Tag Archives: Newberry Award Winner

Comprehension Questions – The Girl Who Drank the Moon

The Girl Who Drank the Moon

by Kelly Barnhill

Grades 6-9; Genre - Fantasy; GRL X; AR pts. 12.0

A witch, a swamp monster, and a perfectly tiny dragon raise a young girl named Luna, who must unlock the powerful magic buried deep inside her to save the people of the Protectorate.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1 

  1. Tell me what you know about the history of this village from this first chapter? There’s a witch in the woods; a child needs to be sacrificed so everyone else stays safe; an older brother was sacrificed p.1

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the Sisters of the Star guards. Ruthless; well trained; long braids wrapped around their waists; all females; years of training in the Tower p.9
  2. Tell me about the society in this story and how you feel about it. The Elders are in charge and have created the witch and the need to sacrifice a baby to control the people in the village p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Xan. A true witch; kind; thoughtful; takes the babies to the Free Cities to be raised by a good family p.20
  2. Why was The Grand Elder confused to see six trees? Xan transformed herself into a tree p.21
  3. Why did she decide to keep Luna? She accidentally fed her moonlight and made her magic p.25

Chapter 4

  1. Who is speaking in this chapter? A mom who lost her baby to the Witch p.29

Chapter 5

  1. Why is Glerk resistant to loving Luna? He didn’t want to get attached to her; he thought keeping her was a bad idea p.37

Why are Glerk and Xan worried about Luna’s magic growing? She’ll be out of control p.38

Chapter 6

Why are the Elders unhappy with Antain? He’s not arrogant and pompous enough p.49

Chapter 7

  1. How did Luna’s magic manifest? In thought and deed; she wanted a hat, so the dough turned into a hat p.54
  2. Why did Xan think she was missing something? She couldn’t remember very well p.56

Chapter 8

  1. Do you see commonalities between what the narrator has told you about the story and what this mom is telling her child? Explain. The Wizard saving the town; the dragon going into the volcano; the witch flying the dragon p.58

Chapter 9

  1. What was happening to Xan? Her magic was going into Luna, so she was getting weaker p.66
  2. How did Xan stop Luna from using her magic? Sure wrapped her in a cocoon p.68

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Xan have difficulty remembering her memories? She buried them p.72

Chapter 11

  1. What’s the spell Xan came up with? To keep Luna’s magic inside until she turns 13 years old p.78
  2. What will be a consequence of doing this? Xan will be drained of her magic and will die p.79
  3. Do you agree with Xan’s reasoning to hold in Luna’s magic? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer 

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize this chapter. Tells of the creation of the world starting with the bog and a beast p.82
  2. Who do you think the beast is? Glerk

Chapter 13

  1. What did Antain find when he visited the prisoner? Birds made out of paper covering the room and “she is here” written on a paper p.95
  2. Define day of reckoning. A time when the consequences of a course of mistakes or misdeeds are felt 
  3. Who did the prisoner threaten? Antain’s uncle the Grand Elder p.98
  4. What happened to Antain at the end of this chapter? He was attacked by the paper birds p.99

Chapter 14

  1. Describe how Luna felt when she woke. She felt different; expected magic things to happen but didn’t know why; couldn’t hear, see or comprehend magic p.100
  2. What did Xan tell herself to prevent feeling sorrow? Luna’s a regular girl now and she was never magic p.110

Chapter 15

  1. Why was the Tower significant to Antain? He lived there when he was younger and was scarred by the paper birds here p.121
  2. How has Antain changed since his last visit to the Tower? He’s a carpenter and lives alone lost in his work; becoming comfortable with lying p.121
  3. Why did Antain feel like his heart was flying at the end of this chapter? He was so elated to see and help Ethyne p.126

Chapter 16

  1. What animal does the author frequently use to foster imagery in this story? Birds p.127
  2. Summarize who this chapter is about and describe what happens at the end of this chapter. It’s about the mom who has her baby ripped away from her at the beginning of the story; the scars on Antain’s face are a map; the madwoman has paper, quills and ink appear magically and is always drawing a map or writing “she is here”; she doesn’t feel sorrow anymore, she feels hope p.131

Chapter 17

  1. How was Luna “off”? A pain in her head was getting worse through the day; she could see the nut full of magic in her forehead and felt it pulsing like a clock ticking; she knew it was bringing her closer to something p.138
  2. Which family was Luna thinking about and how did she tell a lie? Her mother and father; she told Fyrian she was thinking about her family, but didn’t clarify that she wasn’t thinking about him, Glerk and Grandmama p.139

Chapter 18

  1. Describe the interaction between Xan and Antain? Xan was trying to protect the baby, so she threw him aside and turned into a large hawk to take the baby to safety; Antain was just trying to talk to the Witch, but she misunderstood him p.149

Chapter 19

  1. What did Luna become aware of in this chapter? That her grandmother never spoke of memories; that they’re keeping secrets from each other p.164

Chapter 20

  1. Who us telling this story in this chapter? How do you know? Luna; The chapter title; these are all things about Luna p.166

Chapter 21

  1. How did Fyrian return to Luna? How? By crying out her name; the spell Xan gave him must have transferred to Luna p.177
  2. Why did the smell of the boots give Luna a headache? They were magical p.179
  3. What did she forget at the end of this chapter? To ask Glerk about the boots p.180

Chapter 22

  1. What is this person’s perception of the boots? They’re old and magical; they can travel the world covering great distances faster than normal boots; the Witch put them on and was able to find more magic p.182

Chapter 23

  1. What is the second map Luna drew? The village she came from; the place she was laid to be eaten by wolves and the Tower with the words, “she is here” p.195

Chapter 24

  1. How are each sacrificial baby chosen? It’s the youngest baby at the time of the sacrifice p.201
  2. What’s Antain’s plan? To give up his baby, go to the Witch’s home and kill her p.205

Chapter 25

  1. What word did Luna learn in this chapter? Magic p.211
  2. Why is that important? She hasn’t been able to read, see or hear magic for the last 8 years
  3. How old is Luna? 13 years old

Chapter 26

  1. Who overheard the Grand Elder and Sister Ignatia talking? How? The madwoman; she’d turned herself into a beetle and traveled on a shoe to her office p.215
  2. What could Sister Ignatia smell? The madwoman and her magic p.216
  3. What plan were they coming up with? To kill Antain p.218

Chapter 27

  1. Why is Xan careful she doesn’t feel sorrow? To protect her from the Sorrow Eater p.223
  2. Who do you think the Sorrow Eater is? Sister Ignatia p.223

Chapter 28

  1. Who is traveling in this book and where are they going? Xan, Luna, Glerk, Fyrian, Sister Ignatia, Antain, the madwoman; Antain and the madwoman are traveling to the Witch’s home, Sister Ignatia is going after Antain to kill him, Xan to pick up the baby being sacrificed, Luna’s going after Xan and Glerk and Fyrian are going after Luna p.225

Chapter 29

  1. What had happened to this history? It has been changed, twisted to fit what Sister Ignatia and the Elders want the people of Protectorate to believe p.242

Chapter 30

  1. Summarize this chapter. Luna becomes lost, then fell into darkness as rocks gave way p.243

Chapter 31

  1. What’s does the madwoman find at the treehouse? No one is home; pictures that Luna drew; her daughter’s name is Luna p.252

Chapter 32

  1. What helped Xan remember who she was and what she was doing? Glerk and Fyrian p.258
  2. Where do you think the paper birds came from? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 33

  1. Who is the Witch in the history that traveled the world in the Seven League Boots? The Head Sister; Sister Ignatia p.258
  2. Which two peoples were blocking the Head Sister’s view? Xan and Luna p.267

Chapter 34

  1. Why is Ethyne’s home happy and bright? She has hope p.275
  2. Why do you think Ethyne has power over the Grand Elder? She has a strength inside of her and is not intimidated by him p.276
  3. Who created the birds that are protecting Luna? Her mother, the madwoman p.284

