Tag Archives: Magic

Comprehension Questions – The Never Girls #2 The Space Between

The Space Between

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 2.0

Just as they were settling in at Pixie Hollow, Kate, Mia, Lainey, and Gabby have to go home, but even when they leave Never Land, its magic seems to follow them.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. If you could be a talent Clumsy what would it be? 
  2. What talent did Lainey have? Animal-talent p.9

Chapter 2

  1. Why were the girls sad in this chapter? It was time to go home p.17
  2. What gift did the queen give them? Fairy dust to fly back to Never Land p.22
  3. Where do you think the dust disappeared to? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 3

  1. What happened to Fawn in this chapter? She’d traveled through the tree to the Clumsy world; was chased by a cat; then ended back up in Pixie Hollow as she squeezed through a fence p.35

Chapter 4

  1. Why was Lainey disappointed to be back in her world? She had lost so much in Pixie Hollow and was worried she wouldn’t be anyone special p.50
  2. How do you think the dairy mouse came to Lainey’s world? Listen to your child’s answer p.56

Chapter 5

  1. What caused mischief in Pixie Hollow? The cat p.65
  2. What stopped the cat from feasting on the fairies in the kitchen? Peppercorns p.66

Chapter 6

  1. Name two strange things in this chapter. Mia can’t find her cat and a flamingo appeared in her backyard p.76

Chapter 7

  1. What was Fawn’s plan to get the cat back to the mainland? Lure it to where it came to into Never Land p.90

Chapter 8

  1. Where did Milkweed disappear to? Back to Never Land p.93
  2. What do you think the flamingo was trying to tell Lainey? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 9

  1. Did Lainey’s plan work? Why or why not? No; she saw Milkweed at the tree and didn’t want to cat to eat the mouse p.104
  2. Where did the flamingo lead Lainey? Back to Never Land p.108

Chapter 10

  1. Who did the cat belong to that was running through Never Land? Mia p.114
  2. Why did Lainey realize at the end of the story? She’s special, she has a fairy for a friend p.120

Comprehension Questions – The Never Girls #1 In a Blink

In a Blink

by Kiki Thorpe

Grades 1-4; Genre - Fantasy; GRL N; AR pts. 1.0

In a blink of an eye, four best friends all get whisked off to Never Land, home to Tinker Bell and her fairy friends.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Where does this story gets its name? four friends were outside; one heard the ocean, one saw flamingos, one heard bells jingling and one saw a fairy; there was a great wind and at the end of the chapter, in a blink they weren’t in the backyard anymore p.11

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Prilla go see Tink? She accidentally brought the four girls to their land and needed help; everyone went to Tink with their problems p.15
  2. How would you feel if you were called to see the queen? Listen to your child’s answer p.23

Chapter 3

  1. Where did the girls blink to? Never Land p.30
  2. Why do the fairies keep calling the girls Clumsies? That’s what fairies call the humans from the mainland p.31

Chapter 4

  1. Define what a talent is. A natural aptitude or skill p.37
  2. Why do you think it bothered Kate that the other children who have come to Never Land go home and forget about it or stay forever? It wasn’t really a fair choice; she might have wondered who could forget about Never Land p.49

Chapter 5

  1. Describe where the girls slept that night in Never Land. A huge willow tree; hammocks with moss and silk sheets; lights that were fireflies; pillows stuffed with rose petals p.51
  2. Why didn’t the girls need to worry about time passing at home? They realized time passed differently in Never Land and hoped no time had passed at homep.59

Chapter 6

  1. What did the girls want to do for their last day in Never Land? Learn to fly p.71
  2. What do you think Kate’s plan is? Listen to your child’s answer p.72

Chapter 7

  1. What did Kate learn about flying? It was harder than it looks p.76
  2. Why didn’t Kate remember Prilla’s warning about Vidia? She stopped listening to Prilla because she was bored p.85

Chapter 8

  1. How did Vidia trick Kate? She taught her to fly, then took off with the pixie dust p.96

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Vidia need Kate to get the dust for her? The queen put a magic spell around the pumpkin so she couldn’t go near it p.99
  2. Who found Kate? Where? How? Gabby; tangled in the branches of a tree far from Pixie Hollow; she covered more distance than usual because of her belief in magic p.108

Chapter 10

  1. Did the girls make it home? No p.118
  2. How did the girls feel about being stuck in Never Land? They knew they’d get home someday but we’re glad for the extra time they could spend there p.118

