billy carry the pups home? In the gunny sack with holes for their heads. Pg. 42.
  3. Why did Billy fight the freckle face boy? He pulled his pups ear and it cried. Pg. 44.
  4. What did the Marshall give Billy? Strawberry pop. Pg. 47.
  5. Why’d Billy think the lion wouldn’t hurt them? His father said it was afraid of fire. Pg. 51.

Chapter 6

  1. How did Billy pick the pups’ names? They were carved in the tree. Pg.54.
  2. How did Billy’s father know where he was? His grandpa told him. Pg. 56.
  3. What did Mama fix for the pups? Warm milk. Pg. 57.
  4. What was the cave called where Billy spent the night? Robber’s Cave. Pg. 57.
  5. What was the black pipe at the school in town? A fire escape. Pg. 60.

Chapter 7

  1. What did Billy think of his Grandpa’s trapping idea? He thought he was kidding. Pg. 65.
  2. What did Grandpa’s pet coon catch his hand in? The butter churn. Pg. 66.
  3. What did Mama think when Billy yelled about the coon? A snake bit him. Pg. 71.
  4. Why can’t you sell coon skins in summer? They have yellow hair. Pg. 74.
  5. What did Billy think about the pups when they had talks? They understood him. Pg. 77.

Chapter 8

  1. Why was Mama worried about Billy hunting? He hadn’t been in the woods all night. Pg. 81.
  2. What was the first trick the coon pulled on the hounds? Swam through water. Pg. 84.
  3. Which tree did the coon run up? “The big tree”. Pg. 89.
  4. Why did Billy tell Papa it was important to chop the tree down? To keep his bargain. Pg.92.

Chapter 9

  1. How did Grandpa keep the coon up the tree all night? With a scarecrow. Pg. 99.
  2. What traits did Grandpa say make a man? Determination and will power. Pg.101.
  3. What did Mama learn about coon? That they were smart. Pg. 103.
  4. Where did the dogs spend the night? They slept by the tree together. Pg. 106.
  5. Why did Billy think the wind blew the tree down? He prayed to God. Pg.108.
  6. Did Papa have another explanation? It blew the tree only because it was the tallest. Pg. 112.

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Billy go to the store on Saturdays? It was “Coon Hunter” day. Pg. 115.
  2. Why did the hunters make fun of Billy’s hounds? They were small. Pg. 116.
  3. Who did Mama use to catch the chickens? Little Ann; Old Dan was too rough. Pg. 118.
  4. Why did Billy think Old Dan had drowned? He was in a muskrat den in the slough. Pg. 122.
  5. How did Old Dan get up in the tree? He went through the hollow trunk. Pg. 125.

Chapter 11

  1. Why was it dangerous after the snow storm? It was slick and no moon. Pg. 128.
  2. What happened when the dogs jumped the river? Old Dan was strong and made it; Little Ann slipped and fell in. Pg. 132.
  3. What did Billy do when he couldn’t save Little Ann? He prayed for a miracle. Pg. 134.
  4. What did Billy learn from the lantern clanging? Use the handle for a hook. Pg. 135.
  5. Why didn’t Billy tell Mama? Because she’d worry and stop him from hunting. Pg. 139.

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Grandpa accept the bet with Rubin? He called him crooked and spat. Pg. 144.
  2. What and how much was the bet for? To catch the ghost coon for $2. Pg. 145
  3. What happened when the coon went up a tree? It disappeared. Pg. 155.

Chapter 13

  1. How did Little Ann know the coon was in the gate post? A breeze carried the scent. Pg. 159.
  2. Where was the ghost coon? In the hallow gate post. Pg. 160.
  3. How did Billy feel about the ghost coon? He wouldn’t kill him. Pg. 161.
  4. Why couldn’t Old Blue beat Old Dan? Little Ann helped fight him. Pg. 165.
  5. How did Rainie react to his brother’s death? He couldn’t get over the shock. Pg. 171.

Chapter 14

  1. What kind of dogs could enter in the coon hunt? Registered. Pg. 179
  2. Was Billy happy with his life? Luckiest boy in the world. Pg. 184.
  3. What did his little sister want from the hunt? The gold cup. Pg. 186.
  4. What was the only thing wrong with Little Ann? Gun-shy, Pg. 189.
  5. What did Grandpa keep secret from Grandma? The corn liquor. Pg. 191.

