Tag Archives: Grades 4-8

Comprehension Questions – The Chronicles of Prydain #3 The Castle of Llyr

The Castle of Llyr

by Lloyd Alexander

Grades 4-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts. 7.0

When Eilonwy is put under a deep spell, Taran and his companions set out on a dangerous quest to rescue her. Yet how can a lowly Assistant Pig-Keeper hope to stand against the most evil enchantress in all of Prydain?

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Prince Rhun. Clumsy, kind, son of the king and queen Eilonwy is going to live with, blond hair, blue eyes, happy and carefree, naive p.1
  2. Why is Taran jealous of him? Eilonwy thinks he’s polite; he’s a prince and Taran is an assistant pig-keeper p.18

Chapter 2

  1. Why is Lord Gwydion pretending to be a cobbler in the palace? He’s undercover to protect Eilonwy and Taran p.29

Chapter 3

  1. How could Taran have communicated with Eilonwy better in this chapter? How? Listen to your child’s answer p.40

Chapter 4

  1. Summarize this chapter. After the feast, Gurgi guards Eilonwy’s chamber and Taran leaves the castle to follow Magg to the harbor; Magg lights a torch and signals to a ship that’s holding Achren; Gwydion saves Taran from being spotted by Magg; Taran guards Eilonwy’s door; at breakfast, Taran couldn’t find Magg or Eilonwy p.42

Chapter 5

  1. Summarize what the King asks of Taran and why it is conflicting for Taran? To protect Prince Rhun; the prince is betrothed to Eilonwy; Taran loves Eilonwy p.59

Chapter 6

  1. Summarize this chapter. Taran finds the prince slept in a small, abandoned hut; they learn that a very small person practiced growth spells on a small mountain lion; something large attacks Taran p.68

Chapter 7

  1. Describe Llyan. A mountain lion as large as a horse, sleek and muscular, strong and deadly p.79
  2. Predict how the companions will escape Llyan? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 8

  1. Was your prediction correct? Listen to your child’s answer
  2. How did the companions escape? Llyan fell asleep p.90

Chapter 9

  1. Summarize how the companions were able to finish the raft? Kaw distracted Llyan p.97

Chapter 10

  1. Who did the companions find in this chapter? How? Glew; they fell into a pit and became trapped; they tied to find a way to the surface p.111

Chapter 11

  1. Describe Glew. The little man from the hut that turned himself to a giant; selfish and sought fame instead of accepting who he was; trapped in the caverns; he was small when he came into the caverns but drank a portion and grew; he’s too large now to escape; trapped the companions and wants their help p.112

Chapter 12

  1. Explain what helped Taran change his mind about Prince Rhun. The prince offered his life to save the rest of them p.132
  2. How did this change Taran’s mind? It was very noble of Print Rhun to sacrifice himself for them.

Chapter 13

  1. Summarize this chapter. Prince Rhun climbed up the companion’s manmade ladder and escaped with the bauble; Glew opened the cavern, and the other three companions fought him; the prince came back and shined the bauble, defeating Glew p.134

Chapter 14

  1. What is the greatest secret Fflewder spoke of on page 151? The secret to thinking about others and not yourself.

Chapter 15 

  1. Why will it be difficult to free Eilonwy? She doesn’t recognize Taran and won’t want to go with him p.165

Chapter 16

  1. Explain how is Achren clever with the way she has imprisoned Eilonwy. Achren has cast an enchantment on Eilonwy to give her allegiance and forget who her friends are p.169

Chapter 17

  1. Choose a word to describe Gurgi in this chapter and explain why you chose that word. Humble; he forgave Eilonwy for hurting him p.178

Chapter 18

  1. Explain the effect the bauble has on Eilonwy. It brings back the memory of who she really is p.187

Chapter 19

  1. Why didn’t Gwydion want to kill Achren? She lost her power and is not a threat anymore; he didn’t want to kill just to get vengeance, he is merciful and kind p.197

Chapter 20

  1. Summarize the conclusion to this story. Eilonwy wakes up and remembers everyone and what happened to her; Taran knows he must say good-bye and go back to Caer Dallben; Eilonwy said she won’t marry Prince Rhun p.199

Comprehension Questions – The Chronicles of Prydain #2 The Black Cauldron

The Black Cauldron

by Lloyd Alexander

Grades 4-8; Genre - Fantasy; 760L; AR pts. 7.0

In Prydain, a young Assistant Pig-Keeper achieves honor in a quest to destroy the evil Black Cauldron.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Summarize this introduction. Taran is reunited with his friends; a council is held in Caer Dallben; Prince Gwydion shares what is happening; Arawn is killing innocent people to put in the Black Cauldron to raise them from the dead and become His servants; Gwydion‘s plan is to destroy the cauldron p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Describe Ellidyr. Prince from the Northern Lands who is the youngest of his brothers without much inheritance; arrogant; only has his name and sword; prideful; disdainful towards Taran and calls him a pig-boy p.21

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Adaon. He has knowledge and experience in many areas; trustworthy; humble; kind; has dreams during the night that are symbolic and can tell the future p.42

Chapter 4

  1. Why is it a problem the cauldron has been taken? It could have been placed into different evil hands p.52

Chapter 5

  1. Why didn’t Taran and his group want to kill the huntsman? If one dies, the rest get stronger p.58

Chapter 6

  1. Describe Wystyl. Of the Fair Folk; guard at the way station; sickly; tall for a dwarf and thin with droopy facial features; wrinkled forehead; ragged clothing; not wanting to help the band p.64

Chapter 7

  1. Do you agree with Taran’s decision at the end of this chapter? Why or why not? Explain. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Adaon ask Taran to be the charger of his horse, herbs and brooch if something happened to him? He knew he was going to die p.93

Chapter 9

  1. What gave Adaon his gift of knowledge and foresight? The brooch from his fiancé; it is magical p.105

Chapter 10

  1. Describe what the companions found when they arrived at the cottage. It was empty; broken pieces of crockery; rusted weapons; heaped up and disorderly p.118
  2. Predict who is talking to the companions at the end of the chapter. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 11