Comprehension Questions – Percy Jackson and the Olympians #3 The Titan’s Curse

The Titan's Curse

by Rick Riordan

Grades 6-9; Genre - Fantasy; GRL W; AR pts: 10.0

When Percy Jackson receives an urgent distress call from his friend Grover, he immediately prepares for battle. He knows he'll need his powerful demigod allies, Annabeth and Thalia, at his side; his trusty bronze sword, Riptide; and ... a ride from his mom. The demigods race to the rescue, to find that Grover has made an important discovery: two new powerful half-bloods whose parentage is unknown. But that's not all that awaits them. The Titan lord, Kronos, has set up his most devious trap yet, and the young heroes have just fallen prey.
Hilarious and action-packed, this third adventure in the series that started with The Lightning Thief finds Percy faced with his most dangerous challenge so far: the chilling prophecy of the Titan's curse.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What is the setting in the first chapter? A school named Westover Hall in Bar Harbor, Maine just before Christmas break p.1
  2. Why did the friends go to the school? To help Grover save and recruit two half-bloods p.7
  3. Describe Thalia. She’s a daughter of Zeus and a leader; is made about her mom p.14

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Percy consider jumping into the ocean with the children? he could protect them due to his strength in the water p.19
  2. How did Annabeth help Percy and the children? She wore her invisible cap and knocked them to the ground p.21
  3. Why was Percy distraught at the end of the chapter? Annabeth had fallen over the cliff with the manticore and he couldn’t go after her p.27

Chapter 3

  1. Why is Annabeth’s disappearance Percy’s fault? He shouldn’t have gone after Dr. Thorn by himself p.33
  2. What opportunity did Artemis give Bianca? To join the Hunters p.40
  3. What oath must Bianca keep now that she swore her allegiance to Artemis? That she will never fall in love, never grow up, and be a maiden eternally p.41

Chapter 4

  1. Describe Apollo.  He’s Artemis’ brother, the Sun God, he can transport people traveling west, he’s a teenager that sees all and knows all p.48
  2. Why won’t Artemis let Zoe and the other Hunters go with her? It’s too dangerous p.39
  3. How did Thalia feel about driving the sun chariot? She was uncomfortable and didn’t want to p.52

Chapter 5

  1. Why was Thalia upset in this chapter? Annabeth was missing p.65
  2. Why did Poseidon put a water feature in Percy’s cabin? Percy could now contact his family p.66
  3. What gift does Percy have that gives him knowledge about his friends when they’re in trouble? Dreams/nightmares about them p.71

Chapter 6

  1. What was Percy’s dream connected to at the beginning of this chapter? Zoe’s dream p.77
  2. Why was Percy upset when he learned that the Hunters were trying to recruit Annabeth? Because he liked her and didn’t want her to become a Hunter p.78
  3. Why didn’t the Oracle communicate with Percy when he visited it, but yet turned to Zoe in the forest? The Oracle didn’t want to speak to him p.89

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Grover have hope that Pan had been awakened? If the manticore was correct, ancient powers will be waking up p.91
  2. Why didn’t Zoe choose Percy to go on the quest? He was a boy p.100
  3. Explain the dream Percy had at the end of the chapter? The General and Luke had Artemis and Annabeth as prisoners.  Annabeth had been holding up a large dark mass, and Artemis went and took her place.  Kronos wanted Luke to kill Annabeth, but Luke made an excuse to keep her alive p.106

Chapter 8

  1. Describe what Percy saved in this chapter. A baby sea cow; a cow half on the front and serpent bottom half; black fur, big brown eyes, white muzzle p.113
  2. Why isn’t Phoebe able to go on the mission? The Stoll brothers put Centaur’s blood on the inside of her t-shirt and now she’s bedridden with hives p.117
  3. What persuaded Percy to follow the quest? They lost Phoebe and needed 5 people p.119

Chapter 9

  1. Where did Zoe and the others drive to? Washington D.C. p.111
  2. Who did Percy follow in D.C.? Dr. Thorn p.130
  3. Why was Percy worried that the zombies tore off some of his t-shirt? He knew they would hunt him p.137

Chapter 10

  1. Why were the quest members in the Air and Space Museum? They were following Grover’s trail p.139
  2. Why did the freeze-dried space food kill the monster? It choked it p.144
  3. Why did Zoe let Percy be a part of the quest?  Percy proved himself p.147

Chapter 11

  1. How did Percy know that Apollo was the homeless guy who helped them? He said a haiku p.155
  2. Who do you think Percy was in his dream? Listen to your child’s answers p.156

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Bianca join the Hunters? She’s been taking care of Nico her entire life and wanted her own life and friends p.165
  2. Who helped the kids defeat the zombies? A large pig p.170
  3. Who did the kids feel in the air? The Lord of the Wild, Pan p.174

Chapter 13

  1. What did Bianca take from the junkyard and why? A mini statue that Nico didn’t have in his collection p.194
  2. How did Bianca defeat the monster? She went inside of it and made it attack itself and fall apart from the inside out p.197
  3. Why didn’t the companions search for Bianca more than they did? She fulfilled the prophecy by dying p.198

Chapter 14

  1. What was unique about Rachel Elizabeth Dare? She’s human but can see Percy’s sword, the lion coat and the skeletons chasing Percy p.213
  2. Who did Percy see in the elevator? Athena, Annabeth’s mom p.218
  3. How did the angels wake up to save the kids? They prayed to Zeus and Athena p.218