Chapter 15

  1. Why wouldn’t Old Dan eat his food? He was waiting for Little Ann. Pg. 194.
  2. What did Billy think 2 screech owls meant? Bad luck. Pg. 196.
  3. What kind of dogs were at the hunt? Redbones, blue ticks, walkers, and blood hounds. Pg. 200.
  4.  Why did Billy pick Little Ann for the beauty contest? Old Dan’s face was all scared. Pg. 201.

Chapter 16

  1. Where did the hounds run the coon? Back to the camp. Pg. 211.
  2. Why did Grandpa look funny drying by the fire? His long underwear was steaming. Pg. 212.
  3. Why was the judge worried with the coon in the river? He might drown the dogs. Pg. 221.
  4. What surprised the judge? The dogs cleaned each other’s cuts after the fight. Pg. 222.

Chapter 17

  1. Why did the judge want to quit? Because of the storm. Pg. 226.
  2. How did they get Little Ann to come to them? They fired the gun. Pg. 228.
  3. Who led them to Grandpa? Little Ann. Pg. 231.
  4. What happened when they cut down the tree? 3 coons came out. Pg. 234.

Chapter 18

  1. What did the hunter say happened to the hounds? Frozen solid. Pg. 240.
  2. Why did the dogs keep circling the tree? They’d freeze if they stopped. Pg. 242.
  3. What did Mr. Kyle call dog loyalty? The deepest kind of love. Pg. 243.
  4. What did Mama do that night? Took food to the dogs and prayed. Pg. 250.

Chapter 19

  1. How did Billy try to stop Old Dan’s bleeding? Mud caked onto the wounds. Pg. 260.
  2. How did Billy feel when his dogs died? He didn’t believe in prayer anymore Pg. 270.
  3. What was the miracle from the dogs? The money to move to the city. Pg. 272.

Chapter 20

  1. What did Billy see when he said good-bye to the dogs? The red fern Pg. 278.
  2. What did Papa think the red fern did? It was God’s way of helping Billy understand why his dogs died. Pg.279.

Comprehension Questions – The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

by Barbara Robinson

Grades 4-6; Genre - Fiction; GRL M; AR pts: 2.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does the author describe the Herdmans? the worst kids in the history of the world p.2
  2. How did the Herdmans burn down the toolshed? Leroy Herdman stole a chemistry set and they were trying it out p.3
  3. Why did Imogene write down everyone’s weight? So she could blackmail them p.14
  4. Why is Gladys the meanest Herdman? Each Herdman child taught the one younger than them everything they knew and Gladys was the youngest p.19

Chapter 2

  1. How does the author’s family feel about the Christmas Pageant? They don’t like it; it’s the same every year p.20
  2. Why did the author’s mother get put in charge of the Christmas Pageant? The woman who usually did it, Mrs. Armstrong, broke her leg p.23
  3. What did Charlie say that made the Herdmans want to attend Sunday School? That he can get all the dessert he wants there p.29
  4. How did Imogene act when told the pageant was about Jesus Christ? Uninterested p.33

Chapter 3

  1. Who volunteered to act in all the important roles of the pageant? All the Herdman kids p.41
  2. How was everyone feeling about the Herdmans taking over the pageant? They didn’t like it p.47
  3. Who motivated Mother to make this the best Christmas Pageant ever? Mrs. Armstrong p.51
  4. What did the minister say to those who complained to him? That Jesus said “suffer the little children to come unto me” and Jesus meant all the little children including the Herdmans p.51

Chapter 4

  1. Why hadn’t the Herdmans heard of the Christmas story before? They hadn’t ever been to church and their parents hadn’t taught them p.55
  2. How did the Herdmans react when Mother was telling them the story? They were interested and shocked p.57
  3. How did the kids feel about King Herod? They were really interested in him p.66

Chapter 5

  1. How did the Herdmans learn about King Herod? They went to the library p.71
  2. Name two things the Herdmans have done that have made Alice upset? Drank the communion wine, stole crayons from the Sunday School cupboards, stole pennies out of the Happy Birthday bank, and smoked cigars in the bathroom p.74
  3. Why was it difficult to get a baby for the pageant? No one wanted Imogene, who was playing Mary, to touch their babies p.79

