Tag Archives: GRL R

Comprehension Questions – Because of Winn-Dixie

Because of Winn-Dixie

By Kate DiCamillo

Grades 4-7; Genre – Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 3.0

The summer Opal and her father, the preacher, move to Naomi, Florida, Opal goes into the Winn-Dixie supermarket and comes out with a dog. A big, ugly, suffering dog with a sterling sense of humor. A dog she names Winn-Dixie.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the setting of this story. In the Winn-Dixie grocery store in the produce department p.7
  2. Explain how Opal became Winn-Dixie’s owner? He followed her into the store and the manager said to call the pound and she couldn’t let him go to the pound, so she said the dog was hers p.8
  3. Describe Winn-Dixie. Dirty; ugly; bald patches on him; could see his ribs; big; smiles p.8

Chapter 2

  1. Why does Opal’s father call her by her second or middle name? it’s his mother’s name and he loves her a lot p.14
  2. What did Opal tell Winn-Dixie on their way home from the store? How she got her name; how she had just moved to Naomi; about the preacher p.14
  3. How did Opal convince her dad she needed to keep Winn-Dixie? She convinced him that Winn-Dixie needed her p.17

Chapter 3

  1. How are Opal and Winn-Dixie similar? They’re both like orphans p.21
  2. Why doesn’t Opal know very much about her mother? Her father doesn’t talk about her p.22
  3. What did Opal finally have to courage to ask her father? To tell her 10 things about her mother p.25

Chapter 4

  1. List 2 things about Opal’s mother that was similar to Opal. She had freckles and red hair; she could run fast p.26
  2. Why do you think Opal’s mother left? She didn’t like being the preacher’s wife; they fought when she drank alcohol p.28
  3. Why did Opal write down all ten things? So she could memorize them and remember them, so that if her mother came back, she’d know who she was and never let her go again p.30

Chapter 5

  1. What happened when the preacher and Opal left Winn-Dixie home? He howled or tore the house apart p.31
  2. Explain what happened when Opal brought Winn-Dixie into the church. He saw a mouse, caught it and brought it to the preacher, who threw it outside p.36
  3. List the things Opal prayed for at the end of this chapter. She was lonely; the mouse; her mama and that she could tell her the story of the mouse and Winn-Dixie p.38

Chapter 6

  1. What did Miss Franny think Winn-Dixie was as he looked in the window of the library? A bear p.41
  2. Why was Miss Franny so worried about seeing a bear? She had a bad experience with a bear coming into the library p.42

Chapter 7

  1. How did the Herman W. Block Library come to be? Miss Franny was the daughter of Herman W. Block and told her dad she wanted a little house full of books she could read and share with others p.46
  2. Explain the story of the bear in the library. Miss Franny was reading her book on a hot day with all of the windows and doors open. A shadow crossed by her and she looked up when no one answered her question and saw the bear sniffing her p.47
  3. Who was Opal’s first friend in Naomi? Miss Franny p.51

Chapter 8

  1. What plan did Opal come up to pay for the collar and leash? Do jobs around the pet store p.54
  2. How did Gertrude feel about Winn-Dixie? She landed on his head, so she liked him p.56
  3. Describe Sweetie Pie Thomas. She’s a 5 year-old little girl; sucks on her third knuckle; wants a dog, but can’t have one; goes to Opal’s church p.57

Chapter 9

  1. Who was the witch Stevie and Dunlap were talking about? Gloria Dump p.64
  2. Why did they call her a witch? She was old, had crinkly brown skin, wore a big floppy hat and had no teeth p.63
  3. What did Gloria feed Winn-Dixie? Peanut butter p.63

Chapter 10

  1. What does it mean to have a green thumb? Being good at growing plants p.69
  2. How was Winn-Dixie helping Opal? He helped her find friends; he helped her get a job p.70

Chapter 11

  1. Find a simile on page 74. Barreling like a bowling ball
  2. How did Winn-Dixie continue to behave during the thunderstorm? out of his mind with fear; racing back and forth every time there was thunder p.76
  3. Opal had a difficult time talking when the preacher said they need to keep Winn-Dixie safe during thunderstorms. What was she feeling? Lots of love for the preacher and felt like crying p.78

Chapter 12

  1. What was Otis doing in the pet store when Opal arrived early to work? Playing his guitar with every animal out of its cage p.80
  2. What effect did Otis have over the animals as he played his guitar? He was like a snake charmer p.81
  3. What did Otis and the animals have in common? They’d both been locked up p.83

Chapter 13

  1. What was Opal’s favorite place to go that summer? Gloria Dump’s p.88
  2. Why did the twins make Opal so mad? They continued to call Gloria a witch p.89
  3. Why did Opal enjoy going over there so much? Gloria would make her a sandwich and coffee/milk and talk to her p.90

Chapter 14

  1. Why couldn’t Gloria get glasses to see? Because her eyes were too bad p.92
  2. What was hanging from the tree in Gloria’s backyard? Whiskey, wine and beer bottles p.94
  3. Why were there bottles hanging from it? Gloria used to drink and these were the bottles she had drunken out of; they were her ghosts of the things she’s done wrong in her life p.95
  4. Why did Gloria show Opal the tree? To teach her that she shouldn’t judge Otis for being in jail p.96