Chapter 35

  1. Who did Glerk smell? Sister Ignatia 288
  2. Where is Sister Ignatia’s home? The same place Xan and Luna live p.291

Chapter 36

  1. Who do you think was blocking the scrying device in this chapter? Listen to your child’s answer; Xan p.299

Chapter 37

  1. What was Xan hearing for the first time? Why the babies were left in the ring of trees p.303

Chapter 38

  1. Who is possibly telling the history of the world to their child? The madwoman or Ethyne; So many families lost children to the evilness of the Grand Elder and Head Sister, it represents what all parents could have told their children p.248/307
  2. What characteristic does Ethyne have that helped her find the truth? She was curious and asked questions; she desired to know the truth p.309
  3. Do you think the Grand Elder should be nervous? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 39

  1. What happens to Fyrian in this chapter? He begins to grow to an enormous size p.320
  2. Which Witch is Antain threatening to kill? Luna p.326

Chapter 40

  1. Predict how you think this story will conclude. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 41

  1. How does Luna, her mother and grandmother receive more and more strength? From the moon p.341

Chapter 42

  1. What color of magic does Xan shine? Licheny green p.341
  2. Who reached Luna just as she reached her grandmother and Antain? The madwoman/her mother p.342

Chapter 43

  1. What stopped Antain from attacking the Witch? The trauma of being attacked by the birds p.343
  2. What spell did Luna cast for the first time? Transformation; changed her grandmother back into a person p.348

Chapter 44

  1. What is happening to Xan in this chapter? She’s dying now that Luna’s magic is unlocked p.350

Chapter 45

  1. What made the Sorrow Eater’s magic disappear? Luna opened the woman’s heart and all the sorrow that was stored inside from her own memories spilled out; her magic came from sorrow p.366
  2. What does the phrase, “she is here, she is here, she is here” mean throughout this story? Luna is here; where Luna is on the map; Luna’s mother is here p.368

Chapter 46

  1. Why was Xan happy to hear the cries of joy when the Star Children returned? She had saved each one from death and was happy to hear them return to their original families p.379

Chapter 47

  1. What does Glerk do in this chapter? He takes Xan to the bog and leaves a poem for Luna p.383

Chapter 48

  1. How does this story end? Someone is telling what the village has become, who the Witch is and what will happen in the future p.385
  2. Did you enjoy reading this story? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answers

Comprehension Questions – Sarah, Plain and Tall Series #1 Sarah, Plain and Tall

Sarah, Plain and Tall

by Patricia MacLachlan

Grades 3-5; Genre - Historical Fiction; GRL R; AR pts. 1.0

In this loving story of a motherless family, a tall, plain woman comes to stay with them.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does this story begin? Anna is telling Caleb about their mother who died the day after he was born; their pa said he put an advertisement in the paper for a wife and got a response p.3
  2. Who is telling this story? Anna

Chapter 2

  1. Why did Caleb read Sarah’s letters repeatedly? He was excited at the prospect of having a mother and liked what Sarah said p.12

Chapter 3

  1. Why does Anna think Sarah wouldn’t like living on the prairie? It’s very different than living by the ocean; dusty and dry; no ocean or beach; away from her home p.20

Chapter 4

  1. What’s the significance of the words Caleb is pointing out that Sarah is saying? Sarah is using terminology that imply she’s staying longer than a month; he’s hoping she stays and marries his pa p.24

Chapter 5

  1. How did pa help Sarah feel at home in this chapter? He gave her a dune to slide down in the barn, like the dune by the ocean p.31

Chapter 6

  1. What did Sarah teach the children in this chapter? How to swim p.36
  2. Is Sarah being a good mother to them? Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer. 

Chapter 7

  1. Give two examples of how Maggie is a good friend to Sarah. She helped Sarah know that she wasn’t alone; brought her flowers to plant and chickens to eat; helped her understand she needed to learn to drive a wagon p.40

Chapter 8

  1. What type of storm did the family experience in this chapter? A tornado p.47
  2. Why were the children happy when they saw their father hold Sarah like he had their mother? Their father was beginning to show love to Sarah; they wanted her to be their mom p.49

Chapter 9

  1. Why was Caleb so bothered that Sarah wanted to go into town by herself? He was worried she’d leave them and not come back p.52
  2. How does this story end? Sarah went to town and came back with three colored pencils, candles, flower seeds, and a book of songs to teach them; she marries their father p.57

Comprehension Questions – Island of the Blue Dolphins

Island of the Blue Dolphins

by Scott O'Dell

Grades 4-6; Genre - Fiction; GRL V; AR pts. 6.0

Left alone on a beautiful but isolated island off the coast of California, a young Indian girl spends eighteen years, not only merely surviving through her enormous courage and self-reliance, but also finding a measure of happiness in her solitary life.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does this story begin? We meet Karana, the Girl With the Long Black Hair and her little brother, Ramo; a ship with a Russian and Aleuts approach the people to hunt sea otters; a deal is reached so the people of the island get the same amount of sea otters as the people hunting them as payment p.5

Chapter 2

  1. Do you agree with the chief to keep the fish for his tribe, or should he have shared? Listen to your child’s answer p.12

Chapter 3

  1. What signs did the visitors show they were leaving the island soon? The Russian trimmed his beard; the Aleuts skinned the sea otters; the Aleut woman cleaned her skin aprons p.16

Chapter 4

  1. Why was there fighting between the Aleuts and Karana’s people? The Russian didn’t want to pay the people of the island p.21

Chapter 5

  1. List two troubles the tribe had after the battle. There were only 15 men left in the tribe; women helped hunt and gather food, and the men looked down on the women for this; the tribe was sorrowful p.24

Chapter 6

  1. What good news came in this chapter? Kimki made it to the land he was searching for and sent white men to bring back Karana’s people p.32

Chapter 7

  1. What was exciting, scary and frustrating in this chapter? Exciting: a boat came to take the tribe to a new land; Scary: Ramo ran back to get his fishing spear and the boat left him, Karana jumped out of the ship and swam back to shore; Frustrating: Karana’s skirt got ruined p.35

Chapter 8

  1. Describe the tragic event in this chapter. Ramo left in the morning to bring a canoe around to the cove but was killed by wild dogs p.43

Chapter 9

  1. How did Karana have courage in this chapter? She decided to sail for the land east of hers p. 58

Chapter 10

  1. What gave Karana hope as she paddled back to her island? The dolphins jumping ahead of her canoe p. 63

Chapter 11

  1. Why did Karana decide to never leave the island again? It was her home; she was grateful to be back p.65
  2. What factors did the main character take into account as she was deciding where to build a home? The wind, the noise of the sea elephants, the wild dogs/foxes, flow of the spring, if she can see the cove if the ship returns p.66

Chapter 12

  1. Describe one preparation Karana made in this chapter and why you chose it. Fence, home, weapons. Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 13

  1. Was Karana successful in getting her bull? Explain. No, she adventures to the shore where the animals were sitting and the one she shot at got into a fight with another bull p.79

Chapter 14

  1. What happened to the old bull? He died in the fight with the other bull p.85

Chapter 15

  1. Describe the leader of the wild dogs and what happened to him? He’s an Aleut dog; Karana shot him, but nursed him back to health; he stayed with her and she named him Rontu p.89

Chapter 16

  1. Why was it beneficial for the main character to canoe around her entire island? She could see if her canoe leaked; she found a cave close to her house where she could hide her canoe; she found a large devilfish and was determined to make a special spear to catch him p.97

Chapter 17

  1. How much time does one sun equal? One day p.102
  2. Why was it important that the main character let Rontu fight the other dogs without interference? He had an advantage he might not have again p.105

Chapter 18

  1. What new friends did Karana make that spring? Explain. Two baby birds; she took them from their nest and put them in a cage; she trained them to stay close and eat from her hand p.109

Chapter 19

  1. What king of water creature is the devilfish? An octopus p.118
  2. Did Karana kill the giant devilfish she was hunting? Yes p.119