  1. Was your prediction correct? Explain. Listen to your child’s answer
  2. What is one word you would use to describe the three women in this chapter? Witches; magical; etc. p.120

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize this chapter. The women know Dallben and have the black cauldron; they won’t give it to the companions p.129

Chapter 13

  1. Summarize how the companions found the cauldron. Gurgi went into the hen house to get straw to sleep in for the night and found it under the straw p.144

Chapter 14

  1. Predict how the companions get the cauldron. Listen to your child’s answer 

Chapter 15

  1. What does the word “sacrifice” mean? a loss or something you give up, usually for the sake of a better cause.
  2. Why were Taran’s friends willing to sacrifice their most precious items? So, he wouldn’t have to give up the brooch p.162

Chapter 16

  1. Describe how Taran is feeling trying to get the cauldron to Caer Dallben. Frustrated, tired, hopeless p.173

Chapter 17

  1. Explain why Ellidyr attacked Taran? He sees Taran as a threat and doesn’t believe he’ll keep his word p.193

Chapter 18

  1. Summarize this chapter. King Morgant finds Taran and his companions and takes them to his camp; they find Ellidyr tied and beat up; Morgant binds the companions; they are now his prisoners p.195

Chapter 19

  1. Describe King Morgant. Evil; pretended to heed Gwydion’s command to get the cauldron for his own doing p.207
  2. Summarize Taran and Ellidyr’s conversation at the end of this chapter. Ellidyr realizes the black beast over him and admits it to Taran; he apologizes and explains he wouldn’t have used the cauldron for evil; Taran believes him p.216

Chapter 20

  1. Summarize the conclusion to this story. Doli is invisible and unties the companions; Ellidyr runs to the cauldron and jumps in, sacrificing himself to destroy it; King Smoit rides in and kills the king; Gwydion also arrives; King Morgant, Ellidyr and King Smoit’s men are all buried and honored; Taran and his companions return to Caer Dallben p.217

Comprehension Questions – Tuck Everlasting

Tuck Everlasting

by Natalie Babbitt

Grades 4-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts. 4.0

Winnie Foster is faced with difficult decisions after she is kidnapped by the Tuck family, who have discovered a spring that gives eternal life. Text contains mild violence.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the setting of this story. A cottage and forest owned by the Fosters; takes place in August p.5

Chapter 2

  1. What did you learn in this chapter? Mae and Tuck’s sons are coming home after 10 years and their appearances haven’t changed in 87 years, they needed to be careful and not let anyone see them p.9

Chapter 3

  1. Describe what you know about Winnie. Her name is Winifred; she’s an only child; wants to run away because her family’s demanding p.14

Chapter 4

  1. Predict what the man in the yellow suit wants with the family. Listen to your child’s answer
  2. What’s the music coming from? The music box p.20

Chapter 5

  1. Do you think Jesse was serious when he said he was 104 years old? Listen to your child’s answer p.28
  2. Why do you think Jesse didn’t want Winnie to drink from the spring? Listen to your child’s answer p.29

Chapter 6

  1. Describe what you know about the Tuck Family. Mother and father, two sons, Jesse and Miles; Miles is the oldest; Jesse is 17 years old; nice family p.31

Chapter 7

  1. Summarize the Tuck’s story and why they kidnapped Winnie. 100 years ago, they were wandering to find land and came upon the spring, they and their horse drank from it; nothing could hurt them and they never grew older; the cat who never drank the water died 10 years before; they knew no one else could ever find the spring p.37

Chapter 8

  1. Why did the Tuck’s want to take Winnie home with them? To make sure she understood how serious their secret was p.43
  2. Why do you think the man in the yellow suit was happy after overhearing the Tuck’s story? He was looking for the spring p.45

Chapter 9

  1. How did Tuck respond to Winnie and why? He was happy she knew about their secret and that she was at their home; he was happy to see and interact with a child p.48

Chapter 10

  1. What did Winnie think about the Tuck’s home? Messy but comfortable p.52
  2. Describe how the Tuck’s live their lives? The parents live in the home all the time and make things to sell, going to the different towns around them so they don’t bring attention to themselves; the boys stay away finding jobs to work for a while, but don’t stay in any one place too long; they come home when they want and every ten years p.53

Chapter 11

  1. Why was Tuck adamant to take Winnie for a ride in the row boat? So he could convince her to keep their secret p.58

Chapter 12

  1. What did Tuck compare their lives to in this chapter? A boat that is stuck and can never flow in the current of life; a rock on the side of the road p.63

Chapter 13

  1. Summarize this chapter. The man in the yellow suit has stolen the Tuck’s horse and tied it to the Foster’s fence; he knocked on the door and told them he knew where Winnie was p.66

Chapter 14

  1. What proposal did Jesse give to Winnie? She should drink the spring water when she turns 17 years old, they would get married, and travel the world and do what they want p.71

Chapter 15

  1. What deal did the man in the yellow suit offer the Fosters? He’d show the constable where Winnie is and in return they’d sell him the woods p.74

Chapter 16

  1. Predict what the man in the yellow suit’s plan is. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 17

  1. What resolve did Winnie come to in this chapter? She would keep the Tuck’s secret p.86

Chapter 18

  1. Why did Winnie feel like the Tuck’s belonged to her? They were kind and treated her like family; she’d grown fond of them p.91

Chapter 19

  1. What did the man in the yellow suit intend to do with the woods? Sell the spring water p.97

Chapter 20

  1. Why don’t the Tuck’s want the man in the yellow suit to die? If he does, Mae will be hung p.104

Chapter 21

  1. What’s the conflict Winnie faces in this chapter? How is it resolved? Mae hung at the gallows if the man in the yellow suit dies; the contract is void if he dies p.108
  2. Predict what Winnie plans to do. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 22

  1. How did Winnie’s family treat her differently? They respected what she wanted to do instead of bossing her around and controlling her p.111
  2. How will Winnie make a difference? When Mae crawls out of the windows of the jail, Winnie will climb in and wrap herself in a blanket to look like Mae; this will give the Tuck’s time to escape p.114