Chapter 15

  1. Find a simile on one of the first two pages of this chapter. Fur blowing off like a dandelion puff; stop and start shaking like a leaf; protecting her like soldiers p.98&99
  2. Why did Opal want to tell Gloria a story? To keep the ghosts away from the bottles hitting together in the wind p.100
  3. How did Miss Franny react when Amanda Wilkinson came into the library and demanded a book? She told her she’d have to wait until she finished telling Opal the story of her great grandfather in the Civil War p.102

Chapter 16

  1. Describe Miss Franny’s great grandfather’s experience of fighting in the war. Hot or cold; covered in vermin, fleas and ticks; always hungry; always getting shot at; stinky in the summer p.106
  2. What did Littmus find after walking home from the war? His home was burned; his mom and sisters dead from typhoid fever and his dad on the battlefield p.107

Chapter 17

  1. What did Miss Franny’s great grandfather do with his life after the war? Built the candy factory and made candy p.111
  2. What’s the secret ingredient of the candy Miss Franny gave the girls? Sorrow p.114
  3. What did Opal decide to do as she passed the twins on her bike? Wave to them p.116

Chapter 18

  1. What did the preacher think the candy tasted like? Opal’s mother; melancholy p.121
  2. What did the preacher want Opal to say to Stevie? That she was sorry for calling him a bald-headed baby p.123
  3. Who is Carson and what happened to him? Amanda’s five year-old brother who had drowned last year p.124

Chapter 19

  1. Why did Otis go to jail? He wouldn’t stop playing his guitar when the policemen asked him too and he hit one of them when they put handcuffs on him p.130
  2. How did Sweetie Pie respond to the candy Opal gave her? She spit it out and tasted like not having a dog p.132

Chapter 20

  1. How did Opal come up with the idea to have a party and invite her friends? From the book, Gone with the Wind p.125
  2. How did Gloria respond to Opal’s idea? She made her promise to invite the twins p.137
  3. What was Otis’s reaction when Opal asked him to come to the party? He didn’t want to come at first, but told him she would do her jobs for free for a week and then told him to bring his guitar p.142

Chapter 21

  1. What kind of sandwiches did Gloria and Opal make for the party? Egg-salad sandwiches p.143
  2. Why did Miss Franny wobble when she walked and sway when standing still? She was wearing high heels p.145
  3. Why was Otis hesitant to come to the party? He was nervous to be around people p.149

Chapter 22

  1. What did Otis do that made Sweetie Pie laugh? Leaned over and his guitar on his back bonked him on the head p.151
  2. What did the weather turn into just as the party got started? A rain storm p.154

Chapter 23

  1. Who did Opal forget to bring inside as the thunder started to roll? Winn-Dixie p.157
  2. Why was she so worried about him? In thunderstorms he gets scared and this time she didn’t hold onto him, so he ran away p.157

Chapter 24

  1. Why did Opal make a list to describe Winn-Dixie? If she had to make a sign about him it would tell people about him p.162
  2. Explain what the preacher told Opal when she blamed him for not trying to stop her mother from leaving. He told her he did try, but he couldn’t stop her; he wished she’d come back every day; was very grateful she had left Opal p.165

Chapter 25

  1. Where had Winn-Dixie been during the thunderstorm? Under Gloria’s bed p.173
  2. What helped him come out from under the bed? Otis’s music p.174

Chapter 26

  1. Opal stood out at the tree looking up at the sky and constellations. What was she doing there? Telling her mama that she wasn’t going to think about her as much and that her heart had been filled p.178
  2. Why did Dunlap and Stevie call Gloria a witch? To tease Opal p.179
  3. Describe how Opal relationship with her father had changed at the end of the story. They had grown together in understanding and were connecting with each other

Comprehension Questions – The Indian in the Cupboard

The Indian in the Cupboard

By Lynne Reid Banks

Grades 4-6; Genre – Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 6.0

When Omri's big brother has no birthday present for him, he gives Omri an old wooden medicine cabinet he's found. The cabinet doesn't seem like much of a present to nine-year-old Omri, until he deposits inside it another present he receives for his birthday: a miniature plastic Indian. His mother comes up with a key for the cabinet, and the real magic begins. When Omri turns the key once, the Indian, named Little Bear, comes alive; but turn the key a second time and it's an ordinary plastic Indian again.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does Omri feel when Patrick gives him the plastic Indian? Disappointed pg 2
  2. What does Omri’s mum give him for the cabinet? A boxful of keys pg. 3
  3. What does the Indian do when Omri tries to pick him up? Stab him pg 9.

Chapter 2

  1. What does Omri worry happened to the Indian while at school? He dies without food, drink pg 15
  2. What did the Indian think was magic? Electricity pg 21
  3. Did Little Bear live in a tepee? No, a longhouse pg 21
  4. Who is the Indian? Iroquois brave, son of chief, Little Bear pg 23

Chapter 3

  1. Omri finds out that Little Bear fought in a war with whom and against whom. With the English against the French and the Algonquin pg 29
  2. What did Little Bear say that scared Omri? He scalped 30 French soldiers pg 30
  3. Why did Omri not tell anyone about Little Bear? They would make him an experiment in a laboratory pg 31

Chapter 4

  1. How did Little Bear hurt his leg? Horse kicked when box was squeezed pg 41
  2. What did Little Bear call fire water? Water and Listerine; disinfectant pg 41
  3. What plastic figure did Omri grab to help Little Bear’s injury? WW I orderly pg 42

Chapter 5

  1. What does Omri tell Tommy so he won’t be afraid? It’s just a dream pg 45
  2. What supplies does Omri gather for Little Bear? Seed tray, posts and bark pg 47
  3. Where does Omri get an ax for Little Bear? From a knight pg 48