Chapter 20

  1. What threat was in this chapter? The Aleuts came back p.125
  2. How did the main character react? She made her house look like no one lived there and put food and water in her canoe p.125

Chapter 21

  1. How many days is equal to a moon? A month/30 days p.131
  2. Do you think the Aleut girl has good intentions and is friendly? Why, or why not? She was nice to Karana and brought a necklace to her p.131

Chapter 22

  1. Why was Karana happy to have Tutok to interact with? Tutok was a friend and kept her company p.138

Chapter 23

  1. List the friends Karana has made so far in this story. Rontu, the two birds, the otter Mon-a-nee p.144
  2. How did she make friends with these animals? She was nice to them and respected them; she fed them; if they were wounded, she looked after them 

Chapter 24

  1. Why did the main character decide she didn’t want to kill the wild dogs, birds, otters and other animals? She appreciated the friendship of those animals that were her companions p.149

Chapter 25

  1. Why did Karana stop counting moons and seasons? She accepted being alone on the island and no longer hoped that the white men were coming back p.151
  2. Why is this chapter so sad? Rontu died p.152

Chapter 26

  1. How did Karana catch another dog? She made the dogs all go to sleep and took home the one that looked like Rontu p.156

Chapter 27

  1. What natural disasters hit the island in this chapter? Tsunami and earthquakes p.159
  2. What’s a tsunami? Giant waves caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea

Chapter 28

  1. How has the character changed in this story? She was lonely and ready to leave her island and go to where people lived p.167
  2. How do you think Karana felt to see the ship leave the island again? Listen to your child’s answer

Chapter 29

  1. Why did the white men sew Karana a dress to wear? What she was wearing must not have been appropriate to wear to the new land p.172
  2. Why didn’t the ship come back for Karana? It sunk p.173

Comprehension Questions – Call it Courage

Call it Courage

by Armstrong Sperry

Grades 5-7; Genre - Fiction; GRL X; AR pts. 3.0

A legendary adventure story of how Mafatu, the son of the Great Chief of Hikueru, a Polynesian race who worships courage, conquers his fear of the sea and proves he isn't a coward.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How did the author begin this story? Giving the history and background of where this story came from p.1
  2. Do you think it was reasonable for Mafatu to be afraid of the sea? Why? Listen to your child’s answer p.3
  3. How were Mafatu and Kivi similar? They were both rejected by their peers and family p.8
  4. Why did Mafatu feel like he needed to leave the island? His people had rejected him; he wanted to learn how to have courage; the boys his age were going out to hunt sharks and swordfish the next day and he was the only one not going p.14

Chapter 2

  1. List 2 similes or metaphors in this chapter. “A monster livid and hungry p.24; empty as a shell p.25; as hard as the cut edge of a stone p.28 
  2. Summarize this chapter. Mafatu was out at sea; a storm came and broke up his canoe and stole away his paddle and food; he saw land and reached it but his canoe broke into splinters; he and his dog drug themselves onto the beach to a fresh water p.17

Chapter 3

  1. What examples of personification does the author use in this chapter? The chuckle of the cascade p.36; coconuts and pandanus trooped in shining legions to the very edge of the sea p.38; it’s voice warm and soft and reassuring in his ear p.47; trees reached for him as he fled p.53
  2. How did Mafatu know he was not alone on the island? He saw that fruit has been cut from the trees recently; he saw a path only humans could make; he saw terraces built by men; p.48
  3. How did Mafatu know which island he was on? he saw bones that had recently been burned for sacrifice; he was on a eaters-of-men island p.50
  4. How did Mafatu show courage in this chapter? He took the spear from the altar and touched a bone p.54
  5. Why does Mafatu think about the things that would please his father? His father is ashamed of him; he’s thinking of ways he can show his father he has courage p.59

Chapter 4

  1. How did Mafatu prepare for this adventure before arriving on the island? His previous life was making the same tools he needs on this island p.64
  2. What motivated Mafatu to dive into the water and kill the hammerhead shark? His dog fell off the raft and the shark swam after him p.74
  3. Why was Mafatu so elated and proud of himself for killing a wild boar? He did it with a spear which takes a lot of courage; he had courage to face the boar; his grandfather had killed one and was respected; he wants to be respected too p.78
  4. Why was Mafatu feeling more comfortable in the ocean? He had lived near it and in it for weeks and grew confident in his ability p.85
  5. Why does Mafatu attribute his successes to Maui? Maui is his God, and he believes Maui is helping him p.93
  6. Why was Mafatu so excited to return home? He had found his courage and could now prove he wasn’t afraid any longer p.95

Chapter 5

  1. Summarize this chapter. Mafatu was being chased by the eaters-of-men into the ocean, but after a long chase gave up; Mafatu grew discouraged when he sat on the ocean for days, but finally made it to his home island; his father was proud to call him his son p.97
  2. How did the author conclude this story? He restated the first few lines that are at the very beginning of the book p.116
  3. Explain if you agree with this style of writing. Why, or why not? Listen to your child’s answer

Comprehension Questions – Holes

by Louis Sachar

Grades 6-8; Genre - Fiction; GRL V; AR 7.0

Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the boys build character by spending all day, every day, digging holes exactly five feet wide and five feet deep. There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. But there are an awful lot of holes. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. But what could be buried under a dried-up lake? Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment - and redemption.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. How does the author begin this story? Describing Camp Green Lake and the living conditions; the harm in being bit by scorpions, rattlesnakes, and yellow-spotted lizards p.3

Chapter 2

  1. Describe the setting of this story. Camp Green Lake is in Texas where a lake once was. It’s a camp for bad boys p.5

Chapter 3

  1. Describe the main character. Stanley Yelnats the IV; poor family; no friends; overweight; not a bad kid, but was convicted of a crime that took him to Camp Green Lake p.6

Chapter 4

  1. Describe Stanley’s life for the next 18 months. Stanley will need to dig a hole 5ft deep and 5 ft wide each day; he’ll have two sets of clothes; it’s hot and nowhere to go besides desert p.11

Chapter 5

  1. Describe Mr. Pendanski. He seems kind; wants to help the boys; the boys call him Mom p.16

Chapter 6

  1. How does the judge think Camp Green Lake will improve Stanley’s character? Being away from home and digging holes will give Stanley an appreciation for the things he has at home and will help him grow tough mentally and physically p.25

Chapter 7

  1. How was Stanley’s situation similar to his great-great grandfather’s situation with the pig? His grandfather developed character when he carried the pig up the mountain each day and sang to it. Stanley was building character as he dug his first hole p.28
  2. Why did Elya think he was cursed? His friend Zeroni said he would be if he didn’t carry her up the mountain and sing to her; his life was filled with bad luck p.38

Chapter 8

  1. Why do you think the author is describing the yellow-spotted lizard in this chapter? To help the reader understand that getting bit is very dangerous. Possibly foreshadowing someone getting bit p.41

Chapter 9

  1. Why was Stanley scared of the Caveman? He didn’t realize that was his new nickname; he thought the Lump was the Caveman and was going to beat him up p.44

Chapter 10

  1. Why did Stanley think the fossilized rock would give him the day off? It was interesting to him; finding a cool fossil doesn’t happen very often p.50

Chapter 11

  1. Explain why Stanley was accepted at Camp Green Lake, but struggled with bullies at home? There was mutual respect between the boys since they were all there for the same reason p.53

Chapter 12

  1. What’s something you’re interested in and what you’d like to do when you grow up? Listen to your child’s answer.
  2. What does Mr Pendanski say you’ll need to do to achieve your dream? It won’t be easy; you’ll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it; you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it p.57

Chapter 13

  1. How did Stanley earn one place in line? X-ray gave him permission since Stanley gave him something he found while digging p.63

Chapter 14

  1. Describe the Warden. Bossy and stern; red hair and red fingernails; freckles; intimidating; doesn’t want anyone to question her authority p.66

Chapter 15

  1. Why didn’t Stanley tell the Warden they were digging in the wrong place? Didn’t want to get X-ray in trouble; he didn’t want the Warden to know where he’d found barrel p.71