Chapter 23

  1. Why did the day seem to last so long? Winnie was anxious for midnight to roll around so she could free Mae p.116

Chapter 24

  1. Describe Mae’s break out. Jesse met Winnie and they ran to the back of the jail and met Miles and Tuck; Miles poured oil over the nails so they wouldn’t squeak; lightning flashed and thunder crashed which covered up the noise; the constable only checked in on Mae once and they all ducked; with a clap of thunder Miles pulled out the bars; Mae squeezed through and after hugs and kisses, Winnie slid into the jail through the window p.121

Chapter 25

  1. What helped Winnie’s family understand and support her for what she had done? She told them she loved the Tuck’s and they were her friends p.130
  2. Why did Winnie use Jesse’s water on the toad? She wanted to keep it safe and if the spring was truly a magic spring she could drink straight from it p.132


  1. What did Tuck find? How? Winnie didn’t drink the water and died two years previous; he saw her gravestone in the cemetery p.137

Comprehension Questions – Island of the Blue Dolphins

Island of the Blue Dolphins

by Scott O'Dell

Grades 4-6; Genre - Fiction; GRL V; AR pts. 6.0

Left alone on a beautiful but isolated island off the coast of California, a young Indian girl spends eighteen years, not only merely surviving through her enormous courage and self-reliance, but also finding a measure of happiness in her solitary life.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does this story begin? We meet Karana, the Girl With the Long Black Hair and her little brother, Ramo; a ship with a Russian and Aleuts approach the people to hunt sea otters; a deal is reached so the people of the island get the same amount of sea otters as the people hunting them as payment p.5

Chapter 2

  1. Do you agree with the chief to keep the fish for his tribe, or should he have shared? Listen to your child’s answer p.12

Chapter 3

  1. What signs did the visitors show they were leaving the island soon? The Russian trimmed his beard; the Aleuts skinned the sea otters; the Aleut woman cleaned her skin aprons p.16

Chapter 4

  1. Why was there fighting between the Aleuts and Karana’s people? The Russian didn’t want to pay the people of the island p.21

Chapter 5

  1. List two troubles the tribe had after the battle. There were only 15 men left in the tribe; women helped hunt and gather food, and the men looked down on the women for this; the tribe was sorrowful p.24

Chapter 6

  1. What good news came in this chapter? Kimki made it to the land he was searching for and sent white men to bring back Karana’s people p.32

Chapter 7

  1. What was exciting, scary and frustrating in this chapter? Exciting: a boat came to take the tribe to a new land; Scary: Ramo ran back to get his fishing spear and the boat left him, Karana jumped out of the ship and swam back to shore; Frustrating: Karana’s skirt got ruined p.35

Chapter 8

  1. Describe the tragic event in this chapter. Ramo left in the morning to bring a canoe around to the cove but was killed by wild dogs p.43

Chapter 9

  1. How did Karana have courage in this chapter? She decided to sail for the land east of hers p. 58

Chapter 10

  1. What gave Karana hope as she paddled back to her island? The dolphins jumping ahead of her canoe p. 63

Chapter 11

  1. Why did Karana decide to never leave the island again? It was her home; she was grateful to be back p.65
  2. What factors did the main character take into account as she was deciding where to build a home? The wind, the noise of the sea elephants, the wild dogs/foxes, flow of the spring, if she can see the cove if the ship returns p.66

Chapter 12

  1. Describe one preparation Karana made in this chapter and why you chose it. Fence, home, weapons. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 13

  1. Was Karana successful in getting her bull? Explain. No, she adventures to the shore where the animals were sitting and the one she shot at got into a fight with another bull p.79

Chapter 14

  1. What happened to the old bull? He died in the fight with the other bull p.85

Chapter 15

  1. Describe the leader of the wild dogs and what happened to him? He’s an Aleut dog; Karana shot him, but nursed him back to health; he stayed with her and she named him Rontu p.89

Chapter 16

  1. Why was it beneficial for the main character to canoe around her entire island? She could see if her canoe leaked; she found a cave close to her house where she could hide her canoe; she found a large devilfish and was determined to make a special spear to catch him p.97

Chapter 17

  1. How much time does one sun equal? One day p.102
  2. Why was it important that the main character let Rontu fight the other dogs without interference? He had an advantage he might not have again p.105

Chapter 18

  1. What new friends did Karana make that spring? Explain. Two baby birds; she took them from their nest and put them in a cage; she trained them to stay close and eat from her hand p.109

Chapter 19

  1. What king of water creature is the devilfish? An octopus p.118
  2. Did Karana kill the giant devilfish she was hunting? Yes p.119

Chapter 20

  1. What threat was in this chapter? The Aleuts came back p.125
  2. How did the main character react? She made her house look like no one lived there and put food and water in her canoe p.125

Chapter 21

  1. How many days is equal to a moon? A month/30 days p.131
  2. Do you think the Aleut girl has good intentions and is friendly? Why, or why not? She was nice to Karana and brought a necklace to her p.131

Chapter 22

  1. Why was Karana happy to have Tutok to interact with? Tutok was a friend and kept her company p.138

Chapter 23

  1. List the friends Karana has made so far in this story. Rontu, the two birds, the otter Mon-a-nee p.144
  2. How did she make friends with these animals? She was nice to them and respected them; she fed them; if they were wounded, she looked after them 

Chapter 24

  1. Why did the main character decide she didn’t want to kill the wild dogs, birds, otters and other animals? She appreciated the friendship of those animals that were her companions p.149

Chapter 25

  1. Why did Karana stop counting moons and seasons? She accepted being alone on the island and no longer hoped that the white men were coming back p.151
  2. Why is this chapter so sad? Rontu died p.152

Chapter 26

  1. How did Karana catch another dog? She made the dogs all go to sleep and took home the one that looked like Rontu p.156

Chapter 27

  1. What natural disasters hit the island in this chapter? Tsunami and earthquakes p.159
  2. What’s a tsunami? Giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea

Chapter 28

  1. How has the character changed in this story? She was lonely and ready to leave her island and go to where people lived p.167
  2. How do you think Karana felt to see the ship leave the island again? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 29

  1. Why did the white men sew Karana a dress to wear? What she was wearing must not have been appropriate to wear to the new land p.172
  2. Why didn’t the ship come back for Karana? It sunk p.173

Comprehension Questions – Heidi


by Johanna Spyri

Grades 4-8; Genre - Fiction; Lexile 800; AR pts: 16.0

Heidi, an orphan, builds a strong bond with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps. When she is sent into town to attend school and be a friend to a wealthy man's invalid daughter, Heidi becomes homesick for her Grandfather and home in the mountains.

Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Part 1

Chapter 1

  1. What’s the setting of this story? In the Alps during the summer p.9
  2. Describe Heidi. 5 years old; mother and father died; Aunt was taken care of her; brave and happy; thinks for herself p.9
  3. Why did Heidi have on so many layers of clothes? It was easier to have her wear them then to carry them p.9

Chapter 2

  1. Share two examples that Heidi’s grandfather was impressed with her. When she made up her bed; when she set the table without being asked; when she guessed that he was making a stool for her p.21
  2. What nurturing action did the grandfather take at the end of this chapter? He was worried Heidi would be afraid of the wind, so went to check on her p.26

Chapter 3

  1. Why hadn’t Peter ever been able to say he had enough? His family was poor, and he didn’t get large portions to eat p.32
  2. Give two examples of ways Heidi helped the goats and Peter in this chapter. She said she’d comfort Schneehopli on the mountain each day so she’s not alone; when Distelfinck almost jumped off the cliff, Heidi stopped him from fighting Peter by giving him some herbs; She stopped Peter from beating him and every other goat by giving her cheese and a good part of her bread everyday p.34

Chapter 4

  1. How does Heidi help the grandmother? She brings her happiness when she visits; she brings her grandfather to fix up the hut p.49
  2. Why does the grandmother make Heidi sad? She’s blind and there’s nothing anyone can do to fix it p.50

Chapter 5

  1. What happened to Heidi in this chapter? Her aunt came to take her to Frankfurt to be a playmate for a girl who is lame and in a wheelchair p.54
  2. How did grandfather feel about this? He didn’t want Heidi to go; he was sad p.54
  3. How did Dete convince Heidi to go with her? She said she could buy soft rolls for grandmother and bring them back to her when she’d like p.57

Chapter 6

  1. What’s Heidi original name and who is she named after? Adelheid; her mother p.61
  2. Describe Fraulein Rottenmeier. She’s proper, mean, bossy, uptight, doesn’t like Heidi p.60

Chapter 7

  1. What three names is Heidi called? Heidi, Adelheid, Mansell p.69
  2. What view was Heidi expecting when she looked out the church tower? One of trees and mountains p.72
  3. Should Heidi have brought the kittens home without asking? Why or why not? Listen to your child’s answer p.73

Chapter 8

  1. Why did it give Sebastian pleasure to see Fraulein Rottenmeier in distress? It entertains him; he likes to tease her p.80
  2. When Fraulein Rottenmeier is so strict with Heidi, who protects watches out for her? Sebastian and Klara p.84

Chapter 9

  1. Describe Klara’s father? Busy with work; kind; cares about Klara; wealthy p.86
  2. What charge did he give Fraulein Rottenmeier concerning Heidi? That she always be kind to her and not let Heidi’s peculiarities be treated as sins p.90

Chapter 10

  1. How did the grandmamma change Heidi’s mind about reading? She told Heidi to believe her and not believe Peter when he said learning to read is too hard p.96
  2. Why didn’t Heidi tell anyone she was homesick? She might look ungrateful for everything the Sesemann’s have done for her p.96
  3. Who did Grandmamma teach Heidi will help her when she can’t talk to anyone else? God p.97

Chapter 11

  1. Why couldn’t Heidi cry when she read books? Fraulein Rottenmeier will take the book away from her p.102
  2. Give two examples of how Heidi’s struggling? She won’t eat and she’s getting thin; she covers her eyes, so she doesn’t see the sunlight and be reminded of Peter taking the goats up the Alm; she cries herself to sleep and cries when she wakes up p.102

Chapter 12

  1. What’s convinced Herr Sesemann to send Heidi home? The doctor: she’s so homesick she’s sleep walking and isn’t eating p.111

Chapter 13

  1. Why did Heidi thank the doctor when she left Frankfurt? He’s the reason why she’s going home p.117
  2. Describe the reunion between Heidi and her loved ones on the Alm? She and they were all delighted to be together again p.126

Chapter 14

  1. What did Heidi realize about her unanswered prayers? That God had blessed her by keeping her longer in Frankfurt than she had wanted p.132
  2. What was the change grandfather experienced and what was the cause of it? He turned to God again and looked truly happy; Heidi helped him understand that he could always turn back to God p.134
  3. What did the letter say at the end of this chapter? Klara and the grandmamma were going to come visit p.139

Part 2

Chapter 1

  1. Why was the doctor hesitant to let Klara visit Heidi? She has been so sickly during the summer and knew it wouldn’t be good for her p.143
  2. Why did Klara agree that the doctor should visit Heidi and how did she handle it? Because she was so sickly; Klara was so sad she couldn’t go, but knew her father was doing what was best for her p.145

Chapter 2

  1. How did Heidi receive the doctor? She was disappointed that Klara didn’t come, but was happy to see him p.150
  2. Why did the doctor the Alm would be good for Klara? The fresh air would give her an appetite and she would want to eat p.152

Chapter 3

  1. Why did Peter clench his fists at the doctor? He was taking Heidi’s attention away from him p.160
  2. Why did Peter stand on the hill with his hands open? To show he was repenting for being disrespectful to the doctor p.161

Chapter 4

  1. What was Heidi missing at their home in Dorfli? She couldn’t hear the wind p.168
  2. Why is Peter going to be more serious about going to school? He would rather go to school than take a beating for being unruly and missing school p.171

Chapter 5

  1. What’s the plan Heidi contrived at the end of chapter 4? To teach Peter to read so his grandmother could have hymns read to her everyday p.176
  2. How did Heidi convince Peter he should learn to read? She reminded him that his mother would send him to Frankfurt and described what going to school there was like p.176