Chapter 6

  1. Omri sneaks away at lunchtime at school to buy what? Plastic chief with bow and arrow pg 52
  2. How does Little Bear check to see if the chief is dead? Puts his feather in front of his mouth pg 59
  3. What does Little Bear take from the dead chief and why? Cape, headdress, bow and arrow and now he’s the new chief pg 59
  4. What does Omri’s father make him do? Replace items he used at hardware shop pg 60

Chapter 7

  1. When they get to Omri’s room who do they find there? Gillon and Adiel pg 65
  2. What did the brothers feel about the longhouse? Admiration at the details pg 67
  3. Why did Omri not want Patrick to put a lot of toys in the cupboard? Because they are real pg 69
  4. What did Patrick beg Omri for? One live toy of his own pg 74

Chapter 8

  1. What did Patrick do when Omri went to get some food for the Indian? Put the cowboy in the cupboard pg 78
  2. What does the cowboy do to Patrick? Shoots him pg 80
  3. What does Omri promise Patrick to do? Bring the Cowboy to school pg 85

Chapter 9

  1. Why does Little Bear do a dance? He is getting a wife pg 89
  2. What happened when Omri was a sleep? The cowboy escaped pg 90
  3. What does Little Bear want Omri to do? Take him to school too pg 94

Chapter 10

  1. What did Omri fix for breakfast? Egg, beans and bread crust pg 98
  2. What did Omri make the cowboy and Indian do to eat? Call a truce pg 99
  3. What did Boone threaten Little Bear he’d do if he didn’t fight fair? Set his hallucy-nation on him pg 103

Chapter 11

  1. How does April taunt Patrick? She says “Lookit he’s blu-shing!” pg 108
  2. Why do Omri and Patrick get thrown out of class? Little Bear stabs him in the side  pg 111
  3. What does Omri do with the little men? Puts them in the same pocket pg 114

Chapter 12

  1. When Omri couldn’t find Patrick where was he? The music room pg 119
  2. When Patrick was late to class by 20 minutes what did Miss Hilton do? Sent both boys to the headmaster Mr. Jonson pg 120
  3. Why did Omri attack Patrick in Mr. Johnson’s office? He was going to tell him about the little men pg 124
  4. Did Patrick show the little men to Mr. Johnson? Yes pg 126

Chapter 13

  1. Why did Patrick say he had to show the little men? They would tell his dad pg 128
  2. How did Omri feel when the art teacher saw Boone’s drawing? It was fun pg133
  3. How did Omri trick Mr. Yapp with the little men? He told them to act like plastic pg 139

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Adiel take Omri’s cupboard? He thought Omri took his football shorts pg 142
  2. Why was the magic gone from the cupboard? Because the key was lost pg 145
  3. Why does Little Bear shoot Boone with an arrow? TV shows portrayed Indians as bad pg 150

Chapter 15

  1. Why was Omri worried for the safety of the little men? The rat was loose pg 155
  2. What did Omri worry would happen to Little Bear under the floor? the rat would eat him pg 161
  3. How did Omri think he could stop the little men from fighting? Become blood brothers pg 167

Chapter 16

  1. Why was Little Bears’ wife called Bright Stars? Her shining eyes pg 173
  2. Who became blood brothers? Little Bear and Boone pg 176 Little Bear and Omri pg 178
  3. Where was Omri’s mum going to keep the key? She was going to wear it on a chain pg 181

Comprehension Questions without Answers

Chapter 1

  1. How does Omri feel when Patrick gives him the plastic Indian?
  2. What does Omri’s mum give him for the cabinet?
  3. What does the Indian do when Omri tries to pick him up?

Chapter 2

  1. What does Omri worry happened to the Indian while at school?
  2. What did the Indian think was magic?
  3. Did Little Bear live in a tepee?
  4. Who is the Indian?

Chapter 3

  1. Omri finds out that Little Bear fought in a war with whom and against whom.
  2. What did Little Bear say that scared Omri? Why did Omri not tell anyone about Little Bear?

Chapter 4

  1. How did Little Bear hurt his leg?
  2. What did Little Bear call fire water?
  3. What plastic figure did Omri grab to help Little Bear’s injury?

Chapter 5

  1. What does Omri tell Tommy so he won’t be afraid?
  2. What supplies does Omri gather for Little Bear?
  3. Where does Omri get an ax for Little Bear?

Chapter 6

  1. Omri sneaks away at lunchtime at school to buy what?
  2. How does Little Bear check to see if the chief is dead?
  3. What does Little Bear take from the dead chief and why?
  4. What does Omri’s father make him do?

Chapter 7

  1. When they get to Omri’s room who do they find there?
  2. What did the brothers feel about the longhouse?
  3. Why did Omri not want Patrick to put a lot of toys in the cupboard?
  4. What did Patrick beg Omri for?

Chapter 8

  1. What did Patrick do when Omri went to get some food for the Indian?
  2. What does the cowboy do to Patrick?
  3. What does Omri promise Patrick to do?

Chapter 9

  1. Why does Little Bear do a dance?
  2. What happened when Omri was a sleep?
  3. What does Little Bear want Omri to do?

Chapter 10

  1. What did Omri fix for breakfast?
  2. What did Omri make the cowboy and Indian do to eat?
  3. What did Boone threaten Little Bear he’d do if he didn’t fight fair?