Chapter 16

  1. What did you learn about Zero in this chapter? He’s never heard nursery rhymes p.76

Chapter 17

  1. How successful were the boys at uncovering anything else “interesting”? They weren’t p.77

Chapter 18

  1. What did the author mean, Stanley’s heart hardened over the last several weeks? He wasn’t as compassionate and kind p.82

Chapter 19

  1. When Stanley was riding in the truck, why was he surprised it felt good? Because he was on the way to being punished by the Warden, but it felt good to be out of the sun and sit down p.87

Chapter 20

  1. What caused Mr. Sir to be in horrific pain when the Warden slapped him? She intentionally scraped him, so the venom from her fingernails went into open wounds on his face p.91

Chapter 21

  1. Why was Stanley scared of Mr. Sir? Mr. Sir would be angry at Stanley for taking the sunflower seeds and for being slapped and scraped with the venom p.92

Chapter 22

  1. Why did Stanley agree to teach Zero how to read? Zero dug part of his hole and he wasn’t as tired; Zero showed Stanley a great kindness, so he wanted to be kind back p.96

Chapter 23

  1. Describe Katherine Barlow. She was from the town by Green Lake and was kind and pretty; made delicious, spiced peaches, and always received a prize for them; she taught school p.101

Chapter 24

  1. How did Mr. Sir punish Stanley in this chapter? Instead of filling his canteen with water, Mr. Sir just let the water run on the ground p.106

Chapter 25

  1. What happened to Katherine and Onion Sam in this chapter? They fell in love p.111

Chapter 26

  1. How did Katherine become an outlaw? Sam and his donkey were killed for kissing her due to the color of Sam’s skin; Katherine was full of vengeance p.115

Chapter 27

  1. Where did Zero get his nickname from? His last name Zeroni p.119
  2. What’s significant about Zero’s last name? It’s the same last name as the woman who gave Stanley’s great-great grandfather the pig and who cursed him p.31

Chapter 28

  1. Summarize this chapter. Katherine came back after 20yrs to Green Lake and lived in the cabin between the two oak trees. Trout and his wife Linda caught Kate, but she wouldn’t show them where her loot was buried and was bit by a yellow-spotted lizard and died p.120

Chapter 29

  1. How is Stanley connected to Katherine Barlow? When Kate was an outlaw, she robbed his great grandfather and left him for dead p.128
  2. What connection does Stanley see with his great grandfather and the fist that looked like a rock? His great grandfather said he was saved by the thumb of God; the rock juts up like a thumb sticking up p.128

Chapter 30

  1. Why did Zero run away from the camp? Mr. Pendanski called Zero stupid and that he couldn’t learn, so he hit him p.138

Chapter 31

  1. Why does the Warden want to destroy all of Zero’s records? She thinks he’s going to die in the desert, and she doesn’t want anyone coming to look for him p.144

Chapter 32

  1. What did Stanley do in this chapter? He stole and wrecked Mr. Sir’s truck to go find Zero p.148

Chapter 33

  1. Why was Stanley scared when he saw the family of yellow-spotted lizards in the hole? He would be dead if one bit him p.150

Chapter 34

  1. Who was taking shelter under the boat? Zero p.154
  2. Whose boat was named the Mary Lou? Onion Sam’s p.107

Chapter 35

  1. What is the sploosh Zero found and why are there 16 bottles? The spiced peaches Kate gave to Onion Sam to pay him for fixing up the school house p.109

Chapter 36

  1. Why was Zero’s stomach hurting him? From drinking the old sploosh and not eating other food p.161

Chapter 37

  1. How did Stanley know they were getting close to water? The mountain had bugs and weeds p.169

Chapter 38

  1. What did Stanley find when he slipped? A hole with water and an onion p.171

Chapter 39

  1. Whose fault is it that Stanley is at Camp Green Lake? Zero’s p.175
  2. Why did Stanley sing his family’s song to Zero? To comfort Zero p.175

Chapter 40

  1. Why was Stanley so amazed when he finally found the shovel and jars? He hiked a long way up the mountain carrying Zero with no food and water p.181

Chapter 41

  1. Why did Zero get sent to Camp Green Lake? Stealing a new pair of shoes p.184

Chapter 42

  1. Why did Stanley want to dig another hole? He wanted to go back to where he found the lipstick tube and see if there really was buried treasure p.188

Chapter 43

  1. How did Stanley feel as he and Zero got closer to camp? Why? Terror; he was traumatized from what had happened at the camp p.197

Chapter 44

  1. What did Stanley and Zero find in this chapter and why couldn’t they keep it? A suitcase; the Warden found them digging and wanted it p.202

Chapter 45

  1. What did the Warden mean when she said, “it won’t be long “? It won’t be long before the lizards bite Zero and Stanley and they’re dead p.206

Chapter 46

  1. Why had the lawyer come looking for Stanley? Stanley was innocent and she was going to take him home p.209

Chapter 47

  1. Why do you think the suitcase had Stanley’s name on it? Kate stole it from his great-grandfather, whose name was also Stanley Yelnats p.216

Chapter 48

  1. How did Stanley lawyer protect Stanley and Zero? She wouldn’t let Stanley open the suitcase and tried to get him out of there as quickly as possible; she was taking Zero with her as well p.222

Chapter 49

  1. Why didn’t Stanley and Zero get bit by the yellow lizards? They had onions in their bloodstream and the lizards don’t like onion blood p.224
  2. Why did Ms. Morengo leave the windows rolled down on the way home? The boys stank of onions p.224

Chapter 50

  1. Why did Hector (Zero) hire private investigators?  To find his mom p.230
  2. Summarize the end of this story. Stanley and Zero received just under $1 million each for the contents in the suitcase; Stanley bought his family a home to live in and Hector hired private investigators; Stanley’s dad invented Sploosh, it neutralizes odor in shoes; Zero finds his mom p.231

Comprehension Questions – The Family Under the Bridge

by Natalie Savage Carlson

Grades 3-5; Genre - Fiction; GRL R; AR pts: 3.0

Armand, an old man living on the streets of Paris, relishes his solitary life in the beautiful city. Then one day just before Christmas, Armand returns to his favorite spot beneath the bridge to find three cold and hungry children. Although he has no interest in children, Armand soon finds himself caring for the small family. It does not take Armand very long to realize that he must do whatever it takes to get them a real home. 


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What is the setting of this book? Paris, France in December p.1
  2. Describe the main character.  An older man named Armand who chooses to live on the street and desires no riches p.1
  3. What does Armand compare the children to? Starlings p.4

Chapter 2

  1. Why is Armand worried that the children will steal his heart? He doesn’t want to have feelings of love for them p.15
  2. Why was the children’s mother upset when she saw Armand sharing space with her children? She was surprised to see him living in the same space as her children p.13
  3. Why was Armand set on taking the children to see Father Christmas? Their mother wouldn’t approve of it p.18

Chapter 3

  1. Why was Armand describing the food the children saw with disgusting attributes? He didn’t want them to desire it p.24
  2. How did Father Christmas respond when the children told him they wanted a house to live in for Christmas? He was shocked and said his donkey couldn’t carry it p.27
  3. Why didn’t the children and Armand belong in that store? It was a fancy store and only with people with money could buy something in it p.28

Chapter 4

  1. Find a simile on page 31. They sang like three little birds on a branch in the springtime.
  2. How did Armand purchase food for the children to eat? He told them to sing then asked for alms and people gave him money p.31
  3. On page 33, the author states that the man at the pancake stand waited until Armand showed him his money before he poured the batter, why? To make sure Armand could pay for the pancakes
  4. How did the children’s mom react when she found out the children sang for money? She was very upset and told the children they couldn’t see Armand anymore p.37

Chapter 5

  1. Why did Armand take the children away from the bridge? Two women saw the children and were going to take them away and put their mama in jail p.43
  2. Where did Armand take the children? To his gypsy friend, Mireli p.49
  3. What persuaded the children to ask Father Christmas for a house on wheels? The children saw their new friend’s home and realized Father Christmas could pull it with his donkey p.51