Chapter 6

  1. On page 184, what’s the sofa grandfather is describing? The grass outside the hut p.184
  2. Why was Peter and the grandmother upset with Heidi’s company? They didn’t want them to take her back to Frankfurt p.186
  3. What was the grandmammas and Klara’s reaction to the Alm? They loved it and thought it was so beautiful; they both wanted Klara to stay up with a Heidi p.193

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Heidi’s grandfather have Klara stand every day? To strengthen her legs p.202
  2. What’s Heidi’s grandfather trying to accomplish encouraging Klara to stand? To help her walk again p.202

Chapter 8

  1. Peter has been angry with Klara her entire visit. What could you say to him to help him understand and learn that it was important for Klara to be there? Listen to your child’s answer p.204
  2. What had Klara accomplished in this chapter? She walked with the help of Heidi and Peter p.211
  3. On page 213, the author wrote that something lay in Peter’s stomach which gnawed and choked him with every mouthful he ate. What was it? His guilt from pushing Klara’s chair over the cliff p.213

Chapter 9

  1. Why was Peter so paranoid the beginning of this chapter? He had made a wrong choice and he was full of guilt p.217
  2. Why didn’t the grandmamma want to punish Peter? He had been punished enough through his guilt p.225
  3. How is Grandfather’s wish being granted? Herr Sesemann will take care of Heidi like she was his own and the doctor is moving to the area, and he’ll take care of her too so she can stay on the Alm p.229

Comprehension Questions – Anne of Green Gables

Anne of Green Gables

By Lucy Maud Montgomery

Grades 4-8; Genre - Fiction; GRL V; AR pts. 17.0

Anne, an eleven-year-old orphan, is sent by mistake to live with a lonely, middle-aged brother and sister on a Prince Edward Island farm, and proceeds to make an indelible impression on everyone around her.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Mrs. Rachel Lynde. A busy body; notable housewife; her work was always well done; ran the Sewing Circle, Sunday School, strong in the Church Aid Society and Foreign Missions Auxiliary; always sat in front window knitting “cotton warp” quilts (an impressive amount) p.3
  2. Why was Rachel Lynde against Matthew and Marilla adopting a boy? She’s heard horrific stories of couples who adopt p.8
  3. Describe Marilla’s and Rachel’s friendship. They’re very different; Marilla knows Rachel and is patient with her nosiness and is a good neighbor to her p.8

Chapter 2

  1. Describe Anne. Skinny, freckles, red hair, 10-11yrs old, imaginative, talks a lot, can express herself very well, loves beautiful things, is excited to have a real home and be adopted, kind, personifies objects in nature p.11
  2. Did Matthew make the right decision to take Anne home with him? Why? Listen to your child’s answer. If yes, he couldn’t have let her sleep out in a tree alone all-night p.12
  3. Explain why Matthew was uneasy as they arrived at Green Gables? He knew the disappointment Anne would feel when Marilla told her she wasn’t what they wanted and would need to go back to the asylum p.19

Chapter 3

  1. Describe the emotional ups and downs Anne has been through in this chapter? She was so thrilled to be at Green Gables to start with, but was severely disappointed when Marilla saw she was a girl and didn’t want her p.20

Chapter 4

  1. How does Anne deal with hard situations and disappointment in her life? She uses her imagination p.26

Chapter 5

  1. Why didn’t Anne want to go explore outside in the morning? She knew she was going to be sent back to the asylum, so she didn’t want to fall in love with the beautiful things outside p.29
  2. Describe Anne’s background. Her parents died of the fever when she was a baby and went to an orphanage; Mrs. Thomas took her in and she baby sat for her; after her husband died Mrs. Thomas moved in with Mr. Thomas’ mother, so Mrs. Hammond took her in; Mrs. Hammond had 8 children, 3 sets of twins that Anne took care of; when Mr. Hammond died Mrs. Hammond split her children up and went to the United States; Anne went to another orphanage; she was there for 4 months when Mrs. Spencer came to request a girl for Matthew and Marilla p.32

Chapter 6

  1. Describe Mrs. Blewett. Would she be good to Anne? She’s shrewd; demanding; mean; no she wouldn’t be good to Anne p.37

Chapter 7

  1. Why didn’t Anne care anything for God’s love? She has never had it translated to her through the medium of human love p.41

Chapter 8

  1. How did Marilla feel about Anne’s day dreams? Impatient and frustrated p.47

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Anne get so angry at Mrs.Lynde? Mrs. Lynde said that Anne was skinny, red-haired as carrots, covered in freckles, homely p.51
  2. What consequence did Marilla give to Anne for being defiant to Mrs. Lynde? She needed to apologize p.54

Chapter 10

  1. What finally convinced Anne to apologize to Mrs. Lynde? Matthew snuck into her room and asked her to p.55

Chapter 11

  1. Why did Marilla accuse Anne of being vain? Anne worries a lot about her looks and what people think of her p.61
  2. What was Marilla’s reaction to Anne’s thoughts about Mr. Bell’s prayers and sermons? She realized she felt the same way, but never expressed it p.65

Chapter 12

  1. Describe Diana. Black hair and eyes, 11 years old, excited to have a friend in Anne, plump p.67

Chapter 13

  1. Why was Anne so excited about the picnic? She’d never been to one and there was going to be ice-cream which she has never eaten p.71

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Marilla blame herself for pushing Anne to confess about the brooch? Anne didn’t take it but because Marilla thought she had; she couldn’t go to the picnic until she confessed p.80

Chapter 15

  1. What word would describe Anne in her response to Gilbert? Why? Listen to your child’s answers. 

Chapter 16

  1. What mistake did Anne make in this chapter and what was the consequence? She accidentally gave Diana wine instead of raspberry cordial; Diana’s mother wouldn’t let Diana see Anne anymore p.100

Chapter 17

  1. What initiated Anne’s desire to go back to school? Not being able to see or talk to Diana and at least at school she could look at her p.105