Chapter 11

  1. How does April taunt Patrick?
  2. Why do Omri and Patrick get thrown out of class?
  3. What does Omri do with the little men?

Chapter 12

  1. When Omri couldn’t find Patrick where was he?
  2. When Patrick was late to class by 20 minutes what did Miss Hilton do?
  3. Why did Omri attack Patrick in Mr. Johnson’s office?
  4. Did Patrick show the little men to Mr. Johnson?

Chapter 13

  1. Why did Patrick say he had to show the little men?
  2. How did Omri feel when the art teacher saw Boone’s drawing?
  3. How did Omri trick Mr. Yapp with the little men?

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Adiel take Omri’s cupboard?
  2. Why was the magic gone from the cupboard?
  3. Why does Little Bear shoot Boone with an arrow?

Chapter 15

  1. Why was Omri worried for the safety of the little men?
  2. What did Omri worry would happen to Little Bear under the floor?
  3. How did Omri think he could stop the little men from fighting?

Chapter 16

  1. Why was Little Bears’ wife called Bright Stars?
  2. Who became blood brothers?
  3. Where was Omri’s mum going to keep the key?

Comprehension Questions – Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web

By E.B. White

Grades 3-7; Genre – Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 5.0

Wilbur is the runt of a litter born to a pig on the farm of Fern Arable's father. When it is announced that her father is going to kill the pig, Fern rushes forth to save it, asking of her father: "If I had been very small at birth, would you have killed me?" Her father spares the pig, but only if Fern agrees to care for it. Falling in love immediately with the little pig, Fern takes care of him until he is moved to her Uncle’s farm. Wilbur becomes friends with the other animals at the farm including a spider named Charlotte who saves Wilbur’s life.

Vocabulary Words

Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the setting of this story. Farm; kitchen and on the way to the pigpen; morning, breakfast time; grass was wet and the earth smelled of springtime p.1
  2. Why did Fern’s father decide to keep the pig and not kill it? Fern said she would take care of it and that it was an injustice to kill a pig just because it was small p.3
  3. What did Fern name her pig? Wilbur p.7

Chapter 2

  1. How did Wilbur stay warm at night? Dug a tunnel in the straw p.9
  2. Why did Mr. Arable need to sell Wilbur? He ate too much food; he didn’t want to provide for him any longer p.12
  3. Why did Fern’s Uncle decide to buy the pig? It was only $6 p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Wilbur’s new home. The lower part of a barn, below the cows, in the manure pile p.14
  2. Is the goose a good or bad influence and why? Bad; She told Wilbur to free himself and to dig in the orchard and garden; told him how to escape when people were coming p.17
  3. How did Lurvy and Uncle Homer catch Wilbur? Go behind him and drove him toward the barn; got a bucket of slop to lure into his pen p.19
  4. Why didn’t Wilbur care that he was being led back to his pen? He was nervous; he wanted the food; he wanted to be in his pen again and not being chased around p.22

Chapter 4

  1. Why is Wilbur sad in this chapter? It’s raining and he can’t do his plan; he’s doesn’t have any friends and he’s lonely p.27
  2. Describe Templeton. He’s a rat; he’s dug tunnels everywhere so he can get to where he wants to without being seen; he sleeps in the day and is out at night; gluttonous; 30
  3. Give me three descriptive words of how Wilbur was feeling in this chapter. Lonely; despair; sad; rejected p.31
  4. Who do you think spoke to Wilbur about being his friend? Charlotte p.31

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Wilbur have a difficult time sleeping? He was anxious for morning so he could meet his new friend p.33
  2. Describe Charlotte. Friendly; nearsighted; a spider; has eight legs; pretty; tells the truth p.37
  3. What did Charlotte say that finally convinced Wilbur that catching bugs and drinking their blood was ok? If she didn’t, bugs would otherwise multiply and take over the world p.40
  4. What did goose know about Wilbur that he did not? Mr. Zuckerman and Lurvy were going to kill him at Christmastime p.40

Chapter 6

  1. Give three reasons why the book felt the happiest and fairest days on the farm are in early summer. Blossoms and lilacs with bees; temperature is warm; school ends; cutting of the hay and put in the loft of the barn; birds, nests and eggs; plenty of things for a child to chew (dandelion stem); goose eggs hatch p.42
  2. Why did the geese worry about Templeton? He would kill a gosling if he could get away with it p.46
  3. What did Charlotte say would happen if the egg broke? It would be such a strong smell that no one could handle living in the barn, it’s a stink bomb p.47

Chapter 7

  1. Who told Wilbur that the farmer would most likely kill him when the weather got cold? The old sheep p.49
  2. What was Wilbur’s reaction? Got upset, cried and ran around in a panic p.50

Chapter 8

  1. Why was Mrs. Arable concerned about Fern? Fern told her about the animals speaking p.54

Chapter 9

  1. What did Charlotte try to teach Wilbur to do? Spin a web p.56
  2. Why couldn’t Wilbur spin a web? He lacked a set of spinnerets and know how p.58
  3. How did Charlotte help Wilbur feel better when he was worried about dying? She said she had a plan to help him p.63
  4. What was the advice Charlotte told Wilbur? Build himself up; get plenty of sleep; stop worrying; no hurrying; chew food thoroughly and eat every bit of it, except leave enough for Templeton; gain weight and stay well; keep fit; don’t lose nerve p.64