Chapter 6

  1. Describe the children’s mama’s reaction to staying in the gypsy camp. She didn’t like it at first since she doesn’t like gypsies, but then learned to appreciate it p.57
  2. What did Tinka teach Suzy? Symbols that gypsies read and use p.59
  3. Why did Suzy want Armand to go see Father Christmas? To tell Father Christmas where they live now and what they want for Christmas p.62

Chapter 7

  1. How did the Calcets spend Christmas Eve? At a holiday party on the quay by their bridge and going to midnight mass p.65
  2. Why did Armand lie to the children about their home? Because he didn’t want to see them disappointed p.68
  3. How can you tell that Armand hasn’t prayed for a long time? He’d forgotten how p.70

Chapter 8

  1. Why did the gypsies pack up their camp and prepare to leave? A police officer was looking for Nikki, one of the gypsies p.77
  2. Why was the police officer looking for Nikki? He was bringing Nikki’s lost wallet to him p.83
  3. How did Paul inspire Armand? Paul tried to get a job to help the family but couldn’t, and Armand realized he should be the one getting the job p. 84

Chapter 9

  1. Describe the ending.  Do you agree or disagree with it? Why? Listen to your child’s answers
  2. How did Armand change during the book? He went from not wanting to work or be responsible for anything to wanting to work so he could be responsible for his new family p.97

Comprehension Questions – Number the Stars

Number the Stars

by Lois Lowry

Grades 5-6; Genre - Fiction; GRL U; AR pts: 4.0

As German troops begin their campaign to "relocate" all the Jews of Denmark, 10-year-old Annemarie Johansen's family takes in Annemarie's best friend, Ellen Rosen, and conceals her by pretending she's part of the family. Then, through Annemarie's eyes, readers watch as the Danish Resistance smuggles almost the entire Jewish population of Denmark — nearly 7,000 people — across the sea to Sweden.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What’s the setting of this story? Copenhagen, Denmark during WWII p.1
  2. How long has Denmark been occupied by the Germans? 3 years p.3
  3. Why did the encounter with the soldiers scare Annemarie and Ellen? The soldiers had guns and spoke harshly p.5

Chapter 2

  1. Who are the king’s bodyguards? All of Denmark p.14
  2. Why didn’t King Christian want to fight the Nazis? He knew his army would have been crushed p.15
  3. Who is Peter and what’s his relation to Annemarie? Her sister’s fiancé before she passed away; he had been like a brother to her, but is always in a hurry now and only talks to her mama and papa p.17

Chapter 3

  1. Why were the girls puzzled when they saw the Hirsch’s button shop closed?  The store was usually open and they had seen Mrs. Hirsch recently p.20
  2. What did Peter bring the two girls? seashells p.23
  3. Why was Annemarie worried about Ellen’s family? They were Jewish and the soldiers p.24

Chapter 4

  1. Why are Kirsti’s new shoes made out of fish skin? With the Germans occupying their country, they can’t get leather p.28
  2. Why do the Rosens need to go into hiding? The Nazis were arresting all the Jews p.36
  3. How were the Johansen’s going to hide Ellen? They will pretend that Ellen is Annemarie’s sister p.37

Chapter 5

  1. What was Ellen wearing that would have given her away to the soldier? a Star of David necklace p.45
  2. Why did the officer suspect Ellen? She had dark hair and Annemarie and her sister have blond p.47
  3. How did Papa prove to the soldiers that Ellen was a part of their family? Lise had dark hair as a baby and he showed them her photograph p.47

Chapter 6

  1. Why did Mrs. Johansen want to take the girls to her brothers by herself? It would look suspicious if they left the apartment together p.51
  2. Why were Annemarie and her mother nervous when Kirsti spoke to the soldier on the train? They thought she would give them all away p.55
  3. How did the soldier try and trick them? He asked if they were celebrating the New Year p.55

Chapter 7

  1. Why didn’t Annemarie’s mom want the girls talking to anyone? It would be hard to explain who Ellen is p.63
  2. Why did Annemarie take Ellen to the ocean? Ellen had never seen it before p.63
  3. When listening to her mother and uncle, what did Annemarie notice was different? There was no laughter p.66

Chapter 8

  1. Why did Annemarie’s mom say her Uncle Henrik needed a wife? He needed someone to take care of him and clean his house p.70
  2. Who had died? Great-aunt Birte p.72
  3. Why was her death puzzling to Annemarie? She didn’t have a Great-aunt Birte p.72

Chapter 9

  1. Why did Annemarie’s mother and uncle lie to her? To help her be brave by not telling her everything p.76
  2. Why did Annemarie decide not to tell Ellen? So Ellen could be brave by not knowing everything p.78
  3. Who did Peter bring with him to Uncle Henrik’s for the funeral? Ellen’s parents p.81

Chapter 10

  1. Who came during the funeral? Soldiers p.83
  2. Why didn’t the soldiers want Mama to open the casket? Annemarie’s mama said their aunt died of Typhus p.85
  3. Where does the title of this book come from and what does it mean? The Book of Psalms; God numbers each of his children as the stars in the sky and knows them all p.87

Chapter 11

  1. What was inside the casket? Blankets and clothes p.88
  2. Why did the people need clothes and blankets? to keep warm while they traveled across the sea to Sweden p.89
  3. Why did Peter give the baby medicine? To make her sleepy to she wouldn’t cry p.90

Chapter 12

  1. How long did Annemarie think her mother would be gone? 1 hour p.97
  2. Why was Annemarie worried when she woke up? Her mother hadn’t returned and it was getting light outside p.98
  3. What did Annemarie see on the trail outside? Her mother in a heap p.100

Chapter 13

  1. What happened to Annemarie’s mother on the way back from the harbor? She broke her ankle p.102
  2. What had fallen out of Mr. Rosen’s pocket? The packet Peter had given him to give to Uncle Henrik p.104
  3. Why did Annemarie hide the packet under food in a basket? In case she ran into soldiers, and it would be hidden p.105

Chapter 14

  1. Why did Annemarie need to hurry to the harbor? She needed to get the packet to her uncle before he left p.106
  2. What story did Annemarie think of while she was running to the boat? Little Red Riding-Hood p.107
  3. What was in front of Annemarie at the end of this chapter? Four armed soldiers and two large dogs p.112

Chapter 15

  1. Who did Annemarie mimic when she was conversing with the soldiers? Kirsti p.113
  2. What was in the package? A handkerchief p.117
  3. Why did Henrik reassure Annemarie when she looked in the cabin of the boat? She couldn’t see any of the people that were trying to escape p.119

Chapter 16

  1. What’s Uncle Henrik’s definition of brave? Not thinking about the dangers, but what you must do p.123
  2. What’s the resistance? A group of people who are fighting against the Germans (in this situation) p.123
  3. Why was the handkerchief important? It made the dogs lose their sense of smell so they couldn’t find the people hiding on the boat p.125

Chapter 17

  1. How did Peter die? The Germans caught him and he was executed p.129
  2. How did Lise die? She was run over by the Nazis p.130
  3. Where did Annemarie hide Ellen’s necklace? In her sister’s trunk p.131

Comprehension Questions – Bud, Not Buddy

Bud, Not Buddy

by Christopher Paul Curtis

Grades 3-7; Genre - Fiction; GRL U; AR pts: 8.0

It's 1936, in Flint, Michigan. Ten-year-old Bud may be a motherless boy on the run, but he's on a mission. His momma never told him who his father was, but she left a clue: posters of Herman E. Calloway and his famous band, the Dusky Devastators of the Depression! Bud's got an idea that those posters will lead to his father. Once he decides to hit the road and find this mystery man, nothing can stop him.