Chapter 15

  1. How did Percy find the Man of the Sea? Went to the docks and could smell the ocean when he passed him p.226
  2. Why is the Ophiotaurus running from the bad people? So he doesn’t get sacrificed p.230
  3. What did Percy learn about Mr. D in this chapter? That he secretly liked Percy because he helped Percy and called him by the right name p.239

Chapter 16

  1. How did the friends get to the Mountain of despair? Annabeth’s dad let them borrow his car p.245
  2. How diff Zoe get them past her sisters? She woke up the dragon p.256
  3. Who is the General? Atlas p.260

Chapter 17

  1. Who can defeat Atlas? Artemis p.268
  2. How did Artemis defeat Atlas? She flung him back to the sky and knocked Percy out of the way p.271
  3. What happened to Luke? He fell over the cliff and died p.272

Chapter 18

  1. Describe what happened to Zoe in this chapter? She died and became a constellation p.278
  2. Where are the friends traveling to? Mt. Olympus p.279
  3. What’s Annabeth’s conclusion of what happened to Luke? He’s not dead, he’s under Kronos’s spell p.282

Chapter 19

  1. Why didn’t the council destroy Percy and Annabeth? They had done well in their quest and their parents stood up for them p.294
  2. What is Percy’s weakness? Personal loyalty to his friends p.298

Chapter 20

  1. How did Nico respond when Percy told him about his sister Bianca? He was angry at Percy and said he hated him p.306
  2. Who is Nico’s and Bianca’s father? Hades p.309
  3. Why didn’t Percy want to tell Chiron that Hades was Nico’s dad? Chiron would need to tell the other gods on Mt. Olympus, and they would kill him p.310

Comprehension Questions – #3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

J.K. Rowling

Grades 5-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL V; AR pts: 18.0

When Harry and his best friends go back for their third year at Hogwarts, an escaped mass murderer is on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school. The plot contains profanity.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Why was Harry up in the middle of the night doing his homework? He wasn’t supposed to have his school books p.3
  2. Who did he receive birthday presents from? Ron, Hermione and Hagrid p.7
  3. Why were the Weasley’s in Egypt? Their father had won a grand prize and they wanted to visit their son Bill in Egypt p.8
  4. Why was Harry finally like everyone else? He was glad it was his birthday p.15

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the man who escaped and was on the news? His name is Sirius Black, he has long black hair, he’s a prisoner, armed and dangerous, gaunt face p.17
  2. Why did harry hide his presents and send Hedwig away? To look as normal as possible while Aunt Marge was in town so his uncle would sign his Hogsmeade permission form p.21
  3. Why was having Aunt Marge around so difficult for Harry? She was very rude to him all the time p.23
  4. What did Harry do to Aunt Marge when she spoke badly of his father? Made her blow up like a balloon p.29

Chapter 3

  1. Why was Harry worried that he might go to Azkaban? He’s broken laws, like blowing up his aunt p.40
  2. How did Harry travel to London after leaving the Dursleys? the Knight Bus p.34
  3. What was Aunt Marge’s outcome? She was deflated and her memory was altered p.44
  4. Why did Harry think his conversation with the Minister of Magic was strange? He didn’t get punished for what he’d done, the minister didn’t usually deal with underage magic, the minister made everything right with Aunt Marge p.45

Chapter 4

  1. What item did Harry want to spend his gold on, but knew he couldn’t? the Firebolt broomstick p.51
  2. How did Harry feel about staying at the Leaky Cauldron? Why? He enjoyed it; it was great not having anyone telling him what to do or when to do it; he could do his homework in the sunshine; he could explore the shops on Diagon Alley p.49
  3. What did Hermione end up buying with her birthday money? A very large ginger colored cat p.60
  4. Why does Mr. Weasley and the Ministry of Magic think Black is after Harry? Black would say “He’s at Hogwarts” in his sleep p.66

Chapter 5

  1. What did Mr. Weasley tell Harry when he was about to get on the Hogwarts Express? About Sirius Black p.72
  2. What saved Harry and his friends from getting in a brawl with Malfoy on the train? The kids had a professor of Hogwarts in their train car p.80
  3. What happened to Harry when he saw the dementor on the train? He heard screaming, got cold, saw white fog and fainted p.83
  4. Why was Hagrid crying after Dumbledore announced he was a new teacher? Hagrid was so happy p.93

Chapter 6

  1. Describe what Divinations is going to teach? Fortune telling p.103
  2. What types of things did Professor Trelawney say that made the students tense and tremble? Things about their futures, mostly bad p.103
  3. How did Professor McGonagall feel about Professor Trelawney’s prediction for Harry’s future? That it’s not going to happen; Professor Trelawney’s not reliable p.109
  4. Why did Hagrid think he was going to get fired? Malfoy got hurt during his class by a hippogriff because he insulted it p.120