Chapter 10

  1. What was Charlotte’s plan going to do to Zuckerman? Trick or fool him p.67
  2. What did Avery want to do with Charlotte? Catch her p.72
  3. Why wasn’t Avery able to catch her? He was climbing to swing a stick to knock her in a box and lost his balance. He fell and landed on the rotten egg and it exploded making it stink terribly, so he ran away p.73
  4. What made the terrible smell go away? Lurvy covered the rotten egg with dirt p.75

Chapter 11

  1. Describe Mr. Zuckerman’s reaction when they saw Charlotte’s web? In awe; bewildered; said a miracle has happened on the farm; said the pig was a special pig p.79
  2. Where did Mr. Zuckerman go with his suit on and why? To see the minister to explain there had been a miracle at the farm p.82
  3. Why was everyone coming to see the pig? They heard about it and wanted to see the “sign” that had appeared in the web p.83
  4. What was Avery’s punishment for trying to hit the spider with a stick? Sent to bed with no supper p.84
  5. What did the minister say the “sign” or miracle was? Human beings needed to be on the watch for wonders p.85

Chapter 12

  1. How do we know Charlotte’s plan to save Wilbur worked? Everyone thought Wilbur was unusual, so they won’t kill him now p.87
  2. How did the animals want Templeton to help out Charlotte? Bring magazine clippings from the dump so she can get ideas and know how to spell words p.89
  3. What made Templeton agree with bringing back magazine clippings? Realizing that if Wilbur dies, he won’t get any more food p.90

Chapter 13

  1. After seeing the word “terrific” written in the web, what plans did Zuckerman make for Wilbur? No more manure; only clean hay; Lurvy was to build a crate so Zuckerman could take him to the fair p.96
  2. What was the dump that Templeton went to? Zuckerman’s throw away pile at the end of a path, below the apple orchard p.97
  3. Give me two examples in this chapter that describe how Charlotte feels about Wilbur. Worked far into the night for him p. 92; Charlotte looked affectionately at him p.101; she told him a story even though she was tired p.102; she sang him a song p.104; listen to other examples stated

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Fern’s mother visit Dr. Dorian? She was concerned about Fern and her interest in the farm animals p.107
  2. What did Dr. Dorian tell Mrs. Arable? To not worry about Fern and that she seemed to be fine p.111

Chapter 15

  1. Why was Charlotte worried when she heard the crickets singing that summer was almost over? she didn’t have much time left and she couldn’t help him anymore p.114 &117
  2. What was Wilbur’s attitude even with the attention he was getting? Humble; modest; kind p.115
  3. Why did Charlotte need to stay at the farm and not go to the fair? it was time for her to lay eggs p.116

Chapter 16

  1. How did the sheep convince Templeton he should go to the fair? told him of all the food scraps that would be left around p.123
  2. What made Wilbur faint as everyone admired him? The farmer spoke of the ham and bacon that would come from killing him p.126
  3. How did the farmer know that Wilbur was ok? Wilbur fought back as they tried to get him into the crate p.28

Chapter 17

  1. Using 3 of the senses describe what the family saw as they arrived at the fair. Hear the music; see the Ferris wheel; smell the of the race track; smell hamburgers frying; hear bleating in pens; see balloons aloft p.130
  2. Avery and Fern wanted to go have fun at the fair. How much money did their father give to each of them? $0.70 p.131
  3. Describe Uncle. A spring big; much larger and dirtier than Wilbur; noisy; cracks weak jokes; unattractive personality p.134

Chapter 18

  1. What word did Templeton bring Charlotte at the fair and why was it a good word? Humble; he’s not proud and he’s near the ground p.140
  2. Why was the fair a paradise for Templeton? He could find all sorts of food to eat p.140
  3. What do you think Charlotte is making? Listen to your child’s ideas; an egg sac p.143

Chapter 19

  1. Why isn’t Charlotte going to see her children? She doesn’t think she’ll be around p.146
  2. Why is everyone so excited after bathing Wilbur in buttermilk? There was an announcement for Mr. Zuckerman to bring his pig to the judges’ booth to receive a special award p.151
  3. Why is Charlotte feeling content and peaceful? She thinks she has saved Wilbur’s life p.153

Chapter 20

  1. Where did Fern want to go during the award ceremony? On the Ferris wheel with Henry p.156
  2. Why is the writing in the web such a phenomenon? Spiders aren’t supposed to write p.158
  3. What did the rat do to Wilbur save him after he fainted? Bit his tail p.159
  4. Why did Avery enjoy getting splashed with water? He loved the crowd cheering at him as he acted like a clown p.162

Chapter 21

  1. Why can’t Charlotte go back to the barn? She’s going to be dead in a day or two; she doesn’t have enough spinnerets to lower her to the ground; she doesn’t have strength to get into the crate p.165
  2. What’s the deal Wilbur made with Templeton to make him get Charlotte’s egg sac? Wilbur would let him eat first when Lurvy fed him p.168
  3. How did the egg sac feel in Templeton’s mouth? Sticky; worse than caramel candy p.170

 Chapter 22

  1. Why did Wilbur look forward to winter ending? Charlotte’s eggs would hatch p.176
  2. Describe to me the signs of spring. A new lamb; frogs croaking; snow melting; a sparrow singing; goose sitting on eggs p.176
  3. Why were Charlotte’s children leaving Wilbur? They needed to go into the world to make webs for themselves p.180
  4. How many spiders decided to stay with Wilbur? 3 p.182