Chapter 6

  1. Who pierced Imogene’s ears? Gladys p.85
  2. Why was the fire department called? Someone saw smoke in the bathroom when Imogene was smoking p.89
  3. Why was Reverend Hopkins worried no one would come see the pageant? Because of the Herdmans were in it and they always caused trouble p.93

Chapter 7

  1. What did the Herdmans bring for their gift to the baby Jesus? Their ham p.100
  2. Why did Imogene cry during the song Silent Night? She felt the spirit of birth of the Savior p.104
  3. What made this pageant the best one? The Herdmans p.104
  4. Why didn’t the Herdmans take back the ham? It was their true sacrifice to the baby Jesus p.106

Comprehension Questions – Secret Agent Jack Stalwart #5 The Secret of the Sacred Temple: Cambodia

The Secret of the Sacred Temple: Cambodia

by Elizabeth Singer Hunt

Grades K-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL P; AR pts: 2.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Who was visiting Jack and his family? His cousin Lily p.1
  2. How does Jack feel about her? Thinks she’s annoying p.2

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Ronald Barter start the GPF? He was tired of crooks trying to destroy the things that mattered in the world p.6
  2. When did Jack join the GPF? When his older brother disappeared p.6

Chapter 3

  1. What country is Jack traveling to in this book? Cambodia p.12
  2. What was the code word for this mission? Temple p.12

Chapter 4

  1. What did Jack do when his parachute didn’t come out of his bag? He used The Dome, a disc made of elastic material that expanded and slowed his fall p.18
  2. Where did Jack land when the elastic material burst? In some water by a monument p.19
  3. Who was waiting for Jack? Kate p.21

Chapter 5

  1. Who is Kate’s mum? One of the chief archeologists watching over the ancient temple of Angkor Wat p.26
  2. Why did Kate call the GPF? Her mum was kidnapped p.26

Chapter 6

  1. What condition was Kate’s house in when Jack saw it? A mess; pictures ripped from the walls, furniture overturned, curtains shredded to bits p.28
  2. What did Jack find under the sofa? A voice recorder p.31
  3. Summarize what Jack and Kate heard on the voice recorder. Kate’s mom mentioned the map and her daughter, then a man appeared demanding the map, she wouldn’t give it to him, so they took her away to the Temple of the Trees to try and get her to talk p.33

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Kate trust Jack? Because her mother knew his brother and he was a good agent p.36
  2. Why was Jack eager to find Kate’s mum? To save her, but also to find out more information on his brother’s disappearance p.39

Chapter 8

  1. What did Jack give Kate before they left on the bikes? A Transponder, in case she got lost p.40
  2. What did the gadgets in Jack’s shoes warn him of? Landmines p.44

Chapter 9

  1. What time of day did Jack and Kate enter the temple looking for her mom? Night p.48
  2. Where was the map located? On Kate’s necklace p.51
  3. What did the man do to Jack? Threw a powder at him that blinded him, made him sick, and made him go to sleep p.54

Chapter 10

  1. How did Jack recover from the powder? He put some Electrolyte Dust on his tongue p.56
  2. Where had the crooks taken Kate and her mum? Back to the Temple of Angkor Wat p.59

Chapter 11

  1. Where did Jack find Kate? In the central well of the temple p.65
  2. Why did the crooks send Kate into the well? The well was too narrow for an adult p.69
  3. Where did Jack and Kate think the crooks went? To the airport p.70

Chapter 12

  1. How did Jack get a ticket to get passed the official? He had a Trick Ticket device that created a ticket and a Voice-Recognition Passport that he had programmed as well p.74
  2. What showed up in Jack’s backpack as it went through security? Gum, books and a gaming device p.77

Chapter 13

  1. How did Jack trick the man with the gold teeth? He said he got an important piece of the treasure from Kate, and the man released her mum p.81
  2. How did Jack get the treasure? He threw the object he was using to trick the man, the man tried to catch it and dropped the box of treasure, and Jack grabbed the box with an expandable hook p.84
  3. What did Jack use to capture the bad guy? The anti-bullet Net Tosser p.85

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Jack want to talk to Kate’s mum? To see if she knew anything about his brother’s disappearance p.92

Chapter 15

  1. Where did Max disappear from? Egypt p.93
  2. What was the object of Max’s mission when he disappeared? A mummy p.94
  3. How did Jack get back home? Went into Kate’s mum’s room, threw a pellet on the floor which released a smoke, and said, “off to England!”