Chapter 18

  1. How did Anne think quickly in this chapter? Diana’s younger sister had the croup, but her parents weren’t home; Anne rushed up to help while Matthew rode for a doctor; Due to her experience with the Hammond twins, Anne knew what to do and saved Minnie May p.112

Chapter 19

  1. Define courage and explain how Anne had courage in this chapter. Doing something scary when you’re scared; she faced Diana’s aunt and told her jumping on the bed was her fault p.123

Chapter 20

  1. Who wouldn’t Anne accept Mayflowers from? Gilbert p.126
  2. Why is it such a problem that Anne imagined a haunted wood with Diana? Now she is scared beyond reason to go through the area to Diana’s at night p.130

Chapter 21

  1. What mistake did Anne make in this chapter and how was she comforted? She used anodyne liniment instead of vanilla, for a special cake she baked for Mrs. Allen, the minister’s wife, but the minister’s wife came to comfort her and told her it was a funny mistake then distracted Anne by asking her to show her the garden p.137

Chapter 22

  1. How did Anne’s visit to the manse go? It went well; she was invited to sing in the Sunday School choir; Anne shared her personal history with Mrs. Allen p.141
  2. What news did Mrs. Lynde share? A new female teacher named Miss Muriel Stacy was going to be teaching at the school p.141

Chapter 23

  1. How did Anne bring on the trial she faced in this chapter? She dared Josie Pye to walk the board fence and diminished the accomplishment when Josie did it; In defiance Josie dared Anne to walk the ridgepole on Diana’s roof; Anne accepted the dare but fell off the roof and broke her ankle; She missed the first day of school and was sad to miss the new teacher p.143

Chapter 24

  1. Why is Anne so excited in this chapter and how does Marilla feel about it? She’s excited to go back to school and really loves the new teacher; the class will be putting on a concert to help pay for a school flag; Marilla thinks it’s foolishness p.148

Chapter 25

  1. What was Matthew’s Christmas gift to Anne and what effort did he go through to get it? A dress with puffed sleeves; her tried to shop for it, but was shy around the girl at the store then he asked Rachel Lynde to take care of it p.152

Chapter 26 

  1. What did the girls create in this chapter and why? A story club to cultivate their imaginations and get better at writing stories p.163
  2. Why is Marilla always telling Anne her ideas are foolishness? Marilla wants Anne to be a respectable, practical, and responsible person, so tries to discourage the things that take away from that p.164

Chapter 27

  1. Why did Marilla cut off Anne’s hair? She bought hair dye from a peddler and her hair turned green when she used it p.169

Chapter 28

  1. Do you think Anne should have forgiven Gilbert Blythe? Why or why not? Listen to your child’s answers p.176

Chapter 29

  1. List three things Anne and Diana did while visiting Miss Barry. They went to the Exhibition, saw the horse races, went to a concert in the Academy of Music, had ice cream at 11pm p.182

Chapter 30

  1. Why doesn’t Marilla soften and show Anne more sympathy? Marilla has higher expectations for Anne and doesn’t feel like she can let her see her soft side or Anne won’t meet them p.186

Chapter 31

  1. Why did the Spencervale doctor prescribe that Anne have open air and no books during the summer? She was worn out from working so hard during the school year p.194
  2. Name two ways Anne is growing up. She doesn’t talk as much and doesn’t use big words p.198

Chapter 32

  1. How did the Entrance exam go? Anne and Gilbert tied for first p.204

Chapter 33

  1. What helped Anne come to her senses and be able to perform? She saw Gilbert Blythe in the back of the performance hall and was determined to be successful p.212

Chapter 34

  1. Who was in Anne’s class that ended up being a comfort to her at Queen’s? Gilbert Blythe p.216

Chapter 35

  1. What’s Anne’s attitude toward Gilbert now? She’s not bitter anymore and she sees him as a worthy foeman that drives her determination p.222

Chapter 36

  1. Why was Anne happy after exams? She won the Avery Scholarship p.224
  2. Why is it important that Anne took memory of Matthew’s smile at the end of this chapter? Matthew is getting old and may not be around much longer p.227

Chapter 37

  1. Summarize what happened in this chapter? Matthew died; Marilla spoke of being good friends with Gilbert’s father but got angry at him and couldn’t forgive him p.228
  2. Do you think Marilla’s experience of not forgiving influenced Anne to help her forgive? Listen to your child’s answer.

Chapter 38

  1. How did Anne make amends with Gilbert? He gave up his school so Anne could teach close to home and when she ran into him, she told him thank you and that she had forgiven him; he was thrilled and wanted to be friends p.238

Comprehension Questions – Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Terabithia

By Katherine Paterson

Grades 4-8; Genre – Fiction; GRL T; AR pts: 5.0

There's only one thing Jess Aarons is looking forward to in fifth grade, and that's being the fastest kid in school. He's been practicing all summer. He hasn't had much else to do, since his mom spends all her time with his four sisters and his dad is always working. But when Jess arrives at the school playground to show off his speed, his new neighbor, Leslie Burke, beats him to it. She's way faster than Jess. But instead of being jealous, Jess admires Leslie's skill, confidence, and wild imagination. The two become instant friends, spending hours in the woods by their houses creating a magical kingdom. Then tragedy strikes, and Jess is left alone. How can he ever go on?