Comprehension Questions – Magic Tree House Fact Tracker Ninjas and Samurai

Magic Tree House Fact Tracker Ninjas and Samurai

by Mary Pope Osborne

Grades 2-5; Genre - Nonfiction; GRL R; AR pts: 1.0

Worksheets by Chelsea

Chapter 1 Worksheet with Answer Key: Ninjas and Samurai in Ancient Japan

Chapter 2 Worksheet with Answer Key: The Life of a Samurai

Chapter 3 Worksheet with Answer Key: Weapons

Chapter 4 Worksheet with Answer Key: Armor and Battles

Chapter 5 Worksheet with Answer Key: The Shadow Warriors

Chapter 6 Worksheet with Answer Key: The Art of Being Sneaky

Chapter 7 Worksheet with Answer Key: Ninja Fighting

Chapter 8 Worksheet with Answer Key: The End of Ninjas and Samurai

Comprehension Questions- I Survived The Attacks of September 11, 2001

I Survived The Attacks of September 11, 2001

by Lauren Tarshis

Grades 4-6; Genre - Historical Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 1.0

The only thing Lucas loves more than football is his Uncle Benny, his dad's best friend at the fire department where they both work. Benny taught Lucas everything about football. So when Lucas's parents decide the sport is too dangerous and he needs to quit, Lucas has to talk to his biggest fan.  So the next morning, Lucas takes the train to the city instead of the bus to school. It's a bright, beautiful day in New York. But just as Lucas arrives at his uncle's firehouse, everything changes — and nothing will ever be the same again.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Tell me the setting of this story.  New York City, New York; Tuesday, September 11, 2001; 8:46 am; streets busy with taxis, cars & buses  p.1
  2. What's the definition of "careened"?  (verb)  to lean, sway, or tip to one side while in motion p.2
  3. Describe the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.  two silver and glass buildings next to each other; rose a quarter of a mile high in New York City

Chapter 2

  1. The author introduced this story by beginning in the first chapter with the events of September 11th unfolding in New York City. In the second chapter, the author shifted the sequence of the story by going back in time. Explain why you think the author used this style of writing.  To get the audience’s attention; interesting way to introduce Lucas and the events of September 11th.  p.4
  2. Why was Lucas the happiest when playing football with his team?  he felt he belonged  p.5
  3. How did Lucas feel about football when Uncle Benny took him to his first practice?  didn't like it; didn't feel like he could play  p. 9

Chapter 3

  1. What's a "concussion"?  (noun) injury to the brain or spinal cord due to jarring from a blow or fall  p.12
  2. What did Lucas' dad do for a living?  fire fighter  p. 15
  3. What are two consequences of Lucas' dad being burned in the warehouse fire?  arms that are still scarred; made him quiet; far away look in his eye   p.16

Chapter 4

  1. Why did Lucas’ mom take him to the doctor? To get him checked out before he could play football again  p.18
  2. The doctor showed Lucas pictures of football players. What did they all have in common? They all died from concussions  p.21
  3. Why did the doctor suggest that Lucas never play football again? 3 concussions in 2 years is too many for an 11 year old boy  p.22

Chapter 5

  1. How do you know the firefighters were fond of Lucas?  they hugged him; rubbed his head; said they missed him; said he was growing like a weed  p.30
  2. Who told Lucas' mom about Dr. Barrett?  Uncle Benny  p. 32
  3. What was flying overhead when Uncle Benny was talking to Lucas about quitting football?  an airplane  p. 33

Chapter 6

  1. What is the definition of "hypnotized"? (verb) being frightened or startled so that movement is impossible  p.37
  2. what did the plane crash into when it was flying low over the city?  one of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center  p.38
  3. How would you feel if you saw an airplane flying low in a city and crashing into a building? Sad; scared; panicked; terrified  p.38

Chapter 7

  1. How big was every floor of the Twin Towers?  About the size of a football field  p.42
  2. Why was it important for Lucas to call his mom and leave a message about where he was after the airplane hit the tower? She didn’t know where he was and would be worried p.45
  3. What did Uncle Benny’s words mean, “we’ll do what we always do”?  they’ll fight fires and save lives  p.45

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Benny feel like he needed a job after all of the fire fighters disappeared to the twin tower? He wanted to help   p.47
  2. What job did Benny choose to do to help? Clean up the breakfast dishes  p.47
  3. When Benny was washing dishes and watching the news in the firehouse, what made him drop the skillet into the sink, shattering plates and glasses? Another plane crashed into the second tower  p.49

Chapter 9

  1. Why couldn’t Lucas get a hold of his parents when he tried to call them? There were too many people using the phones and all of the circuits were busy  p.52
  2. Lucas didn’t want to be alone after the second airplane hit. Where did he go?  Down south to the crash site  p.56
  3. Who came out of the crowd and grabbed Lucas and held him tight? His dad  p.58

Chapter 10

  1. What did Lucas' dad mean when he said they weren’t going to be able to put out the fires, but that it was a rescue operation now? Save all of the people they can  p.60
  2. What do you think made the roaring noise, the ground tremble and felt like a boiling hot tornado hit in New York City? One of the buildings fell down  p.66
  3. Why did Lucas feel like the world had ended and that he was the only person left? There was silence and he couldn’t see anything when he opened his eyes  p.66

Chapter 11

  1. Describe how the dust felt that coated Lucas. Made it hard to breathe; it was everywhere- between his teeth, stuck to his tongue and the back of his throat; grains were jagged with bits of ground glass; cut into his skin as he tried to brush himself off  p.68
  2. When dad turned on his flashlight to gather everyone together in the convenience store, what did Lucas compare it to? The moon on a foggy night p.68
  3. What type of figurative language is this an example of? Simile  p.68
  4. What had happened to one of the towers? It had completely collapsed  p.72

Chapter 12

  1. What was Uncle Benny's outcome? He made it out carrying a man a minute before the second tower collapsed; he sought shelter under an engine truck  p.81
  2. Write a paragraph of 35 words or more- What was one good thing that Lucas had realized had come out of that day? How can going through a catastrophe help people and their relationships become stronger?