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. What’s the setting at the beginning of this story? In an orphanage during the depression in Flint, Michigan
  2. Describe Bud. 10 years old, living in an orphanage because his mom died, been to foster homes, but always comes back, can’t cry anymore, thinks his dad is a musician
  3. How was Bud a good friend to Jerry? He comforted him and helped him feel better about going to his foster home

Chapter 2

  1. What provoked Bud to punch Todd? Todd had woken him up in the night sticking a pencil up his nose
  2. Why is Todd’s mother calling Bud ungrateful and sending him back to the Home? It looked like he was picking on Todd
  3. What’s the name of the book Bud’s writing? Bud Caldwell’s Rules and Things for Having a Funner Life and Making a Better Liar Out of Yourself

Chapter 3

  1. How did Bugs get his nickname? He’d gotten a bug stuck in his ear
  2. What was the “vampire bat” hanging on the ceiling of the shed? A hornet’s nest
  3. Why was Bud angry after he got out of the shed? He was angry at the Amos’s for treating him the way they had; and himself for believing Todd when he said there was a vampire bat in the shed and for getting into a situation where there wasn’t anyone who cared what happened to him

Chapter 4

  1. Why didn’t Bud want to use the gun as revenge? Guns are too dangerous
  2. Where did Bud put the gun? Out on the porch
  3. How did Bud get his revenge with Todd? Made him wet the bed

Chapter 5

  1. After seeing he couldn’t sleep in the library basement, where did Bud find shelter? Under the Christmas trees by the library
  2. Why did his mom name him Bud and not Buddy? Buddy is a dog’s name; Bud is a flower-to-be, a flower-in-waiting, waiting for just the right warmth and care to open it up
  3. What does the phrase mean, “when one door closes in life, another door opens”? When one opportunity ends, another one is offered to you

Chapter 6

  1. Why was Bud late for breakfast? He slept in
  2. Why was Bud able to eat? A man pretended Bud was his son
  3. Why did Bud’s pretend mom and dad keep hitting him on the head? To help others think he really was their child; to keep him in line

Chapter 7

  1. Find an example at the beginning of this chapter that tells you Bud loves the library. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to smell the unique library smell
  2. What bad news did the librarian tell Bud? Miss Hill got married and moved away
  3. Why couldn’t Bud go back to the Home? It was getting crowded

Chapter 8

  1. Describe Bud’s experience in Hooverville. He got fed, kissed a girl and had a place to sleep with hope of going west
  2. Explain what happened when Bud and the others tried to catch the train. The police were there trying to stop them, but Bud and the rest ran. Bugs made it on, but Bud slowed down to catch his blue flyer and missed the train. Bugs threw his suitcase off
  3. What did Bud and the others find when they went back to Hooverville? The police had gone in and were breaking it up by burning the buildings and ruining the pots and pans

Chapter 9

  1. What was the special something the librarian had for Bud? A large history book about the Civil War
  2. What does the main character compare the idea of his dad to? A seed growing into a maple tree
  3. Why did Bud think the things in his suitcase were his momma’s treasures? Why else would she keep them

Chapter 10

  1. Why was the man nervous when talking to Bud on the side of the road? The city they were outside of wasn’t very kind to people with darker skin
  2. What convinced Bud to go with the man? He had food and would take him to Grand Rapids
  3. Why did Bud think the man was a vampire? Bud saw a box with the label, “Urgent, contains human blood”

Chapter 11

  1. How did Bud end up back in Flint? Mr. Lewis drove him there to drop off the blood
  2. Name three words that describe the Sleet family. Kind, generous, fun, warm, loving, accepting, giving, sharing
  3. Why did Bud have a hard time eating and talking with the Sleet’s during the breakfast? At the Home he had to be silent during meals and at the Sleet home they were asking him questions and expecting him to respond

Chapter 12

  1. Why was Bud worried when the policeman pulled them over? he thought the police were after him
  2. How is Lefty involved with the labor organizers? He’s helping deliver fliers to the railroad workers in Grand Rapids
  3. Why didn’t Bud want Lefty to into the Log Cabin with him? Herman Calloway didn’t know who Bud was and Lefty would have found out the truth

Chapter 13

  1. What deal did Mr. Jimmy make to get Bud to tell him the truth? He promised him dinner at a restaurant
  2. Choose a word to describe Thug and explain why? Mean, untrustworthy; giving him advice that would get him in trouble
  3. Why did Bud like Steady Eddie? He watched out for him; was good to him

Chapter 14

  1. What did Bud compare Miss Thomas’s humming to?  Walking on a railway and feeling the train getting closer and closer under your feet
  2. Why did Bud start crying after dinner? He was so happy and felt like he was home
  3. Find a word that describes Miss Thomas. Kind, warm, friendly, loving, accepting

Chapter 15

  1. Why did Mr. Calloway lock the closets in the room Bud was sleeping in? to keep Bud from stealing anything and getting into it
  2. What gave Bud the thought to steal from Mr. Calloway? Calloway threatened him
  3. What helped Bud go to sleep? A blanket around his head, imaging his mom telling him stories

Chapter 16

  1. What was Miss Thomas’ plan for Bud? If they got permission from the people in Flint, they were going to keep him
  2. Why did Steady Eddie give Bud a saxophone case? to carry his mother’s things in; his suitcase is too old and ratty to travel with the band
  3. What was Bud’s new name and how did he feel about it? Sleepy LaBone; he loved it

Chapter 17

  1. What was Bud pretending his mop and bucket were? Captain Nemo and the sea
  2. What did Miss Thomas’s singing and Steady Eddie’s saxophone sound like together? Like a conversation they were having with one another

Chapter 18

  1. How long has Bud been with the band at this point in the book? 7 days
  2. What was in Herman’s glovebox? Rocks with writing on them, just like Bud’s
  3. When Bud told Herman his mother’s name, why did Herman run into the house? Because it was his daughter’s name

Chapter 19

  1. How did Buddy prove his mother was Herman’s daughter? He had a picture from when she was a young girl
  2. Why did Bud’s mother run away from home? Her father was really hard on her and wanted her to become a teacher, but she didn’t want to
  3. Why was Herman so upset? He had just found out his daughter died
  4. What gift did the band give Bud? An alto saxophone

Comprehension Questions – When You Reach Me

When You Reach Me

by Rebecca Stead

Grades 5-7; Genre - Fiction; GRL V; AR pts: 6.0

By sixth grade, Miranda and her best friend, Sal, know how to navigate their New York City neighborhood. They know where it’s safe to go, like the local grocery store, and they know whom to avoid, like the crazy guy on the corner. But things start to unravel. Sal gets punched by a new kid for what seems like no reason, and he shuts Miranda out of his life. The apartment key that Miranda’s mom keeps hidden for emergencies is stolen. And then Miranda finds a mysterious note scrawled on a tiny slip of paper: I am coming to save your friend’s life, and my own. I must ask two favors. First, you must write me a letter. The notes keep coming, and Miranda slowly realizes that whoever is leaving them knows all about her, including things that have not even happened yet. Each message brings her closer to believing that only she can prevent a tragic death. Until the final note makes her think she’s too late.

Comprehension Questions

Chapters 1-3 pgs. 1-11

Ask your child to think about the names of the chapters and how they’re symbolic to the story. Tell them you’ll ask them at the end of the book to see if they’ve figured it out.