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the main character. His name is Jesse, loves to draw, love to run and wants to win at school, straw colored hair, long legs, 10 years old, in 5th grade determined p.4
  2. Find an example of figurative language and what type it is on page 5.  like a country music star – simile;  Pop her buttons - simile; something to chew their cuds on - idiom 
  3. Describe the main character’s family situation. He had three sisters, two younger with May Belle who adored him, and two older sisters; they all seemed to whine and complain about him to their mother; his mother didn’t have much patience for him and doted on his sisters; Jesse’s dad drove a truck and was tired all of the time p.6
  4. On page 7, what does “Miss Bessie’s bag is probably dragging ground by now” mean? Her udder is so full of milk it’s dragging on the ground p.7

Chapter 2

  1. Who did Jess love and adore? Miss Edmunds the music teacher Why? She had a soft voice, played the guitar well, was gorgeous and kind to him about his art p.14
  2. What word would you use to describe how Jess felt when his father paid attention to the little girls? Jealous; sad p.19
  3. Who did Jess meet in this chapter? His neighbor, Leslie Burke p.22

Chapter 3

  1. Why was everyone shocked to see the new student Leslie Burke, when she came into class? She was dressed in faded blue jeans and a t-shirt, wearing shoes without socks when the rest of the students were wearing their Sunday best p.24
  2. Where did the students each their lunch? In their classrooms p.29
  3. Why didn’t Jess want to look at Leslie during the races? Maybe she would go away; he didn’t want her there p.32
  4. Who had run the race and how did Jesse react? Leslie; Jess still wanted nothing to do with her p.35

Chapter 4

  1. Explain the change that happened to Jess during music time. He wanted to become Leslie’s friend p.40
  2. How did students respond to Leslie stating she didn’t have a television? Shocked; made fun of her p.44
  3. How did Leslie get May Belle to go home when she and Jess wanted to run in the woods? Gave her paper dolls p.48
  4. What is Terabithia? A pretend country where Leslie and Jess would build their fortress p.51
  5. How did Jess feel about Leslie? She was more than a friend; she was his other, more exciting self p.59

Chapter 5

  1. Why was May Belle so upset with Janice Avery? Janice stole her twinkies p.62
  2. How did Leslie and Jess get back at Janice for stealing the twinkies? Writing a love note from a boy everyone has a crush on; humiliating her p.65
  3. How did Leslie distract the teacher Mrs. Pierce from going into the classroom where Jess was hiding the note for Janice? To go look at a nest and identify what built it p.68
  4. Why were May Belle’s eyes shining at the end of this chapter? She was so happy and excited Jess and Leslie got Janice back for stealing her twinkies p.71

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Jess want to give Leslie a Christmas present? She was a good friend; he cared for her p.73
  2. Who is Prince Terrien? The puppy Jess gave Leslie for Christmas p.77
  3. Describe two examples of how Jess’s family reacted on Christmas morning? Jealousy for not getting hose, frustration cars wouldn’t work on racetrack, crying since doll stopped talking, showing off and rubbing in present, patience with May Belle p.80
  4. What did Leslie do to help it feel like Christmas again? She came and visited with Jess while he milked the cow that morning p.82

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Jess have a hard time liking Leslie’s dad? He was jealous of him taking all of Leslie’s time p.86
  2. How was Jess helpful to Leslie and her dad? He knew how to do things around the house p.87
  3. Why was Janice Avery crying in the bathroom? She’s embarrassed because she told her friends about her father beating her and they told the entire seventh grade p.95
  4. Why was it so important to Jess that May Belle keep Terabithia a secret? It’s a special place that he and Leslie go, and he doesn’t want that to get ruined p.98

Chapter 8

  1. was Leslie interested in going to church on Easter? She’d never been to church before and she’d like to experience it p.103
  2. How did Leslie feel about the church service? She thought it was beautiful p.107
  3. What did May Belle, Jess debate about after church? That Leslie needed to believe in the Bible or she’d be damned to hell p.109

Chapter 9

  1. What was the result of Jess and Leslie’s adventures to Terabithia as rain was pouring? Wet; had to cross the creek bed as it rose higher and higher; water beginning to leak into their fortress p.115
  2. Why did Jess want to go to Terabithia when it was raining? It scared him p.119

Chapter 10

  1. When thinking about crossing the creek come summertime, what solution did Jess come up with to help him get over his fear? Leslie could teach him to swim p.122
  2. Why had Miss Edmunds invited Jess to go to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C.? so he could go to an art gallery p.126
  3. How was the display of the Indians and buffalo like Jess’s drawings? He had animals falling off cliffs p.128
  4. Why was Jess’s family so worried about him when he came home from Washington D.C.? Leslie had died and they thought he was with her and died too p.130

Chapter 11

  1. What word could describe Jess as he learned how Leslie had died? Sad, in denial, shocked p.131
  2. Why was Jess eating pancakes like nothing had happened? He thought it was all a bad dream and didn’t really happen p.137
  3. Why was it important for Jess and his parents to go see the neighbors about Leslie’s death? To show them they care and were sorry for their daughter’s death p.139

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Jess feel important when he realized his best friend was dead? People would treat him with respect and be nice to him p.143
  2. When Jess found out Leslie was being cremated, why was he so angry? He wouldn’t be able to see her again, even dead p.145
  3. Why did Jess throw his painting supplies and paper into the creek? He was angry at Leslie for leaving him p.147

Chapter 13

  1. What important thing did Jess do in the stronghold? Make a funeral wreath for Leslie p.152
  2. Where had Jess gotten the words he said aloud in the sacred grove? The Bible; Jesus Christ said them as he died on the cross p.153
  3. Why did May Belle try to cross the creek? She didn’t want Jess to be lonesome p.156
  4. What did Jess learn from his conversation with Ms. Myers? That he would never forget Leslie p.160
  5. How did Jess turn Terabithia over to May Belle? Put flowers in her hair and helped her see the magic of Terabithia and making her queen p.163

Comprehension Questions – A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time

By Madeleine L’Engle

Grades 4-8; Genre – Science Fiction; GRL W; AR pts: 7.0

Meg Murray, her little brother Charles Wallace, and their mother are having a midnight snack on a dark and stormy night when an unearthly stranger appears at their door. He claims to have been blown off course and goes on to tell them that there is such a thing as a "tesseract," which, if you didn't know, is a wrinkle in time. Meg's father had been experimenting with time-travel when he suddenly disappeared. Will Meg, Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin outwit the forces of evil as they search through space for their father?