Chapter 7

  1. Why was Professor Snape so upset when Hermione helped Neville with his potion? He had previously told her not to help him p.128
  2. What does “practical” mean in this sentence on page 130, “today’s will be a practical lesson”? learning by application or personal experience p.130
  3. Why was Harry deflated after leaving Professor Lupin’s class? He didn’t get to fight the boggart and felt Professor Lupin didn’t have faith in him p.140
  4. How did the rest of the class feel about Lupin’s lesson? They were excited; felt it was the best lesson they’d ever had in that class p.140

Chapter 8

  1. Why were Hermione and Ron not speaking to each other? Crookshanks tried to catch Scabbers p.147
  2. What did Professor Trelawney predict that happened on October 16th? Lavender got a letter saying her rabbit died p.148
  3. Why didn’t Professor McGonagall give permission to Harry to go to Hogsmeade? His parent or guardian didn’t sign the permission form p.150
  4. What was a positive outcome from Harry staying home from Hogsmeade? He got to talk to Professor Lupin and clear up what had been bothering him p.155

Chapter 9

  1. Why are all the students sleeping in the Great Hall on Halloween night? For safety; The fat lady in Gryffindor’s password portrait was missing and she wouldn’t let in Black, so the teachers looking for Black p.162
  2. What was Professor McGonagall going to do so Harry could still practice Quidditch with his team? Have Madam Hooch oversee the training sessions p.168
  3. How did Ron get detention? He spoke out of turn and was disrespectful to Snape p.172
  4. Why did Harry miss the snitch during the Quidditch match? He saw dementors on the field and fainted again p.179

Chapter 10

  1. Why do the dementors affect Harry so badly? He has horrors in his past that others don’t p.187
  2. How did Harry find his way to Hogsmeade? A magical map Fred and George gave him that has secret passages to Hogsmeade p.195
  3. Why was Hermione upset that Harry came to Hogsmeade? She was worried about his safety and about getting caught p.198
  4. Why were Ron and Hermione lost for words after the professors and minister of magic left the Three Broomsticks? They had overheard how Sirius Black betrayed Harry’s parents to the Dark Lord p.210

Chapter 11

  1. What did Harry want to do with Black? Kill him; go after him p.215
  2. Why was Hagrid so upset? His hippogriff was under trial and could be executed p.219
  3. What was Harry’s most exciting Christmas present and who gave it to him? The Firebolt; he doesn’t know who gave it to him p.223
  4. Who did Hermione think gave the broom to Harry? Black p.232

Chapter 12

  1.  What happy memory finally worked when Harry was practicing with Professor Lupin? When he learned he was leaving the Dursleys for Hogwarts p.241
  2. Who did Professor Lupin attend Hogwarts with as a child? Harry’s mom and dad p.243
  3. Why would Professor Lupin be suspicious of Harry when he gave him butterbeer? He wondered how Harry would get some when it’s only found in Hogsmeade, and he’s not supposed to go there p.246
  4. Did Mrs. McGonagall find any curses on the Firebolt? No p.248

Chapter 13

  1. What did Harry notice about Ravenclaw’s seeker before the Quidditch match? She’s really pretty p.259
  2. What did Harry do when he saw the three dementors below him? He pulled out his wand and cast the spell he’d been practicing with Professor Lupin p.262
  3. Why did Ron cry out in the night? He awoke to Black looming over him with a knife p.266
  4. Where did Black get Gryffindor’s passwords? Neville wrote them down and lost them p.268

Chapter 14

  1. What did Hagrid summon Ron and Harry? He wanted to tell them that Hermione is lonely and overwhelmed from school and needs a friend p.274
  2. Why did Harry have to race back to the castle from Hogsmeade? Draco and his friends saw him and were going to tell on him p.281
  3. What did Professor Lupin do for Harry in Snape’s office? Covered for him so he wouldn’t get in trouble p.290
  4. Why wasn’t Lupin going to cover for Harry again? Harry’s gambling his parents’ sacrifice for a bag of tricks and he’s not going to support him if he’s going to be foolish p.290

Chapter 15

  1. Why did Hermione punch Draco? He was mocking Hagrid p.293
  2. Why was the Gryffindor house so anxious for the Quidditch game? They knew they had to win by a certain amount to win the Cup p.301
  3. During the Quidditch match, what did Harry do to distract Draco from seeing the snitch? He knew Draco was following him, so he led him away from it p.308
  4. Who won the Quidditch Cup? Gryffindor p.313

Chapter 16

  1. Why was Cornelius Fudge at Hogwarts? Buckbeak’s appeal and execution and to check on the Black situation p.320
  2. What did Harry say he saw during his final in Divinations? A hippogriff flying away p.323
  3. What happened to Professor Trelawney during Harry’s final? She was possessed and spoke of a servant of the Dark Lord breaking free and joining the Dark Lord that night p.324
  4. Why didn’t Hagrid want the kids present during the execution? He didn’t want them to see it and he didn’t want them to get caught p.328