  1. What point of view is this story told in and who’s the main character? first person; Miranda p.1,5
  2. Why does Miranda’s mom need to win the game show? Because her mom’s hating work and if she wins, she doesn’t have to work anymore p.6
  3. What book is Miranda telling Belle about while waiting for her mom in the store? A Wrinkle in Time; If you child doesn’t know yet, don’t tell them, sections of this book come up through the rest of the story p.8
  4. What did Miranda and her mom hide in this chapter? A key to their apartment p.11

Chapters 4-6 pgs. 12-20

  1. How did Miranda meet Sal? She and her mom had just moved into the apartment and that same day they met Louisa holding Sal in the lobby. He was crying and stopped when he saw Miranda p.15
  2. Describe the crazy man on the corner? He showed up as school began and would do sudden kicks into the street, shake his fist at the sky, yell crazy stuff and throw his head back and laugh so everyone could see his mouth full of fillings. He sometimes slept with his head under the mailbox p.16
  3. Who is Miranda referring to when she says, “you”? listen to your children’s thoughts

Chapters 7-10 pgs. 21-31

  1. What’s the consequence of Sal getting punched? It ended Miranda’s and his friendship p.24
  2. How does Miranda deal with strangers that she comes across? She asks them if they have the time p.25
  3. How did Miranda deal with the bully who followed her and punched Sal? She turned around and asked him if he had the time; after their conversation realized she wasn’t scared of him p.30

Chapters 11-14 pgs. 32-53

  1. Why did Miranda ask Annemarie if she wanted to have lunch together? Miranda needed a friend and overheard Julia tell Annemarie that she wouldn’t eat lunch with her for the rest of the week p.35
  2. Why is it important that Louisa writes down notes from the game show? So Miranda’s mom can practice just how it will be when she gets on the show p.40
  3. Who was the last kid on the list Miranda picked up to the dentist and what did they have a debate about? Marcus, the boy who hit Sal; Miranda’s book p.47

Chapters 15-19 pgs. 54-66

  1. Where did Miranda, Annemarie and Colin get jobs and what was the pay? Jimmy’s; a soda and cheese sandwich p.55
  2. What was missing and what did Miranda find in her library book? The apartment key; a note that freaked Miranda and her mom out p.60
  3. Why was Miranda nervous to bring Annemarie home? They had to walk by the group of boys and the laughing man on the corner p.64

Chapters 20-25 pgs. 67-83

  1. What was in Jimmy’s bank in the back of the restaurant? Lots of $2 bills p.69
  2. How does Miranda feel about Colin? She has a crush on him p.74
  3. What did Jimmy do to Julia at the sandwich shop? He kicked her out p.83

Chapters 26-30 pgs. 84-99

  1. What had been stolen from Miranda’s apartment? Richard’s work shoes p.87
  2. Why shouldn’t Annemarie eat bread and drink soda? She has epilepsy and that type of food makes her seizures worse p.92
  3. What did Miranda learn from the third note? That whoever was writing the notes was watching her p.99

Chapters 31-34 pgs. 100-117

  1. Why did Marcus hit Sal? To see what would happen p.105
  2. Why had Miranda’s bread count at Jimmy’s come up short? Colin had taken two of the rolls and stuffed them in his knapsack p.109
  3. How did Miranda’s mom react when she found out Miranda gave the laughing man a sandwich? She was upset and thought Miranda put herself in danger p.115

Chapters 35-39 pgs. 118-136

  1. Why didn’t Jimmy let the kids into the restaurant? Someone had stolen his bank and he assumed it was one of them p.124
  2. Why does Jimmy think Julia stole the bank? She’s black p.130
  3. If you haven’t figured it out yet, what’s the book Miranda is always carrying and debating with Marcus? A Wrinkle in Time p.135

Chapters 40-43 pgs. 137-153

  1. Why did Miranda’s mom get scared when Miranda wasn’t home and she didn’t know where she was? She thought something happened to her; Miranda left and said she was going to bring back a bagel for her and never came back p.141
  2. What caused Miranda’s change of heart? She saw Julia’s face as she looked at Annemarie and realized she had the same face when she looked at Sal p.144
  3. Who was at the door when Miranda heard the strange knock and what did they want? Colin; he kissed Miranda p.153

Chapters 44-47 pgs. 154-170

  1. Why did Sal run away from Marcus into the road? Sal was scared of him because he had punched him p.158
  2. Who wrote the notes to Miranda and saved Sal’s life? The laughing man p.162
  3. Why did Sal want to take a break from being friends with Miranda? He wanted to have other friends because he didn’t have any p.169

Chapters 48-55 pgs. 171-197

  1. Explain what happened with Marcus’ brother and Marcus’ explanation of why he hit Sal. Anthony, Marcus’ brother got beat up and Marcus stood and watched. Anthony was upset that Marcus didn’t help him and told him he’d have to hit and be hit someday to understand. The next day Marcus hit Sal and instead of hitting Marcus back, Sal bent over and cried. When Anthony found out what Marcus did, he was mad at him for hitting a short kid p.177
  2. Who’s the laughing man? Marcus from the future p.189
  3. What did Miranda find under the mailbox and who’s the drawing of? Her missing apartment key and a drawing of Julia p.194
  4. Summarize this story. Miranda received three notes explaining she needed to write a letter telling the story of what happened between Sal and Marcus. The notes were from Marcus (the laughing man) from the future. Young Marcus needed the letter to know how to protect Sal.

Challenge Question

  1. What did the chapter titles represent in this story? Subjects on $20,000 Pyramid

Comprehension Questions – The Sign of the Beaver

The Sign of the Beaver

By Elizabeth George Speare

Grades 3-5; Genre – Historical Fiction; GRL T; AR pts: 5.0

Until the day his father returns to their cabin in the Maine wilderness, 12-year-old Matt must try to survive on his own. During an attack by swarming bees, Matt is rescued by an Indian chief and his grandson. A Newbery Honor Book.


Writing Prompts

Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Describe the setting of this story? In Maine during summer of 1768 at brand new township; Matt and his father had built the first cabin p.2
  2. Why did Matthew’s father leave him alone at the cabin? He went back to their home in Quincy, MA to get Matthew’s mom, sister and new baby and bring them to the new cabin p.2
  3. What two things did Matthew’s father give him before he left and how will that help Matthew while he’s away? A watch- it will keep him company while he’s gone; a rifle- for protection p.4
  4. How old is Matt when his father leaves him? 12 years old p.6

Chapter 2

  1. How was Matthew feeling about living alone in the wilderness? He liked it; could do the chores and other tasks as he pleased and when he pleased; he filled his days up quickly p.7
  2. How did Matthew feed himself? He shot rabbits and ducks; caught fish; had flour to make cakes p.8
  3. What’s the advice Matt’s dad gave him about the Indians? Be polite if you should ever meet one p.9
  4. Why was Matt uneasy about the Indians? He could feel one was watching and around, but never got to see him p.10

Chapter 3

  1. Describe Ben and what happened in the town he left? Heavyset, stomach bulging, wearing a ragged blue army coat, tangled reddish whiskers, said the town was after him and he decided to go get some beaver pelts and live with the Indians p.11
  2. Why was Matt uneasy with Ben? He didn’t know how long he’d stay at the cabin, he didn’t know if he could trust him, didn’t’ know if he was dangerous p.17
  3. What was the consequence of Ben seeing the gun and Matt falling asleep? Ben stole the gun p.18

Chapter 4

  1. How had Matt been careless in this chapter? He didn’t bar the door well enough and a bear got in and scattered the flour and ate the molasses p.20
  2. How was Matt going to have to survive without flour, salt and molasses? On fish as long as he had a fishing line p.21

Chapter 5

  1. Why was Matt so anxious to get some honey from the bees? He was tired of plain fish and wanted something tasty p.22
  2. What’s Matt’s consequence for disturbing the bees? He got stung all over p.23
  3. Who saved him and how? Two Indians; they got him out of the water and pulled out the poisonous needles from the stings; carried him home and gave him medicine p.26

Chapter 6

  1. How did Saknis help Matt when he saw he was awake? Checked his ankle to see if it was broken, left delicious food for him; gave him a crutch and moccasins to wear since Matt lost one of his boots p.27
  2. How did Attean respond to Matt? He looked like he despised him and the cabin along with everything in it; seemed to inwardly laugh at Matt p.28
  3. What did Matt give to repay Saknis for the kindness his gave him? A book; Robinson Crusoe p.29
  4. What are the signs Saknis is talking about? The writing in the book p.30
  5. Why did Saknis want Matt to teach Attean to read? So he could understand what the white man writes; the white man has fooled the Indians because the Indians haven’t understood their writing p.31

Chapter 7

  1. Why did Matt call Attean a savage? Indians were considered savages when the colonists first came to America; the colonists didn’t realize how intellectual and kind the Indians were p.32
  2. Find a simile on page 33. As rigid as a cedar post p.33
  3. Describe how the first reading lesson went. Attean could pick out the letter “a”, but got impatient and left p.35