Vocabulary Words

Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe Meg. A girl who had twin younger brothers; a younger brother named Charles Wallace who had an uncanny sense of knowing when she was sad and couldn’t sleep; she struggled in school; her father had left and she didn’t know where to; her bedroom’s in the attic; has a wild imagination p.1
  2. Tell me about Charles Wallace. Really smart; doesn’t behave normally in front of other people; He spoke in full sentences when he began to talk; understands Meg and her mom;  doesn’t wiggle like other 5 year old boys p.5
  3. Why did Mrs. Whatsit come to visit them? To tell Mrs. Murray there was such a thing as a tesseract p.12

Chapter 2

  1. What do you think the feeling was that compelled Calvin to go over to the haunted house? listen to your child’s answers; intuitive; 6th sense p.20
  2. Why did Mrs. Who steal Mrs. Buncombe’s sheets? In case they needed ghosts for the charade of the haunted house p.21
  3. What do you think Mrs. Who is talking about when she said Meg’s father needed their help? They are going to need to go and help him from the trouble he is in p.22

Chapter 3

  1. Why did Calvin feel alone and why doesn’t he feel alone anymore? He doesn’t feel like his family cares about him and now that he’s met Meg and her family, he feels accepted and loved. P.27
  2. Describe Meg and Calvin’s relationship? They’re good friends; they may like each other romantically p.30
  3. What’s the story behind Meg’s missing father? He’s a physicist and began to travel doing a job that was classified. He wrote his wife every day, but then the letters stopped and they haven’t heard anything from him in a year. The government says he’s on a dangerous mission, but that he can’t communicate for a while and they’ll give any news as soon as they have it p.31

Chapter 4

  1. Now that you know a little more about the three old women describe each of them. Mrs. Whatsit- is always bundled up to her head and has a hard time keeping it all straight wearing a man’s coat and multicolored scarves and shawls, she’s friendly and jovial, she is plump; Mrs. Who wear white robes and glasses, uses quotes in different languages to speak, she has a hard time coming up with words on her own, also jovial; Mrs. Which is what you think a witch would look like, black robe; black peaked hat; beady eyes; beaked nose; long gray hair; has a broomstick; she talks differently and has a hard time materializing into a solid form p.36
  2. Describe the creature that Mrs. Whatsit transformed into. A beautiful marble white creature with rainbow wings; legs of a horse; upper body of a man p.39
  3. How did the shadow make Meg feel? Dark and dreadful; it chilled her with fear that was beyond shuddering, crying or screaming, beyond the possibility of comfort; p.44

Chapter 5

  1. Find a rope, string, or an object of your choice and demonstrate how Mrs. Who explained how they “tesser” or “wrinkle” through space.  Your child should find an object that can fold and explain that if a small insect were to travel from one end to the other it would take along time, but if the ends were brought together, it would be a shorter and much faster. p.47
  2. Explain to me the different dimensions explained in the book. 1st dimension- a line; 2nd dimension- a flat square (like what you would draw on a paper); 3rd dimension-a full square that wouldn’t be flat and where you could see the bottom, sides and top; 4th dimension- you’d square the square which equals time; 5th dimension- you’d square the fourth dimension which makes a tesseract p.48
  3. Why was The Medium hesitant to show the children the planet earth in the crystal ball? The Dark Shadow was hovering over earth and it is the Powers of Darkness; it’s evil p.54

Chapter 6

  1. How can the Darkness be overcome? Light; a star gave up its life in battle with the Thing p.57
  2. Describe what the children saw as they entered the town on Camazotz? The town was laid out in harsh angular patterns; the outside of the houses were exactly alike; in front of all the houses children were playing, skipping and bouncing in rhythm at the same exact moment; everything was in rhythm, all identical. P.65
  3. Why did the children think the people on this planet could be robots? Because they move jerkily; they have done everything in unison; the men and women going into the building looked straight ahead, paying no attention to the children p.70

Chapter 7

  1. After the children went into the building, how did they get past the empty fourth wall? A man turned them in so he wouldn’t get in trouble p.74
  2. How was the man on platform talking to the children? Through their minds; telepathy p.75
  3. When the man was reciting multiplication problems, why did the children shout out rhyme’s and a speech? So they wouldn’t be hypnotized p.77

Chapter 8

  1. When Charles Wallace was under the influence of the man with the red eyes, what did he tell Meg? To relax, that Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which were wrong; that their troubles are over and that this planet is a wonderful place and is in perfect order; the man with the red eyes is their friend p.86
  2. What are the benefits of living on Camazotz? There is no sickness or deformity; everyone is happy because they are all alike; there are no individuals p.88
  3. Who is IT? The boss of Camazotz; he is who makes everyone of one mind p.89
  4. Why is IT evil? It wants to take away individuality and the freedom to choose p.90

Chapter 9

  1. What happened to Charles Wallace when Calvin recited the Tempest words to him. He started to come out of the trance, but he seemed to get smacked with an invisible hand and was knocked to the ground by it; he sat on the floor whimpering p.93
  2. How did Meg get through the invisible barrier that led to her father? She put on Mrs. Who’s glasses p.94
  3. What were Meg’s faults that she realized were supposed to help save her? Her anger, impatience, stubbornness p.100

Chapter 10

  1. Describe how Meg felt after they had tessered away from IT. Icy cold; couldn’t move; like stone /marble p.107
  2. Why was Meg so angry and accusing to her father and Calvin? The Darkness had a hold of her p.109
  3. Describe the beasts on this world that wanted to Meg away. Very tall; no eyes, just soft indentations; four arms with tentacles for fingers; had heads and faces, but had indentations where the features would be and instead of eyes and ears there were tentacles p.110

Chapter 11

  1. Why did Meg resolve to give in to the beasts and realize they were good? Because of the way they made her feel p.114
  2. How was Meg feeling toward Calvin and her father during breakfast? That she couldn’t trust them; they wouldn’t help her save Charles Wallace p.119
  3. Why couldn’t the beasts on this planet understand what the humans tried to explain to them? The beasts understood things in a different way.  They didn’t have eyes to see or ears to hear, yet they understood things more deeply p.120

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Meg decide to go save Charles Wallace by herself? Only she knew him well enough to help him; she was the only one who could save him p.124
  2. What gifts did Mrs. Whatsit and Who give to Meg this time? Love; a verse from the Bible p.128
  3. Why didn’t Mrs. Which give Meg a gift? Meg needed to find the gift for herself p.128
  4. How did Meg defeat IT and save Charles Wallace? By loving Charles Wallace p.132