Chapter 17

  1. Where did the dog take Ron? Into the secret tunnel under the Whomping Willow p.335
  2. Where did the tunnel lead? Hogsmeade in the Shrieking Shack p.337
  3. What can Professor Lupin turn into? A werewolf p.345
  4. Who is Scabbers? Peter Pettigrew p.348

Chapter 18

  1. What were the precautions Dumbledore took so Professor Lupin could attend Hogwarts as a child? He had the Whomping Willow planted, the secret tunnel made, the Shrieking Shack made with the tunnel leading to it; all so Lupin could go there during the full moon p.353
  2. What did Lupin’s friends learn and why? How to shape shift; to help Lupin when he turned into a werewolf p.354
  3. Why doesn’t Snape trust Lupin? He knows what he is and thinks he was in on the joke that almost had him killed as a student at Hogwarts p.357
  4. How did Snape get Harry’s invisibility cloak? Harry and Hermione had thrown it off at the willow tree so they could chase Ron and he saw it when he followed them p.357

Chapter 19

  1. How did Lupin and Black prove Peter Pettigrew was Scabbers? They used a spell that turned him back into a human p.366
  2. How did Black survive and escape Azkaban? He knew he was innocent and would change into a dog so the dementors wouldn’t affect him as much; he escaped by turning into a dog and easily slipping passed the guards when they opened his p.371
  3. Why did Black expect Peter to have died rather than betray his friends? Because they would have died for him p.375
  4. Why did it offend Ron to know that Scabbers really was Peter Pettigrew? Peter had used Ron’s family to hear word of the Dark Lord and he betrayed Harry and his parents p.377

Chapter 20

  1. How did Harry feel about the prospect of living with Sirius instead of the Dursleys? He was thrilled and couldn’t wait p.379
  2. How did Pettigrew get away as the group headed to the castle? The full moon came out from behind the clouds, Lupin changed into a werewolf and Pettigrew turned back into a rat and scampered away p.381
  3. What saved Harry, Hermione and Black from the dementors? Someone else had cast the Expecto Patronum spell and protected them p.385

Chapter 21

  1. Why is Sirius going to be receiving the dementors Kiss? Snape has convinced Fudge that Sirius is guilty and that the children are delusional p.391
  2. What can the hourglass do on Hermione’s chain? time travel p.395
  3. What innocent lives did Harry and Hermione save? Buckbeak, Sirius Black, and their own p.396
  4. Who really saved Harry and his friends? Harry did when he went back in time p.411

Chapter 22

  1. Why was Fudge going to remove the dementors from Hogwarts? They almost killed Harry p.421
  2. Why did Lupin need to resign? Parents wouldn’t stand for a werewolf teaching their children; he knows he could have hurt Harry and his friends p.423
  3. Why was Harry so upset he stopped Black and Lupin from killing Pettigrew? He’s the Dark Lord’s servant and now the Dark Lord will come back again p.426
  4. What did Sirius give Harry permission to do the next year? Go to Hogsmeade p.433

Comprehension Questions – #2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

by J.K. Rowling

Grades 5-8; Genre - Fantasy; GRL V; AR pts: 14.0

When Harry and his best friends go back for their third year at Hogwarts, an escaped mass murderer is on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school. The plot contains profanity.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Find the simile on page five that the author used to describe how the Dursleys treated Harry now that he’s back home with them again.  “back to being treated like a dog that had rolled in something smelly”
  2. How was Harry spending his birthday? Doing chores and in his room, making no noise and pretending he doesn’t exist p.6
  3. How did Dudley get Harry in trouble? He taunted him about not getting any cards on his birthday and asked if he had any friends at his school p.9

Chapter 2

  1. Describe Dobby and the message he gave to Harry. Small creature with bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls, a house elf; he warned Harry not to go back to Hogwarts because he’ll be in mortal danger p.12
  2. Why did Dobby come to warn him? Because Harry escaped Lord Voldemort twice, Dobby thinks Harry’s too great and too good to lose p.16
  3. What did Uncle Vernon do to punish Harry for ruining his deal and for not telling them that he couldn’t use magic outside of school? Put bars on his windows, locked him in his room, put food through a cat door, only let him out in the morning and evening for the bathroom, and told Harry he was never going back to school p.21

Chapter 3

  1. How did Harry become free from his room and the Durleys? Ron and his older twin brothers came to find out why Harry hadn’t written him all summer and broke him out of his room, ripping the bars from his window with their flying car p.25
  2. Why did they think Draco Malfoy could have sent the house elf to Harry? It wouldn’t surprise them if Draco wanted to stop Harry from going to school p.28
  3. What softened Mrs. Weasley’s anger when the boys arrived home with Harry? George told her the Dursleys were starving Harry p.34
  4. How did the boys get rid of the gnomes? They twirled them in the air to make them dizzy, then threw them over the wall p.37