Comprehension Questions – Secret Agent Jack Stalwart #5 The Search for the Sunken Treasure: Australia

The Search for the Sunken Treasure: Australia

by Elizabeth Singer Hunt

Grades K-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL P; AR pts: 2.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What was Alfie’s mission as he swam to the wreckage? He was to remove any sand covering the bow of the ship, bring up any relics he found, and hand them over to the State Maritime Museum p.4
  2. What happened to Alfie after he saw the sand removed from the bow? Someone came up and shot him in the leg with a spear p.5

Chapter 2

  1. What was Jack up to at the beginning of this chapter? He was at a swim meet getting ready to swim the breaststroke p.7
  2. How did Jack’s rivalry respond when Jack won the race? He wouldn’t shake hands with him p.12
  3. Why was Jack so worried to get home? He didn’t want to be late for his 7:30 appointment with Whizzy p.14

Chapter 3

  1. How did Jack feel after his race? Tired p.15
  2. Where was Jack going on his mission? Australia p.17

Chapter 4

  1. What did Jack take to stop from being sick on the boat? Anti-puke pills p.20
  2. What did Harry need Jack to do? Find Alfie and figure out what happened at the wreckage p.24

Chapter 5

  1. What did Jack use instead of the diving equipment Harry brought out for him? His own breathing apparatus and a morph wet suit complete with slippers p.26

Chapter 6

  1. How does the Time Capture device work? It tracked the heat left behind from objects that had previously been there p.31
  2. What did they see happened to Alfie? He was taken away by another human p.33

Chapter 7

  1. What’s a cay? A tiny island of sand p.35
  2. What was near the cay? A pirate ship p.37
  3. Why did Harry need to stay with the boat? In case Alfie escapes and comes back to the boat p.40

Chapter 8

  1. What gadget did Jack have that formed into a mini-submarine? A plastic toy boat p.42
  2. What’s it called? The Egg p.42

Chapter 9

  1. When were the pirates going to kill Alfie? At nightfall p.46
  2. How did Jack find out where Alfie was? He used his x-ray glasses to see into the boat p.47

Chapter 10

  1. What did Alfie tell Jack when he removed the tape off of his mouth? There were cameras in the cell and the pirates probably saw Jack and will kill him p.52
  2. Who was the Komodo Klan’s secret boss? The beautiful woman with giant lizard tattoos on her arms p.53
  3. What did the woman do to Jack? Shot him with a spear gun with poison goo p.55

Chapter 11

  1. What were the pirates going to do with Jack? Feed him to their Komodo dragon, Woody p.58
  2. Why couldn’t the pirates open Jack’s bag? They needed his fingerprint p.59
  3. Who did Jack think of when he was trapped? His brother, Max p.61

Chapter 12

  1. What did Jack do to free himself? Rubbed some ink from a pen in his watch onto the metal bar and watched it melt the iron bar p.63
  2. Where did he get the idea from? His brother Max had told him how he freed himself when trapped in a storage locker p.62
  3. Why was Jack sad to use the Disappearing Milk? This would be the only dose he would get his entire lifetime p.65

Chapter 13

  1. How did Jack free Alfie? Jack sprayed Dozing Spray into the guard’s face and the guard fell asleep. Jack then used the rest of the Disappearing Milk on Alfie, woke him up, then they ran for it p.67
  2. How did Jack and Alfie confuse the pirates? they ran zig zag on the sand p.70
  3. How did Jack and Alfie travel back to Alfie’s boat? They took the pirates boat p.73

Chapter 14

  1. Who captured Jack and Alfie? The leader of the Komodo Klan p.76

Chapter 15

  1. What happened to Alfie? The pirates threw him into the Komodo dragon’s cage, and he was bit p.80
  2. What did the pirates do with Jack? Pushed him overboard into the ocean with the jellyfish p.82

Chapter 16

  1. How did Jack survive the jellyfish stings? He dove passed the jellyfish deep in the water and pulled out his Oxygen Exchanger p.86
  2. What was Jack threatened by instead? Two sharks p.88

Chapter 17

  1. How did Jack free himself from the sharks? He shot a canister of blood out of his spray gun away from him and then called The Egg to come to him p.89

Chapter 18

  1. What did Jack give Alfie to help him recover from the lizard’s bite? An antibiotic serum p.93
  2. Predict how Jack is going to teach the boss lady a lesson on page 95. Listen to your child’s answers