Comprehension Questions- Hank Zipzer #7 Help! Somebody Get Me Out of the Fourth Grade!

Help! Somebody Get Me Out of the Fourth Grade!

by Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 4.0

Hank Zipzer is in the fourth grade and has just had parent teacher conferences and is getting terrible grades.  He is faced with the fear that maybe he won't pass the fourth grade and will be stuck in the fourth grade while all of his classmates move on to fifth grade.  Continue reading

Comprehension Questions- Hatchet


By Gary Paulsen

Grades 5-12; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 7.0

Brian's on his way to visit his father in Canada when the pilot of the small airplane he's in has a heart attack.  Brian spends 54 days out in the Canadian wilderness learning how to survive.  His mother gave him a hatchet before he left and with that, he learned how to make a fire, a bow along with arrows and a spear, as he waited to be rescued.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Where is Brian going?  To visit his dad in Canada   p. 7
  2. Why is Brian not speaking to his mom?  He’s angry at her for causing the divorce/ he knows a secret about her   p. 3
  3. What did Brian’s mom give him on the drive up to the airplane?  A hatchet   p. 8
  4. What happened to the pilot as they flew toward Canada?  He had a heart attack   p. 11
  5. How did Brian know the pilot was having a heart attack?  He had previously seen an elderly man have a heart attack and he was acting the same   p. 11

Chapter 2

  1. What was the response Brian got as he tried to communicate over the radio?  Someone responded, but the transmission was lost and he never got anyone else   p. 19
  2. What were Brian’s two choices as he flew in the plane wondering what to do?  Take the plane down immediately or wait until it ran out of fuel and the plane would go down by force  p. 23
  3. Where did Brian decide would be the best place to land the plane?  on the water  p. 23
  4. What did the airplane do that made Brian realize he had to land the plane?  Coughed and died/ ran out of gas   p. 25   

Chapter 3

  1. Where was Brian able to land the plane?  In an “L” shaped lake   p. 29
  2. What did Brian have to do to make it out of the crashed airplane alive?  Tear off his seat belt, swim through the broken windshield, swim to the surface and swim to shore.   P. 29

Chapter 4

  1. What was the secret Brian knew about his mom?  He saw her with another man in a station wagon and assumed that was the reason for the divorce   p. 32
  2. What attacked Brian as he watched the sun rise?  Mosquitoes and black flies   p. 36
  3. What made the mosquitoes and black flies disappear and leave Brian alone?  Heat from the sun; the sun rising fully   p. 38
  4. How does the forest compare to the city life Brian was used to?  quiet, different colors, insects humming, birds chirping, splashing from the fish   p. 41

Chapter 5

  1. How old is Brian?  13 years old   p. 46
  2. What advice did Brian’s English teacher give him in school?  be motivated, you’re your best asset, stay positive and on top of things,   p. 49
  3. Why didn't Brian think the searchers would find him very quickly?  The pilot  jerked the plane off course when he was having his heart attack   p. 53

Chapter 6

  1. What did Brian decide to use as a shelter?  an overhang in the cliff   p. 57
  2. What food did Brian find to eat?  Tart berries on a bush   p. 63
  3. How did Brian make his shelter safer?  Used sticks to make a wall and closed it off   p. 65

Chapter 7

  1.  When Brian looked in the water at his reflection, how did he feel?  He was frightened   p. 69
  2. Why?  He saw how cut up, bruised, swollen, bleeding he was/ didn’t realize he was in such bad shape   p. 69
  3. What did Brian call the berries that made him sick?  Gut cherries   p. 71
  4. What other kind of berries did Brian find?  Raspberries    p. 73
  5. Why did Brian turn back after running away from the bear?  He realized the bear wasn’t there to hurt him, the bear just wanted the raspberries    p. 75

Chapter 8

  1. Why had the porcupine attacked Brian during the night in the shelter?  Brian scared it; it was protecting itself   p. 81
  2. What did Brian dream of the night he got hurt by the porcupine?  His father and Terry telling him how to make a fire   p. 86
  3. What was Brian able to use to start a fire?  His hatchet and the hard rock   p. 86

Chapter 9

  1. What steps did Brian take to make a fire?  Made sparks from hitting the hatchet against the black rock onto fine kindling, blew gently on it, added small wood pieces and grass, then dried sticks from trees    p. 91
  2. Why do you think Brian felt like the fire was his friend?  It would protect him and help him   p. 92

Chapter 10

  1. What did Brian find at the shore buried in the sand?  Eggs   p. 99
  2. Who had laid the eggs?  A turtle   p. 99
  3. How did Brian eat the eggs?  Broke them open with his hatchet and a stick and ate them raw   p.101
  4. Why did Brian want to continue thinking about the searchers?  he felt if he stopped thinking about them, they would stop thinking about him; he knew he needed to continue hoping   p. 102