Chapter 4

  1. Who was the author of the majority of the books Harry needed to purchase for his school year? Gilderoy Lockhart p.44
  2. Where did Harry land when using the Floo powder and who did he see? In a wizard’s shop on Knockturn Alley; Draco Malfoy and his father selling illegal items p.49
  3. Who did Harry see in Knockturn Alley? Hagrid p.54
  4. Who’s the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts? Gilderoy Lockhart p.60

Chapter 5

  1. When Ron and Harry missed the train, how did they get to Hagwarts? Mr. Weasley’s flying car p.69
  2. What attacked the car after the boys crashed? The tree they hit into p.75
  3. What is Ron’s and Harry’s consequence for being seen in the flying car and crashing into the Whomping Willow? They had to miss the feast and detention p.81
  4. How did the other boys treat Ron and Harry after learning about the flying car? They cheered them on like they’d just won a marathon p.84

Chapter 6

  1. Explain what type of letter Ron received. It’s called a Howler and is a punishment letter; when you open it, the messenger is yelling at you and after the message is given, it burns up p.87
  2. What did Colin and Harry have in common? They both came from muggle homes and didn’t know how they could do the odd things they did. Hogwarts sent a letter to them both inviting them to wizardry school p.96
  3. What does Professor Lockhart think Harry’s doing when he arrives in a flying car and learns Colin wants a photo with him? Thinks he’s trying to publicize himself p.98
  4. What did Ron and Harry think about Professor Lockhart as he ran out of the room and left the three friends to take care of the pixies? That he doesn’t know what he’s doing p.103

Chapter 7

  1. Why was Wood so determined to win the Quidditch Cup this year? Because they lost it last year since Harry was in the hospital and they were short a player p.109
  2. Why did the kids go to Hagrid’s home? They needed help; because of Ron’s broken wand, he accidentally cast a slug spell on himself p.113
  3. Why were Hagrid’s pumpkins so large? He’d been putting an engorgement spell on them p.118
  4. What did Harry hear while in detention with Professor Lockhart and who do you think said it? “Come…come to me…Let me rip you…Let me tear you…Let me kill you…; listen to your child’s answers p.120

Chapter 8

  1. Why was Harry in Mr. Filch’s office and what did he read while waiting for Mr. Filch? He was in trouble for wearing his muddy and dripping wet robes into the building; a letter on Kwikspell to learn magic p.126
  2. Why does Hermione avoid the girls’ bathroom on the first floor? A ghost named Moaning Myrtle haunts one of the toilets, throws tantrums and causes the bathroom to flood p.132
  3. What did the kids find as Harry listened to the voice and climbed the stairs? Writing on the wall that said, “the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir, beware,” and Mrs. Norris, the cat, looking dead, hanging by its tail p.138

Chapter 9

  1. After analyzing the cat, what conclusion did Dumbledore come to? It’s not dead, but is petrified p.142
  2. Explain what a Squib is. It’s a person born into a wizarding family, but they themselves don’t have any magic powers p.145
  3. How did Professor Binns feel about the Chamber of Secrets? That it’s a myth and that there’s no truth to it p.152
  4. What’s Hermione’s idea of getting into Slytherin to question Draco Malfoy? Use the Polyjuice Potion to change their appearance to look like Draco’s friends p.159

Chapter 10

  1. What was the problem with the Bludger during the Quidditch match? Instead of going toward all players, it only went after Harry p.168
  2. How did Harry win the game for Gryffindor? He got the snitch p.171
  3. Who made the Bludger focus on Harry during the match and why? Dobby; so Harry would get hurt and be sent home p.177
  4. What happened to Colin Creevey? He was petrified on his way to visit Harry p.179

Chapter 11

  1. Why did the students trade talismans, amulets, and other protective devices? To protect themselves from the creature in the Chamber of Secrets p.185
  2. What distraction did Harry cause to help Hermione sneak into Snape’s office? Lit a firework to land in a cauldron; Snape had to help those that got hurt p.187
  3. What did Harry do to stop the snake from attacking Justin? Told the snake to “leave him alone” p.194
  4. What did Harry trip over in the dark passage? Justin and Nearly Headless Nick who were both petrified p.202

Chapter 12

  1. Why was Harry happy most people were leaving for the Christmas holiday? He was tired of people skirting around him in the corridors and from hearing their hissing, pointing, and muttering p.209
  2. How were Ron and Harry supposed to get a bit of Crabbe and Goyle, as well as keep them out of the way while they talked Malfoy? Hermione filled two chocolate cakes with a sleeping potion p.213
  3. What did the boys learn when they interrogated Malfoy? That Malfoy didn’t do it and where his father’s hidden chamber was p.222
  4. What happened to Hermione and why couldn’t she go with the boys to the Slytherin common room? Her potion turned her into a cat p.225