Chapter 19

  1. How did Jack defeat the boss lady and Jake once and for all? He shot them both with tranquilizers using his spray gun then handcuffed them p.98

Chapter 20

  1. What was in the box marked Pandora? Treasure p.105

Comprehension Questions – Secret Agent Jack Stalwart #1 The Escape of the Deadly Dinosaur:USA

The Escape of the Deadly Dinosaur; USA

by Elizabeth Singer Hunt

Grades K-3; Genre - Fiction; GRL P; AR pts: 1.0-2.0

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What did Jack receive in the mail? A book about the allosaurus p.3

Chapter 2

  1. What did Whizzy cough up? A puzzle piece in the shape of a country that goes to the map on Jack’s wall p.6
  2. What country was it and where is he going? USA; New York City p.7
  3. How did Jack travel to the United States? His map swallowed him up p.8

Chapter 3

  1. Where did Jack arrive? In the Museum of Natural History in New York City p.12
  2. What was missing from the dinosaur? A toe, the hallux p.14

Chapter 4

  1. What was Jack hoping to look at to find a clue to the missing bone? Security tapes from the day before p.20

Chapter 5

  1. How did the student steal the bone? He used a thin hook and yanked the bone off p.24
  2. What school was the student from? East Side Grammar School p.27

Chapter 6

  1. Who did Jack contact to find out who the student was? The principal p.29
  2. What did she tell Jack about the student? That he was one of the finest science students at the school and had great science fair projects p.32

Chapter 7

  1. Where did Jack find Thomas? At home p.38
  2. How did Thomas’ mom feel about him stealing the bone? Upset p.44
  3. What was Thomas’ science project? Bringing to life a real live allosaurus p.48

Chapter 8

  1. Where did Jack and the Eberly’s hide from the dinosaur? Under the kitchen table p.49
  2. Why didn’t the dinosaur smell them? Jack sprayed his neutralizing spray on them p.50

Chapter 9

  1. How did Thomas make the allosaurus? He used some DNA from the toe bone, mixed it with a quickening solution, then gave it to his dog Freddie p.53
  2. What did Thomas create to help change Freddie back into a dog? A reversal serum p.54
  3. Why did Jack let Thomas come with him to hunt down the dinosaur? He knew New York City, he knew a lot about the allosaurus, and he had a relationship with his dog p.56

Chapter 10

  1. How did Jack distract the dinosaur from eating the man? He projected a camptosaurus on the wall near the dinosaur p.62
  2. Who was the dinosaur’s target at the end of this chapter? Jack p.64

Chapter 11

  1. How did Jack prevent the dinosaur from eating him? He put the expandable goo in its mouth p.67
  2. What advice did Jack remember from his brother? A secret agent always clears his mind first, and then thinks of a plan p.70

Chapter 12

  1. How did Jack save the people in line at the Empire State Building? He put dog biscuit powder into his spray gun and shot it in the air, the people ran into another building p.74

Chapter 13

  1. What did the boys use to catch up with the dinosaur as it raced to Times Square? The Flyboard p.77
  2. What did Jack shoot into the air with his Warning Gun? The letters: Danger Get Indoors p.79
  3. Why did Freddie head for Central Park? There were animals in the zoo p.82

Chapter 14

  1. Why couldn’t Jack use the Flyboard anymore? It was almost out of hydrogen p.86
  2. How did Jack convince the taxi driver to take them to the allosaurus? Jack told him he’d be a hero p.87

Chapter 15

  1. What was Jack’s dilemma in this chapter? He couldn’t see the dinosaur and knew that he would fail if it wasn’t coming to the zoo p.91

Chapter 16

  1. How did Jack get the serum into the dinosaur’s mouth? He used a canister to wedge it’s mouth open, and used a sling to catapult the vial into his mouth p.94
  2. Describe Freddie’s transformation back into a dog? A violent wind came and swirled around the allosaurus and turned it to dust, then another wind came and carried the dust away p.95

Chapter 17

  1. What did Thomas confess to Lewis? That he was sorry and shouldn’t have taken the bone p.100
  2. What does it mean to make amends? To try and set something right p.101
  3. Why did Lewis smile when Thomas said he was scared of heights? Thomas would have a consequence that would put him out of his comfort zone p.101

Chapter 18

  1. What did Jack wear to bed that night? Dinosaur pajamas p.104