Chapter 11

  1. How had Brian begun to change physically since the crash?  Thinner, tanned, leathery face   p. 104
  2. How was Brian’s mind different since the crash?  He now knew what the noises were around him, when he saw something, he really saw it, not just noticed it   p. 105
  3. What was Brian’s plan if he ever heard a plane engine roar overhead?  Run up with a burning limb and light the signal fire   p. 106
  4. As Brian looked over the lake what did he realize he could eat?  Fish   p. 107

Chapter 12

  1.  What was Brian working on when he heard the whine of the plane engine?  Bow    p. 116
  2. Tell me three words that would describe how Brian felt when the plane turned and went away?  Despair, disappointment, hopeless, sad, alone etc.  p. 118

Chapter 13

  1. What did Brian use for a string on his bow?  His shoelace   p. 124
  2. Why wasn’t Brian able to catch any fish when he first made his bow and arrow?  He was aiming to high/ the water would make the fish appear closer than they were   p. 125
  3. What kind of hope did Brian find building in him?  tough hope/ hope that he could survive and take care of himself   p. 127

Chapter 14

  1.  What were the effects Brian had after he was sprayed with the skunk?  Blind for two full hours, eyes hurt for weeks, smell lingered at least a month and a half later   p. 131
  2. How did Brian make a ladder to get to his food shelf?  Found a pine, chopped off branches so the remaining branches were 4-5 apart, chopped the log so it’s only ten feet long   p. 133
  3. What did Brian do to store the fish so they wouldn’t go bad?  He made a pond to keep them close and fresh so he could catch them when he needed them   p.  136

Chapter 15

  1. Tell me about the event, First Meat?  That was the first time Brian killed a foolbird for food   p. 142
  2. Why was it so difficult for Brian to catch a foolbird?   They blended in with the environment, silent, stood perfectly still, couldn’t see them until after they flew    p. 139
  3. What trick did Brian learn that keep the mosquitoes and flies off his food and out of his shelter?  they didn’t like the smoke   p. 144
  4. When Brian was cleaning the bird to eat it, what did he do with the insides of the bird?  Wash it off into the pond   p. 144

Chapter 16

  1. Tell me two of the “First Days” Brian remembered?  First Arrow Day, First Rabbit Day,  First Meat Day   p. 147
  2. How did the moose react to Brian when she saw him at the water and wanted to come down to the water herself?  Attacked him   p. 150
  3. What did Brian have to do to get away from the moose?  When the moose was eating he had to crawl away slowly from her, stopping and waiting when the hair on her back raised up  p. 151
  4. Why did Brian feel like he was back to “square one” after the tornado?  He was injured, had no fire, no food, and his weapons and shelter were gone   p. 157
  5. After the tornado, what unnatural object was sticking out of the water?  The tail of the airplane  p. 159

Chapter 17

  1. Why was Brian anxious to get the survival pack from the back of the plane?  It would have things to make his surviving much easier   p. 163
  2. What is a fish board?  A flattened board Brian used to lay his fish on and lean to the fire to cook them   p. 165
  3. Why was building a raft difficult for Brian?  He didn’t have anything to hold the logs together   p. 166
  4. How did he solve his problem?  Used logs with branches and wove them together   p. 167
  5. When Brian finally made it to the plane, what was his predicament?  Couldn’t get inside of it   p. 172

Chapter 18

  1. How was Brian able to get into the plane?  Cut through the aluminum with his hatchet   p. 174
  2. What did Brian have to dive into the water for?  His hatchet   p. 175
  3. What made Brian sick when he was under the water looking for the survival bag?     Seeing the skull of the pilot         p. 180
  4. How long did it take Brian to go to the plane, get the survival bag and get back to his camp?  From morning until into the dark of night   p. 183

Chapter 19

  1. How did Brian feel about the items in the survival pack as he looked through them?  Happy and sad; they changed him   p. 186
  2. How did the items in the survival bag change him?  made him more removed from the world around him   p. 187
  3. When Brian went through the dehydrated food packages, why do you think he decided to feast now and be careful with the food later?  He was so hungry; he felt he knew how to get his own food, so he wanted to enjoy what was there that night; he wanted to celebrate for finding the survival bag   p. 189
  4. When Brian was preparing his feast and drinking his orange drink, what appeared out of the sky?  An airplane   p. 190
  5. What was the first thing Brian said to the pilot of the plane who rescued him? He told him his name and asked if he'd like something to eat   p. 191

Comprehension Questions- Hank Zipzer My Secret Life as a Ping-Pong Wizard

My Secret Life as a Ping-Pong Wizard

By Henry Winkler and Lin Oliver

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 4.0

Hank Zipzer doesn't feel great about his soccer skills, but learns with the help of Papa Pete that he really loves ping-pong.  The only trouble is his father and friends don't think ping-pong is a real sport. Continue reading

Comprehension Questions- Frindle


By Andrew Clements

Grades 4-7; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 2.0

Nick is in the fifth grade and comes up with a new word.  This begins a battle with his language arts teacher as he tries to get everyone in his school to say it. Continue reading

Comprehension Questions- Beast Quest The Dark Realm #18 Sting the Scorpion Man

 Sting the Scorpion Man

by Adam Blade

Grades 2-5; Genre - Fantasy; GRL R; AR pts: 1.0

Tom and Elenna go on their last quest in Gorgonia.  They are to free Cypher the Mountain Giant and defeat Sting the scorpion man who guards him. Continue reading