Chapter 13

  1. Why was Moaning Myrtle so upset when Harry and Ron came into talk to her? Someone had thrown a book at her p.230
  2. What was the book and who did it belong to? A journal; Tom M. Riddle p.231
  3. What was odd about the journal? There wasn’t any writing in it. When Harry wrote in it, the ink disappeared, but reappeared onto the pages as Tom wrote back to him p.239
  4. What did Harry learn after following Tom Riddle in the book? That Tom turned in Hagrid for opening the Chamber of Secrets 50 years before p.245

Chapter 14

  1. Why doesn’t Harry want to report the stolen journal? He didn’t want to expose Hagrid being expelled as a youth p.254
  2. Why was Harry more worried about what the voice said this time? He was worried someone would die p.255
  3. Why was the Quidditch cup match cancelled? Two students had been petrified, one of them being Hermione p.257
  4. What message did Dumbledore and Hagrid give the boys before they were accompanied off the school property? That Hogwarts will help anyone who comes asking for it; to follow the spiders and to feed Fang p.264

Chapter 15

  1. What made Ernie apologize to Harry? He realized Harry would never hurt Hermione p.268
  2. Where did the spiders lead Harry and Ron? Into the Forbidden Forest, p,272
  3. What did Harry and Ron find in the forest that had been lost? Ron’s family’s car p.274
  4. What saved Harry, Ron and Fang after Aragog was finished talking to them? Ron’s car p.279

Chapter 16

  1. Why did Harry want to speak with Moaning Myrtle? She might be the child that was killed the first time the Chamber of Secrets was opened p.287
  2. What did Harry see in Hermione’s hand? A paper torn out of an old book about a basilisk p.290
  3. Why do you think it was good that Harry and Ron found the paper before going to talk to Moaning Myrtle? They now knew what the monster was and how to get to it p.292
  4. How did Harry get the sink to open? By saying “open up” in Parseltongue p.300

Chapter 17

  1. Who did Harry see in the Chamber of Secrets? Ginny and Tom Riddle who is Lord Voldemort p.307
  2. Who opened the Chamber of Secrets and how? Ginny Weasley; Tom Riddle had her in his power p.310
  3. How did Fawkes and the Sorting Hat help Harry defeat the basilisk and Tom? The phoenix poked out the basilisk’s eyes, the Sorting Hat gave Harry a sword to pierce the basilisk, the phoenix healed Harry with his tears, Fawkes dropped the diary in Harry’s lap and healed Harry p.319
  4. How did the children and Lockhart get back up to the bathroom? They all held onto each other and Fawkes flew/lifted them p.325

Chapter 18

  1. Why did the phoenix come to help Harry? He showed loyalty to Dumbledore p.332
  2. Why can Harry speak Parseltongue? Voldemort transferred some of his own power into Harry the night he gave him the scar p.333
  3. What did Harry do to show he belongs in the Gryffindor House? He chose to be there and wielded the sword from Godric Gryffindor p.333
  4. How did Harry free Dobby? Harry put the diary in his sock and gave it to Lucius Malfoy, Malfoy threw the sock and Dobby caught it p.338

Comprehension Questions- Magic Tree House Merlin Missions #22 Hurry Up Houdini!

Hurry Up Houdini!

By Mary Pope Osborne

Grades 2-4; Genre - Historical Fiction with Fantastical Elements; GRL P; AR pts: 2.0

Jack and Annie continue their journey as they find the second key to greatness under the direction and assistance of Merlin,  They get to meet the Great Houdini at the amusement park on Coney Island and even get to perform on the same stage as the great illusionist.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What two things did Merlin give Jack and Annie to help them during their quest? A gold ring (Ring of Truth) and a tiny bottle of Merlin’s magic mist p.7
  2. Where did Merlin want them to go for this mission?  Coney Island, NY  p.8
  3. Who were Jack and Annie going to visit for this adventure? The Great Houdini p.8
  4. What do you know about the Great Houdini?  A magician, performer

Chapter 2

  1. After the tree house landed in New York, Annie thought they had arrived at the time of the Middle Ages.  What made her come to that conclusion?  She saw spires, towers, turrets, domes  p.10
  2. Back in 1908, how much was a penny worth if compared to a coin in our time?  A quarter p.11
  3. What ride did Jack and Annie go on before buying their tickets for Houdini’s show? A water roller coaster; Shoot the Chutes p.21
  4. Why do you think Jack wanted to buy the tickets to Houdini’s show before eating the hot dog, ice cream and going on Shoot the Chutes?  It might be sold out; they might miss it  p.22

Chapter 3

  1. How did Jack like the Shoot the Chutes ride he and Annie went on?  He didn’t like it; it made him queasy p.23
  2. What’s the definition of “coincidence”?   an occurrence of events happening by chance  p.27
  3. Give an example of onomatopoeia in this chapter.   Ah-OO-ga! Ah-OO-ga!  p.29
  4. Why was Mr. Dewey so upset when Jack and Annie tried to buy tickets for the Great Houdini’s show?  The opening act, the Bambini Brothers ran off stealing from the box office, now the Great Houdini’s show doesn’t have an opening act and it will start late  p.32