Chapter 8

  1. What did Matt decide to do for the next reading lesson? He wanted to get Attean interested in learning to read, so he read a portion of Robinson Crusoe p.37
  2. How did Attean respond? He didn’t look at all interested but ended up making comments about the story p.37

Chapter 9

  1. What did Attean teach Matt to do? Make a snare to catch a rabbit p.40
  2. Give some examples of the offerings Attean would bring Matt. Meat, nuts, cakes p.41
  3. How did Attean feel about the passage Matt read to him? He said it wasn’t right; the Indian would never say he was a slave to a white man p.43

Chapter 10

  1. Explain how Attean taught Matt how to fish. Made a spear, got in the water and threw it at a fish p.46
  2. Why did Matt decide to fish his usual way? He made a fool of himself and thought Attean was mocking him p.47
  3. What else did Attean teach him after Matt lost his hook? How to make a hook out of a twig, how to make fire with a rock and how to cook the fish they caught p.48

Chapter 11

  1. What did Attean say when he saw Matt pulling weeds and what does it mean? “Squaw work”, the women do that work p.52
  2. Describe Attean’s dog. Mangy tail, thin, coat of coarse brown hair, whitish patches on his face that made him look like a clown, pointed nose with bumps and bristles, ears were beat up like they’d won lots of battles p.52
  3. Where did Attean take Matt? To a part of the woods he’d never been to; to a beaver dam p.55
  4. What will help Matt find his way to where he wants to go and not get lost? Making signs like the Indians p.57

Chapter 12

  1. Why did Matt want to make a bow? He was tired of eating fish and wanted something to shoot birds and other animals p.59
  2. Describe how Attean and Matt made a bow. Got a thick branch, took off the bark, used a stone to smooth it and shape it; used roots to make the string p.60

Chapter 13

  1. Why couldn’t Attean and Matt have the fox or let it go? It was on the Turtle Clan territory and the Beaver clan don’t take animals on the Turtle Clan territory p.64
  2. Why was Matt so confused and angry about leaving the fox? He couldn’t understand the Indian code that makes an animal suffer just because of a mark on a tree p.65
  3. What had Attean learned from Matt in the time they spent together? He could speak English more easily and picked up some slang words and phrases p.67

Chapter 14

  1. Why is Attean disappointed that Matt’s finished reading Robinson Crusoe to him? He likes to tell the adventures he hears to his brothers p.68
  2. What did Matt read from to share more stories with Attean? The Bible p.68
  3. What story did Attean tell Matt? A similar one to Noah building the ark and the rain flooding the earth p.69
  4. Who’s Gluskabe? A mighty hunter that came from the north who was very strong. He made the wind blow and made thunder. He made all animals and Indians p.70

Chapter 15

  1. What did Matt and Attean run into on the way to the beaver dam? A bear and her cub p.72
  2. Describe what happened between the boys and the bear. The bear looked angry, Matt threw a rabbit he had just shot at the bear and hit her in the nose. Attean then had time to shoot the bear two times and stab her with a knife. Matt stabbed too, but she was already dead p.72
  3. What did Attean say to the bear? That he was sorry he had to kill her, he didn’t want to p.74
  4. What will Matt have to show his father that he helped kill a bear? Attean’s praise that he moved fast like an Indian p.75

Chapter 16

  1. Where did Attean take Matt the evening they killed the bear? To his home to participate in the bear feast p.77
  2. How did Matt feel around the children and other tribe members after being alone so long at his cabin? Confused from all the noise; overwhelmed p.79
  3. How did Matt feel as he danced with the Indians? Happy, excited, relaxed, like he was one of them p.81
  4. Attean said he wouldn’t eat this dinner since he had killed it. Why? It’s their tradition to not eat what you kill; there was a pride there; he might not get another bear p.82

Chapter 17

  1. Where had all the men gone and why hadn’t Attean gone with them? Hunting; He couldn’t go because he didn’t have a gun p.86
  2. Why didn’t Attean’s grandmother want Matt to come to the feast? She doesn’t like white man; they shot Attean’s mother. Then Attean’s father went to find the man who killed his mother and never came back p.87
  3. What was Attean’s response when Matt said that Indians did the same thing to white settlers and that the white women were afraid to come out of their cabins? Attean asked why the white settlers built their cabins on the Indians’ hunting grounds p.88
  4. Why had Saknis invited Matt to the feast when his wife was opposed to it? Out of kindness or fairness since Matt had helped to kill the bear p.89

Chapter 18

  1. What did Matt find in a trap on the Turtle clan territory? Attean’s dog p.92
  2. How did Matt get into to see Attean’s grandmother? He spoke with authority to the girls who came out of the stockade p.94
  3. What did Attean’s grandmother do for Matt’s hand? She washed it and put a salve with a bandage on it p.96
  4. How did Matt get the dog out of the trap? He had gone for help at Attean’s home; Attean’s sister Marie came with Matt; she put a blanket over the dog’s head and Matt was able to get the trap open p.97

Chapter 19

  1. Why was Matt so curious and interested while watching the squaws work? He was interested to see how they did things since he had to do the same work at his cabin p.100
  2. What activities did the Indian boys let Matt participate in? A gambling game of sticks, a game of hitting the ball with sticks and putting it in the goal, swimming p.100
  3. How did Matt lose his shirt? By losing at the gambling game p.101
  4. Why didn’t Matt feel alone in the forest anymore? He had made a positive bond with the tribe p.105

Chapter 20

  1. What’s a manitou? A spirit that comes in a dream; all Indian boys need to have one p.107
  2. How was Attean supposed find his manitou? He had to make special preparations: bath himself carefully, take special medicine to make him clean inside and out, go far into the forest and build himself a wigwam of branches, he would stay alone for many days and wouldn’t eat anything, he could drink a little bit of water from the brook at night, sing sacred songs, repeat the ancient prayers of his people, and wait faithfully, then when he received it he could go back to his people p.108
  3. Why was it so important for Attean to find his manitou? He couldn’t hunt with the men until he received it p.109

Chapter 21

  1. Why did Saknis come with Attean to visit Matt? To ask him to come with the Indians up north on the hunt so he wouldn’t be alone during the winter p.111
  2. Why couldn’t Matt go with them on the hunt? He had to wait in case his father and family came; he was entrusted with taking care of the cabin p.112
  3. Why do you suppose Attean didn’t say good-bye? He was too proud; he would come back to see Matt before leaving p.114

Chapter 22

  1. What did Matt do to finally earn Attean’s respect? Stay at the cabin and wait for his father instead of going with Attean and Saknis p.115
  2. What gifts to Saknis and Attean give to Matt before leaving? Snowshoes, a small basket of maple sugar and the dog p.116
  3. What gift did Matt give to Attean? The watch his father left with him p.118

Chapter 23

  1. What did Matt do with one of the blankets from his bed and why? He made pants because it was cold outside p.122
  2. How did Matt make his fur hat? He made a deadfall trap, caught an animal, scraped the skin clean, washed it, rubbed and stretched it smooth, then sewed it p.124
  3. What did Matt make for his family as he waited for them? new dishes for his mom, a cradle for the baby, a cornhusk doll with silk hair for Sarah p.125

Chapter 24

  1. How did Matt know it was going to snow? The clouds were dark gray, feeling in the air p.127
  2. What helped Matt feel free and happy with the winter ahead and why? The snowshoes; they gave him a freedom to move about the snow p.129

Chapter 25

  1. Who showed up at the cabin? Matt’s family p.130
  2. What had taken them so long to get there? They all got sick with typhus and were all too weak and sick to travelp.131
  3. Why was the baby with Matt’s family? It only lived five days and then died p.132
  4. Was Saknis right about more white men coming? Explain. Yes.  Matt’s mother heard from another couple that they were settling 5 miles from their cabin and three other families were coming and were going to set up a mill; they would have a town and maybe a school p.135