Chapter 4

  1. How did Jack and Annie help solve Mr. Dewey’s problem of not having an opening act for the Great Houdini?  Jack and Annie used the magic mist to become great performers and do the opening act p.36
  2. What was the name of Jack and Annie’s act for the performance? Jolly Jack and the Amazing Annie p.38
  3. How did Jack feel about performing in the opening act of the Great Houdini? He didn’t like it  p.39&44
  4. What’s the definition of a “horde”? a large group of people  p.40

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Jack turn around and go back to the theater, especially when he was so angry at Annie? She was going to use the magic mist to become a great performer, but he realized he had the mist p.46
  2. How did Jack sneak into the theater? He climbed onto a garbage can and crate to reach the window of Annie’s dressing room p.49-50
  3. How did Jack feel about performing after he inhaled the mist? The crowd wasn’t so scary, he couldn’t wait to get on stage and show them what he could do  p.54

Chapter 6

  1. What are illusionists?  Magicians  p.59
  2. Tell me three magic tricks Jack and Annie did during their act.  Pulled rabbits and doves from their hats, made cards appear from thin air, made wands appear, connecting three solid rings  p.62-67
  3. Tell me the definition of “flourish”. To make dramatic, sweeping gestures  p.69

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Jack and Annie go back on stage and perform a second time?  The Great Houdini hadn’t shown up to do the show  p.71
  2. Why did the audience “boo” Jack when the curtain lifted for the second performance? They wanted the Great Houdini p.76
  3. Why was the Great Houdini late for his performance?  He and Bess got trapped on the Trip to the Moon ride p.81

Chapter 8

  1. What was one of the Great Houdini’s nicknames? The Master of Escape  p.88
  2. Describe to me the Great Houdini’s most thrilling and dangerous escape he performed that night? He escaped a huge locked milk can full of water with three pairs of handcuffs around his wrists p.89
  3. What magic trick did the Great Houdini do that included his wife Bess? He tied her arms behind her back, she stepped into a large bag that Houdini tied at the top, she was placed in a trunk that was inside a cabinet, then the cabinet was locked with padlocks. She escaped and opened the trunk and bag and the Great Houdini jumped out p.94

Chapter 9

  1. How did Harry and Bess leave the theater after the show? Through a secret exit out of their dressing room p.97
  2. Where did Jack and Annie find Harry and Bess? On a bench eating ice cream cones p.101
  3. Why do Harry and Bess wear such big hats? So fans won’t recognize them p.101
  4. What did Bess say to Jack and Annie that made the Ring of Truth glow?  Anyone would have to work hard to be truly great at something p.105

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Jack and Annie want to walk with Harry and Bess to the Japanese Tea Garden? That’s where the magic tree house was p. 107
  2. When Jack and Annie were telling their new friends about the magic tree house, how did Harry and Bess respond? They didn’t believe them, they winked at each other, went along with Jack and Annie p.109
  3. Why did Jack and Annie tell Harry and Bess their secret about the tree house? Harry mentioned he would be happy to just once see a bit of magic he could never do or never explain p.107&112
  4. What was Jack and Annie’s new secret of greatness? Hard work  p.112

Comprehension Questions- Children of the Red King #1 Midnight for Charlie Bone

Midnight for Charlie Bone

By Jenny Nimmo

Grades 3-7; Genre - Fantasy; GRL U; AR pts: 10.0

Charlie Bone gets caught in the middle of mystery of finding a girl about his age as he realizes he has an unusual talent.  He gets sent to a private school and finds the missing girl, but is opposed by his aunts, grandma and the family who runs the school.  With a group of reliable friends, Charlie helps the girl and solves the mystery.

Continue reading

Comprehension Questions- The Tiara Club #4 Princess Alice and the Magical Mirror

Princess Alice and the Magical Mirror

by Vivian French

Grades 1-3; Genre - Fantasy; AR pts: 1.0

The Princess Academy is holding a Garden Party and Fairy G. is going to bring out the Magical Mirror.  The Duchess Clara has got on the wrong glasses and gets the girls confused.  The girls take advantage of Duchess Clara's bad eyesight and make some bad choices, but in the end make things right by being honest. Continue reading

Comprehension Questions – #1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

By J.K. Rowling

Grades 4-6; Genre - Fantasy; GRL V; AR pts: 12.0

Become a part of Harry’s magical world as Harry and his friends are in their first year of school at Hogwarts and solve the riddle to the Sorcerer’s Stone.  Continue reading

Comprehension Questions- Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Magic

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle’s Magic

By Betty MacDonald

Grades 2-6; Genre - Fantasy; GRL O; AR pts: 5.0

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle is at it again teaching children good manners through her clever cures and potions.  Some of the ailments she helps parents through are tattletaling, bad eating habits, carelessness, interrupting, and being ignorant. Continue reading